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Would you pay $25 a year for ICmag?

if it meant that the brown nosers would be banned for theyr harsh troll labeling and rude insults towards those who dont agree with cirtain seed banks customer services instead of vice verser then yeah no worries,but no way in hell would i pay 25bucks to be called names and told i dont have a right to be pissed off about things.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The bottom line is that www.icmag.com is FREE to use for all.....You don't have to donate a seed or even buy any......and you don't have to send us any money at all..but you still can be an active member of this site so long as you abide by the TOU (terms of use) and do not make a nuisance of yourselves, so upsetting the other members or the Mods or Admins....who try to keep the interchange/discourse of information as civil and on topic as is possible....

Please enjoy this site for what it's worth to you, whether you need to learn, laugh or play.....or you feel the need to share your experiences, joys or woes around the plant that we all love.....


Active member
The bottom line is that www.icmag.com is FREE to use for all.....You don't have to donate a seed or even buy any......and you don't have to send us any money at all..but you still can be an active member of this site so long as you abide by the TOU (terms of use) and do not make a nuisance of yourselves, so upsetting the other members or the Mods or Admins....who try to keep the interchange/discourse of information as civil and on topic as is possible....

Please enjoy this site for what it's worth to you, whether you need to learn, laugh or play.....or you feel the need to share your experiences, joys or woes around the plant that we all love.....
Yer Kiddin me right!!I think I just read the Im not gonna ban Yummy's ass post!!Tryin to get on my good side huh,well YOU promised!!:biggrin: am I readin into things too much?


Active member
ICMag Donor
I'd pay the 25 but would rather donate seeds to the server fund. I am glad that is not how we operate around here. Nothing but respect to all that makes ic possible. Peace and smoke.


Active member
Well now, isn't that another reason NOT to pay for such things? You happen to speak your mind one day and bam! that's it - fuck you and your subscription - you're out of here. We like your money - we just don't like your opinion or the way you carry yourself. Huh? No thanks. Paying 25 quid ain't ever gonna make me more polite either. I'll be polite or not polite as it suits me - it totally depends on what other people say. This is the fucking internet man - it's not some kindergarten for the sheltered ones. Deal with it.

It would have been polite of you to let this drop after Gypsy made his post stating that it wasn't gonna happen. If you'd done that then perhaps I wouldn't have felt the need to be so impolite with you. I'm pretty sure he came in here to put people's minds at ease, it can't be nice to see some of the forums most worthwhile members saying they'd leave etc etc, but you just went and stirred the shit up all over again. Give it a rest. If you really want the bottom line - people who don't pay are more likely to value the site for what it is than those who pay. Those who pay tend to value themselves more than anything, say shit like *south park accent* "hey man, I pay my dues man. I really think I ought to have a say in what's going on man, you know man? Otherwise I'll just take my money elsewhere man and FUCK YOU man".

You're really going to tell people how to be polite after telling a member here to remove his tongue from his asshole? :jerkit:

It seems that you're unaware that there is already a system in place to give money to icmag.



Active member
I would but the DEA might follow it to my house. Seeing as they are banning HIGH TIMES sales on Ebay. You can only figure that they are tracking all the hydro shit sold on Ebay now too.

Where can I grow some weed and smoke it without being a criminal?

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