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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Game Bred
As for the mexi brick weed... that is NOT a Cali problem. You guys are so saturated with local stuff you don't have to deal with that. In the Midwest we have that shit everywhere. It is easy to find and you have to really work at networking to find anything that is real quality. That isn't relevant to the CA situation, but it is relative to the global one. The Cartels are making huge bank selling there shit in areas where the local scene is less prevelent. That is part of the big push for the med scene that the gov doesn't understand. You can get weed, but it may be moldy or otherwise less healthy. You can't just make a couple of calls and grab a bag of the kine. These people have to make do with whatever they can get and it is hard to find anything worthwhile sometimes.

LH, I like that you are part of this discussion.l I truly feel that you are trying to get the answers to your questions but I don't think you are following the logic that people are throwing your way. Prop 19 does nothing for or against med patients. The point of the prop is to allow recreational access for people over 21 just like alcohol. It is that simple and it is reasonable to the masses. I would rather see college age kids smoking than drinking, but that is because I have intimate knowledge of the plant that a lot of voters don't have. 19 doesn't affect medical use for those under 21. This isn't people picking between 215 and 19! 19 has HUGE benefits for those who simply want to smoke and grow a little bit. 215 doesn't offer any protection at the workplace that 19 does, 215 doesn't allow for hemp production and 19 does. 215 doesn't make it legal to use but it does offer a defense. 19 makes it legal to all but the feds.

There is no guarantee that there will ever be another opportunity for ANY form of legalization. If this fails it will be seen as CA doesn't want to legalize. That is it. For another prop to make it to the ballot it will take a lot of support and a lot of money. This either means that corporations have to fund it or citizens. THEN if it is a citizen funded prop it would still have to fix the societal problems with MJ. Crime, street dealing, kids smoking, etc. If those things aren't addressed then people wont vote or even sign the prop to get it to the ballot. This bill assimilates pot to alcohol and people understand that and are comfortable with how that works. 25 sq ft, 1 oz on your person, nobody under 21, increased penalties for selling to kids... that is what that stuff is in there for. People won't vote for a prop any other way.

This is not a corporate hand out. If it was it would specify how things shake out but it doesn't. It only specifies that production and sales need to be regulated. How is this bad? They are not going to write one law and try to make everyone squeeze into it! Then you guys would really be bitching. This puts control into the hands of the local people!!!

There is nothing about taxes! If they jack them up too high, nothing will change. This is business 101! The legal weed has to compete with the blackmarket weed and price and quality will be important factors in that.

It is a drug dude. Nobody is going to vote for a prop that just lets people grow whatever/wherever they want. That is old-school hippie thought pattern and it simply isn't realistic in today's society. There will always be laws that prevent people from producing a saleable quantity and from selling to whomever they want. there will be health concerns and manufacturing facility safety concerns. This needs to be regulated!

Again, this is not going to ever be a situation where the masses will condone huge ops in your home for anything other than a medical need. If you can produce pounds per week you would only do so to sell it. If you had 6 1000w HPS's in your basement there is a good chance a person may not install them safely and burn down your whole neighborhood. Have you ever looked at a "my new grow room" thread? Geese...

OP: So I just got 4 sunsystem superlamps and I keep blowing my fuse! What do I due?
1st response: Just power down the main and replace the circuit with a 20 amp and you will be fine!
2nd response: yeah, my friend's uncle did that and he grows some awesum budz man!

