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What to do with people that do nothing??

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Active member
Sometimes I wish I still thought I knew everything about everything. Live and learn is certainly true. Why doesn't everybody just be a CEO? Please. Thanks for the laugh anyways. :laughing:


Sometimes I wish I still thought I knew everything about everything. Live and learn is certainly true. Why doesn't everybody just be a CEO? Please. Thanks for the laugh anyways. :laughing:

arrite bro i understand where youre comin from, but I never said everyone can be a CEO. just used it as an example of what people can do if they set their mind to it ;)

In fact I said you could be a piano player. or a receptionist. or a web designer. glorious? no. but it contributes to society and gets u a paycheck.

sheesh, next time try reading the post before pretending to disprove it. no need to be bitter.


....In fact I said you could be a piano player. or a receptionist. or a web designer. glorious? no...

I'm not trying to be disrespectful dude, but you're out of touch. Piano player, receptionist, web designer, these are all glorious jobs to so many people working at walmart or some bullshit where they are treated more like a resource than a human, even the unemployed college graduates would find any of these jobs glorious at this point. (if they're smart and not expecting the world on a plate)

America is not the land of opportunity that perhaps it once was.
Funny how Wal Mart is almost synonymous with the working class struggle. I worked at Wal World at a teen, and they treated me very fairly compared to most corporations. Granted, they didn't pay a wage one could survive on, and I had to sell drugs to eat sometimes.

Amongst the most dehumanizing jobs in the US are the corporate sales/marketing-type jobs that fill up the college career fairs for liberal arts majors around the country. Doesn't matter the company, it's all the same gig. 28-32K a year, no bennies for the first six months, salaried so they can get away with requiring 65-70 hour work weeks. It's wage slavery in the United States, encapsulated. "Advancement" comes in five years when you're the only guy left who hasn't killed himself or found something else. Then you're bumped 45K, and 75 hour weeks with more stress.

That job was when I first "broke" as a human being. Worked my ass off to play the game the right way, got a "real job" with my hard-earned education. Worked 7 days a week selling terrible products for what amounted to less than minimum wage, hourly. It's when I first began really understanding what this country stands for.

If you go to college (don't), choose your major wisely.


Active member
I see two sides.

I want to relax, I do less.

At the same time I have a friend that tells you for two weeks he will bring you somewhere on that day and then plays black ops and says every five minutes; "five more minutes, dude!"

There are people who want to relax and there are lazy people who don't care about much. You'll find a lot of people who do nothing don't feel good about themselves.

Good point on everything but I dont like when someone is getting paid, gets money from their parents or unemployment and then spend it on something other than their phone bill. No responsibility and cares does not work. Every man chooses his destiny. People can talk about the economy and everything else while buying fast food all the time and cigarettes. I just dont like people not doing their share, because everyone else supports them.

but i am for doing the least possible, but not being an ignorant ass about everything.


Active member
Funny how Wal Mart is almost synonymous with the working class struggle. I worked at Wal World at a teen, and they treated me very fairly compared to most corporations. Granted, they didn't pay a wage one could survive on, and I had to sell drugs to eat sometimes.

Amongst the most dehumanizing jobs in the US are the corporate sales/marketing-type jobs that fill up the college career fairs for liberal arts majors around the country. Doesn't matter the company, it's all the same gig. 28-32K a year, no bennies for the first six months, salaried so they can get away with requiring 65-70 hour work weeks. It's wage slavery in the United States, encapsulated. "Advancement" comes in five years when you're the only guy left who hasn't killed himself or found something else. Then you're bumped 45K, and 75 hour weeks with more stress.

That job was when I first "broke" as a human being. Worked my ass off to play the game the right way, got a "real job" with my hard-earned education. Worked 7 days a week selling terrible products for what amounted to less than minimum wage, hourly. It's when I first began really understanding what this country stands for.

If you go to college (don't), choose your major wisely.

lol, i look back now to when i caught my felony 2 weeks before i was supposed to go to school as one of the best things that happened to me.

i mean i still hate what the courts put me through and jail was pretty shitty but hey at least i dont have 100k in debt, in fact i just bought a house lol...

i do fuck all, and couldnt care less about what other motherfuckers think is lazy, i take care of myself and my fam, thats all that matters to me, and i do it without ever having outside support...




Active member
I don't argue with idiots. It's totally a waste of my time and they just seem to want to further prove they're idiots with more crap. idiocy. Try pulling your head outa your ass before spouting that shit kid. CAN YOU READ THAT? :comfort:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The problem I got with this whole arguement is that at it's root is the opinion that everyone working would pay less taxes if we did away with welfare and there is just simply no basis for this belief. Historically taxes keep raising and when tax cuts are occasionally issued they're usually temporary and/or only benefit those who don't really need them. You could take everyone off of welfare tomorrow, even the people who genuinely need and deserve it but your taxes still won't go down, at best government will just need to find another excuse to raise them.

