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Ye Olde Coffee Shop



HPD!!! its great to see you bro!! how are you man? did things blow over? hope all is good w you my friend.


New member
just out on bond for now and glad to here some familar clicks,having trouble getting a lawyer and a doctor but im working on it.
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New member
HPD brother!!!

Good to see you my friend :smile: Find the coffee shop and come see us!

One love, Kev. :wave:


New member
home sweet home the only place i feel sain....i really miss our home and glad youre ok .....still got letters to remind me of the life that once was and will be again .I will do what it takes to get this past me and rejoin or brothers on the front lines, they can only slow me down ill never stop i belive in what i do its the only freedom i know .....HPD


Hi folks :wave:

I thought I'd come over, and say hi :wave: Alot of your friends are over athttp://www.treatingyourself.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10105

Feel free to come in, and have a cup of -joe, and a smoke.....skeeter
Ok, sleepy time is over (what HAVE you been smoking?!?), wakey wakey time.

It's almost time for the weekend dam it, now get you asses out of bed and I MEAN IT!


Man... I am so WIRED!

College + Pledging = Sleep deprevation

Sleep Deprevation + Latte + Sitting in a Foriegn Language class of a Language you already speak = WIREDNESS

Man, I'm WIRED. I wish I had some Black Domina to beat my nerves into deep, deep submission. Anyone care to share? :D


cannabis enthusiast
I just got off work about an hour ago, its FRIIIIDAY!!!! Plan on getting some cold heinekens and cleaning out the bong for a nice night with some friends and movies.



Official Tree Taster
mmm, smells good in here

just got the ol' tax refund, i would like a 1/2z of ECSD, 1/8 of NL#5 (you carry the clone only right?), 1/8 of AK-48, and i guess a 1/4 of any of your landrace afghani

and a chai


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
I had to pop by I'll have 10 grams of royal skuff please...and an ounce of something hazey if you got it... oh and 2 teas, no sugar... please! thanks Guinea
big buddha? as in BBC? the cheese? I got a clone only form of that a year ago I havent been able to get any more since....... :( but last week I was told I could get it again. :) ...MY GOD IM SOOOOO HAPPY!! eveyone have a "good" day, stay safe ... Im off to smoke with friends! lol