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Why doesn't my plant appear frosty ? Week 10 of flowering

Owl Mirror

Active member
Thanks everyone, yes I can agree she needs a few more weeks to finish.
I did smoke a joint of the quick-dried buds and, a medium-size joint, smoked half-way did produce a nice head buzz that lasted for about 4 hours.
Definitely a creative high which also allowed me to forget about the pain for a while.
I guess I'm just worried that I screwed this plant up and she won't finish right.
The clone which is a few weeks behind this plant is looking real good.
I must have had a compound problem of heat and a light leak early on and fixed those issues by the time I started the clone.
I also need to get my soil mix and ferts dialed in much better.
I am learning quite quickly now that I've been on ICmag so hopefully the next plants won't have these same issues.


Active member
wow without the all those leaves she looks like a beautiful sativa that takes a long time to finish, with the light leaks its probably what took it forever and gave her the higher amount of leaves, im sure the clone will be the bombay!


That plant looks like it will be pretty good in 3-4 weeks. Don't give up, and don't harvest early. If you wait, you might get something really special.
Next time maybe you should start some autos. Under a 400 or two you could get a much more bud than your super sativa in only 90 days. I have found most autos to be very good bud. Try Blue Streak from mdanzig.


Active member
know its hard to wait. But waiting until the pistols start to turn amber (about 60% percent) would really help in getting you better product.
I'd feel more comfortable with a scope, checking the trichs.

At 60 days my C-99 is super frosty with over 80% hairs turned and..... the trichs are clear without just a tiny hint of change. They've been 80% turned for 2 weeks now and I still have about 2 weeks left.

Other strains are ready well before this point. Depends on the genetics, no? :D Scope it and quit worrying about when :D


weed fiend
Is the grow area large enough to get inside? If so, shut the door and turn the lights out. Let your eyes adjust and look for light leaks. Put a piece of black electrical tape over the red light, not sure if this is the problem but I wouldn't chance it if an easy fix is available.

Looks like several things possibly going on atm. IMO, the new growth spurt up top indicates the plant is bouncing between flower and veg because the new growth up top looks more leafy than the buds below. Again my opinion, the bounce is due to light leak(s).

The buds look airy. Sometimes this is due to strain but other factors such as heat can contribute to this. Excessive heat and/or light leaks can contribute to nanners.

The plant looks really green for 10 weeks. Excessive nitrogen can delay flower, don't know if that affects trich production or not. Are you feeding a flower fert or a general purpose (high nitrogen) formula?

You said the seeds produced hermies. Do you mean a plant with both male and female flowers from early flower, on? Or do you mean nanners? Two different things.


I'd feel more comfortable with a scope, checking the trichs.

At 60 days my C-99 is super frosty with over 80% hairs turned and..... the trichs are clear without just a tiny hint of change. They've been 80% turned for 2 weeks now and I still have about 2 weeks left.

Other strains are ready well before this point. Depends on the genetics, no? Scope it and quit worrying about when

yes, 100% does depend on genetics... BUT if you read what he said.. I got that he doesn't have any extra money what so ever. not for a scope or anything extra.So that being said i just figured 60% amber for him would be much better then say 30-40% turned because he is anxious for smoke. And when i first started growing i didn't have a scope and i still was harvesting fairly good bud.

Owl Mirror

Active member
yes, 100% does depend on genetics... BUT if you read what he said.. I got that he doesn't have any extra money what so ever. not for a scope or anything extra.So that being said i just figured 60% amber for him would be much better then say 30-40% turned because he is anxious for smoke. And when i first started growing i didn't have a scope and i still was harvesting fairly good bud.

Yes, this is the case precisely.
Eventually I can afford to buy one but, not today.
I would say the white hairs are around 20% turning color today.
I can wait and take what I get in the end.
The clone from her is doing much better and I'm thinking I should be able to harvest her about the same time or a week or so longer.
As I get more experience under my belt, I will also try and get all the equipment like scopes and testing supplies.
Right now I need to spend my money on better soil & ferts.
It's taking a big chunk out of my money but, I'm hoping it will begin paying for itself if I invest in these items now.

I really appreciate all the helpful advice being given, thanks !

Owl Mirror

Active member
Is the grow area large enough to get inside? If so, shut the door and turn the lights out. Let your eyes adjust and look for light leaks. Put a piece of black electrical tape over the red light, not sure if this is the problem but I wouldn't chance it if an easy fix is available.

Looks like several things possibly going on atm. IMO, the new growth spurt up top indicates the plant is bouncing between flower and veg because the new growth up top looks more leafy than the buds below. Again my opinion, the bounce is due to light leak(s).

The buds look airy. Sometimes this is due to strain but other factors such as heat can contribute to this. Excessive heat and/or light leaks can contribute to nanners.

The plant looks really green for 10 weeks. Excessive nitrogen can delay flower, don't know if that affects trich production or not. Are you feeding a flower fert or a general purpose (high nitrogen) formula?

