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When a detective calls...

joe fresh

Active member
you guys ever hear about the guy that was innocent, tried to tell the truth to the cops, but they found a way to convict him anyways.......

dont talk to cops.


Active member
when dealing with cops you should always have a lawyer on hand, and dont day shit.....

if the cops stop you while driving and ask you " where you going? where you comming from?"

my response is simple--" do you have a warrant? then sorry i have nothing to say to you, if you want to talk you can contact my lawyer"
and thats it...they dont really fuck with you after they find out you got a good lawyer

Wow, I bet you're TOTALLY off the radar. They have no reason to be suspicious of someone who gets pulled over for speeding and then tries to pull a Jay-Z

"I ain't passed the bar but I know a lil bit..." come on guys...save the lawyer card for when it's needed...


Tropical Outcast
you guys ever hear about the guy that was innocent, tried to tell the truth to the cops, but they found a way to convict him anyways.......


That's how it goes.

If they WANT TO they have any and every one they want to by their balls.

joe fresh

Active member
Wow, I bet you're TOTALLY off the radar. They have no reason to be suspicious of someone who gets pulled over for speeding and then tries to pull a Jay-Z

"I ain't passed the bar but I know a lil bit..." come on guys...save the lawyer card for when it's needed...

well my lawyer is the one who told me to say this, he said never say nothing to cops, even if they ask you questions.....as high profile as my lawyer is(with reputable clients as the mafia ...ect) i will trust what my lawyer say....i went with the best lawyer money could buy

to each their own...but i play it safe and dont give the cops any info, if they want me they better do some REAL detective work and stop fishing

cops fish too much....i watch the cops show all the time to see how stupid the ppl getting stopped are....and 9 times out of 10 the guy gets stopped because he tried to talk his way out of it....


here's what happened: They busted someone who had your number in their cell phone. Now they want to poke at everyone on the phone's book.

ask em who, what, when, where and why they are calling.


Now in technicolor
You probably aren't directly in trouble but it wouldn't hurt to at least move the plants and replace them with tomatos or peppers.


Active member
yeah...clean house....and deal with the situation. If it is a scam, or someone fucking with you....consider yourself lucky.
I had something like this happen once. We were in the process of paying off one of our cars and selling it to a friend/grow partner who lived elsewhere. He had my car b/c the car he was getting had a recurrent problem that we were getting fixed finally for the last time. We had just gotten it fixed and were meeting up to switch cars. Although we were partners, he had said things wouldn't be ready, so we weren't expecting anything from him. Well he had a bunch of jars with stuff in them, (which still makes us wonder if he was bring it to us or maybe trying to screw us, but that's another story) and he left them in the car all day while he was visiting relatives in that town. Then he went to another town to visit a friend and had a buddy with him. They were so busy chatting and stuffing their faces that they sped through a notorious speed trap. The cop swore he was going to take my car and not give it back, but then a state trooper from the seizure department looked me up on people search and found my parent's number. Ironically, she told me that most people never had a number available that can actually still be associated with them, so that inclined her to think I was legit. I called her back and she was gone for the weekend (it happened on a Friday). I explained the situation, that this was my husband's childhood friend and a groomsman from our wedding, we were selling him our other car, it needed some work before we could completely transfer it to him and we had loaned him my car. Well she ruled in my favor and gave me my car back. True story. I think it was easy to sound truthful, b/c as far as I knew, he WAS NOT carrying drugs, and drugs aside, I had a perfectly legitimate reason for him to be driving my car.

Anyhow, a non-grower is going to want to know why a detective called and is going to call down there and ask. That's what you should do. Specifically, I would call your local precinct and ask for that officer. If they say that person doesn't work there, ask them to find out if a person by that name works elsewhere. If the person is legitimate, you need to act normal and simply ask what's up. If they are not, the police will be notified that people are calling around pretending to be them and probably trying to set up a phishing scam.

And let us know what happens!


I've been practicing my right to silence for years. Truly something I suggest.

