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wikileaks assange gets political asylum


Damn, alot more assange haters here than I imagined. Even though he was granted asylum, UK ha not granted safe passage.
You gotta love how government calls for transparency and then condemns 2 men for making information available.

I know how I would feel if the gov gave me some bs story on how my loved one died, only to find a video later on what really happened.

For any gov. to hid their dirty laundry under the veil of classfied information is criminal.

The real sadness is this:
Even though the criminals have been exposed, the american people have yet to call for actions to be taken against these powers that be.

*note to self, get all typing done before wake n bake!!!!

And someone made a comment about oppressive governments, fuck guys, i dont know any more oppressive than the USA.

You have states voting on legalizing cannabis, and the fed gov. just says " we dont give a fuck what you want or what you vote for, we are doing things our way.

Such a sad set of affairs, I do hope wikileaks continues, and i do look forward to the supposed material that assange has hidden for when he is extradited.

davie blah

I think the guy's a class A piece of shit & I'd pull the switch on his ass any day, cryin', kickin', screaming n' fussing for ASSylum he's suddenly sucking up HARD to any govt willing to allow him to stay, not such a smart mother fucker these days is he???

cock sucker thought he'd be some sort of digital hero, now he's a digital ZERO.......


Andinismo Hierbatero
why you going ecuador or venezuela anyway? wanna get shot by a gun manufactured in america or something lol

this is what's wrong with all the tin-foil hat kids crew of icmag.

they do not know anything.

Venezuela buys fire arms from Rusia, not U.S.

Bolivarian Militias sport AK-47s.

enough said.


Andinismo Hierbatero
If you dont understand the politics of correa in ecudor and chavez in venuzeula - I dont expect you to understand my comment ... and some of the reasoning why ecudor granted asylum

Applaud a kidnapping - now that is funny ... especially in these circumstances

The reason why civilized society has rules ... law ... and order ... is so that no one can run amok ... cause chaos ... threaten society ... and worse

In this case - there is a law in place in the UK ... that says the police from the UK can enter an embassy of another country in the UK - when that embassy is no longer being used as an embassy ... when its being used for other activities

Ass - ange has had his day(s) in court ... and the courts in the UK have ruled against him ... he is the be extradited to Sweden to answer to sex crimes victims say he committed

Why is Assange afraid to defend himself in these cases ? ... what do his legal problems in Sweden have to do with anything else ? ... why is ecudor interfering in the legal process of the EU ? ... and why would ecudor want to protect him ?

I applaud the rule of law - especially in this case

If that scares you - sorry

This is not even close to " kidnapping " ... its more like following the rule of law ... and making a pussy go to Sweden - which he refuses to do ... and answer for/to his alleged crimes


the thing is that the tin foil hat kids crew of icmag is not able to distinguish between the guy releasing info and the guy being accused of sex crimes.

he's not wanted in Sweden because he leaked X or Y document, he's being wanted because of alledged sex crimes.

easy to understand...

but not, it must all be a secret conspiracy run by an obscure rabbi and obama lol...

with them, if it looks like shit, smells like shit, feels like shit, tastes like shit, it must be high quality chocolate getting bad rep from the secret cabal lol


why you going ecuador or venezuela anyway? wanna get shot by a gun manufactured in america or something lol

I am not going - wont let my family or friends go either ... there are many much more beautiful, peaceful, fun and interesting countries to visit

this is what's wrong with all the tin-foil hat kids crew of icmag.

they do not know anything.

Venezuela buys fire arms from Rusia, not U.S.

Bolivarian Militias sport AK-47s.

enough said.

I will add

chavez of venezuela - spent US $3-5 billion to build russian arms and ammunition in venezuela ... when the entire country is starving ... and the economy has come to a standstill

You cant find basic items like milk and sugar to buy

venezula GDP is among the lowest in the world ... iran and hezbolah call venezula home ... venezuela has become the murder (or one of them) capital of the world ... and many of the brightest, most productive people of venezuela and their families took their money, and left the country - some of the tour highlights

chavez of venezuela ... and correa of ecudor are friends - if chavez stops short ... correa will be a mlle up chavez's asshole


For anyone unsure of whether the charges are real or false here's the last few paragraphs of a Guardian article written after they had seen official Swedish police documents.
"We understand that both complainants admit to having initiated consensual sexual relations with Mr Assange. They do not complain of any physical injury. The first complainant did not make a complaint for six days (in which she hosted the respondent in her flat [actually her bed] and spoke in the warmest terms about him to her friends) until she discovered he had spent the night with the other complainant.

