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Yes I really live on an Island with a tribe of Natives



Harold, I can see a marlin slicing a man in half. Those billfish are something else.

Maybe it was better that I couldn't get that damn lobster out of the rocks that one time I was diving, eh? Found a BIG one in Puerto Rico, had it by the antennae and no one was going anywhere. Then I finally said, Hrm... what am I doing here? I didn't come for food, I came for the scenery!


Kinda boring around here right now ,,just not much going on,,, so I took the low moments to work on my getting my garden back in shape,, before the storm I had every stage of growth going from young seedling to full grown.
So now we start over,,, in the green buckets are the survivors that I took with me to the cave when the typhoon hit,, the black are a red bud sativa I use for nite time, The seedling in the tray are the fruity wispy goldish greenish buds For that morning and all day "up" buzz,,,this weed really makes ya wanna go do something,,,not to be smoked on a rainy day...........

Foto 2 is a side by side from some "good reggy bag seeds" and one of the big red Thais,, The Ibdica sexed out male all ready along with another so maybe I can get those 2 fellas to hook up with some of my fems..

Foto 3 is the last of the Indi beans I had,,,30 seeds 9 popped 4 survived,, this one didnt sex out quick like the others so its still up in the air,,I might get lucky and get a female,,but for now seems healthy.

4th is one of the Indies that sexed female 4-5 weeks from seed but hasent grown for shit since so I'm trying to reveg her...


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eyes wide shut

New member
all i can is wow mate!!! i am a little jealous of you but i would also find it incredibly hard living in such a different culture always on the edge just incase you do something offensive.

if i could ask a question do you feel you are accepted by the locals? or still feel like an outsider?
good luck with your indicas but i would trade all my entire seeds stock for some of that chocolate thai!!! i hear people talking about it all the time olny tried import thai twice and it was amazing i have tried indoor grown thai but it isn't a dab on imported outdoors grown stuff.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Nice! You're back in the game. Hope you get at least one indica female to cross pollinate with...
So the hot springs help in healing as well. Maybe that was what Ponce de Leon was searching for, the fountain of healing. He was looking in the wrong area, I guess...


Since you say you were kinda bored I'll throw a heavy question at ya Masa, with the preface that I just got back from Peru and noticed alot of first hand globalization vs. traditional living style so I was dwelling on it a bit. But in regards to your son, do you want him to stay on the island or will you at some point send him off to school if he so desires like your island daughter you write of? Much respect, you are livin life right! I had to share that marlin story with all my friends...epic


All right then,,,havent had much free time last few days,,I just got done (last night) putting a new roof on the house. Last year when we were on the island of Palawan getting supplies I went into a PI version of "home depot" and discovered a semi new not to well known but getting a big following roofing product. I not going to plug the name of the product , but I will give ya the details,,, Its a non petroleum based roofing sheet thats the same size and shape of 5V metal roofing,, 6 feet long 3 feet wide and is attached with button top screws. I got this stuff for 3 reasons the last put it over the top..
1, its a UV reflective product
2, Its flexible an can be shaped bent and cut easy with tin snips or any saw,,,I found the snips do the best cut for a clean look.
And 3, once washed off with a few good downpours ,,,,the water run off is safe to drink.
It's a New Zealand product designed for hot dry areas I discovered at a resort we stayed at,,owner couldnt shut up about the stuff, real salesman pitch,,but a good one,, wont rot wont fade wont RUST, replaces easy and looks good,, lots of bonus's here...
It is twice the weight of 5v metal roofing and 3 times thicker so it took 2 boats to get it all here in one shot, and costs us a bit but now we have a roof that we dont have to replace every 2 years.

all i can is wow mate!!! i am a little jealous of you but i would also find it incredibly hard living in such a different culture always on the edge just incase you do something offensive.

if i could ask a question do you feel you are accepted by the locals? or still feel like an outsider?
good luck with your indicas but i would trade all my entire seeds stock for some of that chocolate thai!!! i hear people talking about it all the time olny tried import thai twice and it was amazing i have tried indoor grown thai but it isn't a dab on imported outdoors grown stuff.

