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Whats Wrong With my Seedlings?


Active member
Hi, im having some trouble with my new set up and im not sure what's wrong. My plants are a week old and both strains I am growing are having the same 'wilting' problem. They're not really wilting as much as they are just bending downwards and looking weird. As you can see in the pics...

A little about my setup

My seedling mix is peat moss, coc coir, EWC and perlite. I added a little bit of seaweed kelp as well.

I have a 330 watt Quantum board on them. I hung it real high at first and they stretched a little right when they popped so i lowered it to about 30 inches above the plants.

Im running CO2 in a sealed room at 1100 ppm.

temps get as high as 80F during the day and as low as 66F at night when lights are off. Humidity stays around 50%. Disregard the thermometer readings in the pic, they're completely wrong.


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St. Phatty

Active member
I would go to Spring Water, just to eliminate your water source as a potential problem.

assuming you can get a gallon of spring water for near $1.

a lot of people use Jiffy plugs, Jiffy something, those peat things that expand.


Active member
I would go to Spring Water, just to eliminate your water source as a potential problem.

assuming you can get a gallon of spring water for near $1.

a lot of people use Jiffy plugs, Jiffy something, those peat things that expand.

Thanks, but im already using spring water. Do you think my light is too strong?


Active member
Maybe the soil is 'overfertilizer' for the babies, or maybe its ok but this genetic is sensible to normal levels of food


Just this guy, ya know?
I mean it looks like underwatering to me. If the humidity is really 25% that's low enough the stomata close up and cannot do their thing.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My guess is not enough water/ humidity. Easy solution might be to put the domes back on the trays. If the humidity rises and the plants look better then we have a answer. Second thing I'll say is something I don't fully understand so I'm not saying I'm correct only that I experienced something like this before. So take the suggestion/story below under the advisement that it's just a possible not a promise.

So way way back we had a veg room that we pumped with CO2 from a flowering room that touched the room. The Veg room was so sealed that pumping around about 1200ppm during the flowering room's light cycle would keep the veg room in the high 800s all day. So we start having a wilt much like yours until we lower the PPM to max at 800. We also adding a better exhaust system to the room to keep more "fresh" air coming through the room. So again, I'm not saying I'm right here but maybe lower the CO2, at least until later in the cycle or it's something to consider if that would be an easy change.
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Active member
My guess is not enough water/ humidity. Easy solution might be to put the domes back on the trays. If the humidity rises and the plants look better then we have a answer. Second thing I'll say is something I don't fully understand so I'm not saying I'm correct only that I experienced something like this before. So take the suggestion/story below under the advisement that it's just a possible not a promise.

So way way back we had a veg room that we pumped with CO2 from a flowering room that touched the room. The Veg room was so sealed that pumping around about 1200ppm during the flowering room's light cycle would keep the veg room in the high 800s all day. So we start having a wilt much like yours until we lower the PPM to max at 800. We also adding a better exhaust system to the room to keep more "fresh" air coming through the room. So again, I'm not saying I'm right here but maybe lower the CO2, at least until later in the cycle or it's something to consider if that would be an easy change.

I think you nailed it! I run my CO2 line from my flower room into my Veg room. This is the first run so there's not even plants in my Flower room yet. I just unplugged the CO2 altogether. going to check back tomorrow and if they're still wilted then i will put them back in the humidity dome.

I also don't have an exhaust. I already have the hole cut where an exhaust would go but decided against it since im using CO2 from a tank and I read that an exhaust wouldn't be needed for a situation like that. I may reconsider depending on how things turn out along this grow. This is my first time using CO2.


Well-known member
My seedling mix is peat moss, coc coir, EWC and perlite. I added a little bit of seaweed kelp as well.

Im running CO2 in a sealed room at 1100 ppm.

1. The mix introduces a lot of variables.

If it was just coco coir and nothing else, I would say just give the plants a low dose of high P/K flowering food (0.4 EC of Plagron Green Sensation, Atami B'Cuzzz 0-20-30 or Canna's PK 13/14), and 0.1 EC of Epsom Salt for magnesium for the leaves. P stimulates root growth, K stimulates stem and branch growth. PH 6.0, the same as the medium's pH.

2. The sealed room

I'm not an expert at sealed rooms or tents, however I would make sure there is enough air, etc. They're not taking up a lot of CO2 at this size.


Active member


So today is Day 15. I still can't find out whats wrong with them. They have a weird wilt where it's less of a wilt and more of the leaves just turning downward. Some of the plants are also yellowing, especially the bottom leaves.