3rd Response:
(only ever on IC) NO!!! You can't replace the circuit without upgrading the wire!!! Run a couple of 12ga wires to the grow with groundfoault outlets and install a sub panel off your main panel with 2 separate 20 amp lines. Run 2 lights into each 20 and you will be fine! DON"T ever put more juice through the old wire in your home than was inteneded or you will have a fire!!!
OP: I just replace the breaker with a 20 amp and it works great :greenstars:

We've all seen these threads right? So anybody here thinks that it would be good for the public safety to just let people start throwing multiple HPS's in their basement? I don't! That is another good reason for the smaller personal garden. If it was open ended then there would certainly have to be inspections and that is where commercial takes over! A prop that allows for a large personal garden is simply not going to pass through public vote and it would ultimately cause more trouble for the people doing personal grows. Outdoor is a little different certainly in the safety department... A small garden is less likely to need inspections. 25 sq ft is very reasonable for a personal grow. If you don't know how to grow smaller or grow perpetual, then just read the forums here. It is super simple and a lot of fun. You can even easily grow full sized indoor plants in that size garden. Just look around and see.

Why place restriction on that? This is no problem. LEO isn't going to go snooping around your house, and they aren't going to be busting people for smoking in apartment buildings. That is all unrealistic fear mongering. They simply don't want people smoking at the playground where kids are playing or in enclosed places where kids might get second hand smoke. This isn't an unrealistic thing is it? Do you think leo is going to have any other ideas? They want kids to be safe, that is it. Why would you want clarification on exactly what a space is? Don't smoke around kids... simple.

There is nowhere in the sections pertaining to personal consumption that says that local gov can make changes to what is written in the prop. There are great protections there that are wriotten in stone. In order for them to change these thing there would have to be a new prop voted by the people, right? Only in the comercial sections does it talk about local legislation making the rules.

Having the ability for legislative amendments on commercial and retail aspects is a good thing! So you want them to make 1 rule to fit the whole state? I am sure that most wouldn't like it whatever it was. You have the ability to write your own laws for commercial and retail by working within your individual community. Again, I hope people are out putting together proposed commercial laws NOW for their local government. Think of what they want and what you want and propose legislation to them. It won't be hard to get them to hear your feelings on it especially if you come to them as a group that is looking to find realistic solutions that are fair for all involved.

This prop CLEARLY states the rules for personal consumption, personal possession, and personal production. These things are written firmly with plenty of teeth. From a commercial and retail end it simply opens the doors, AND opens the doors for hemp production. This prop protects workers from being fired for smoking on their own time. It prevents leo from busting or hassling people who follow the rules. This prop gives all the proper rights to the consumer. The rest has yet to be written... what is the problem with that? It is a great start and it is TRUE legalization because it protects people from prosecution for personal use while doing nothing to take away MMJ rights.

Again it isn't perfect for anyone. It involves a lot of compromise, but to understand the intend you really need to put yourselves in the shoes of others and try to see it from theri standpoint. I get the feeling LH that you are looking at this whole thing from a very narrow minded standpoint. If you want people to vote for a legalization prop of any sort it has to appeal to the masses. Certainly you can understand that!


:tiphat::thank you:



Great job on that breakdown. I think you addressed many valid concerns out there. After the haze clears, we just need the people that are unsure to get answers they need to be informed. We aren't changing the minds of those who have motives for continued prohibition. It's all about $$ for them and if you cant guarantee that they will be a giant player in the post 19 world, they wont support it.

What do P.O.S. correctional officers(babysitters) and growers who dont support 19 have in common?
Let's offer to re-train the soon-to-be-unemployed babysitters to do something constructive. So much infrastructure to repair. So much honest law enforcement work could be done.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
As for the mexi brick weed... that is NOT a Cali problem. You guys are so saturated with local stuff you don't have to deal with that. In the Midwest we have that shit everywhere. It is easy to find and you have to really work at networking to find anything that is real quality. That isn't relevant to the CA situation, but it is relative to the global one. The Cartels are making huge bank selling there shit in areas where the local scene is less prevelent. That is part of the big push for the med scene that the gov doesn't understand. You can get weed, but it may be moldy or otherwise less healthy. You can't just make a couple of calls and grab a bag of the kine. These people have to make do with whatever they can get and it is hard to find anything worthwhile sometimes.

