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Ye Olde Coffee Shop



Yo my deep blue friend! Good to see more of the crew showin up.

I wish we had allowable #'s like that here. We're regulated to 1/2 of what you can have *for 2 of us*. It's enough if you already have the strain/meds dialed in...but if yer still lookin for specific meds for specific purposes and doin it from seeds...it really isn't. The sidenote is...the here law allows you to argue for more if you are challenged
on numbers...so there's a bit of room to play written into the amendment. On top of that, if they come/confiscate any plants, they MUST, by law, keep em alive...or their case..if they have one..will go to shit quickly. It's happened a few times already w/ leo being ignorant of the law..and comin in like cowboys as they always have! Oops!
Folks have rights...and even the cops here are figuring that out!

And..there's a measure proposed for the Nov ballot that would legalize poss of an oz for an adult. I should get my signature packet sometime this month...and then it's time to go get some signatures.

So...while this bust/BS is a setback...things are progressing elsewhere..you can bet!

Folks are tired of this invasion, oppression, and disrespect. I haven't felt like I've had any RIGHTS since i took my first toke 35 years ago...and that needs to stop!

I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore.

"get up stand up..."

I Used To Grow

Active member
What's up to all the OG'ers here..hope you're enjoying the site so far.

I'm smoking a little sticky icky icky this morning to go along with my fresh cappucino.

I'm not sure what the strain of bud is that I'm smoking but it's good, damn good. Nice body high that leaves you feeling sleepy and relaxed. Good for sore and tense muscles.

I Used To Grow

Active member
nice spiderbug...do you know what kind of hash it is?

The only kind of hash I've ever smoked was Blonde Hash in Amsterdam..forgot where I got it though. It was really good and stoney. I would put it on top of bud in my glass pipe.


mornin coffee shop , skeeter how ya doin bud , so nice to see you all once again .

anyone seen Mota , or KK , just makein sure they are alright . well folks take care,be safe.

be well



Hey buddy!! I think we're gonna make it..I'm not turning my lights out, and that's for sure..I have to have my smoke,and not some shit off the streets....Take care....skeets


heck skeeter if I had the bucks I'd get another light LOL hell where I live if I had to get the shit off the street , I'd have to smoke a LB to get a buzz , so yes your right no choice really .

be well


Artful Dodger

New member
DragNFly said:
Hey gang any idea how many posts you need to open a pm?

Good to see ya' buzzin' 'round, DragN!!! I was able to PM from the start, so if you're havin' trouble, ya' might ask one o' the regulars in here maybe?
I'm still learnin' how to do a coupla things here as well....

SpiderBro....yeah it was me that made the mess in the Shoppe. That darned Clips beat me to the massage chair, so I had a temper tantrum...maybe I did take it a bit too far with the Ex-lax in the coffee, but I called "Dibs" on the chair 1st!!!!


As long as it was you, then it's ok..Heheehe

Hey marigyp just came in!!! He's looking the place over I guess.. Damn, it's good to hear from you guys, and gals....skeets :woohoo:


hey dragon i think its one nice to see ya still smoking congo being productive before the game



I was thinking about me as well......LOL....A few gulps of strong black coffee helped with the 'noia.....that and hitting the bong with enough VT to see the light again....

Dman is fine,spoke to him yesterday.

I've seen nigh on everyone who wanted to be seen and some who are "laying low"

Now if only I can get Dick to put up a picture of the "Double Vision" grow i'll be happy again.


So we like the congo ,do we all? I'm going to do a bit more playing around with that African Queen......Yummy!


VC....good to see your ok.......

Arti, Durga, Spider, simple......thunderM that you........
good to know you guys are ok.VC..........keep your head down

May the sun Always shine on you and your garden!!!


Always ,DF,always

Marigyp is the only "MIA" I can think of......poor skeets is getting worried...


Thecoffeeshop said:
So we like the congo ,do we all? I'm going to do a bit more playing around with that African Queen......Yummy!
yes we do they are rock hard nuggs of orange happiness :bat:

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