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xmobotx' "true organic" method & discussion

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Fish meal - "N"
Fish bone meal - "P"

Both are easily available and often the organic versions are available. Most of the organic products come out of British Columbia and is imported by Wilbur-Ellis which is a multi-million dollar corporation.

Contacting a local office will probably get you the fastest results in locating a farm store where you can buy it in 50# bats. The fish bone meal is about $35.00 and the fish meal is about $50.00

Not sure why the big difference in price.



Clackamas Coot

Active member

Microbeman has some good information about peat moss at his web site complete with slides and/or videos.

You might find it helpful at the very least.



ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
thanks bro - i have been wondering about fish meal and fish bone meal (noob i guess - lol)

that's exactly the info i was thinking about on MM's site

i hung out and read around there for a while one day and it's a ton of info - need to do more reading there


Living with the soil
CC hooked me up with the fish bone meal and I was very impressed with the product. Smells great on top of it's obvious benefits.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Glad you liked the product. It's organic and is created using a modified-enzyme extraction process.

Another consideration beyond the breakdown time of organic fish bone meal vs. a high 'P' bat guano is price.

Current price in PDX for Bat Guano (0-18-0) is $51.00 for 50 lbs. The price for 50# of organic fish bone meal (5-16-0) is around $28.00

So with the fish bone meal product you're getting a good solid 'N' profile whereas with the bat guano you're getting no 'N' profile - assuming that you buy into the whole N-P-K deal as it relates to bat guanos in general. I don't.

Just from the numbers as well as the pricing, I think that the fish product is the one to go with.




Living with the soil

Glad you liked the product. It's organic and is created using a modified-enzyme extraction process.

Another consideration beyond the breakdown time of organic fish bone meal vs. a high 'P' bat guano is price.

Current price in PDX for Bat Guano (0-18-0) is $51.00 for 50 lbs. The price for 50# of organic fish bone meal (5-16-0) is around $28.00

So with the fish bone meal product you're getting a good solid 'N' profile whereas with the bat guano you're getting no 'N' profile - assuming that you buy into the whole N-P-K deal as it relates to bat guanos in general. I don't.

Just from the numbers as well as the pricing, I think that the fish product is the one to go with.


This may sound silly,but I mixed it 50/50 with The P. Bat Guano.


flower tea?

I've got a gallon of dandelion flowers fermenting, but it's not something I'd care to drink! The smell at this point is pretty pungent. Last year I diluted 1:20 and burnt a lot of plants as a foliar, so this time around I'll start at 1:40. I wish I had an easy method to determine nutrient content and proper dilution.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
thanks for the #s

interesting that we can make a free fertilizer by gathering flowers and it's actually hot enough to burn (maybe that generation was on to something -flower power!)

:thank you:


Living with the soil
thanks for the #s

interesting that we can make a free fertilizer by gathering flowers and it's actually hot enough to burn (maybe that generation was on to something -flower power!)

:thank you:
Hippies........"flowers" and "burn" often said together in this crowd.

I'm glad there are people taking the initiative to experiment with theses things so people like me don't have to be afraid to try it since the ratios have been worked out....


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
lol - yeah

i will report on 63 to 1 (1 TBS to a qt) as feed (not foliar)

*edit* well, it's been about 45 minz and i did 2 tsp/qt (95 to 1)and watered (w/ 1 tsp urine -lol) i know it's really weak but i do the feed, water, feed, water thing & this is supposed to be a water
Last edited:

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I adjusted my fertilizer mix as follows:

1x = 5 lbs.

2x alfalfa meal
2x flax seed meal
1x soybean meal
1x canola/rape seed meal
1x fish meal (nitrogen)
1x fish bone meal (phosphorus)
1x neem seed meal
1x kelp meal
1x crustacean/shrimp meal
1x bokashi bran

That's it. Cheap. Effective. Available.




Living with the soil
I adjusted my fertilizer mix as follows:

1x = 5 lbs.

2x alfalfa meal
2x flax seed meal
1x soybean meal
1x canola/rape seed meal
1x fish meal (nitrogen)
1x fish bone meal (phosphorus)
1x neem seed meal
1x kelp meal
1x crustacean/shrimp meal
1x bokashi bran

That's it. Cheap. Effective. Available.


Is this the same as what I picked up from Mr.Coot?


Living with the soil
Correct - use 1 cup per 5 gallons of potting soil or there abouts.


I just eyeballed it on the indoor and an outdoor mix.....I think I'm okay,it appeared potent so I was easy on the hand.

At the most I think it could have approached 1 1/2 cups.


Living with the soil
That's cool! After all it's a complete organic soil amendment, i.e. no worry about hi-dosing as such.

I'm pretty jazzed on the shrimp/crustacean meal. I've read about something in which my stoner mind has forgotten about...some kind or hormone or.....hang on........cough cough cough.
It has a component called chitin which helps increase the nitrogen content of the soil,or something more than I remember.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Correct - chitin is the reason for my including shrimp/crustacean meal. The specific product that I used is a local product from the fishing industry over on the Oregon Coast.

Small(er) carbon foot print and all that deal. AND it's organic.................