Not so much the outsider any more ,and doing something offensive seems to come natural for me,,,a gift and a curse all wrapped in one,:laughing:,,,when I got here yea,,,I was a glass of water on a beer lined bar... But now theres only a few here and there that still give me the stink eye, all the other island tribes know im here now as well, and by the way ,,,I;m not the only white man living in these parts,,,theres 2 others that I know of,,ones a wealthy German gangster who's private island is 4 days paddle boat through the back waters, and loves any guests he can get as long as they speak German or english,, he can never leave his island, if he gets nabbed in Int waters its back to Zee Fazaland and life in prison,,he's been here since the 80s right after the wall went down, and came here not long afterward,, which is the biggest reason he likes guests,he don't get many,we love going there because it a sweet resort like place but private,,,with armed guards,:biggrin:
The other is a young Aussie looking to save to planet, starting in his own personal environment, we've been to his place,,,about 6 days from here,, and even though he wishes to remain totally off grid and go 100 percent native, he's dong well with it.

Nice! You're back in the game. Hope you get at least one indica female to cross pollinate with...
So the hot springs help in healing as well. Maybe that was what Ponce de Leon was searching for, the fountain of healing. He was looking in the wrong area, I guess...

Whats up dude ??? yea we got it back in the swing of things, after the typhoon pretty much wreaked everything its time to begin again....
Got my bird nets set back up and a new shade cloth to cut a few watts off my lighting system..

Dude the hot springs are the "shit Snizzy" told ya,,I can be found there sometimes twice a day, but if its a double shot day It's probably just so i can put my hands in the water for a while,
Ya ready for this ???
My all time favorite thing at the springs take 4 people to help me.
So lets set this up for ya,,,,the spring is about the size of an above ground swimming pool, sorta up against the side of a rocky hill with a smooth stone bottom, the water in the deepest part of the center is only about a meter and a half deep and where the water is forced out of the ground with the force of a small 1/2 HP pump, that pushes the water just to to surface but not really,,,it dosent bubble bubble it just rolls on the surface,,,So..with that in mind,,,I like to get on my back,,,float over the water being forced from the ground and each person there takes a hand or foot and holds me just under the water to where the forced water is now pushing in the jigsaw puzzle that used to be the L4-9 portion of my spine.
Dude ,,its great,,it feels like a basketball is being constantly rolled off me, only thing sticking out of the water is the smallest part of my face, but I still go under for the most part.
It wont get ya young forever,,,but it dam sure makes ya feel good..

Since you say you were kinda bored I'll throw a heavy question at ya Masa, with the preface that I just got back from Peru and noticed alot of first hand globalization vs. traditional living style so I was dwelling on it a bit. But in regards to your son, do you want him to stay on the island or will you at some point send him off to school if he so desires like your island daughter you write of? Much respect, you are livin life right! I had to share that marlin story with all my friends...epic

That's something we started tossing around a few days after he was born,,,and were still tossing it around.
He's 3 now and a smart little boy, he speaks 2 languages at a kids level, knows the alfabit and counting to 50 without any mistakes,,,LOVES big trucks on the TV, he can turn on a laptop and go to one of his movies without to many probs,as well he'll alert you to an incoming pod of monkeys, giving me time to get my wrist rockot and some steel balls to sca um off,,(cant shoot um unless there getting mean,,,then it's monkey meat for dinner),,,he can take you down a changing path from here to the fishing village 3k away,, he loves to Skype with Grandma,,,my mother and tell her about what he's been up to,,you know shit like that,,,he's 3 and very independent.. Between my wife,,a C.P.A. and myself,,,I kan reed, rite, and cypher ma numbers.. Between the 2 of us and the Tech available to us we can give him more on a pre high school level education than he'll get anywhere else in the world.
After that ???
For now the plan is a school just outside of Washington D.C. for high-prep then a University of his choice, I set up an Annuity accounts in Netherlands and the US, that will support him as well pay for school and by then he'll have access to what ever I dont piss away living here.
Unless he hooks up with some hot bitch in spike heel picks up the guitar and starts a band.

Love this thread! GREATNESS!!! :)

Stick around it's about to get real good,,if things keep going in the direction there going a ship mate here at ICmag is about to become an Island Icon.
Not telling any more than that for now...


Horse-toothed Jackass
Hey Masa! Figured you're busy anytime you haven't posted for a few days. For someone who's retired you sure seem to have a lot to do. But it passes the time, it's necessary and it keeps you in shape, so there's beneficial aspects to being so busy.

So, that roofing material isn't plastic (non petroleum)? Is it some sort of hardened plant resin? Are even the screws made out of the same material, or are the screws steel?
It'll last more than two years but what if another storm comes, will it blow away?

