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You know you're a stoner when:


Lune TNS

You know you're a stoner when in the past you've spent more than 10 minutes in a 7/11 deciding what type of doritos to get, until you start thinking everyone's staring at you, and you buy a pack of gum just so you can get the hell out of there.
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D Rock

You know your a stoner when..........................................uh.............when you uh..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................when you forget thepunchline :joint:


Stoner4Life said:
~You know you're a stoner when~

you can't remember the last time you
actually put a sandwich in a baggie.

~You know you're a stoner when~

your best photo album is right here @ icmag.com

You know you're a stoner when~

you can't remember the last time you
actually put a sandwich in a baggie.

LOL!!!!!!! 100%%


^ I agree.
You know you're a stoner when......
you smoke A LOT of ganja.

You know you're a stoner when you try to clean out your bubbler in the shower after blazing, and you accidentally take your lighter into the shower with you and kill your ****ing lighter...damn...almost happened to me TWICE. haha shit.


Active member
you know your a stoner when you realize that "growing" would be a good idea.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Sheriff Bart said:
i think that just means you are obsessed w/yummy
omg....... You are funny,
but looks ain't everything.

my last post in that thread was on 11/20 Bart

I don't even read that shyt, he's just a BS artist
a funny BS artist but BS all the same....... lol
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Slap-A-Ho tribe
Floro Joe said:
Let's expand.

You know your a grower when.......

You dread running into,and having to converse with "real" gardeners when you buy nutes at Home Depot,because you actually have no ****ing idea how tomatoes grow.

hehe no doubt

you know you're a grower when your father, a life long gardner says " since when did you know what a nitrogen defficiency looked like"?

Floro Joe

Chiefsmokingbud said:
hehe no doubt

you know you're a grower when your father, a life long gardner says " since when did you know what a nitrogen defficiency looked like"?
hahahaha! "Well,dad I guess there's alot you don't know about me."

Go for the guilt trip,and exit stage left.

CC Rider

you know your a stoner.........when a good portion of your electricity bill is coming from a closet....


when its an interesting feeling to NOT be high....

when you start doing ten different things but never finish any of them

when the cleanest things you own are your glass pieces because you clean them religiously while everyhting else around you is messy

if the people in the headshop know you on a first name basis

you can make something to smoke out of in basically any environment

you get more annoyed over papers going up in price than gas going up when you visit the gas station

you have multiple lighters in every room of your house

you have a designated smoking room complete with stereo, furniture, and carbon filter

your toilet doubles as a plant matter disposal

you have a section of your fridge reserved for bud/seeds/cuts

taking a break from smoking means skipping your morning session

you know 10 or more good stash spots in your vehicle

you avoid getting pissed about traffic jams by lighting up a big J and hoping a cop doesn't roll up at 5 kph on you.

you've become functional enough when stoned that your boss knows but doesn't care because you still do better work than everybody else in the office

paper currency is more useful for rolling a tight J than buying anything

when visiting family, you teach your gardener mom about organic gardening, cloning, and various gardening techniques though you've never grown a legal garden

you toke while exercising

you type waaaaay tooo much in the new 'you know you're a stoner' thread (and you're pretty sure you probably said at least half of the same things in the other thread)

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
lol yup

and stoner it dont matter when your last post was
if you are still thinking about him that much
i'd say you are obsessed
although im sure you arent the only one on the site
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Sheriff Bart said:
lol yup

and stoner it dont matter when your last post was
if you are still thinking about him that much
i'd say you are obsessed
although im sure you arent the only one on the site
lmao....... I think about it every time I see someones posted in it yet again, and then I just shake my head in wonder as to why they still reply. He's a funny fvcker (yummy) that ought to get a job writing comedies or sitcoms, he has a true talent for keeping folks on the edge of their seats. I really do think he could write TV scripts as it is a lot of mindless blather he has a knack of generating. Oh! & I mean that in the nicest way :joint: just like Seinfeld was a show about nothing.......

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