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Would you pay $25 a year for ICmag?


There are FOUR lights!
One of the fishing forums i'm on recently went to $25 paid
subscriptions to pay for the server and other things they do.
(Yearly BBQ and Raffle, etc)

So I was wondering, would you pay $25 a year to be a member
here on IC?

I would, because I find it invaluable, and have saved entire grows
with the info I found here. How about you?
My understanding is that ICmag is already member supported via the seed donations, and the the 4:20 cup is our yearly BBQ.

Seems like a cooler way to pay for the site than cash.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
It's not that I wouldn't want to, but money is tight.. I think the way they do it now, by donor is a great way to do it.. And I'm very appreciative of those that do support ic, I just wish I could
I'm a cheap fuck and a lot of threads on this site are about spreading free information and saving money, and I would leave if a fee suddenly popped up. But I'm pretty sure the higher ups won't pull something like that. Being the largest MJ site supported by what I assume is the largest seed biz, I'm guessing IC won't have money problems. This site's also about showcasing the strains for sale at the bootique and bay, and you shouldn't charge people just to look at your wares. Not to mention donations are voluntary and unsolicited.

A bit off topic, but I even feel like I helped a bit too much and lost potential money by talking about the cheapest coco I could find online (it's Beats Peat BTW). I was about to sell some on ebay at a small profit, shipped from the distributor(1st google result) so all I had to do was fill out forms, but I swear an IC member saw my post and got the same idea. He was selling it a few days later.:pointlaug No big deal I guess, since I got that info from here as well.
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One of the fishing forums i'm on recently went to $25 paid
subscriptions to pay for the server and other things they do.
(Yearly BBQ and Raffle, etc)

So I was wondering, would you pay $25 a year to be a member
here on IC?

I would, because I find it invaluable, and have saved entire grows
with the info I found here. How about you?

There are problems with your question as it involves asking CONSUMER'S opinions about their own willingness to pay. Most people, being deal-seekers, are not going to openly disclose that they WANT to pay for something that they currently get for free. If ICMag is thinking about implementing a fee, the only way to see if people are actually willing to pay is to implement and see if they have any members left, which I would guess they would not have nearly as many.

good drown

for what is here, no i would not.
i used to be a member of a a forum that became private due to what all we did on there. long and the short, the site was awesome as you could get any movie, music, or adult video you wanted, and could host it on the site. now that was fucking cool uploading 2 gbs to a forum at a time, or going on and downloading thearer movies as soon as they are released, or music


Yes, I would, if I had to. $25 is nothing compared to what you gain here.

I respect the way Gypsy has it now.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I like the way it is now.. And thanx to all donors.. I will maybe try and do something so that i could donate this next fall... But $25 for a msg board site probably wouldnt happen here wife/warden would veto that bill.. peace..



Well-known member
i would pay 25.00 a yr for icmag .i know there are other free sites but i like it here and the vast well of knowledge that is here is worth it to me and thats only MY OPINION


Cannabis 101
I would not pay 25$ as I have no money at the time.. I would donate seeds if i had em.....
but if we had to pay to be here Id go somewhere else. or just chill at home and grow on.


stone fool
No, I do not pay for internet sites, period. I do however buy seeds every year from seedbo, and send other customers there also, that would stop if this were a fee site.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Absolutely not. If this is ever considered, I would think IC would be done.

I buy a lot of expensive beans to help keep this place here just like everyone else, so yeah....no.


Active member
I'd be too paranoid and tweaked that IC would get shut down like OG and they'd be forced to give a list of all paying members...
I like staying under the radar


no way i would pay! they make alot of this server fund,free seeds donated to them from members,packs of seeds donated by established breeders, plus the volume of sales they garner by their own forum they dont need a membership fee.can they restrict some of these threads about nothing to free up space and to put an end to yummy type threads? i would rather they clean out crap threads or out of date threads to make this site easier to navigate and to streamline it. gypsy knows that if this site shut down so would alot of his seed buying clients. thats why i feel that this site is more of a asset to him, so its him who should flip the tab for its costs.

Big D

No! But I will organize an event to help raise some $.

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