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OK..now THIS is more like it! Hellooooo friendz/CS refugees! Been missin ya and hopin everyone is AOK after this bullfuckinshit. I hope no one did anything rash though. That's just what the Drug Nazis want. VC...you've particularly been on my mind the last few...

Yup..still the same handle. No mysteries there. I see a few familiars...and will try to figure out who's who as we go...


Yo skeets! I thought I saw a naked guy streaking through a minute ago!

Hey to all...cloaked or not/new handle or not.

Yup..all's well here....but I did have orders in transit...probably arriving at HS about the time this all went down. I'm sure I'm not alone....

But...whatcha gonna do? (other than not order any more seeds from anyone...there;s not much else that can be done)



I didn't have any orders out..I've got enough genetics to keep me busy for a while.. I'm not caving in to these MOFO's..Grow on man.....skeets


Morning everyone, i get to know some of you all soon, to start heres some Chemota Dragon cookies and some c-99 browinies


good morning all, coffee will be done soon, got a fresh bowl packed for when it is done!!!


man i take some oj and a muffin somebody take this congo spliff from me nice to seeya durga


Same here...but I saw a few things I had to have for a summer/outside grow...and now know I shoulda passed on.

FWIW...I have a hard time believing that this will go anywhere. I mean..when seeds are intercepted at the border...they don't bust down the door...they send a letter..so why would yer name..or even an envelope with $$ in it and an order sent to HS be any different? They KNOW you ordered em when they seize em...right? This is no different from my take on things.

I'm amazed reading about how many folks broke down immediately. LEO won there, for sure....and with no effort! Pussies!

All week I've been thinking about VC's quote (I think LT had it on her sig) about how *real* growers don't worry about the politics..they just grow....

i'm takin that approach here. I grew commercially for 15 years....*all* of which was on the outside of the law/under the umbrella of huge penalties (100+ plants) if I were caught...so it's no different now than it ever was in my eyes. If you go that big, the risk is still the same...and if they wanna come...they'll find a way to do it....HS/CW goin down er not.

As a result of this...I have thinned the herd down to a point where I'm very close to my "legal" numbers...which was a needed effort anyway...but beyond that...nothing has changed/will change.....and GROW ON...we shall.

In fact, I'm in the process of renewing my med license as we speak....


sure is a nice place they have here, been looking around nice digs,


Not to dwell....but has anyone heard anything about some of our fav Canadian breeders? I hear Fet got hit..and Im' really worried about my buddy Dman. Kind people such as he who have helped so many...should NOT face such oppression.

VC..kev...anyone...ya hear anyhting else?


New member
Good morning!

Well the exodus continues... so nice to see you all. :wave:
I will not turn the lights off til they pry my timer from my cold dead hands lol!

durga, I havent heard a thang.... mr mcnug, nice choice on the Congo, good stuff! Can ya pass it this way please?

Mrs G is right. Nice digs here. :smile:


New member
Morning all....OLU here...

Durga, skeet everyone good to see you...wish this changeover would have been caused by other forces but such is life...

durga I agree with your accessment (kendo also) that we must move forward and even though I'm a Calif. scripted med user I too found myself wondering about this all. In part due to the fact I'm allowed 24 but have a few extra only because I hated to kill off any females to bring it down to 24...

Nonetheless I hope everyone is well...and hopefully RC will be heard from soon and I really really hope Poppy is safe as well

stay safe...

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Hang tough folks, but with caution...We'll make it..They may have won the battle on this one, but we'll win the war..Hell, we have already won the war on drugs..lol I'm waiting on them to waive their white flag..lol


New member
Hey skeets, so you got the hint @TY eh? :smile:

I thought the stank was from the ox! I think if he comes in, you should ride him naked... actually now I have a visual, nevermind. (shudder)

Great to see ya Tahoe! :wave: