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have a job interview in 10 hours. for a shit job.


This is all I needed to read. The second you start thinking that you're better than X job is the second that you need to reevaluate why you're in the position you're in.

I can guarantee that my resume probably outshines a lot of folks' here and IRL, and I've had some fucking awful jobs at times just to pay the bills. I've gone from 60k+ to grocery bagger wages for months at a time in the past, and it sucked, but it was necessary. Get real dude, and grow up.
You misinterpreted what I meant. What I meant was "i'm not qualified for this job," not "i'm too good for this job."

I went to the interview. Did terribly. Stumbled all over my words, was socially awkward, etc.



Active member
I went to the interview. Did terribly. Stumbled all over my words, was socially awkward, etc.

Yeah, but did you do a good job of looking like someone who could move boxes, and push the hell out of a broom?

Social smoothness is usually not a big prereq for warehouse jobs.


Every man before you has worked. For thousands of years. What makes you different?

Hard work and adversity is what builds character.

SpasticGramps' advise is solid. We've all worked jobs that only made us better people in the long run.
Im in the same position having to work for minimum wage graveyard shift, I know its not forever but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

Like everyone else said it builds character, hopefully it will motivate you to do something you like when you get tired of slaving for someone else.

rick shaw

Ambition I'm curious what is was your major? What job are you "qualified" for? What jobs have you done in the past,and for how long? Reading your post "what is your dream job" you described "Owning a dispensary and several coffee shops financed through successful growing" I do think that it's great you are your moms caretaker. Perhaps that is an employment avenue you should investigate. Qualified home health care workers are in demand. Pay in California is 20-25k.I guess a fire might be lit under your ass when the payment notice arrives for your student loan,or your mom kicks you out of the house.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Thanks man. It's a warehouse job. I'm more of a book nerd than a manly man, and my resume reflects it. I have no business getting this even menial job. I won't fit in at all at work. I'm wearing a suit. Maybe that's a dumb idea?

I always learned: dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I've worn suits to all interviews ive ever gone to, regardless of the job title. They may get a snicker out of it, you may be overdressed, but you'll most likely get the job.

I've even been in your exact position, wearing a suit to a warehouse position, getting laughed at by the warehouse workers as I walked through the warehouse to the manager's office.. But you know what? I presented myself very well, aesthetically and mentally, wound up not only getting hired, but hired into a higher pay grade and a better position then what I had applied for.

PS: You may get along with the warehouse workers more then you'd imagine. I've met some really cool people working shit jobs. Not to mention, most of them smoke weed, the rest smoke tweek, and there are a few straight-edged christians (normally ex-cons) scattered in as well.

Good luck. Just getting a interview in today's economy is an accomplishment in itself...


Ambition I'm curious what is was your major? What job are you "qualified" for? What jobs have you done in the past,and for how long? Reading your post "what is your dream job" you described "Owning a dispensary and several coffee shops financed through successful growing" I do think that it's great you are your moms caretaker. Perhaps that is an employment avenue you should investigate. Qualified home health care workers are in demand. Pay in California is 20-25k.I guess a fire might be lit under your ass when the payment notice arrives for your student loan,or your mom kicks you out of the house.
Im not a caregiver, and I don't live with my mom. What I meant was that I took care of her financially at this point via unbelievable medical bills that left me dry.

My resume sucks and is riddled with one good, high paying job that lucked into and was dismissed from due to having to leave the state and help my mom out. The rest of my employment history is checkered.

To reiterate: it's not that I think I'm too good for these jobs. I must have misstated that.

And I was rejected for the warehouse position. He said he didn't think I would stay long enough to make it worth his while. I told I was interested in staying long term. He didn't believe me. I've never been a good liar.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Im not a caregiver, and I don't live with my mom. What I meant was that I took care of her financially at this point via unbelievable medical bills that left me dry.

My resume sucks and is riddled with one good, high paying job that lucked into and was dismissed from due to having to leave the state and help my mom out. The rest of my employment history is checkered.

To reiterate: it's not that I think I'm too good for these jobs. I must have misstated that.

And I was rejected for the warehouse position. He said he didn't think I would stay long enough to make it worth his while. I told I was interested in staying long term. He didn't believe me. I've never been a good liar.

Sorry to hear that. Interviews is really just another word for bullshiting 101. You have to be able to read these people and tell them what they want to hear. Normally its all the usual: hard worker, team player, looking for O.T. whenever possible, reliable, meticulous, detail oriented, fast learner, value of time, etc. etc. Theres all sorts of tips/tricks to interviewing. You can google it and find a whole list of things to help you with interviews.


Active member
im 20 and i don't ever plan on having a boss. i worked at a "upscale" gourmet grocery store for a year and a half during highschool, and once again after moving back from santa barbara to san francisco, for fucking up in school with legal matters. it sucks to see some people who are 35-40 years old slaving away along side 18 year olds with same/minor benefits year after year, i honestly pitied them working there for so many years, same routine, same customer service bull shit.. that was enough for me to realize i can never work for anyone, and only let your cash work for you..my first move was that my dad set me up with 5 grand for growing "legally" in my own place, and it's only the beginning. yes i'm fucking blessed for being a dependent spoiled little shit just given the place/money to operate but not so much anymore, i got one shot to grow and i did it in a house my dad rents out which we've owned forever. now i'm on my own. my plan is to keep growing dank save some cash and once i'm done with college/learning business fundamentals i'm going to invest invest invest, and let your money work for you.. nothing beats seeing monthly checks in the mail for 50 grand doing absolutely nothing but paying a few taxes on your assets. shit, your lawyer can handle everything and find all the loopholes in the system.. i'm aspiring to flip a house or two using grow profits.. sell back legally haha. don't even need college, i just want the experience.. just read books all the time, save that money.. and don;t spend anything.
back in the day i honestly hated every college rep who would walk into a high school class i had, telling me what i'm potentially worth by earning such and such degrees/professions.. 40k with AA degree, 60-70k with bachelors,100k masters..etc.. bitch please.. not working for anybody.

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