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Would you pay $25 a year for ICmag?



I'd buy a subscription to the magazine if there were actual new issues be released. Doesn't have to be monthly, but at least every couple of months though.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality


I pay for a couple of canna related magazines subscriptions but i don´t see sense in paying for foruns.
Isn´t a forum a FREE way of spreading knowledge?:dunno:
In other way i think that ICmag has allready great ways of supporting themselves and a payed subscription will only put off some people that in the long run would end up having precious input on these site:dance013:
Just mho


Active member
They would lose so much money if they tried it. I would bet no more than 10% of the people would pay it. As a result of low traffic the advertisers would stop spending the money here.


One of the fishing forums i'm on recently went to $25 paid
subscriptions to pay for the server and other things they do.
(Yearly BBQ and Raffle, etc)

So I was wondering, would you pay $25 a year to be a member
here on IC?

I would, because I find it invaluable, and have saved entire grows
with the info I found here. How about you?

I probly wouldnt, this place is great, and it holds alot of info but for 25$ yearly Im sure I could have found the info elsewhere for much cheaper or free. It may have just takenn a little longer. hell for 25 bucks I could probly buy a few grow guides. I buy seeds from Gypsy, thats how I help support the site.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Is it worth $25/year. Absolutely.

Will people pay? Probably not.

Charging dues breaks from the ethos of the site and would be a silly business decision IMO. The whole idea is to learn to grow weed for free and overgrow the planet.

Never happens.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Nope.... I dont pay for websites. I would be super sad though. I realy dig it here, I've met some realy cool peeps here.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Quite honestly.....ICM does not need to sell compulsory subscriptions....

Many generous members contribute to the site with seeds that are then auctioned off or listed as BIN's on Seedbay and this just about covers the expenses of keeping the site here.....and I think that it is the coolest way to fuel the site with seeds, since they are a legally marketable product of the cannabis plant and this site is all about cannabis......what better way is there to keep the bills paid?

I paid ALL the bills here for the first 5 years www.icmag.com was online from my own pocket and a year ago I came up with the idea to ask the members here that wanted to DONATE towards all the running costs if they would be interested to do that, not with money/funds but with seeds (what a beautiful concept!).....the response has been great with many generous growers/breeder/seedmakers sending in seed-stock for us to auction off on Seedbay......This has given way to many growers actually becoming new breeders with many now producing seedlots that I can buy from them and offer up for sale to the ever growing, growing world out there....

....so not only is www.icmag.com growing new growers......we are actually breeding new breeders and offering them a portal to be able to distribute their creations/hybrids thru the site and associated seed sites....

...In closing.....no I don't want money from ya'll to help run this site, but I do need seeds to help keep it up here and pay the bills.......and the beauty of it is that you don't HAVE to contribute a bean if you don't want to. You can still avail of all the very useful and profitable knowledge ICM offers......but if you do want to help out, then make a seed crop, or just pollinate a few branches of your favourite kind and send the seeds in either as 'freebies' that we give out or as a contribution to the server/bandwidth/webmaster/Admin fund that keeps it all running.....

www.icmag.com FUELED BY SEEDS!!!


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I plan on buying a lifetime membership soon, you cannot put a price tag on the information here on this site. Where would I be without IC mag? Well I wouldn't be growing for a living thats for sure, which means I would not be spending my time doing what I love. Sure without IC I would have harvested some bud, but not to the magnitude or quality that I produce now.

I just kept my first male so I will be sending in some seed donations when I get the chance to have some fun :) For some you might not feel so obligated to preserve and protect what we have here. A micro grow or two and I wouldn't worry, but honestly for me IC pays the mo-fuggin Bills!

Thanks Gypsy and the whole team, all members and seed donors for keeping it real!


cant stop wont stop
Quite honestly.....ICM does not need to sell compulsory subscriptions....

Many generous members contribute to the site with seeds that are then auctioned off or listed as BIN's on Seedbay and this just about covers the expenses of keeping the site here.....and I think that it is the coolest way to fuel the site with seeds, since they are a legally marketable product of the cannabis plant and this site is all about cannabis......what better way is there to keep the bills paid?

