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Would you pay $25 a year for ICmag?


St. Elsewhere
The users already do alot to support this site. Not to mention, this site is a means to advertise various Seed Companies and Equipment manufacturers. I'd rather see a few add banners than pay any money. Gypsy already makes money off of me, because I buy seeds through him. (Not complaining.)

If this forum didn't exist, I doubt Gypsy's seed business would be quite as successful, though I doubt it would be non-existent.


"Would you pay $25 a year for ICmag?"

What if I said to you: If you want me to answer that question you'll have to pay me. That sucks right? Look, I've got no problem with people making money - it's a fucking necessity in this world - but paying for knowledge is just damn wrong. All we fucking do is retard each other. I'll give knowledge away for free as long as I fucking live and I'll NEVER pay for it no matter how fucking rich I get. It's like working in a job where you're trying to learn the best you can but these older bastards are keeping what they call 'trade secrets' from you and retarding your progress. Why? So that they can come off being smarter than you - the young buck - and feel all smug about themselves? That's fucking pathetic.

I used to work in a PC repair shop and I was told by the boss that when I was on-site fixing up a PC that I was to leave it as vulnerable as I could to malware so that we would get a call back in another couple of months. Good for making money, yeah? But that sure as hell fucking sucks, doesn't it? Personally I couldn't do it. It's just damn fucking wrong. Charging folks exorbitant amounts of money for fucking them over is what it amounted too. Fuck him and his smelly fucking job. I've been called upon by family, friends & neighbors to fix their PC's and not only do I fix them good but I also try to show them how to keep their PC's running smoothly. Even for this honest service I still felt bad taking the extra money they would offer me because empowerment is better than retardation any day in my book and I don't feel it's right to charge for such things.

We're here to help each other people - not to retard each other. You start paying for knowledge next thing you know you'll be charging every person you meet for answering any damn question they ask you like you have some sort of right just because you're paying for yours. Fuck all that bullshit. Yes, ICMAG is a wonderful place, full of all sorts of knowledge but what makes it the best place is that people are so friendly and freely share their knowledge. The idea is to create as many growers as possible and we're not likely to do that if we start charging folk to learn, are we? There's a saying - "the best things in life come free" and I, for one, believe that.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Ya for sure i would. I think we gotta also realize that ICmag website and chat forums are also Gypsy's marketing forum. So maybe everybody does not pay to chat but alot of us buy seeds from Gypsy simply because we are on his chat site. But ya I would gladly pay $25 to keep this going, at first i would not have paid for it, but now seeing how much i use and the value i have received from the information here it's worth its weight in BUD.


Yes and no... Can't argue with the valuable information here... But...

Like other sites I use, if bandwidth/server costs were getting unaffordable through typical revenue sources - I'd expect to see an implementation of adsense/etc to help cover costs... But for those with the $ - paid membership to eliminate ads...

My .02
i think the info on these forums is invaluable and worth way more than $25 a year but id have to move on. although icmag is one of the biggest cannabis forums with knowledgable members its not the only place to score grow info. if i had to pay for the useful info i receive do i get paid for useful info that i post?? id rather any info i bring to the table to be free in hopes that it helps someone else, maybe someone who needs meds or cant afford to pay fees of any amount. i hope to help support this site one day but any donations i make will be to a free site not a fee site. thank you to all the donors sponsors and everyone else that makes this FREE site possible.


I think it would be fair, 25 bucks is nothing for the multitude of information found here, and little perks that come and go every now and then.

I am a member of another paying forum online, a very infamous one, and the 10 bucks was worth it over a million times over.


Active member
Not if I was forced to but I probably would if it were a sub option. Current subscription price is kind of off putting, more people would subscribe if it were a little lower.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.


No I wouldnt pay... I buy seeds from the boo tho. This site is an awesome marketing tool for the seed business..... I dont think it would be nessasary to have to start charging cash for the use of this site unless it got really really big and then a small fee maybe nessasary to keep the numbers down a bit and make it more managable to operate... just my thought


Active member
They have paid advertising. Try to click on a couple banner adds a day if you wanna help.

No, I would not pay for this or any other discussion site.


We are Farmers
A different question I would pose is "Would you pay $25 to join ICMag if you had never been on the site?" I think it would stop the influx of new members dead in its tracks.

I do think value wise it would be worth the money and I buy server fund seeds to help and you can find great deals. You can voluntarily donate or subscribe and get some forum bonuses.



I see the business I send to the boo and give myself as my membership fee. I've told dozens of people about seedsdirect/seedboutique over the years resulting in thousands of dollars worth of sales. I'm also willing to donate F2s or whatever for the server fundraiser if need be. So my answer is no I would not be willing to pay a mandatory usage fee for the forums.


If you had a choice would you spend $25.00 for a grow book or $25 for ICMag?
I would chose ICMag. I have been able to find the answers to every questions here and the option of many different people with different backgrounds instead one one person.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
This would be a horrible idea! We would lose at least 1/2 the membership instantly. Without these members, the site would not be as good and consequently you would eventually lose the other half. Also, as has been stated before this site is already supported by the bay and the boo and the sellers that use these sites. That is why we are not open to discuss other sites and sellers. So we are already paying by buying our beans from these sources.