That's a wild back story on the German, sounds like a Colonel Kurtz type situation. You know, only he's German and not crazy.

So the hot spring has a jacuzzi function? Wild. Sounds like most of your lower back is messed up. I'm susceptible to tweaking my back as well, not fun and im nowhere near as messed up as you. All that diving and parachuting and a chopper crash or two takes a toll on your back, neck, shoulders etc. Do you smoke for the pain-killing aspect as well?


Hey Masa! Figured you're busy anytime you haven't posted for a few days. For someone who's retired you sure seem to have a lot to do. But it passes the time, it's necessary and it keeps you in shape, so there's beneficial aspects to being so busy.

So, that roofing material isn't plastic (non petroleum)? Is it some sort of hardened plant resin? Are even the screws made out of the same material, or are the screws steel?
It'll last more than two years but what if another storm comes, will it blow away?

That's a wild back story on the German, sounds like a Colonel Kurtz type situation. You know, only he's German and not crazy.

So the hot spring has a jacuzzi function? Wild. Sounds like most of your lower back is messed up. I'm susceptible to tweaking my back as well, not fun and im nowhere near as messed up as you. All that diving and parachuting and a chopper crash or two takes a toll on your back, neck, shoulders etc. Do you smoke for the pain-killing aspect as well?

Man you can say that again,,for a guy whos got nothing to do all day I sure do seem to stay busy.
This morning was no different except this morning project was all FOR ME.
I set up 22 more buckets each with a Thai seedling and revamped my bird free zone to where i'm hoping to keep the frogs ans other critters out as well. Gonna make another "bird cage" this afternoon for some future plants I'm anticipating on having soon,,maybe,,,we'll see how that works out.. And then theres the mixing of the soils still needs to be done,,I got 50kilos of organically sun sterile soil,25kilos of charred rice hulls,80kilos of sweet looking black as night compost from my pile, 20kilos bat guano and 10 kilos of quartz dust all sitting in sacks waiting for me to mix all together then put it all back in the sacks until needed, and I'm trying something new this grow,,,,seaweed,,got an endless supply been reading on it here and there so a few months back i started sun drying a good size pile,,which I found out my good size pile wasn't shit after it dried out so next time i'll double it..

The roofing material is great,,I'm hooked and if we do ever end up someplace else in the tropics I'll use it again.
I don't wanna post the products name but a few google searches and you should have it. The screws are zinc coated steel with a plastic button cap that im socking with a lil caulk to make sure they dont pop open,,and I used twice the amount of screws required each sheet calls for 20 I put 40 and mahogany 2x2s every 2 1/2 feet, so we'll see ,,,they will be another typhoon just a matter of when.

Yea man The hot springs are great for what ails ya..In fact I'm heading there after lunch,, gonna have a big hunk of yellow fin get my gut right then head into the jungle to the spring for a "bake & boil" and thats just what it says,,,I get baked,,,then float in the hot water like a slow boiled soup bone.


Wow Masa! Nice amendments for your soil. Your plants will be getting plenty of silica from those rice hulls and the quarts dust but be careful not to breath in any of the quarts dust, nasty stuff. The silica will strengthen your stems big time and they may have a better chance standing up to the wind and storms. Living on a chain of volcanic islands the soil must be rich all ready.

I love the "Bake and Boil". My area is rich in hot springs and I like to do the same... :)


Active member
Damn bro. A hot spring WITH natural jacuzzi, Thai plants you don't need a doc's rec to grow legally, all the exotic woods you could want just growing wild around ya AND your family chillin with you? Sounds like heaven to me! When's the next flight outta Cali?? hahaha.. Right on Masa! I'm not what you call a "detail" person, but it was all the details in your last post that caught my eye. Mahogany 2x2's?? Just that alone got me. Here it would cost an arm and a leg to buy that wood and you've got it probably layin around ya everywhere..AWESOME! Got pics bro? Maybe more island pics? Anything? Don't mean to prattle on but really been diggin this thread from the get go! Keep doin your thang man and don't forget bout your peeps here at IC! Till next time,....


Active member
Interesting about the seaweed , plenty of minerals trace elements & vits but have only ever known it used wet dug straight in the soil . My Grandad used it all the time in his garden & allotment .
At least you have the sun for drying but i wonder if it`s better that way ?


