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Who's Willing to Test, White OG V2.0, Mahayana, etc.


Active member
thank you, good luck to you all as well.

"Wake up with the Queen." Burger Queen. lol.



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Damn sir!

no interweb for 8 days and look what I miss!!

If I am not to late to throw my hat in the ring....:tiphat:

I would love to run some Mahayana or Beelze Bubba! or any other you'd like to see grown out.... they all look spectacular!

I can run them right away... before or with some RKS... depending on which I receive first! :D

Congrates to those who made the list! you are in for some frosty dankness in your future!!!

man every time I see this thread in bold my heart skips a beat and I get antsy with antisipation.......I hear that voice in my head...." did I make it, did I make it".......then I click the link........palms sweaty, feeling dizzy, heart pounding, excitment growing, wiping the sweat from my eyes I read..........No list yet!......click my ic, return to que.........and wait to start the cycle all over again..........BoompBoomp BoompBoomp BoompBoomp

Karma Genetics

Clarence will give me the numbers today, so when i have the confirmation i will post the lucky ones.


ghost in training
Congratulations karma on bouncing back so quick. I hope the best for you and your future in breeding.
...........I see it there,right there.........last post..........Karma Genetics........just breath, in through the mouth out through the nose........just breath.........gathering chi..........shaky,slick,the humid summer air coats the mouse slipping,sliding,struggeling,...
"click" got it! ............page loading...............still loading...........server failure notice........
boompboomp boompboomp......scrambeling mind racing "how did I break tou this time".....server failure notice..........Am I banned? again!.........boompboomp boompboomp refresh page.........page loading!!!!!!!!! PAGE LOADING...........whiping the sweat from my brow I read............no list yet.........click my ic........and wait to start the whole cycle all over again.........boompboomp boompboomp...........



good luck everybody......

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