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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives



A food forest, just like it's supposed to be. Masama, do you see snakeskin fruit out there, known as sala in Bali?


Dammit i'm pissed,,,we've been in the cashew tree valley last few days ,,,took a bunch a fotos ,,and not a dam one is on the disk,,,



A food forest, just like it's supposed to be. Masama, do you see snakeskin fruit out there, known as sala in Bali?

You betcha,,,the palm like plant also gives up a drinkable liquid an eatable root that has the same texture and almost flavor of bamboo shoots, and a "native style heart of palm" that gets soaked in cane vinegar for a few days o soften up and then cooked as a veg.
Theres 3 different kinds here,from small brazil nut size up to a softball but taste about the same.
the draw back gathering them is the palms grow along and near fresh water creeks and small streams in valley like areas that stay wet and semi dark,,why the BFD you ask ???
It's the wet dark swampy areas the big black and white monitors live hunt and hang out in, and those things get a wide birth from everyone here so I'll stay with the crowd on this one...
I've been trying to get a foto of one for years but cant get close enough for a decent clear shot,,,dam things are fast...

I'm hoping I got my camera issue resolved,,, card was full,,,"DOLT" this is just some random shots this morning for a test run.
Check it out this guys back,,,
sumbitch eats better than most eh ?? I was trying to get a shot of the lower jaw opening up..

Next few are the mangrove seedlings,,nobody had to tell these people the importance of the mangroves,,,,they'll tell you all about it and how it keeps "the land from washing into the sea"

Then there's another deal with the mangroves,,if ya look at the second to last (i think) you'll see a thick mangrove forest leading inland,,,so now look at it and put yourself trying to get to the village on the other side..
Its a first line of defense and one rough mutha to get through, so in order to keep this line of a some what impenetrable defense it needs to be maintained, and when I ask ,,," how long have you been replanting mangrove trees" I get one of the standard answers,,,
along with the "scooby doo" look of why would I ask such a dumb question.....

Ight lets see if the cams back up to operating temperatures...


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Grower for Life
massa, do you speak native language with the people from the tribe (i suppose they dont speak english)? If so, how long did it take you to learn it?


I would not fuck with a wild monitor lizard, masa, and if that's where they live then that makes sense. Don't forget, I was born near the bayou and growing up summer camp ALWAYS always ALWAYS began with The Rundown. The Rundown was a reminder listing of all the animals we had to stay away from, cottonmouths, copperheads, rattlers, all kinds of critters. Makes perfect sense to me.


Masa I read about the health benefits of raw cocoa. The Kuna people of Panama drink 5 cups a day of cocoa and have the lowest incidence of heart disease of any people. It is a flavonoid in the raw cocoa that is attributed with the health effects. A recipe they gave was take water and boil a bunch of bananas for sweetness add cocoa and boil. Strain and serve.


New member
Its a first line of defense and one rough mutha to get through, so in order to keep this line of a some what impenetrable defense it needs to be maintained, and when I ask ,,," how long have you been replanting mangrove trees" I get one of the standard answers,,,
along with the "scooby doo" look of why would I ask such a dumb question.....

Ight lets see if the cams back up to operating temperatures...

Those mangrove 'reefs' look intimidating. It's interesting but most of the pictures you post seem to have a double entendre, beautiful beyond belief and deadly just beneath the surface!


massa, do you speak native language with the people from the tribe (i suppose they dont speak english)? If so, how long did it take you to learn it?

Hey man hope things are going well for ya..
Yea I speak a good deal of my wifes language, and can converse with some of the other tribes near by,, a lot of the words roll over into most of the native languages (theres 6 in this area) and a lot of words similar or the same as "Bahasa" spoken in most of the south eastern Indo area, but with a mix of that ,,,Tagolog,javanese, and the rainbow of dialects from the PNG islands, I'll never be on the level as Sabuya's grandfather, he can converse with dam near everyone whos walks up to him,, he even tossed a handful of broken english greeting on me when I first got here.
Now as far as how long,,,, Took a few years until I could fully understand conversation going on around me, and still get lost in a fury of fast talking,, you'd be surprised how loud a small group can get when excited.