LH, I like that you are part of this discussion.l I truly feel that you are trying to get the answers to your questions but I don't think you are following the logic that people are throwing your way. Prop 19 does nothing for or against med patients. The point of the prop is to allow recreational access for people over 21 just like alcohol. It is that simple and it is reasonable to the masses. I would rather see college age kids smoking than drinking, but that is because I have intimate knowledge of the plant that a lot of voters don't have. 19 doesn't affect medical use for those under 21. This isn't people picking between 215 and 19! 19 has HUGE benefits for those who simply want to smoke and grow a little bit. 215 doesn't offer any protection at the workplace that 19 does, 215 doesn't allow for hemp production and 19 does. 215 doesn't make it legal to use but it does offer a defense. 19 makes it legal to all but the feds.

There is no guarantee that there will ever be another opportunity for ANY form of legalization. If this fails it will be seen as CA doesn't want to legalize. That is it. For another prop to make it to the ballot it will take a lot of support and a lot of money. This either means that corporations have to fund it or citizens. THEN if it is a citizen funded prop it would still have to fix the societal problems with MJ. Crime, street dealing, kids smoking, etc. If those things aren't addressed then people wont vote or even sign the prop to get it to the ballot. This bill assimilates pot to alcohol and people understand that and are comfortable with how that works. 25 sq ft, 1 oz on your person, nobody under 21, increased penalties for selling to kids... that is what that stuff is in there for. People won't vote for a prop any other way.

This is not a corporate hand out. If it was it would specify how things shake out but it doesn't. It only specifies that production and sales need to be regulated. How is this bad? They are not going to write one law and try to make everyone squeeze into it! Then you guys would really be bitching. This puts control into the hands of the local people!!!

There is nothing about taxes! If they jack them up too high, nothing will change. This is business 101! The legal weed has to compete with the blackmarket weed and price and quality will be important factors in that.

It is a drug dude. Nobody is going to vote for a prop that just lets people grow whatever/wherever they want. That is old-school hippie thought pattern and it simply isn't realistic in today's society. There will always be laws that prevent people from producing a saleable quantity and from selling to whomever they want. there will be health concerns and manufacturing facility safety concerns. This needs to be regulated!

Again, this is not going to ever be a situation where the masses will condone huge ops in your home for anything other than a medical need. If you can produce pounds per week you would only do so to sell it. If you had 6 1000w HPS's in your basement there is a good chance a person may not install them safely and burn down your whole neighborhood. Have you ever looked at a "my new grow room" thread? Geese...

OP: So I just got 4 sunsystem superlamps and I keep blowing my fuse! What do I due?
1st response: Just power down the main and replace the circuit with a 20 amp and you will be fine!
2nd response: yeah, my friend's uncle did that and he grows some awesum budz man!

3rd Response:
(only ever on IC) NO!!! You can't replace the circuit without upgrading the wire!!! Run a couple of 12ga wires to the grow with groundfoault outlets and install a sub panel off your main panel with 2 separate 20 amp lines. Run 2 lights into each 20 and you will be fine! DON"T ever put more juice through the old wire in your home than was inteneded or you will have a fire!!!
OP: I just replace the breaker with a 20 amp and it works great :greenstars:

We've all seen these threads right? So anybody here thinks that it would be good for the public safety to just let people start throwing multiple HPS's in their basement? I don't! That is another good reason for the smaller personal garden. If it was open ended then there would certainly have to be inspections and that is where commercial takes over! A prop that allows for a large personal garden is simply not going to pass through public vote and it would ultimately cause more trouble for the people doing personal grows. Outdoor is a little different certainly in the safety department... A small garden is less likely to need inspections. 25 sq ft is very reasonable for a personal grow. If you don't know how to grow smaller or grow perpetual, then just read the forums here. It is super simple and a lot of fun. You can even easily grow full sized indoor plants in that size garden. Just look around and see.

Why place restriction on that? This is no problem. LEO isn't going to go snooping around your house, and they aren't going to be busting people for smoking in apartment buildings. That is all unrealistic fear mongering. They simply don't want people smoking at the playground where kids are playing or in enclosed places where kids might get second hand smoke. This isn't an unrealistic thing is it? Do you think leo is going to have any other ideas? They want kids to be safe, that is it. Why would you want clarification on exactly what a space is? Don't smoke around kids... simple.

