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What's something you know but most other people dont


New member

At one time apple trees were banned in the U.S. Apple cider was the devil and old churchy people went around chopping down apple trees to prevent the making of it.


and on a TV note:

HDMI ports 1 and 4 on a Samsung LED TVs have an extra 90degree turn on the port board. This can cause DCHP communication failures which in turn causes only snow to appear on the screen until you power cycle the TV or the Source. Always use HDMI ports 2 and 3 because they are wired straight thru on the board and hence are more reliable.


Cannabrex Formulator
The Mob killed Kennedy over a young little Don's daughter who got shunned. Silly man John was, NEVER mess with a Don's daughter.

Have A Great Day

Umm.......hate to break it to ya, Senor, but to place the blame for JFK's shooting on any one group (Mob, Cubans, CIA, etc) is simply denying the facts......

EVERYONE WAS IN ON IT..........all of them...

Mob, Cubans, CIA, Military Intelligence, they all had lotsa motives and they all helped.


Cannabrex Formulator
But to get back to the thread topic.....

Slavery was officially abolished in Senegal in 1980

The Navy's inflatable life raft was invented by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

A mantis' strike takes between 15 and 35 milliseconds.....too fast for you to see.

The longest earthworms in the world are over 9 feet long.

The ovipositor of certain ichneumon wasps is 45% metallic magnesium.

You are never more than five feet from a spider.

The loudest sound made by an animal is by the sperm whale....210 decibels (that would be fatal to humans underwater).

Honey never goes bad

JRR Tolkien helped finish the Oxford English Dictionary

1/4 of all mammal species are bats.

Opals are merely fossilized sand with layers of water trapped inside.

headband 707

Plant whisperer

At one time apple trees were banned in the U.S. Apple cider was the devil and old churchy people went around chopping down apple trees to prevent the making of it.

AWWW the wicked Apple seeds LOL just like the wicked cannabis seeds ,,till the Gov. says it "O K A Y" lol lol:laughing:


on the subject of Ships:

The "Unsinkable Ship" the Titanic had a sister ship, the Britannic, which also sunk due to human error.
Bob Ballard, who discovered the Titanic's site also visited the Britannic and , using a submarine, placed there an engraved Dive Marker plaque ... which I have seen.


Now in technicolor
The price of flood trays is directly proportional to the price of petroleum.

The absurdity of the drug war. We know all drugs will be legalized eventually. We're just waiting for the idiots to learn this fact.

Hundreds of new drugs which are as potent, if not more so than their counterpart, come out every single month and you can order them online. A lot of street drugs are now research chemicals. In fact, this article is new: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704763904575550200845267526.html

JFK smoked 1 cigarette a day, no more no less.

A LOT of big sites on the Internet are very insecure and/or have major holes in their code and it would be easy for somebody to take your data. A lot of sites that claim to use encryption, don't.

Sounds ridiculous but if your index finger is shorter than your ring finger (4th finger), you have a lot of testosterone. Alpha male/risk taker etc. Testosterone slows down index finger growth. This made the news again today actually so you may hear about it.

All bud is "homegrown." Once a friend told me "I tried homegrown bud once. It was shit" while ironically smoking my homegrown bud and acknowledging that it was the best he'd ever had.

Becoming rich or successful is 99% hard work. Anyone "can" be rich, and everybody wants to be "rich" but very few people take these two facts and apply enough effort to make it come true. If may take luck to become a millionaire overnight, but with enough hard work anyone can earn 5-6 figures a month.

When jobs say "BA/MA required" they don't really mean it. Neither my friends nor I have ever worked at a place where they check the validity of your degree. As long as you know what you're doing and know enough about the subject to BS through an interview, you're getting the job. Oh and EVERYONE bullshits on resumes. If you don't, you're not getting your foot in the door.

The Cannabis economy is one of the most interesting economies to study. Cannabis money is very decentralized.

Cheating in marriages is extremely common. I'm always shocked when I hear X cheated on Y. It's always the people you least suspect, and is almost in no way tied to social status/intelligence/etc.

Only domestic cats raise their tail above their body while walking. Such sluts!

I'm a very handsome man, but you wouldn't be able to tell because I'm rarely groomed and always have a confused/pondering "Gaius Balter" face.

If you lose your phone charger, you can walk into any hotel/motel and tell them you stayed there last week and forgot your charger. They will probably have dozens in the lost & found for you to choose from.

Anxiety and depression are diagnosed in healthy people often, but rarely in people who actually need treatment. It's ironic but sadly true. Mental illnesses take about 8 years before a diagnosis is made, but most never seek help.

SSRIs like Zoloft and Prozac feel like you're on Ecstasy every single day, if taken at their max doses.

Modafinil doesn't do shit! Maybe it's only the generic..

Psychedelics are life changing in the same significance as having a child or losing a loved one. We've all known this fact but the recent studies with shrooms point it out as well.

Everyone in NYC smokes, especially college and HS students. 60%+ of people in the top 3 high schools smoke and it's increasing. It's unbelievable.

The French language has a lot of rules that are only there to make it sound pretty and serve zero grammatical/lexical value.

If you take all the leaves off a Cannabis plant, it doesn't die. It bounces back quite well, actually.

Bleach in small amounts helps a lot and doesn't kill the plant either.

We think we know much more than we actually do.
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.. The drug war is a corrupt war, its not the point to eradicate drugs but rather to spread it wider and make the prices go up.

Thats why none of the anti drug campaigns ever work, they arent ment to work!! Its the best marketing campaign ever, the "you cant have any" scheme! Its always worked and its not like the people in power to do something about it doesnt know, they are corrupt and feed off this shit like everyone else!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Instead of spending money on helping the sick in the Caribbean Is. and healthcare which is what the people really need to help with their infrastruture. They wasted it on the war on drugs which to this day they are still wasting our money. peace out Headband707


On a lighter note.

On a lighter note.

Don't tell him I said this, but,


:kiss: :kissass: :groupwave: :huggy: :rtfo: :bow: :kissgrin: :party: :dancer: :huggg: :yay:

The best,:plant grow:,ever!!!


"Rained 40 days and 40 nights" might have been misinterpreted for "The earth reigned for the days and for the nights". "For'the" can be mistaken for "forty". The earth is still reigning for the days and for the nights;) jmo

Something that apparently a lot of people don't know:

The original text used for the bible was not written in the English language.

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