Way to go, masa, rock that biochar!

Yea right,, and these guys been using it for decades,,I asked an older guy how long they have been using charred rice hulls , he says,,,Always...

Wow Masa! Nice amendments for your soil. Your plants will be getting plenty of silica from those rice hulls and the quarts dust but be careful not to breath in any of the quarts dust, nasty stuff. The silica will strengthen your stems big time and they may have a better chance standing up to the wind and storms. Living on a chain of volcanic islands the soil must be rich all ready.

I love the "Bake and Boil". My area is rich in hot springs and I like to do the same... :)

Sup Man,,,,the dust and bat poop are from here and used by the natives for years,, crushed lime stone as well in the corn fields, I'm just following suit, and yea,,,they use the quartz dust mainly on rice fields and say it makes the plant stronger,some of the methods used here for decades are now main stream items on store shelves,,like the Neem tree, here it's used for everything from a toothbrush to Insecticide,, dam trees got a lot of uses.
Biggest probs I have with the soil here is the good black wormy stuff is deep in the jungle,and totin out 50-60 kilo sack just plain sucks,,here around the house and seaward areas of the island are covered in ancient coral stone out crops almost road like but not really,, just seems that way after you walk over the corals for awhile. Which is cool all in it's own,,, coral outcrops can go inland for kilometers, so It makes ya stop and think,,,The water used to be way up here, and deep for all this coral to develop and when I say way up here im talkin at the base of mountains,, so at one time this island was much smaller and only the mountains could be seen. So then ya get stoned and look out and imagine the water way up like that what it looked like here before.

Damn bro. A hot spring WITH natural jacuzzi, Thai plants you don't need a doc's rec to grow legally, all the exotic woods you could want just growing wild around ya AND your family chillin with you? Sounds like heaven to me! When's the next flight outta Cali?? hahaha.. Right on Masa! I'm not what you call a "detail" person, but it was all the details in your last post that caught my eye. Mahogany 2x2's?? Just that alone got me. Here it would cost an arm and a leg to buy that wood and you've got it probably layin around ya everywhere..AWESOME! Got pics bro? Maybe more island pics? Anything? Don't mean to prattle on but really been diggin this thread from the get go! Keep doin your thang man and don't forget bout your peeps here at IC! Till next time,....

Wuts up man ?? Sometimes we get a visitor or 2, but usually only visits I get are from the ships stopping, and very few come ashore because of fear towards getting caught by the Indo navy, who will make things go from bad to shit in a few hot seconds.
Yea when I first discovered the kinds of trees and the lumber cut from um I was instantly taken aback to my early days as a young "Youte",, my family are one of the oldest furniture makers in Dublin,and have been since 1810' (no shit, and yet another clue to my true identity) when I was still in knickers I had to go to the shop and sand wood all ready cut and shaped ready to be finished,,,but first,,,somebody had to make it all smooth and remove any lil nitches in the wood, and that job landed on me my brother and our cousins, and by the way the young kids in the family today,,,still do it the same way,,,by hand ,,down to a fine emery cloth finish.
To this day I can still hear my grandfather talking about Philippine Mahogany and all the wonders colors and textures of the wood.
But now hey looky here,,dont be shy to "praddle" and ask questions,,,its what makes this thread if ya ask me.

Heres a few more nature piks for ya
And my latest project a bird free zone.
Birds here can be devastating.

Interesting about the seaweed , plenty of minerals trace elements & vits but have only ever known it used wet dug straight in the soil . My Grandad used it all the time in his garden & allotment .
At least you have the sun for drying but i wonder if it`s better that way ?

Its used both ways,,but not really wet seaweed tossed in and dug down,,they make a stinky thick watery mix with it and pour it right onto the ground when used in a field and they only use it for corn,,not rice,,dont know why,but you can bet they do...


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Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Nice little "screenhouse" Masa. Hook some lights up in there and then you'll have control of your indicas and can get some size on them until you're ready for them to flower.

bad gas

Good morning, masamaaso! I hope things are well for you.

How's TamTam? Is he recovering well? Please pass on our respect and good wishes for his family if that is ok.

Have a nice day. bg


Hi Masa, sounds like a woodworker's paradise out there. Apart from the mahogany what other species are there and what are their uses? I would imagine they are sustainably managed too in a community such as yours.
Ok, got to ask, what's the log with the two uprights in the last pic for-got me stumped(get it?)

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