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Grand Funk

Nice shoes.....did you buy them new??

Lean over and jokingly say...."I finally figured out why all the guys are staring at you. It's that big honkin' zit on the end of your nose."




Is when they flock to u cuz there friend told them how great in da sack u are...:moon:


i just tell the chicks i have a andy waroliantype print of yummydud in my fouer..
enough said...:joint:


New member
have to blow the cobwebs off these charmers lol

"d'ya wanna tussle with my cheesy muscle?"

"i've the entire oxford english dictionary tattooed on my penis, let me put some words in your mouth"

approach at the bar and gently blow in the girls ear if she responds well then you're in, if she gets the faceache then say "you've just been blown out"



baby if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put "I" and "U" together...


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I don't wan to brag but I work part time and I'm also a stay at home son.

and ya wonder why it's so hard toget laid?

I know!!!

I know!!!

They call it Darwinism - the lowest and the worst of the species seldom get to reproduce and usually endure a lifetime of insecurity and continuously asking others if they should go out with the latest "Victim". (Like it ever COULD lead anywhere) Can you imagine a girl that would be attracted to something like THAT? She would have to be so low as to look up to yummy, or so deformed she couldn't run away - that's really a sad thought,,,,,, anyway,,,,,

It's suppose to improve the gene pool.
This would be a text book example.

The only other one that could raise my distain so high was sproutco

Yummy with a pick-up line,,,, dat's funny.

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