To answer the question this thread posts though is you stop giving people hand outs but rather give them a hand up. What I mean by that is make people that can, work for welfare. There's all sorts of jobs that government pays overpriced contractors to perform that don't require specialized training or skills that could be given to people to earn their welfare. If it were done right and with some real thought you could even have these jobs provide marketable skills and experience to help people get off welfare.

I think if they did this they (local governments) could get their budgets under control (less being spent on private contractors) and you'd see alot of the ones that take advantage of welfare, stop.


I must have missed it, but...who rattled your cage, d-d-dave?

I don't argue with idiots. It's totally a waste of my time and they just seem to want to further prove they're idiots with more crap. idiocy. Try pulling your head outa your ass before spouting that shit kid. CAN YOU READ THAT? :comfort:

And I completely agree with the arguing with idiots bit...I wouldn't grow a tree that didn't yield me fruit either :tiphat:

Really, is that bad to stand in a room with someone you don't agree with?

Unless of course he's annoying...then just kill him


one thing thas missing in this world is inspiration ,hope ,helping people learn that they can realize their goals and dreams and that anything is possible with lil inspiration , hope n determination.


one thing thas missing in this world is inspiration ,hope ,helping people learn that they can realize their goals and dreams and that anything is possible with lil inspiration , hope n determination.

It's all planned that way. It's HARD to control a happy independent person. It's MUCH easier when they MUST depend on you and have lost all hope.

That's what your family is for. Hopefully they are successful and pass that to you.


I really can't stand to hear arguments about the people who do nothing when the truth is, they are not the problem.

People believe in a fictional lazy person who sits at home and has a good time while they're at work, do you really think that this person wouldn't change the situation if they had the power to do so? There's always exceptions, but come on.

Many "lazy" people have social issues that make work difficult, or a fear of something that might make life for them harder than you can probably imagine. The grass is always greener, you know. People can be afraid of different, maybe getting along at work means they need to conform in some way, some people do not take that shit lightly.

I'm also not saying that social anxiety or a fear of work means you shouldn't work, but our society is so cold, fake, and unfeeling some people just can't cope, they shut down which is easily perceived as laziness, but there's more going on. All to often no one cares or knows better to find out.

I think also some people aren't ok with saying "me and my family are all that matter", so they have a harder time "doing what they gotta do", this modern world can be cut-throat and ugly, and I don't see things getting better

Besides, all the welfare money in the world doesn't come close to the Bush tax cuts for the rich, rich as in the 2% of the people who deserve 98% of the wealth so that money can be used more as a control mechanism than currency for a "free market"


Stop and ask why those people don't work?

Or do you just ASSume they are lazy fucks?

When they say they have a fucked up back, do you sigh and say to yourself yea another lazy fuck milkin the government gettin my tax dollars?

i have met so many of you i just about stopped talkin to people

no fuckin compassion, all lookin out for number 1

Mind your own business coz not all people who don't work deserve this treatment.

would you treat a cancer patient that way, when they can't work anymore?

actually some are happy with gettin rid of all us useless types, and this is a Growers forum WTF???

here is another bit to ponder...

We don't all milk the government either we grow weed duh thats why we are here.

Maybe Everybody who doesn't work did NOT CHOOSE to be less active than you superior types!!!


mind your own business

Ignorance & judgemental?....I dont think so, friend.

There is a bit of a difference between someone who cant work or has limited job opportunities for medical reasons and someone who is just too lazy to get a job or find some other way of earning a crust.
Most normal folk can make the distinction quite easily and wont mind their taxes being spent to support those that actually need support.

And it is our own business in a way, money gets taken out of our wages , purchases ect. to support lazy fuckers who want to be spoon fed all their lives and give nothing back.

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"
Winston Churchill
There is always nuance in life, too. Let's not forget that.

A guy I know has really bad social skills. He hasn't been diagnosed with a medical problem that I know of. Often times the boy just freezes in conversation. Like, he literally just can't spit the words out, and you can see his body trying to get the words out. I know for a fact that he's gone on hundreds of interviews and has fucked them up, for this reason I'm guessing, and thus can't find a job. ("Why do you want to join our team?" Blank stare for thirty seconds...")

Now he postures with a kind of "fuck the system, I'll milk food stamps for life!" kind of persona. But it's all a ruse. He'd work tomorrow if he could, I know it. He asks me if I need help with this and that every time I see him. But he's got a kind of undiagnosed disability that he's too embarrassed to admit is real, and he can't land a job.

I think most homeless and poor have an undiagnosed disability. Most who wind up in prison are just poor, sick, or both. Not immoral.

In my opinion.


weed fiend
I got a better question, uh several questions.

What will one do when there's no target to point the finger-of-scorn? Get a life or figure out new ways to diminish somebody else'? Or are those two inextricably linked?
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