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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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Active member
Here is some on Fusion centers, which I may add are well in operation. Please note with the working of multipal entities, and local law enforcement, this will be against our constitution, local law, and military should not work together, but what our government is saying is our common ways of policing is failing so we need more. We only house more prisoners than the whole world already without the Fusion centers, or Rex 84 guidelines, Just something to keep in mind.



Andinismo Hierbatero
getup, I never said you claimed to be Jesus, I said you said you had said you were like Jesus

Do you care to quote my post that I said that I was Jesus

post #643
I may be just some coo coo, just like Jesus!

:thank you:

btw, this is yet another point where you lack attention to detail.

isn't there a popular saying that goes: 'the devil is in the detail' ?


food for thought


Active member
getup, I never said you claimed to be Jesus, I said you said you had said you were like Jesus

post #643

:thank you:

btw, this is yet another point where you lack attention to detail.

isn't there a popular saying that goes: 'the devil is in the detail' ?


food for thought
Yes stating that the world will deny you, and considered coo-coo like christ, as the world denied him, they thought he was insain enough to put him to death, and my meaning by that statement is I will follow him, and appear coo-coo just like him.

So fair enuff, to get more detailed about what I say would be more clear. Do you care to get down to detail bout anything else? I mean quite easy to pull things out of my post like that and twist it, the details lie where you search for them, quit depending on me to teach you, I said for,... oh never mind, I respect what ppl said just move on quit bickering- plan and simple I didnt mean to come off that way, and my post should be ignored by you, just hit the ignore button on me I get it already you disagree bout any, and everything! Good day sir!


Active member
hi GetUpStandUp

I'm still reading Codex Magica and I'm very impressed with it and all the effort of its author.

I found some very interesting verses from the "Quran" that confirms the author's claims, and here it goes:

"And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness.

So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.

Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower.

[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves." Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction.

[Then Allah said], "It is expected, [if you repent], that your Lord will have mercy upon you. But if you return [to sin], We will return [to punishment]. And We have made Hell, for the disbelievers, a prison-bed." Al-'Isrā (The Night Journey) 17:4 - 17:8


as the author of Codex magica said "the Illuminati are planning on building the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem", and it will be built and it will be destroyed as stated by the above verses.

do you know now why Iraq was invaded?

wish you and everyone here all the best

Man its been some years since I open the Quran, tho this passage sounds almost identical to Daniels last chapters before God told him to seal it up for the end time, which is us today. Isnt it so amazing that scripture written so long ago makes more sense, than we can, living in today, as we have so many who just dont believe in the prophets.

I believe being whole in the word will open so many doors if we just took the time, but thats what we dont have now adays, as this world has us dancing to its tune, who has time to read nowadays. But God is very clear "Wide is the gate that leads into captivity" The narrow path makes way more sense to us today, as few heed anything the bible says.

I believe that just Daniels book, and Revelation are all that is needed to really see to believe. Just the fact these men never known each other, lived hundreds of years apart, and told the same story, because they both were giving the vision, and demanded to write it down. Just sucks most of orginized religions keep ppl from any truth, they just confuse, act contradictory, and minimize our true effort by not discussing these books, as they are talking of today.

Thanks for that verse, its inlighting, and is up lifting to hear someone actually is out there studing, and appling. Stay tuned as I am working to get lots of info that backs up my talk so others can see instead here me. Most will find my effort for not, but in the real world we face some really bad times.

Did you know that 90% of the world actually thinks they will go to heaven, not that they all think they are saved, but most ppl when they die think its hell or heaven, but not so, Revelation says heaven will be brought to earth, and the old world will be gone, so Aint no body going anywhere. Then if thats the cast, we must realize if we are seperated from heaven, then what does that make us? Hell! Most think this worlds horrors arent that bad to be considered Hell, but I beg to differ as the wheels bout to fall off this planet, thats how bad we done this world. Make you wonder why ppl even believe in something when its written so clear, Just like Adam, and Eve, most still think a apple made sin! Now thats funny. Thanks for your time, look forward to more!


Active member
Oh has anyone looked up the Bush family tree? You will crap at the fact Obama is related to him, and Kerry by blood! Now it makes me wonder bout ppl who support him, but hated Bush, or think Obama was going to do any different. Hell the saying goes, blood is thicker than water!


