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What Plants Hide MJ Best?


Well-known member
I have had MJ very successfully grown in me backyard garden amongst tomato plants for the last 3 years or so.



Active member
Let's not over complicate this everyone... we are not looking for more plants that look like marijuana. That makes it more obvious DUH!!! just blend it into the landscape or your established gardens or areas with a multitude of foliage. Also take into account the trees you plant them near, we don't want a huge green patch under a defoliated tree.

I like this thread. I have found that tomatoes work for blending and tomatoes seem to like the same love that MJ does. I do enjoy the tomatoes too.


Señor Member
Yeah coxswain this is Eupatorium cannabinum. here in Italy we call it acquatic hemp....
This plant has leaves really similar to MJ (as the name) at the first stage of grow.....in flowering is quite different...really hard to distinguish until flowering......

I swear I had to come to a meter of this plant just to make sure it wasn't MJ. Anybody familiar with this type of plant?




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I like bamboo but I have been very careful about the types to plant and then I found out that I had to keep tons of water on them to keep them growing in my area. I have the black bamboo that can grow up to 30 feet. Is there another alternetive?

Short Ryder

theres a few simple plants to hide them juniper bushes, pine, maple, spruce and oak saplings.
Just wedge em in between a few and people will be more likely to over look them seeing as (especially maple) seedlings tend to have a similar enough shape to hide a pot leaf but not enough to attract attention
I also got a friendly tip last year that if your worried someone may have seen you from afar with your plant of just has seen you plant. Find an equal sized sapling make a diagonal cut and prop it in the ground in the view line. Other then that try and have a large variety of plants that have 1 or 2 similar things to pot plants and together it will hide the plant but when focused upon though will not draw un-needed attention.
Seeing as most people will only scan every 20th or so plant thoroughly enough to determine its species if placed amongst plants that have long slender leaves and plants that grow in a weed like tradition strawberry plants and ferns you should do okay.

Cheers and good luck


Active member
As I said, his words, not mine. Regardless of his terminology, or how he said it, the guy was saying that in some way pines hide MJ. Cant explain the science. Dont claim to know. Just passing along what I was told by a guy who actually flies around looking for crops.
I've heard and read the same thing.:dance013:
I just plant them among similar colored plants in the garden and tomatoes. I don't have a problem with hiding them in the landscape, it is the riping of the buds that is hard to mask.


Wow those cleomes look so much like mj that's incredible! I'm gonna be using some of those in my guerilla grow this coming season.

butterfly bush is a really great one to use. or planting outside, plant in big patches of Nettles. they will blend nicely with short indicas, and noone will mess with them. nettles hurt bad.
The butterfly bush attracts the butterflies and they lay eggs all over the bush and when the eggs hatch they eat the hell out of the bush...at least that is what happens in my space.


A few of you guys mentioned bamboo, I've been a grower and collector of bamboos for years and I agree that it's absolutely ideal.

There is a lot of bad information about bamboo out there, the following site has some excellent information, in particular here is a good page on controlling spread of bamboo:


(I completely endorse the raised bed idea but have also used the trench idea, both are easy and work very effectively unless you are incredibly lazy and can't take an hour twice a year to chop off the roots that come exploring out).

And here is some excellent info for privacy screening:
note that he's in Indiana so there is a bamboo for nearly any climate



New member
marigolds are good when sprouting seedlings they look similer for the first week or two, growing in bloodweed a similer looking weed will hide your bigger plants. blackberry bush's will hide a plant like no other but atract all kinds of insects

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