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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....



a couple of layers of sandwich wrap (aka Saran Wrap, PE film) is not enough as the contents will probably come out the other end with a bit of funky stink to it.

a better way to wrap and swallow is to wrap a couple of tight layers of Saran, wave a Bic lighter flame near it to "shrink wrap" it, repeat then insert each egg in tiny balloon, pull tight, knot it and then push the egg through again and knot it again, trim off the excess, down the gullet and you are set to run the guantlet...with two layers of wrap and two layers of latex there will be no funk happening next day. Try eating something with the eggs, especially if you are gulping down lots of them or you might get an upset stomache, for example eat something bland like mash potato. Also eat activated charcoal tablets with your eggs so they come out the other end much cleaner. For a big gut full of eggs, 1/2 a kilo or more, and a travelling duration of over 20 hours or so, eat half a tab of diarrhea medicine with the eggs to make sure you get to your destination without an "accident"..the professional runners also use large plugs of hash inserted in their whazoo to prevent a "blow out". Next day, a mesh bag. liquid soap and a shower hose will clean them up fast too.

but I wouldn't do it, not just because of the risk of jail (although it's definitely the safest way to carry), doing this can seriously fuck up your insides (so it becomes "outsides") if you haven't trained for it by expanding your capacity, knowing exactly what you are doing and knowing your body .....and anyway, is what amounts to a few months wages earned in a couple of days worth a few years in jail? not in my book
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Green Mujaheed
I agree with Chamba, swallowing eggs is just wrong. Good pictures guys, keep em coming

But sometimes it's alas the only way... ain't that a shame ?! about 10 years ago when i was living in Paris, some friend of mine had once a buddy back from India and the guy had stocked up in parvati valley and had actually swallowed one full kg ! He flew out from Delhi to Germany, then took a train to Paris. His belly was all swollen and painfull. That's just crazy, I would never do that with such a quantity. But he made good bucks. It was in the French Franc days and he sold it at 80 Francs per gram (makes about 12 euros), or 60 Francs if you took 100gr or more. But how risk taking, 1 kg is just too much...

That's a beautifull chunk of jungli you have here marco, looks very nice ! I like a lot the non-cream Malana charas, and if it's jungli, hmmmmm

Irie !


New member
thanks for the comments mriko, i hope to go to pakistan to arrange something soon,,, big respect for you and of course it's jungly;)

about the egg swallowers there's maroccan legendary guys whom i saw shit out more thank 1,5 kg lol...


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1.5 kgs of hash is impressive......one guy I saw did 1.5 kgs of Thai ganja which is a much larger amount than 1.5 kgs of hash which is half the size, and this was his first ever "run"..simply amazing. But this was a just a short jump from Bangkok to another Asian capital. The ganja was picked clean of sticks, stems and seeds, even the tiny little stems that were as thin as needles...this took hours and a kgs of compressed brick would end up being 0.5 or 0.6 kgs after cleaning, then the ganja was compressed into "bullets". A mist of alcohol is sprayed on the loose grass before compressing to make sure it stays compressed...some idiots use water, but then the bullets usually mold. We used to call them "bullets" as they were cylindrical in shape, with flat ends, not ovoid like the hash eggs above and were about 30 ~35 mm in length and 15 mm diameter. The length of my index finger was about an ounce worth...so I'm guessing 1.5 kgs of compressed ganja bullets would be roughly twice the size or a little less than 1.5 kgs of hash eggs!

This was back over 20 years ago, these runners, mostly young Aussie, English or American backpackers who were running low on money and wanted to stay an extra month or two on the beach in Thailand would risk 4 ~ 8 years in jail for a return plane ticket, spending and accommodation + a grand or two in their pocket and the thrill of doing it! madness!..I'd guess that there was a 100-1 chance of getting caught, this risk increased with each run they did as places like Japan, Taiwan etc were on the look out for runners! Japan airports used to (and probably still have) have an ultrasound machine to check young guys bellies travelling to Japan from Thailand. In Australia and Taiwan they take you to a hospital for xrays if they suspect you at the airport.