If you invoke it properly, it's so empowering and the other party cannot imply that you're "hiding something." You get to imply that he's a witch hunting terrorist hellbent on invalidating constitutional rights, with an eager smile!

Seriously if you start running your mouth watch what you say. If this guy had a warrant you would already be down. Talking to him "to get him to go away" - lol - cops are insane and irrational. You're just as likely to pique his interest as you are to satisfy his curiosity unless you're a skilled with speech. Silence may be the best option.

I ignore people who call me all the time if I don't know their number, and I'm damn aggressive about it. I will unplug the phone if they call twice and block their number unless I FEEL like answering, period. It's not that suspicious and alot of people are that way.

Bob Smith

I've been practicing my right to silence for years. Truly something I suggest.

If you invoke it properly, it's so empowering and the other party cannot imply that you're "hiding something." You get to imply that he's a witch hunting terrorist hellbent on invalidating constitutional rights, with an eager smile!

Seriously if you start running your mouth watch what you say. If this guy had a warrant you would already be down. Talking to him "to get him to go away" - lol - cops are insane and irrational. You're just as likely to pique his interest as you are to satisfy his curiosity unless you're a skilled with speech. Silence may be the best option.

I ignore people who call me all the time if I don't know their number, and I'm damn aggressive about it. I will unplug the phone if they call twice and block their number unless I FEEL like answering, period. It's not that suspicious and alot of people are that way.

Horrible advice.

Anyone saying you should stonewall a cop who's pulled you over for a simple speeding ticket is not thinking clearly, and for the poster who said his lawyer recommended it, make sure he knows that you're a pot grower and not a mafia don (in which case zero disclosure could be the best avenue when dealing with the cops).

Why anyone would bring unnecessary suspicion on themselves by acting like you're being interrogated for murder when a cop asks "so what's your rush" is not too smart, IMO.

Take your ticket, tell the cop you're coming from a friend's house (if he presses and says "who and where", then that's clearly a different story, and your right to cease answering questions could be invoked, if you so choose), and get the fuck outta there without raising suspicion.

You think the cop is just gonna forget that some dude was acting like a complete nut when he was asking him simple questions, or do you think maybe he'll drive by your house a little more often than not?

And if you think ignoring the phone call (assuming it's actually a cop) and BLOCKING THE NUMBER (holy shit probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard) is going to get rid of your problem, you need to put the bong down, chief.

He's gonna come knocking on your door with a quickness, and he'll amazingly smell some weed when you do open the door...........I'm really astounded at how piss poor that advice was.


No, not a Harry Houdini. But a troll, perhaps?

No, not a Harry Houdini. But a troll, perhaps?

Wondering what happened to the cat that started this thread? Harry Houdini?

Hard to say what happened to the OP. The OP definitely "rolled a grenade down the aisle" to invoke a response, but a "fire-bug" would still be lurking around to check out the action, while a professional arsonist would be splitsville, knowing his shite was good to go.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
In my expertise detectives invetigate homicides often tracking leads through cell phone calls, one of your" customers" may have ended up dead or involved in a shooting and they have a phone which was used to call your # might as well go down to see what he wants if he wants to talk , if it starts to become about you selling or growing stop the conversation and ask for a lawyer.
A ordinary citizen would go down if the police called him, cause he has nothing to hide , gotta start to think like a police to beat the police .

good luck houdini
peace TS


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
if a detective/investigator calls. They are most likely fishing for info,hoping you give yourself up by having some loose lips. Tell them to eat a dick. If they had something on you, you'd already be in the huscow.

Well, word on the street is the OP has a past....a long, dreadful, lengthy past, dressing up like a Lady Clown and cutting women and children up into small bits and burying them under his house....According to my homeboy that told me this story.....The OP has been doing this since he was 7 years old, he's now close to 60...So yeah, NO FUCKING WONDER THE COPS CALLED HIM! ----SICK FUCK!

......................But he did have some mighty fine grass....and I must admit he was a great clown at my kids 4th, 6th and 8th Birthday parties....All the kids loved him... as did my wife...................GO TO HELL OP!

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