I paid ALL the bills here for the first 5 years www.icmag.com was online from my own pocket and a year ago I came up with the idea to ask the members here that wanted to DONATE towards all the running costs if they would be interested to do that, not with money/funds but with seeds (what a beautiful concept!).....the response has been great with many generous growers/breeder/seedmakers sending in seed-stock for us to auction off on Seedbay......This has given way to many growers actually becoming new breeders with many now producing seedlots that I can buy from them and offer up for sale to the ever growing, growing world out there....

....so not only is www.icmag.com growing new growers......we are actually breeding new breeders and offering them a portal to be able to distribute their creations/hybrids thru the site and associated seed sites....

...In closing.....no I don't want money from ya'll to help run this site, but I do need seeds to help keep it up here and pay the bills.......and the beauty of it is that you don't HAVE to contribute a bean if you don't want to. You can still avail of all the very useful and profitable knowledge ICM offers......but if you do want to help out, then make a seed crop, or just pollinate a few branches of your favourite kind and send the seeds in either as 'freebies' that we give out or as a contribution to the server/bandwidth/webmaster/Admin fund that keeps it all running.....

www.icmag.com FUELED BY SEEDS!!!

1st and foremost i would like to thank you for everything you have provided us, from seeds to a place for us to learn share and grow..
before i was busted i planned on donating $250 for a lifetime subscription with the proceeds i made off some of the genetics i purchased from your boutique - as i am not a breeder, nor do i seed my plants..
as much as i love the idea, i have always wondered of the legitimacy of seeds sent for donation.. say some 17 year old punk wants some props from other members and decides to donate a bundle of 'super sour bubble' but in reality this guys never grown a plant and just sent in some mexi shwagg bag seed? it would be a shitty thing to do, but i wouldnt put it past some ppl.. that being said is there anyway to authenticate the seeds you are receiving?


I would do it if they linked up the seedbay and seed boutique in the membership.....25 bucks a year....with ease....maybe it would stop all the bullshit people from grabing seeds on drops and not paying for it.....maybe it would cut back on the people with a shit load of useless post in really short amounts of time....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
1st and foremost i would like to thank you for everything you have provided us, from seeds to a place for us to learn share and grow..
before i was busted i planned on donating $250 for a lifetime subscription with the proceeds i made off some of the genetics i purchased from your boutique - as i am not a breeder, nor do i seed my plants..
as much as i love the idea, i have always wondered of the legitimacy of seeds sent for donation.. say some 17 year old punk wants some props from other members and decides to donate a bundle of 'super sour bubble' but in reality this guys never grown a plant and just sent in some mexi shwagg bag seed? it would be a shitty thing to do, but i wouldnt put it past some ppl.. that being said is there anyway to authenticate the seeds you are receiving?

Their would only be one way to authenticate what we are being sent in seed form from a multitude of members and that would be for me to have an aircraft hanger to be able to grow out any and every seedlot I have.......and that would cause some serious security concerns for me that could see the demise of the site due to my incarceration........

As always the proof is always in the growing and most all those that buy un-tested seedlots are aware that they may well find some gems or some duds amongst them....

So far we have not seen what you are suggesting and what we have seen is many of the members that do donate seeds going about on the boards supporting and advising the members that receive them......so I would say that it is mostly all good......and there is the off-chance that things might not always go as swimmingly as you might want them to go......but hey!....that's life....eh?


cant stop wont stop
yeah you got me there, and i was definitely not suggesting you authenticate them in such a manner as growing them out.. more of like accepting donations only from people who can back up their claims with a grow journal perhaps? i mean its way too much work, i understand - im just saying in life there are a few bad seeds out there. litterally

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
yeah you got me there, and i was definitely not suggesting you authenticate them in such a manner as growing them out.. more of like accepting donations only from people who can back up their claims with a grow journal perhaps? i mean its way too much work, i understand - im just saying in life there are a few bad seeds out there. litterally

Well steppin....we do find that the most sought after seeds that fuel the server fund are those that come from entities that do have good grow journals on the site already, are well respected growers... and so potential buyers use these as a point of reference to be able to make a well researched purchase....


cant stop wont stop
Cant argue there GN
was just a point of veiw i wanted to bring to the table
i think just about everyone here (at least the ones who contribute) have a good head on their shoulders, so like you were getting at there isnt a whole lot to worry about


Active member
You run a tight ship Gypsy and team
the sit is right up there and fueling it on seed ai a win win for everyone involved right down to the guest user.
:clock watch:

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