I would not fuck with a wild monitor lizard, masa, and if that's where they live then that makes sense. Don't forget, I was born near the bayou and growing up summer camp ALWAYS always ALWAYS began with The Rundown. The Rundown was a reminder listing of all the animals we had to stay away from, cottonmouths, copperheads, rattlers, all kinds of critters. Makes perfect sense to me.

You got that right,, thems is no thing ta be messin with,about 2 years ago I saw one running into the jungle with a 60 kilo pig in its mouth,and it was moving fast,,, pig squealing and kickin , the rains flooded everything in the valley and with flow of water monitors come with it, looking for food and a dry "perch".

They get more spiritual respect than most other animals thats for sure,, and are on lots of drawing and carvings all over the archipelago ,as well drawing in some of the caves, and ya know theres some age to them.
There are a few hides here and there,,, nobody hunts them because of mix of spirit values and fear,,,everyone knows a large one can kill a man quick and carry the body away to fed on....

One day I'll get a foto of one....



Active member
The guinea pig is a spiritual animal in ancient Peruvian cultures. It was used in rituals and
healing ceremonies, and even today it is used to get rid of illnesses....
(I found the dancing guinea pig icon)

This thread got so big so fast, and everyone goes to the Introductory forum to post on this
thread, so I'm going to leave it be to grow like a wild mangrove.

Your pictures are so beautiful and your stories are so great, thanks Masamaaso!!!!

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Horse-toothed Jackass
Dangit, we missed photos of the cashew harvest? Now we'll never find out why they cost $15 a pound in the US...
Wow, a monitor lizard was running away with a 120, 130 lb pig? Strong. Do they spend any time in the water? You don't have any crocodiles there, do you?


Dangit, we missed photos of the cashew harvest? Now we'll never find out why they cost $15 a pound in the US...
Wow, a monitor lizard was running away with a 120, 130 lb pig? Strong. Do they spend any time in the water? You don't have any crocodiles there, do you?

Yea man I was pissed when I found out we all got fukered out of some cool fotos, but theres more nuts to collect so a foto sessions coming for sure I just might not be able to get any flower piks..

One day i'm gonna get a pik of a monitor,,,But unless theres a flood they hang out pretty far from here, not that anythings really that far away when yer on an Island, but here "a mile as the crow flies" could mean a 3 day walk, and sometimes the paths and trails are local sized and not used to bigger feet,, some of the paths I take daily, you can see where the older path in the center was and the vegetation backed off a bit more from a larger body going up and down the same path every day.

Croc's ?? got little ones dont get but a few feet long even when full grown and are a cool looking little animal,, another thats hard to get "good" fotos of and Im not interested in sitting still in one spot,,being bug bait for the time it would take to get said fotos ...
That dont mean Im gonna stop trying....

The guinea pig is a spiritual animal in ancient Peruvian cultures. It was used in rituals and
healing ceremonies, and even today it is used to get rid of illnesses....
View Image(I found the dancing guinea pig icon)

This thread got so big so fast, and everyone goes to the Introductory forum to post on this
thread, so I'm going to leave it be to grow like a wild mangrove.

Your pictures are so beautiful and your stories are so great, thanks Masamaaso!!!!

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


And now I ask that we all dance with the pig

Yea ,,,yea,,,go,go,,go,,,get it piggy,,,snap yer lil fingers...

I'll take that as a sign of approval from mod land.
sorta figured I was ok here when I posted a foto of a roaster and labled it a foto of my new cock...:laughing::laughing:

Seriously,,, Thank you, and everyone else who reads , lurks,,posts and makes this thread what it has snowballed into, I have fun with it and as I've said before ,,,this is about the only time I get to "speak" English............:ying:


Those mangrove 'reefs' look intimidating. It's interesting but most of the pictures you post seem to have a double entendre, beautiful beyond belief and deadly just beneath the surface!