As of yesterday, I transplanted them just to switch the soil up and see if they respond. It's a pretty hot mix so i figured they're either going to respond well or get burnt to a crisp. Im using DankFranks bed soil mix linked here (its at the bottom of the first page of the thread):


I was very surprised to see they all had well established root systems for 2 weeks in the 4 inch pots which leads me to believe the soil isn't the problem.

I initially turned my CO2 down but got no results so as of yesterday I turned it completely off. I also added an intake and outtake to exchange the air in the room 4 times a day. I read some people having problems with CO2 running need air exchange. Kind of debated but i figured it can't hurt and now ill have a backup incase my mini split dies.

As i mentioned earlier Im not an expert grower but im not new. This is the first grow in a new room and i have just never encountered a problem like this. Here are more recent pics of whats going on...


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Well-known member
They're not lost.

- The roots look great.
- They all have the same problem, which would tell me it's from the feeding or from the air.
- With that root development, the pH is probably good, because it would take good P uptake and that happens at higher pH's, while otherwise the plants would look like they weren't taking up enough P and K.

So my guess it has something to do with the air. Like I said, sealed grow tents are not my specialty.

Have you tried using air exchange, to see if it makes a difference? Or put one of them outside to see how they react?

Maybe lower the temperature from F78 to F68? I don't know if plants in sealed tents are even more vulnerable to high temperatures.


Active member
They're not lost.

- The roots look great.
- They all have the same problem, which would tell me it's from the feeding or from the air.
- With that root development, the pH is probably good, because it would take good P uptake and that happens at higher pH's, while otherwise the plants would look like they weren't taking up enough P and K.

So my guess it has something to do with the air. Like I said, sealed grow tents are not my specialty.

Have you tried using air exchange, to see if it makes a difference? Or put one of them outside to see how they react?

Maybe lower the temperature from F78 to F68? I don't know if plants in sealed tents are even more vulnerable to high temperatures.

Thanks for the hypothesis. I just added air exchange 2 days ago. I cycle the air for 15 minutes 4 times a day. I turned the CO2 off as well. I transplanted them 2 days ago and they haven't improved or gotten worse in the last 2 days so thats kind of progress...

If they react well to the new soil, that would suggest that the roots outgrew the 4 inch pots in 1 week and the plants ran out of nutrients?

If they keep getting worse in the new soil then its gotta be contributed to the soil or the air. I will then put one outside and see how it does.

Any chance it could be the lights? Its a pretty expensive chinese knockoff LED off Amazon. I have a flower room full of HGL quantum boards waiting to go, i could swap them out and see how they react to a light that i know is high quality?


Well-known member
I would say your mix isn't holding enough water drying out in 3 days is way too quick, they are also really scrawny looking for the roots they have so there could be a deficiency or ph issue too
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Okay time for second guesses. First I see that the humidity is ranging from 97% to 43%, any chance you're able to get that more consistent? 97% humidity could explain the leaf wilt particularly if you're watering heavy and the water isn't evaporating well. It's I guess possible the little pots ran out of nutrients but that would be low on my radar. Very weird for plants that size to erase all the nutes in a pot without more vertical growth. It could be the light but before I'd say the Chinese light isn't working well I'd lower the light closer to the plants and see if you get leaf response in the next few days.


Active member
Okay time for second guesses. First I see that the humidity is ranging from 97% to 43%, any chance you're able to get that more consistent? 97% humidity could explain the leaf wilt particularly if you're watering heavy and the water isn't evaporating well. It's I guess possible the little pots ran out of nutrients but that would be low on my radar. Very weird for plants that size to erase all the nutes in a pot without more vertical growth. It could be the light but before I'd say the Chinese light isn't working well I'd lower the light closer to the plants and see if you get leaf response in the next few days.

The humidity was only 97% because i spilled water on it while transplanting. It typically stays in the 50% range.

I just checked in and they seem to be doing better in the new soil today. Still yellowish but they perked up a lot. I also only had the LED running at 300 watts. I just cranked it up to 700 watts and turned the CO2 back on. We'll see where they go from here.


Well-known member
Hi Clayton, how did the plants responds to the changes you made? I am getting a new tent set up as well and very curious on your air exchange. I was having some problems with my tent initially but added a strong exhaust that exchanges the air a few times an hour. So far, that alone has helped immensely. I am not running CO2.