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We are Farmers
So this is probably a stupid question but I assume city water is chemically treated and therefor not organic? You hardcore organics guys use RO? Rainwater? Thanks.


Living with the soil
Am I hardcore fella's......???? I use rainwater with leaves and bugs in it. I have a screen over the catch basin,but stuff still gets in. Since I pump about a hundred gallons every 3 or 4 days through it I don't worry about stagnation. I can only hope it rains enough to keep it filled...it usually does. I've never had to use the well water yet.


I capture my water in a bin and cycle it through organic charcoal. I then send a sample to a friend who has a friend of his certify it Organic. I then send my soil off to Jaykush (Mr. Natural) who gives it the Natural approval and stamp. That is better than organic. So, I guess I am beyond organic.

Hardcore..........that is an understatement. LOL


mad librettist

Active member
Ok perspective time:

how many of you checked out the coco planters or said something about plastic containers?step forward please.

The line that stepped forward - how many plastic containers are in your kitchen? More than 2? Step back.

Of the people left, how many water bottles did you purchase in the last 12 months? More than 10? Step back.

Anyone left? Really? Ok, is the total plastic you throw away in a year at least 100 times the amount in your planters?

Plastic planters? Really? We care about the planet and our health all of a sudden, and we focus on plant containers? Are we being serious or just trying to feel good?

Learning about the living creatures in your soil affects many of your choices. Debating which inputs fit a category we can't even define is comparatively a waste of time.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
lol - but one way to feel a little more sanctimonious is to re-purpose containers like yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese

they seem like a pretty good size for seedlings to me (like red SOLO cups?)
iim into feeding only ormus water, i freeze large blocks of ice, the part that doesnt freeze has the most energized particles in it, i keep this up untill i have frozen yet unfrozen water equal to two gallons, it basically takes me two weeks to make enough water for my girls, but after the ormus water is collected i then refreeze it with dr emoto like affirmations, i may play mozart to it or just write on a piece of paper i freeze with the ormus water '' i luv u'', and then put it in the icebox, only the water that froms the most beuatiful geometrical crystals get fed to my girls. its truely is a labour of luv for this spiritual atheist to please all the organilegulous out there-


Ormus?! ...You rock! and THAT is organic, or wait a second.. the affirmations should be written on leaves with an organic pigment.

mad librettist

Active member
no, no. Mozart is not organic. Too formalized and spare. You have to go with Wagner and his Gesamkunstwerk for that. And it can't be just a recording, it has to be an organic performance, live, on a set that actually looks like norse mythology. None of this updated set it in a train station toilet in 1940 London during a bombing run bullshit.

Gesamkunstwerk, baby. Are your plants experiencing organic art?
Ormus?! ...You rock! and THAT is organic, or wait a second.. the affirmations should be written on leaves with an organic pigment.

it should be stated as well that while walking in my ormus water station that i wear a mask like a jain monk so as not to swollow any gnats that like my soil mix as well.


Living with the soil
I often think happy,flowing,and positive thoughts before I even drink my water in hopes of creating only the best formations........hhhhmmmmm


Anyone else vote for closing this thread and replacing it with one that provokes thought, has meaning, substance, etc.?

Don't get me wrong, the earthy-crunchy mystic sarcasm does not fall short of my sense of humor.
But there comes a time when it becomes a bit lackluster, i.e. :beat-dead


Living with the soil
It wants to live....much like natural selection it struggles along grabbing a hold of life and taking some hard knocks........
The question is,will it evolve?

Stoned Crow

It wants to live....much like natural selection it struggles along grabbing a hold of life and taking some hard knocks........
The question is,will it evolve?

It has damn-near evolved into some type of mutant dung-beetle. I just hope it sprouts wings and can fly.....SC:lightning:

Stoned Crow

....And just to stay within the topic of this thread, I googled web definitions of ORGANIC...

Definitions of organic on the Web:

  • relating or belonging to the class of chemical compounds having a carbon basis; "hydrocarbons are organic compounds"
  • being or relating to or derived from or having properties characteristic of living organisms; "organic life"; "organic growth"; "organic remains found in rock"
  • involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs; "an organic disease"
  • of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones; "organic eggs"; "organic vegetables"; "organic chicken"
  • simple and healthful and close to nature; "an organic lifestyle"
  • a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter
  • constituent(a): constitutional in the structure of something (especially your physical makeup)

Maybe this can get us back on track....:smokey::smokey:....SC


Living with the soil
I'm thinking "they" (the proverbial they) need to take the whole term "organic" and take it to the people who decided that Pluto wasn't a planet. They debated that for a long time,people got pissed,others were stoked...some people actually protested on the streets!

The way we live and grow "organic" fails to meet a lot of terms in the sense of the word.
I do the best I can,which may not be the best to someone else,or way to much to others.
"They" need to take the word and update it for this century.

Stoned Crow

I'm thinking "they" (the proverbial they) need to take the whole term "organic" and take it to the people who decided that Pluto wasn't a planet. They debated that for a long time,people got pissed,others were stoked...some people actually protested on the streets!

The way we live and grow "organic" fails to meet a lot of terms in the sense of the word.
I do the best I can,which may not be the best to someone else,or way to much to others.
"They" need to take the word and update it for this century.
That's very similar to what I believe to be organic. The thought that you are doing the best you can at the moment (reducing impact or footprint), and trying to get better with how you live your life.

Very good post CC1......SC

P.S. I was pretty stoned at the time, but I think I might have been one of the people who protested in the streets to keep Pluto a planet.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones; "organic eggs"; "organic vegetables"; "organic chicken"
simple and healthful and close to nature; "an organic lifestyle"
a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter

I think that this is probably closest to what most of us are trying to do. To tell you the truth though, I do think alot of people don't really care or know what they are using on their plants and if they use one bottled nute that says "organic" then all of a sudden they are "growing organically". I have met several growers around here lately that tell me that they are growing organically only to have their eyes glaze over even at the mention of locally sourced EWC...

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