"The second complainant, too, failed to complain for several days until she found out about the first complainant: she claimed that after several acts of consensual sexual intercourse, she fell half asleep and thinks that he ejaculated without using a condom – a possibility about which she says they joked afterwards.

"Both complainants say they did not report him to the police for prosecution but only to require him to have an STD test. However, his Swedish lawyer has been shown evidence of their text messages which indicate that they were concerned to obtain money by going to a tabloid newspaper and were motivated by other matters including a desire for revenge."

full article - http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/dec/17/julian-assange-sweden

Bit of an old article but still contains more details than newer politically spun articles.

Hey at least weed is legal in Uruguay


Andinismo Hierbatero
We all respect the law on cannabis forums

one thing is to disregard an unjust law in a civil manner, an unjust law that cannot be held to be true through either humanistic or scientific argumentation, such as cannabis prohibition.

another thing is to expose recklessly sensitive information that has placed people's lives in actual danger; hence why doing so is illegal.

growing a beneficial plant hurts no one; on the other hand, leaking sensitive information in regards national security of several countries...

two very different ball games that cannot be compared.


I love my life

Now I remember once again - why I dont waste my time posting or answering shit like this

What country do you live in ?

America, UK - has a special place for those who dont respect the law

I am glad I dont ... and will never live in your definition of society

Ass-ange is wanted for rape - he is going to Sweden ... hope the UK goes in, and puts an end this shit today


If you can not surmise the country in which I was born and live (see my sig.), then I have to question your legal analysis and comments on nations around the world.

You can not live in my definition of society because it requires an open mind.

If lying about using birth control to a sexual partner nullifies consent and turns sex into rape: THEN I want to see your EVIL version of society to start charging pregnant women with rape. Did she miss her pill that day, but still screw? RAPE!!!! She tricked that man into sex under false pretenses and needs to be arrested!!!!!!

Going to guess that there are as many women lying about using birth control as there are men. If it is only the Assange who faces rape yet thousands of other cases happen every year, then the thin veneer of your "civilization" is gone.

If you want to straight out murder him because you think your moral code is better than his, then MURDER him don't come spouting off about rape. What a small minded sheep argument this no condom business is.



I love my life
another thing is to expose recklessly sensitive information that has placed people's lives in actual danger; hence why doing so is illegal.

No fucking way here.

If these documents have the potential to harm humans THEN the GOVERNMENTS who CREATED the documents are responsible. Perhaps governments of the world should refrain from creating documents that can lead to death?

The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution covers everything Bradley or Assange did. Any law to the contrary is immoral and void as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL violation of the 1st amendment.

Hence publishing ANYTHING your human mind can print, copy, write, say, sing, or illustrate is 100% LEGAL. Your moral compass may have refrained you from publishing sensitive documents; that does not however give your the moral authority to cage someone for their publications.



Andinismo Hierbatero
No fucking way here.

If these documents have the potential to harm humans THEN the GOVERNMENTS who CREATED the documents are responsible. Perhaps governments of the world should refrain from creating documents that can lead to death?

The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution covers everything Bradley or Assange did. Any law to the contrary is immoral and void as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL violation of the 1st amendment.

Hence publishing ANYTHING your human mind can print, copy, write, say, sing, or illustrate is 100% LEGAL. Your moral compass may have refrained you from publishing sensitive documents; that does not however give your the moral authority to cage someone for their publications.


you ask a good question; why are these sort of documents being written?

they are written to keep records of what has been done; when the information contained within them ceases to pose a threat to certain groups of people, they are de-classified. and we have plenty of such examples.

now, if the leaks were about corruption and things of the sort, I'd agree they should be published, as I believe in transparency and I really disagree with government stealing money from the people. 100% agree.

however, when the leaks contain sensitive material in regards security, then I don't think someone should be able to publish such info just because the leaker disagrees with X or Y issue.

maybe you're right in that it all comes down to the individual's moral compass and not the law per se.


all wikileaks would have needed to do is redact names and locations of informants, ect.
but they didnt, the published everything wholesale

they claim to be journalist but they arent...

one of the first things ur taught in schools of journalism is journalistic ethics...

wikileaks serves an important function but those that work there need to step there game up and appreciate the consequences of their actions...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Mentor badge huh?

10K posts of mentoring and all I can learn from you is hate.