There is nowhere in the sections pertaining to personal consumption that says that local gov can make changes to what is written in the prop. There are great protections there that are wriotten in stone. In order for them to change these thing there would have to be a new prop voted by the people, right? Only in the comercial sections does it talk about local legislation making the rules.

Having the ability for legislative amendments on commercial and retail aspects is a good thing! So you want them to make 1 rule to fit the whole state? I am sure that most wouldn't like it whatever it was. You have the ability to write your own laws for commercial and retail by working within your individual community. Again, I hope people are out putting together proposed commercial laws NOW for their local government. Think of what they want and what you want and propose legislation to them. It won't be hard to get them to hear your feelings on it especially if you come to them as a group that is looking to find realistic solutions that are fair for all involved.

This prop CLEARLY states the rules for personal consumption, personal possession, and personal production. These things are written firmly with plenty of teeth. From a commercial and retail end it simply opens the doors, AND opens the doors for hemp production. This prop protects workers from being fired for smoking on their own time. It prevents leo from busting or hassling people who follow the rules. This prop gives all the proper rights to the consumer. The rest has yet to be written... what is the problem with that? It is a great start and it is TRUE legalization because it protects people from prosecution for personal use while doing nothing to take away MMJ rights.

Again it isn't perfect for anyone. It involves a lot of compromise, but to understand the intend you really need to put yourselves in the shoes of others and try to see it from theri standpoint. I get the feeling LH that you are looking at this whole thing from a very narrow minded standpoint. If you want people to vote for a legalization prop of any sort it has to appeal to the masses. Certainly you can understand that!


One of the best posts I've ever read. Massive respect.


I can understand that. I especially liked the part about the 4 sunsystem superlamps.
Yeah, I thought we could all relate to that one!!! Difference between ICMag and other mj sites is that here there is always a kind soul who takes the time to call out the bullshit. Many sites people just leave it be and next thing you know the bs is regurgitated as gospel in another thread.



Originally Posted by zen_trikester
As for the mexi brick weed... that is NOT a Cali problem. ........etc.

Really good job, Jed. I think you nailed it!
Yeah, I see you are taking that as a small victory. I don't have statistics to back that claim up, but I know how you Cali guys roll. Maybe there is some of that schwank in the hood where people get off on $25 sacks IDK. From what I understand the cartels work differen't in your area. They just set up shop in a state forest and grow right in Cali, no? That isn't any better and money still goes to the cartels. Better weed though!



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Originally Posted by zen_trikester
As for the mexi brick weed... that is NOT a Cali problem. ........etc.

Yeah, I see you are taking that as a small victory. I don't have statistics to back that claim up, but I know how you Cali guys roll. Maybe there is some of that schwank in the hood where people get off on $25 sacks IDK. From what I understand the cartels work differen't in your area. They just set up shop in a state forest and grow right in Cali, no? That isn't any better and money still goes to the cartels. Better weed though!

Actually, I was referring to your whole post. I just abbreviated it because it looked like we were re-quoting it to bandwidth heaven. I thought the whole thing was excellent.


great post zen!

i do like the part about grow lights, that is true lol. and i did say im voting yes, but honestly you just dont sway me more to the yes side. its still a crappy prop. it will be a crappy prop. im voting yes because it will be seen as a referendum on pot if i dont. no other reason. aside from that very key perspective, 19 is a very weak proposition.

its not called "legalize and tax"

5x5 is crappy. whether or not you know how to build out a room or you dont, you can still easily start a fire in a 5x5 as you could in a 20x20. in fact someone putting the amount of money and thought it takes to build a 20x20 room is probably more likely to do it right than a yahoo plugging ballasts into his wall sockets. no matter how you slice it, 5x5 is too low a floor and too many people will be riding that floor.