I must say I do like your take on the fotos,,,, I've never looked at it like that.
Very cool insight,,,take 3 bong hits from the capt's stash.:bongsmi:


Horse-toothed Jackass
So your crocodiles only get a few feet long at most? Maybe the monitors eat them when they get too big. :)

I'm sure we'll get cashew pics in time; they must be pretty labor intensive and/or slow growing to be so expensive. Are they popular trade items with the passing ships?

Yeah, what do you do about the bugs there? I'm a mosquito magnet in the summer; the big ones will bite me through my sneakers I swear. I use the 90% DEET skeeter repellant for when i'm going to be outside for any length of time in the summer, especially at night.
I guess you use a lot of mosquito netting on your homes, do you have bug spray for outside? Is malaria a cause for concern on your islands?


Masa I read about the health benefits of raw cocoa. The Kuna people of Panama drink 5 cups a day of cocoa and have the lowest incidence of heart disease of any people. It is a flavonoid in the raw cocoa that is attributed with the health effects. A recipe they gave was take water and boil a bunch of bananas for sweetness add cocoa and boil. Strain and serve.

The banana sweetener happens here as well but no straining,, its a thick yet runny sorta like a almost melted milkshake and for me is hard to get down, just dont like the taste,,really strong on both the cocoa and banana.
Now heres the part that may interest ya,,,,the above described (nasty ass) mix is made up for the older toothless ones who cant eat well anymore.
For me it's a way cool badass treat,and yea I like watching the pods form on the sides of the trees,, going into the jungle a few times a month to inspect the growth, till the day we cut all the pods off,,,,for months I'll watch um grow doing nothing because they need no help no care no cultivation,, barely any sunlight,,, just sitting there stoned watchin these ancient knarled trees that grows big yellow pods,, and,, just like the ladies have always known,,,,,,size really does matter,,, yup the bigger the better,, and to all of those who've been here a bit,, bean size is a key to grandmas hot chocolate (I was straight up spying on her to get that tid-bit) I picked up on it when I found out she was trading 2 for 1 to get as many of the larger beans as she could, trading her small beans,,, from there on I shadowed her trying to get a look at how she prepared her beans,,,yup bean size matters..,slurpin on a steamy cup right now,,If I play it right I should have enough beans to last me until Aug,,,Sept then a few months for the next harvest...

So your crocodiles only get a few feet long at most? Maybe the monitors eat them when they get too big. :)

I'm sure we'll get cashew pics in time; they must be pretty labor intensive and/or slow growing to be so expensive. Are they popular trade items with the passing ships?

Yeah, what do you do about the bugs there? I'm a mosquito magnet in the summer; the big ones will bite me through my sneakers I swear. I use the 90% DEET skeeter repellant for when i'm going to be outside for any length of time in the summer, especially at night.
I guess you use a lot of mosquito netting on your homes, do you have bug spray for outside? Is malaria a cause for concern on your islands?

Hey man I was geting back to ya ,,and sum shit just popped up,,get bak to ya in a bit............


Sorry for the neglect shipmates,,,I got ore shit going on than a one armed paper hanger,,we're trying to get things ready for a 4 week trip...
I was talking to my brother in Dublin the other night ,,told him we were gonna go on a lil vacation,,,he started screaming,,,"what the heel ya gonna do on a holiday,, go get a job and work for some guy for a week"...

Man I gottalotta shit to do.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Right on, Masa. Time to take a vacation from the island, lol. If your bro only knew how busy you were.
Hopefully 'civilization' doesn't raise your blood pressure.
Have a safe trip. If you can update from the road, that'd be even better...

joe guy

Oh captain , my captain
Too bad ur not Gona make ur way to Cali side I'd love to send u home
With a hand full beans I just made up...(cross of mr nice and cherry pie)
My 2 favorite strains to date.. Doin my first run of them now
Got 3 in veg waitin to be a part of the new SOG

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