I really wish you smoked more. The irony of "digital ZERO" is palpable. At least you and I are better than that Julian guy ;)


and you need a badge that reads TROLL, your post has nothing to do with the thread, it is an attack on me, please notice that until I respond to YOU every post I'd made here dealt with what I thought of ASSange and not the members who favored him as I hold their opinions in fine regard even while not agreeing with them.

so now this post is all about you hydrosun.

in regards to my mentors badge:
It still allows my OPINION on anything here, even hateful ones!
It DIDN'T come w/instructions to play nice/nice with ASSange.
It DOES NOT say 'Doormat' so don't tread on me, still.

stop trolling me, you sorta suck at it. I stopped you last time by posting your own hypocrisies in a thread, that certainly wouldn't be difficult for me to do again.

and jesus christ! stop telling everyone that they need to smoke more whenever they don't agree with you, it's just another petty way of yours for putting someone down here, you do that crap all the time.......


I love my life
I think we agree. I would not cage you for publishing documentation of government corruption yet the GOVERNMENTS would.

It always scares me to see members of this community calling for a cage because of a non violent NON CRIME. Because if this group of schedule I drug law breakers are willing to cage their neighbors then where is there anywhere left for an individual to be left FREE?



Andinismo Hierbatero
I think we agree. I would not cage you for publishing documentation of government corruption yet the GOVERNMENTS would.

It always scares me to see members of this community calling for a cage because of a non violent NON CRIME. Because if this group of schedule I drug law breakers are willing to cage their neighbors then where is there anywhere left for an individual to be left FREE?


the thing is that some of the documents did leak info that can potentially, and perhaps has already, produced violence and death.

that's why there's many people who want to see this guy in a cage.


I love my life
and jesus christ! stop telling everyone that they need to smoke more whenever they don't agree with you, it's just another petty way of yours for putting someone down here, you do that crap all the time.......

And I sir am not a doormat either. HOWEVER if you can point out my hypocrisies I would appreciate it.

I am trying to drive hypocrisy out of my mind and belief structure.

I feel that smoking cannabis leads to an open mind and less hypocrisy and that is why I ask fellow members to smoke more.




Active member
i hope he stays free and continues to release all the stuff he gets his hands on. unless he committed sex crimes.


I love my life
the thing is that some of the documents did leak info that can potentially, and perhaps has already, produced violence and death.

that's why there's many people who want to see this guy in a cage.

The US Government and its agents promote death around the world on a daily basis, yet there in no call to cage the thugs.

We know the US Government ACTUALLY disappears people around the world, so why should any of us care if this one lone man MAY publish a document that jeopardises the RED WHITE and BLUE cia killers around the world? Isn't it the job of the killers to keep these documents out of his hands in the first place?



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
And I sir am not a doormat either. HOWEVER if you can point out my hypocrisies I would appreciate it.

I am trying to drive hypocrisy out of my mind and belief structure.

I feel that smoking cannabis leads to an open mind and less hypocrisy and that is why I ask fellow members to smoke more.

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OK, here it is. you trolled me AND treated me like a doormat, literally, on your way into the discussion you wiped your feet on me as:


your very first post in this thread still has NOTHING to do with any of the issues and goes after me specifically, including that mentor badge non-sense.

How's this? I'll look around and see when you post in someone's grow thread and then instead of choosing what might be 'the other side' of the discussion @ hand I'll just come in and start unloading on you personally for whatever I don't like about you!

is that getting through your thick skull yet?

that's EXACTLY what you did to me here, nothing more & nothing less. you 'Sir' are a TROLL.

it was as easy to prove this time as it was the last time Hydrotroll.......

btw, not only won't I discuss ASSange anymore here I'll certainly not be back to debate with you about you either troll.


I love my life
At least you have the balls to quote your full hate post that I responded to.

Your's was a VERY personal and mean spirited attack on Mr. Assange and I disagree with your point of view, so I made a much LESS personal attack on someone who LABELS them self a mentor.

Your childish behavior of claiming the moral high ground while simultaniously acting like a thug is funny. I could care less if you discuss ANYTHING with me. As I said earlier, you appear full of hate so I will get my mentoring elsewhere.

Feel free to follow me from thread to thread and be a BOLD ass hat, however I will respond with words because just like Mr. Assange, I am NOT a smart mother fucker ;)

Also feel free to post my hypocrisy, you forgot to do that and I was really looking forward to it.


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