yes 19 is a corporate hand out. it was written that way for a reason, by a guy who put up virtually all the money on his own. it was made to benefit him, his personal goals. r lee is a shrewd businessman, not a saint. the hook is the 1 ounce and non med 5x5 grows.

yes i understand that the 21 year old age restriction is inevitable. i understand the need to protect children. that would be standard in any cannabis prop.

the bill has no teeth. there will be dry counties. there is the ability to ammend the prop by legislature. there is no tax limit. a solid proposition would not have skirted all this.

if you think 19 wont be challenged by the feds, youre wrong. just because it allows the individual cities to decide whether they want to allow sales? thats still a violation of federal law. will it stand up? why not pose a real challenge to fed law? 19 is a side step skip.

if you think this prop will show the world how much tax cannabis can create, youre wrong again. too many dry counties will persist. there will be tax abuse, and people will just keep going to their med dispensaries.there will be high expectations with legalization. they wont be realized by 19 alone.

the only thing i like in this prop is the one ounce to carry. thats it, thats the only thing in there that even ressembles legalization.

the rest is, as the greeks would say, malaka.

to me its important to not be satisfied with 19. ive asked here if anyone would put up their own money on a prop after 19 passes. one person responded. thats not instilling any hope. that makes me feel like this is it, its 19, and once that happens its all we are gonna get. if thats the case, fuck it so be it. we were all just way too happy to jump on the first train that even hinted at legalization. what a dissapointment.


Freedom Fighter
great post zen!

i do like the part about grow lights, that is true lol. and i did say im voting yes, but honestly you just dont sway me more to the yes side. its still a crappy prop. it will be a crappy prop. im voting yes because it will be seen as a referendum on pot. no other reason. aside from that very key perspective, 19 is a very weak proposition.

its not called "legalize and tax"

5x5 is crappy. whether or not you know how to build out a room or you dont, you can still easily start a fire in a 5x5 as you could in a 20x20. in fact someone putting the amount of money and thought it takes to build a 20x20 room is probably more likely to do it right than a yahoo plugging ballasts into his wall sockets. no matter how you slice it, 5x5 is too low a floor and too many people will be riding that floor.

yes 19 is a corporate hand out. it was written that way for a reason, by a guy who put up virtually all the money on his own. it was made to benefit him, his personal goals. r lee is a shrewd businessman, not a saint. the hook is the 1 ounce and non med 5x5 grows.

yes i understand that the 21 year old age restriction is inevitable. i understand the need to protect children. that would be standard in any cannabis prop.

the bill has no teeth. there will be dry counties. there is the ability to ammend the prop by legislature. there is no tax limit. a solid proposition would not have skirted all this.

if you think 19 wont be challenged by the feds, youre wrong. just because it allows the individual cities to decide whether they want to allow sales? thats still a violation of federal law. will it stand up? why not pose a real challenge to fed law? 19 is a side step skip.

if you think this prop will show the world how much tax cannabis can create, youre wrong again. too many dry counties will persist. there will be tax abuse, and people will just keep going to their med dispensaries.there will be high expectations with legalization. they wont be realized by 19 alone.

the only thing i like in this prop is the one ounce to carry. thats it, thats the only thing in there that even ressembles legalization.

the rest is, as the greeks would say, malaka.

to me its important to not be satisfied with 19. ive asked here if anyone would put up their own money on a prop after 19 passes. one person responded. thats not instilling any hope. that makes me feel like this is it, its 19, and once that happens its all we are gonna get. if thats the case, fuck it so be it. we were all just way too happy to jump on the first train that even hinted at legalization. what a dissapointment.