I knew a guy who made dozens of trips from HK to other Asians capitals with a suitcase with a basketball sized bag of chunky homemade necklaces (that were one inch diameter balls of hash, with 10 or 15 balls to a string necklace)..he used paint the hash balls himself..they looked so amateurish with wild colors and paint dribbles that I wondered how he ever got through...he never got caught and did it every month or so for a decade. lol another time the same guy just packed a bag of unpainted hash balls in with his luggage, they searched his bag and asked what these balls were?. He grabbed one, bit a chunk out of one and said "these are preserved prune confectionary, want one?, they are very nice" and got waved through. lol he had balls of steel and was as mad as a hatter...last I heard crystal meth had scrambled his brains, as it does.
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@ polle, danish smoker, and other danish hash-freaks... i love those caramellos... but what does the hash look like i can buy in christiania? is there also good quality going on or just soap-bar-style? do you need connections there to find such quality? what are the prices like? you mentioned it is very expensive?!
I'm asking because i want to visit christiania... and i don't know anybody there but want to buy high-grade maroccan. i found that picture... is there still such a variety and are that prices current?! :


@ polle, danish smoker, and other danish hash-freaks... i love those caramellos... but what does the hash look like i can buy in christiania? is there also good quality going on or just soap-bar-style? do you need connections there to find such quality? what are the prices like? you mentioned it is very expensive?!
I'm asking because i want to visit christiania... and i don't know anybody there but want to buy high-grade maroccan. i found that picture... is there still such a variety and are that prices current?! :
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New member
@ImakOne dont worry.
You dont need connections there. All the shops will sell you hash at Christiania.

I dont think that you can buy any soapbar at Christiania, i have never seen any there. There is alot of high-grade maroccan there :)

The prices are a bit higher than in the picture, but thats the same all over Europe i think from what is was 6-8 years back. The picture look like they are from before they tried to close Christiania.
The police still come out there, but as soon they are out the hash is back in all the shops.

Today everything is open at Christiania again, and you can get as good import hash as you get in Amsterdam.
I was in Amsterdam 2 weeks ago, and i did not find any import better than what you can buy in Christiania.

Have a smoke at Cafe Nemoland when you have found the smoke you want. There are allways alot of other people smoking there

Have a good trip to Denmark and Christiania.



Fappe is right.

I was there yesterday. Bought something called Honey Nepal. Dark, soft, delisiously smelling hash. Smoked very good too. Chilled out at Nemoland for a while too.

Damn it, I should have taken pictures of the hash.


Thx a lot guys! I'm really looking forward now to visit Denmark and Christiania...

Are the prices same as in Amsterdam or a little higher?

Can i smoke inside Cafe Nemoland? Is there still the Moonfisher Coffeeshop (i have heard of it and read sth in the internet....)

Is it easy to find such good hash there as polle posted in this thread?

I really would have loved to see a picture of your nice Nepal!



New member
The prices are the same as in Amsterdam, but if you buy 5-10g then it's cheaper on Christiania.

On Cafe Nemoland there is alot of outdoors places you can smoke, but you can not smoke indoors. But there will be alot of people smoking outdoor.

The Moonfisher are still there, but you cant smoke inside anymore.

I dont think it will be a problem to score hash on Christiania like the one Polle posted. Dont buy anything at the first shop, look around, and then return to the shops where you found what you were looking for. There are so mutch different hash on Christiania that all smokers should have no problem to find there kind of smoke.

Plenty variaties. Dont worry!! You won't get disapointed. You are allowed to be critical with the hashish they offer you. But with manner. They have the best hidden in their pockets ;) I would just like to point out - Look out for black hashish. Most them are fake hashish's or very bad ones. Quality ass kicking maroccan can beat anything and that amazing smell won't even make you think a second before you buy it.


Active member
Moroccan hash made with Indian strain..
Really couch-lock Indica buzz..







I have also some other Moroccan made with Jamaican and Mexican strain..I will post some pics as soon as possible..


Sweet Bered! Looks awesome and a nice tribute...

@ ImakOne: I just wanna stress one thing a bit more. LOOK AROUND :) Don't buy the first nice hash you see... Look around. Have fun!


New member
Thought I'd share some tips on shopping at Christiania. For the most part you can regard the price as an indicator of quality. Don't ask for x grams, ask how many grams you get for the amount of money you brought, and you'll usually get an offer. The more you buy for, the better the deal. Generally the dealers with larger selections will be more expensive. You can ask both about recommendations or about deals to be made, and if the guy isn't helpful, you can just go to someone else. I agree that you should watch out for "black" hash. It's been years since I've tried a Pakistani or Afghani hash that wasn't a complete disappointment (though Nepali and Kashmiri have often proved to be the real deal).

Also, nice pictures people. I'd contribute if my camera wasn't broken.
those are afghan/pakistan boarder hash i seen a lot of those last year they are of only ok quality.the stamp is from the tribal region where very little english is spoken hence the glod 1 it was supposed to read gold 1

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