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Gringo Guerilla Grower in the heart of S. America

Blckbrd. lmao, toilet cakes! thats a new one. pepperment oil and kitty litter thanx for the heads up. so i have been told they eat at them. not trying to find out either. I have grandmother to save!


New member
can you get a can of beer somehow? that will take care of the slugs, from what ive read. cut off the bottom and bury it up to the rim and put a little beer in there, and the slugs will drown in it. thats my plan for next year. depending on how big they are you could use a bigger bowl-shaped thing. got any coconuts?


Good luck with everything Senor B. My best wishes for your Grandma, I hope all goes well for her.

Before I get started I would like to point out a few things. I'm gonna add my opinions and experiances about this little and mostly unknown country, thru the eyes of a gringo giving up everything I have known and loved. To start a new life where I believe people appericate living alittle more. Plz forgive me for any misspellings or dislixus typings. English and computers were my worst subjects. And i know nada in spanish. (for now!)

Also any herb i harvest Will go to make hash oil for my Abuela (grandmother). Who has been strickin with cancer. I have strong beliefs that this plant can cure her. "God just give me the time i need to grow this flower to anoint her with the the oils she needs.
Ok I did a test with the huge snails of Uruguay. I put a snail in the middle of a ring of salt and he wouldnt cross over it. every time he touched it he would cringe and bubble up. They hate salt!!!! So off to the market i go to find some coarse salt. I know i will have to reaply after heavy rain but it is the cheapest and safest way i have found.I will make so i make a ring big enough away from leatching into my soil. The snails of Uruguay are big,fast, and everywhere. I have pics and will have them up soon.


interested in your struggle against the slugs, I researched a bit and found numerous posts relating that seaweed (maybe 'cause it has salt in it), broken egg shells, and also used coffee grounds will deter/repel slugs. Many also shared the beer-in-a-can trap too, though you might just lure the rats into your cafe if you supply the free beer.
thanks Blckbrd. Yea I have to watch out with what I use. I might atract something else. Aww rats! Im alittle affraid of trying coffee grounds and egg shells and even beer because of the rats. Oh and I've seen the rats here now. Wow I though NYC had rats. Uruguay is mostly surounded by salt water. Maybe I can look into the sea weed idea. Plus the benifits the sea weed can bring. I know It's not norweigin sea weed or anything but I'm sure it will work. I'll take a bus ride to the beach tomorrow to see what i can find.


It might be a stinky ride back from the beach, but worth it! Good luck.

• Seaweed
If you have access to seaweed, it's well worth the effort to gather. Seaweed is not only a good soil amendment for the garden, it's a natural repellent for slugs. Mulch with seaweed around the base of plants or perimeter of bed. Pile it on 3" to 4" thick - when it dries it will shrink to just an inch or so deep. Seaweed is salty and slugs avoid salt. Push the seaweed away from plant stems so it's not in direct contact. During hot weather, seaweed will dry and become very rough which also deters the slugs.


Seaweed is a natural repellent to slugs, as it is salty. Pack it around 3-4 inches around the plants that you want to protect, making sure it doesn't touch them. The slugs will stay away, as the seaweed will dehydrate them. When it is dry, seaweed becomes very rough, so will still deter the slugs.

Creating a Barrier

Slugs and salty things don’t mix so place some seaweed around your plants, making sure that the seaweed doesn’t touch the plants you’re trying to protect. Seaweed would cause dehydration and ultimately death to a slug so they will not want to venture too near.
'Think' Like the Slugs Do

To control the movement of slugs naturally, you need to get into the ‘mind’ of a slug and understand the ways they operate. Slugs need to produce a lot of mucus, or slime, to get about which is far easier on moist or wet ground. Therefore, make it difficult for them by creating a barrier between them and your plants using gravel, sand or ash and try to keep this area dry. By placing a pile of wet, wilting leaves close by, the slugs will not want to expend too much energy by trying to travel over dry, rough or dusty ground, they’ll take the easy option and head for the wet leaves.
Blkbrd, Thanks for the reshearch. I mos def will be getting sea weed if I can find the right beach.
I went to the beach today. But I only found a sun burn. LOL. I'm gonna try another beach in a few days to a week. I know there are rocks on this beach so maybe I'll find some stuck in between.

Anybody think sea weed will bring other animals digging in my soil? (raccoons, skunks, capibaras, rats, armadillas, dogs, cats, or sea monsters?)


Yo Bueno, How grows it? I picked up this pic on the interweb somewhere. :D

Have you been out to scout for spots?
lol I love the slug maze. yea Ive been out clearing some good spots. Got 2 really nice locations looking do to 4 or 5 of them. So far the two i found are:
1) Casa de ruina's - it's a pretty spot with an old house faling apart on about 20 acres this is where my Jf's will go.
2) Rio de Amigo - Rio de Amigo is where im gonna put those S.S.H. f2's. It's about 50 or 60 acres with plenty of thick green brush and high grass. This location is dedicated to you Amigo (Barletta). You have helped me in more ways then most friends would dare. I believe those S.S.H.'s should blend in perfectly here. no pics yet but im close.
I GOT MAIL! Today is a good day. Abulea Martha, hold on my love I've got the cure for you. Now it's time for me to get these baby's wet.
Lord thank you for the seed of your most wonderful flower.


Hey SB sorry to hear about your GM, but you are blessed with the opportunity to care for her as I was with my Mother some years ago. I wish I would have thought of MM for her it would have helped in her journey.

As for your rat problem; do you have dogs or cats? If so when you brush them take their fur and place it around the perimeter of your garden. Or find a local place that may carry fox, dog or cat urine pellets. If not available use the urine from a cats litter box. These animals are predators of rats and the rats know their scents.

May your grow be blessed with the healing powers you seek. Good luck in your journey.
Socachi! hey good to see you over here. & thanks for the suport.
and actually there are dogs and cats here. I think I will collect some of the days left behinds and use them for the repellent. I dont think Uruguay has any places to go for urine or pellets. nor do i have the funds for it. I also took some garlic cloves and boiled them, then added a little dish soap. hopefully this will work for the Rrabbits.

I soaked for 24hrs then transplanted 10 seeds each of S.S.H. F2's and 10 EQ x Shits in weeping willow H20. (weeping willow H20 is great for CL's so lets see what it does for seedlings) Hopefully I can start my JF F2's in a few days.
JF and EQ seem to be what I need to make the Oil for abuela, plus they are expected to be the first strains to come down.

"The Oil" at first was gonna be extracted using ethanol method. But recently I've come across making the ointment using Olive Oil and sloooooowww brewing it for a few days. This sounds like a better way for Abuela. promise to get to the pics soon. If i have to sit down all day and get it done.


SB I was going to use the leaf trimmings top make hash (if I ever get enough plants) where did you find these methods? The only one I know of is using the bags and ice water.
Socachi, google a man named Rick Simpson. he has a free video "Run from the Cure" (i believe thats the name) on how to make hash oil. He uses 99% ISO. But you are gonna need about a pound of trim and/or buds to make about 2 or 3 oz worth of hash oil. Its POTENT though. this is another site that has recipe for the Holy Oil. www.diversesanctuary.ning.com and one of there recipes they use Olive oil as main ingrediant. (Until u get enough material collected for ur oil u can freeze it to preserve the cannabiols)


gracias muy mucho Bueno de Senor, yo aprecio el lazo y la ayuda. ¿Qué es ISO?

thank you very much Senor Bueno, i appreciate the link and the help. what is ISO