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Would you get A WEED tattoo??

lost in a sea

i dont like tongue piercings either,, weird to kiss and weird in other ways, definitely not better despite the propaganda and doesnt look good.. sometimes i think girls do that just to piss their dads off..


ICMag Donor
If I can smell you 300 feet away....errrr, not gonna work....lol.

Personally... tats are a non-issue. Both my parents have ink...

I knew as a small child I would someday as well...always knew; just never knew what they would be...

I do prefer, however, they be out of everyday view...for mostly professional reasons and to avoid the wayward eye of the law. I agree, visible tatoos are fine, but they still have implications, and are a VERY easily "ID badge" for others...folks remeber the individuals with "xxxxxx" on their "xxxxxx"....



i think tongue peircings are beyond disgusting,and that trend seems to be kinda over,girls were getting them left and right a few years ago,glad i never got one,the whole idea was it makes bjs "way better" for guys,like eew lol..lmao girls with daddy issues are fun??fun for you maybe,not her!dank.frank na you wont PHYSICALLY smell it lol,its all subconciously,pheromones,sweat,all that..why do you think guys say girls smell so good,and vice versa..

kinda like when a female steals her mans shirt,or hugs the pillow he just slept on,and guys,,they..steal..other things lol ( guys are disgusting lmao!)

i can def respect some of the naysayers,who like to be against the mainsstream,,i def like people who think for themselves,its just for women its ALOT harder,since mainstream media literally PUMPS sooooo much at us,since the time that were born,its pink dresses,barbies,makeup,etc etccc...the media is MUCH tougher on women than guys,sad but true.


ICMag Donor
And to be a animal killing, gun weilding, car loving, muscle building, hair parting, suit wearing, million dollar earning, etc....ken doll...

Yes - women have it soooooo much easier....bah. Can't remember the last man I met whose looks alone allowed him to do nothing but shop, hire a nanny, and pretend to be a parent...

The whole construct of it being easier or harder for one sex than another - is absurb. The difference is variable based on individual personalities - some people cave to societal pressures and other asert that self and individual thought dictate behavioral outcome...

>>not a sheep<<



the whole idea was it makes bjs "way better" for guys

..only a man knows how to truly please a man, ask a Fluffer



Active member
i had a girlfriend once say she snuggled with my shirt while i was out fishing on the boat commercially. i got rid of her soon as i saw potential crazy stalker potential. man maybe i missed that one. i have never taken an smelled any of my girlfriends clothes. i did put a pair of panties on my head once but i think they were clean.
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Damn, it..... Craven!


We all are different that is for sure. I have a habit that when a female walks by that I find attractive... I tend to take a breath through my nose! Some women smell great and others I feel like one of those damn horses and almost curl my upper lip back.... Ooopps now I am embarrassed!

Well hell if Craven can do that shit like up above. I should be able to get away with that comment!



'morning guys lol,i just had my cofee with 2 teaspoons of my canola oil,well seee how this goes,hopefully itll be mellow lol

and supermanlives,naaa def not a stalker man,that meant she was into you,whyd you dump her??alot of my friends do this,including me,maybe not SNUGGLE with the shirt,but if the guy leaves his shirt in the room,we dont throw it in the closet,we keep it around where we can see it..cus it reminds us of him lol..and LMAOO a "i put them on my head"..like wtf??lol..

and sacred bruh trust me what im talking about you wont physically smell,like you will LIKE how she smells,but you wont really know why..thats why alot of pro-matchmakers tell women and men NOT to shower themselves with perfume,cus it robs the natural smell away..


Active member
i guess i was young an dumb. had a few stalker girlfriends and was trying to avoid any more. back then i thought it was really weird.

h^2 O

i guess i was young an dumb. had a few stalker girlfriends and was trying to avoid any more. back then i thought it was really weird.

oh fuck! i thought i was alone! im being stalked too, right now...we need a vctms group. Bitch is nutz


ICMag Donor
There is a dating "event" ....where folks bring in a worn shirt, pillow case, etc..

They are collected then placed out randomly for smelling by all attendees. Then you pick a date based only on the smell you like / are attracted to...

I understand the construct just fine...

I PREFER to use ALL my senses....lol. ;)



Well-known member

i think a mans worries should arise, once his used durex get "snuggled" with ;) (at least my would)



that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Any chick with a cursive script tattoo, or one on the wrist-> look out. Im thinking there should be a field guide for chicks with their tattoos...

page 8 for example:

Boob tattoos-> can be anything on the boobs. This is a sure sign that this woman has a lover/husband/baby daddy who is in prison. ONe of two things will happen, you will get his STD and wear that for life, or he will get released and come beat the snot out of you. Unless this chick got the boob tattoo in your presence, do yourself a favor and get the hell away from her now!


Any chick with a cursive script tattoo, or one on the wrist-> look out. Im thinking there should be a field guide for chicks with their tattoos...

page 8 for example:

Boob tattoos-> can be anything on the boobs. This is a sure sign that this woman has a lover/husband/baby daddy who is in prison. ONe of two things will happen, you will get his STD and wear that for life, or he will get released and come beat the snot out of you. Unless this chick got the boob tattoo in your presence, do yourself a favor and get the hell away from her now!

Page 9
Neck tattoos
If youve only seen this chick twice in yer life both times in a week and she comes strolling up with your name tattooed on her neck, just above where it says "bobbys girl",,,,HAUL ASS and dont stop till ya get to LA

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