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Would you get A WEED tattoo??


^^^^ think you tagged it on the head there Super. There are all kinds of things people do on the outside that indicates whats on the inside.

Not one of the pictures above shows the full outside of the person. I have seen some heavy women that are beautiful... and I have seen some very in shape ones that are ugly as hell. The woman who is heavy above is showing more than just being over weight clothing, hair, style, even some of what is in her mind. Only, inferences but that is where we start.

I myself don't mind if a woman partakes of the Sacraments and actually prefer it... but smoking is a different issue. Think it has some to do with what I infer is in her mind. That is just my preference and opinion so am not sayin' anyone else should think it or live it.



Can't argue with that Iron. There are definitely quality girls out there with ink. It's just a matter of taste, what turns you on, and what you are looking for in a person.

As far as tattoos, specifically a tramp stamp, being indicative of quality of a woman... I agree to a point. That alone is not definitive. To me it certainly points in a direction, but you need to add up other things about her. There are lots of 'good' girls that have them.


so no smoking?what weed or cigarretes?iv found that alot of guys prefer girls who DONT smoke weed..

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I find most girls pretend they like a guy who does not smoke weed. There needs to be a weed dating web sight. too bad it would get filled with cops looking for an easy bust. (did you catch the horrible easy bust pun)


lmao^^im soo lame i had to read the sentence like 3 times,and na i could care less if the guy smokes or drinks,unless hes like a party freak 24/7..then naa its a HUGE turnoff


^^^ cigarettes in particular........ Cannabis occasionally is not an issue. I prefer not to smoke it myself for health reasons. Anything being burnt and sucked into a part of your body that has an area with 1 cell wall thickness between smoke and blood is not such a good idea for way to numerous of reasons to count.

Since a kid, I never did like smoking the Sacrament. Know it will sound weird to those that don't care or never gave it a thought. To me.... it just seems like it is some what counter to all that Cannabis is about. Many of my circle of friends were much the same way about smoking as apposed to Cannabis smoking or both. My most significant relationships, the women were much the same as yourself.... they don't care either way but usually they would only partake occasionally.

On the original topic.... I find nicely done art work an embellishment to beautiful decor rather than a detractor to the original beauty whether it is on a wall or on a beautiful woman. However, I find what I call skin graffiti not very appealing.



^^that only applies if your going around assaulting and robbing people and shit,why would somebody need to id you lol???if thats the case,then tats are the least of your worries

and no,tatoos have been around literally for thousands of years,in many different cultures around the world,its a form of ART,letting your body be the canvass,and letting you put something meaningful on your body.i agree the trashy ones are lame and wannabish..like "cherry" "tribals" etc...those are lame,

and nothing is pop culture,so do you smoke weed??its pop culture cus its on the tv,and its "cool"...so you like "jersey shore"??boo your pop culture mainstream,you like anything relevant?pop culture,do you like wild kinky sex?or porn??THATS pop culture,that kind of thinking has only been around for like half a century..

the point is,its only pop culture if YOU think it is,you shouldnt care whether something is pop culture or not,do it if it makes you happy,

Don't you have a skull tat? That's pretty lame too. Everyone was getting that shit several years ago.


Active member
party freak . lol i dont wanna be 89 and forgetting my name. i drink and smoke whenever i want and as much as i want. thats how i roll. i plan on leaving a good looking corpse. i didnt wear any makeup when i was alive i dont want any when i am dead lol. an no crying ,nuthin but partying and clouds of smoke
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Shit Hash.... just saw your post.....

Shit Hash.... just saw your post.....

I find most girls pretend they like a guy who does not smoke weed. There needs to be a weed dating web sight. too bad it would get filled with cops looking for an easy bust. (did you catch the horrible easy bust pun)

I just searched the other day... there is one! I think nationally they have 2 women. Damn, it! The search continues............



Active member
i like women that smoke occasionally. all my girlfriends have been this way, they can smoke the popcorn and the stuff i forget about LOL grow some sativas too so they dont stay on couch when ya dont want em to.

lost in a sea

^^^ if she smokes she pokes :D

if i saw a lady and she had tattoos that were either generic or inane i would probably assume she was bit poorly educated or a bit simple.. people judge..


ICMag Donor
Nothing worse than coming home to find out the special lady friend cleaned out your keif tray... ;)

I don't understand why it is WRONG to "judge" a woman or man STRICTLY on looks alone...

Fact is, we only have five sense...and sight is the ONLY one we can use IMMEDIATELY from across the room....or hearing perhaps, but that is FAR too subjective and can easily be mistaken - ie sexy voice vs visual appeal.

And is it not judgemental, in the same light, to assume one is foul/piggish for having their own opinion/preference... ???

I like what I like - if it isn't you - get over yourself. I've been turned down for all sorts of reasons - doean't make me less of who I am...nor does a favorable result elevate. My sense of self worth is not tied to another...

So it is only ones personal thoughts and self issues that allow for another to belittle them. The problem lies within...quit displacing your issues because someone dared to vocalize what you already knew/believed.

All terms are used in the general sense, and not directed at any one person...



lol i SMOKE,but i have VERY low tolerance,like i cant smoke a whole joint to myself,i usually smoke like a quarter or half a j,cus i can and do get paranoid or even dizzy.im FINE with my low tolerance,i honestly cant see how people go crazy for extremely potent strains lol..i like being mellow and chilling home,high,but not freaking out..the only times i DO smoke very potent strains,and entire blunts of it,is when i cant sleep,i have allergies,or during that time of the month,to just straight up knockout and make the days pass faster lol

and na i dont really drink,i HATE the hangovers,plus i have made bad decisions when drunk..so i dont really party like that anymore


Can't argue with that Iron. There are definitely quality girls out there with ink. It's just a matter of taste, what turns you on, and what you are looking for in a person.

As far as tattoos, specifically a tramp stamp, being indicative of quality of a woman... I agree to a point. That alone is not definitive. To me it certainly points in a direction, but you need to add up other things about her. There are lots of 'good' girls that have them.

I think a lot of chicks get them when they are young and crazy.

I dont think as many are going out at forty, when they are a mother of 4 with a mini van to get one. any woman that is getting tramp stamped at 40 is probably questionable.

If you like the straight and narrow church type tattoo's probably aren't what you'd be looking for.

I don't mind if a girl has a lot of ink so long as they are nice quality tattoo's. Prison style ink is not a turn on. But to me tattoo's are not a deciding factor, if they have them cool but as long as she's hot I wouldn't care if they had one or none.


lmao,dont make fun of me,but i LOVE smoking the popcorn and budtrim lol,just enough buzz,but not too much,and dankfrank i agree 100%,except that humans use their sense of smell also,subconciously,but we still use it to find a potential mate.


Active member
i dont judge women at all. but if they are fat,stinky or ugly i dont want any.i preferr average women myself . huge boobs and butts dont do much for me personally.
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do piercings go with ink? always seems to and im really not a fan of that..

iv never been a fan of piercings,idk why,they DO kinda go hand in hand,especially if the person getting it is emo,"scene" for the younger crowd,or hipster for the older crowd..idk am not into piercings,all i got is my belly piercing and my ears,and i rarely use a belly ring lol,i CRINGE when i see the nose piercings and the nipples and shit,OUCHHHH!@!!:tumbleweed:


Active member
i have no opinion on piercings yet.i got an earring once when i met 2 young frisky women. i remember an ice cube and an sterilized needle and woke up next day with earring and 2 naked women. i pulled out earring next day and let it close.long time ago.i would prob get a prince albert if your hot enough lol