You said the seeds produced hermies. Do you mean a plant with both male and female flowers from early flower, on? Or do you mean nanners? Two different things.

Thanks, this plant doesn't have any nanners.
That was the first strain I tried growing, Lapis Mountain
Every plant showed both male & female right from the start of flowering.
I threw the rest of the seeds away as I figured I bought junk.
I contacted the seller of those seeds and was met with rude comments. One even told me to stop trying to grow with a strobe light ! I found them very unprofessional and not carrying after they got my money.

I'm doing much better now with what I've got growing. It's just this first plant that I'm having trouble with.

Now, if this plant put out all this leafy stuff to protect the buds from excessive heat, should I remove them so the buds get exposed to the lights?
I now have a fan blowing across the buds so that I don't get some kind of rot or mold growing on the buds. Should that help and, I'll just have a lot of work when I go to clean them up after harvest?


trimming some fan leafs for better light penetration is fine.
be careful where you cut, and don't cut ALL of them off just the big fan leafs covering a bud site, or a potential bud site.:2cents:

Owl Mirror

Active member
trimming some fan leafs for better light penetration is fine.
be careful where you cut, and don't cut ALL of them off just the big fan leafs covering a bud site, or a potential bud site.:2cents:

OK so the three-lobe leaves that stick out of the buds, I should leave alone?
Most of the BIG fan leaves have already turned yellow and fallen off.
All that is left are the 3-lobe leaves and single-lobe leaves covering over the buds themselves.


No, don't cut anything dealing with the bud itself. wanna leave those.
But if they frost up any when you harvest you trim them off and can make hash.


Those early buds you sampled do look premature. IMO your plant may need closer to a month to finish properly. Plants often mature from the bottom up, so if the lower bud looks to need a few weeks, the top cola may need a month easily. You absolutely cannot judge the plant based on the color of hairs. The best way to tell maturity is by the color of resin trichomes. Even the naked eye can see this to a degree. I have known people who made edibles from the popcorn buds and other undesirable parts that receive little light before their plants finished. They then had a "bake sale" and used the proceeds to purchase a scope for under 20 bucks as well as some better "proven" beans. This might be worth it to make the absolute most of the larger more usable buds which remain undisturbed. 4 cups or so of undried popcorn buds and leaves could potentially make some intense and valuable brownies. Having said this, it isn't a legal solution as you have said you comply with local laws.


Those early buds you sampled do look premature. IMO your plant may need closer to a month to finish properly. Plants often mature from the bottom up, so if the lower bud looks to need a few weeks, the top cola may need a month easily. You absolutely cannot judge the plant based on the color of hairs. The best way to tell maturity is by the color of resin trichomes. Even the naked eye can see this to a degree. I have known people who made edibles from the popcorn buds and other undesirable parts that receive little light before their plants finished. They then had a "bake sale" and used the proceeds to purchase a scope for under 20 bucks as well as some better "proven" beans. This might be worth it to make the absolute most of the larger more usable buds which remain undisturbed. 4 cups or so of undried popcorn buds and leaves could potentially make some intense and valuable brownies. Having said this, it isn't a legal solution as you have said you comply with local laws.

you can see if a trichome is cloudy, clear, amber, or amber/clear with the naked eye?:jerkit:
id wait for first harvest then sell a lil off to get what you need. remember you often pay for what you get if its 20 - 30 bucks more usually a better product or more reliable.


NO! paper bag=bad! let it air dry... may take a bit longer but the result will be much better. i hate hearing the horror stories and seeing the stinky old looking bud from paper bags

I have great result with 6 days air dry and then 4 days in paper bag. Then i put it in jars and put the jars in the refrigerator. It stays really fresh in there and keeps getting better, even after several month.
times depends on the bud size and how wet it is ofcuz.


Obviously the naked eye cannot determine the color of an individual trichome, but rather the overall color of all of them. In a case like owl's this may be the best option without so much as a magnifying glass. Even with a scope, the refraction of light can make their colors misleading. Depending on the plants one may visibly see the difference between an overall scheme of clear vs. overall amber, and hope to harvest in the weeks between those extremes. The distinction between clear and milky is impossible without the scope, but some information to go by is better than none. How would you suggest that owl determine a harvest window on a cross he has never run before without optics?


I would suggest that he goes on the weeks in flowering and pistols, since this is his first grow i doubt he knows what clear/cloudy/amber trics overall would look like.
So i would recommend a scope asap.But if that is impossible then take the Tri over all color, pistols color, and flowering time into consideration.


Active member
I would suggest that he goes on the weeks in flowering and pistols, since this is his first grow i doubt he knows what clear/cloudy/amber trics overall would look like.
So i would recommend a scope asap.But if that is impossible then take the Tri over all color, pistols color, and flowering time into consideration.
So.... given that they're waaay past the recommended weeks in flowering and the pistils are still white...... Yeah, a scope will help immensely. No time like the present to find out what clear/cloudy/amber looks like. Check them every 3 days, until you see a change. It may take a while but you'll definitely see a change.

Stay Safe :D