What I might add to that, is that it allows you to keep all the harvests from your 5x5...so you can have unlimited at your house--
That was the Seller to me...it is the only thing that is greater than 215--
I still have a prob with the Language...it just reeks of future disputes for 215 related amendments--
I know most here will say that it "says" that it will not effect 215...but how many Laws have been Bastardized to fit a certain agenda??
Just saying...it could happen, and that is my concern--
I am "Pro 19"...but I do not back it 100%...I back it, but am wary--:tiphat:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Do you realize how much money it takes to pass something like this localhero? It's not that growers are happy with 19, it's that most of them don't have anywhere near the kind of money to get into something like this. And what's worst would be putting up thousands if dollars to some person you don't know to hope they have their shit together. Hell if Jack Herer, one of the most famous stoners couldn't raise $100k to get his iniative on the ballot, what chance would you or some other nobody have...?


im well aware of how much it costs to get something on the ballot. i used to run a campaign office that gathered sigs. yes its disheartening that it hasnt been done. i was thinking about how it could be done.

19 was qualified at 50 cents a sig at the street level. which is really low as far as sigs go, probably 1 buck was paid per when all is said and done, maybe more. it would cost around the same amount to qualify as 19.

money collected for a legalization prop would have to be taken with a stipulation that if the money goal was not reached within a certain time period, 95 cents on the dollar would be returned to the donator. that should cover the expenses of postage and handling and lawyer fees for writing the petition. i dunno maybe 90 cents? depends if you wanted to maintain a full time staff or use volunteers. maybe, give an insentive to donate a large amount, like any donation over 1000 dollars will be returned as stated if the goal wasnt reached. bottom line it has to be the type of donation that could be returned if the money wasnt raised.

that should make it easier for people to donate to. there is plenty of money in this industry as it stands, more than enough of a resource pool to collect from. one man made enough money alone to write 19...

edit-im not proposing i do this, or some other nobody lol, im proposing it can be done.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
That's NORMLs job. They couldnt do it. Jack Herer couldn't do it. Everyone acts like it's so easy, yet who's taken the plunge? Everyone is shitting on Lee right now, but he may go down as marijuana's most famous freedom fighter...


I think Im changing my vote to yes, fuck it, even if this bill sucks, it sticks it to the man and thats all that matters. Its gonna help more people than it hurts


dizzle werent you always a yes vote?

yeah herb youre right about that. no one except for mr lee was able to do shit. the money in the game in cali isnt organized, one man took charge. the big growers up north had all the time in the world. the dispensaries were more than happy to stick with the status quo. the community cant even decide on the story behind OG or what OG even stands for. makes perfect sense that some millionaire on a mission easily stepped over all of us and gave us the bird as he passed.


Good stuff guys! You are killing me here LH! 1 zip is for transport and "whatever you harvest" is for what you keep at home. Either way, thanks for you honesty. You seem to be a unique voice in all of this. Rives, sorry dude... Heart was pumpin and adrenaline was flowin. thanks for taking the time to clarify to me.

R. Lee is (must be) fully aware that the feds are going to come down on him. He is taking it in the shorts by fronting this prop, and by publicly dropping his stones on the $200,000 chopping block in Oakland. I don't know the guy, he is certainly a business man, but he is breaking new ground with all of this. Nobody else has ever gotten this far! One of two things will happen with Lee and the feds. Either we watch on TV as he is cuffed and stuffed, or he is ignored. If they let him be, then other states will join CA quickly. If he is taken away, then he will be watching as civil liberties and states rights are threatened. It will be a whole different type of shitstorm than we have ever seen before. I don't think the feds will just let it slide. This prop, if it passes, will be the single biggest blow to our nations drug policy in history. It will bring about talk of patriotism, state rights, will of the people and certainly the level of social acceptance for MJ. I can hardly wait!



Well-known member
dizzle was a no vote, the trends here seem positive

the discussion here is tough and realistic(sometimes), as it should be, this is a big step for cali voters(and for us hopeful out of staters)

as has been mentioned many times, a no vote could be devastating, what consequences could that bring?

if pro MJ forces can field propositions, why can't anti MJ forces field a proposition?

perhaps a no vote could embolden such a move, not that a repeal of 215 seems too likely, but maybe something to 'better regulate' 215
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