Oh has anyone looked up the Bush family tree? You will crap at the fact Obama is related to him, and Kerry by blood! Now it makes me wonder bout ppl who support him, but hated Bush, or think Obama was going to do any different. Hell the saying goes, blood is thicker than water!

It goes a bit further than that in the fact that every President we have had past and present are all direct descendants of British Monarchs. This is actually one of the really big problems with the US still, we really never became independent even though on the outside it appears that way :rasta:


Active member
Listen to this guy from 1958!!! He drops some knowledge.

Amazing predictions from 1958 that came true will blow your Mind


The NWO has put people in place to steal the election, take our land through UN Agenda 21, suppress our food supply so they can starve us with FDA and DNR among others. The media is not an information hub it is a Monarch Programming - MK Ultra style attack on our freedoms. The WARS are to drain Americans and our country of our resources and freedoms.

Look at what the FDA and DEA to to MMJ while they....Got caught laundering drug money, running guns to mexico, and the CIA just crash landed in Mexico with 4 TONS or COCAINE. FDA is raiding Amish milk farmers and the DNR is raiding small pig farms in MI because the pigs have the wrong color hair. All the time the FDA says MMJ has no medicinal values but they allow big pharma to make fake versions of it.

The FED is the biggest ponzi scheme or actually counterfeit scheme but that is a control mechanism too. They contol the stock market, rate of gas, gold, oil, silver, etc etc...and the US $$$ along with interest rates.


Active member
Oh has anyone looked up the Bush family tree? You will crap at the fact Obama is related to him, and Kerry by blood! Now it makes me wonder bout ppl who support him, but hated Bush, or think Obama was going to do any different. Hell the saying goes, blood is thicker than water!

Girl Discovers All Presidents Related "Royal Blood Runs Deep"

Jon "Lackand" P... is all presidents link but one.

Fritz Springmeier - The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & their Mind Control


Andinismo Hierbatero
and my post should be ignored by you, just hit the ignore button on me I get it already you disagree bout any, and everything! Good day sir!

what? can't take a little disagreement?

I don't mind reading your posts, and disagreeing with your main conclusions, no need to ignore you.

be good now


Andinismo Hierbatero
as the author of Codex magica said "the Illuminati are planning on building the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem", and it will be built and it will be destroyed as stated by the above verses.

so in other words, people will come up with all sorts of mental-gymnastics to keep on finding excuses to hate and persecute the Jews.

I bet you believe the 'protocols of the elders of zion' is a real document, right?

you should just get it over with and get that swaistika avatar btw :biglaugh:


New member
America sold out to the bankers in 1912 under Woodrow Wilson when he signed the Federal Reserve act. We are now under 100 years of oprression from the global elitist bankers. None of what you see is happening on accident. Until the people rise up and take back what is theirs conditions will worsen. You have to look beyond what you see, the President and the Congress, it is what is happening behind closed doors at secret meetings with the worlds richest people you should worry about.



so in other words, people will come up with all sorts of mental-gymnastics to keep on finding excuses to hate and persecute the Jews.

I bet you believe the 'protocols of the elders of zion' is a real document, right?

you should just get it over with and get that swaistika avatar btw :biglaugh:
I was going to hit you with rep, but I must spread it around. So here, publicly, I say thank you. Thank you.


Registered Non-Conformist
Imagine the persecution that the Jews have had to endure. Then consider why they are aggressively protecting their survival. Genocide or political repression is not desirable, but please leave the racism out of your posts, or expect karma to bite ya in the culo.


Bullshit. He's not calling for the persecution of anyone but Jews. He calls out "the evil ones", but what about ALL evil people? Or do Jews have the evil market cornered? That's what I'm picking up, and it's a load of bullshit.


Andinismo Hierbatero
The truth hurts doesn't?

I do believe 'protocols of the elders of zion' is real just look around and you will see its implemented.

I do not call for prosecuting all Jews, just the evil ones (Zionists) who ruined countries and murdered innocent people, children , women, and prophets of the all Mighty creator of the universe.

There are many Jews who do not approve of the Zionists acts and I do respect them for their honesty and courage.

someday sooner or later you will find out for yourself

Peace :tiphat:

it would suck to be so uneducated and claim to know a lot; it's called Hubris, and you embody it with pride :biglaugh:

if you ever wish to dis-abuse your self from the horrid ideals you hold, you can begin here:


but of course, all research on the matter must have been controlled by the evil Zionists and the only "truth" that matters will be your own self-created hate and your favorite target to direct it at.

good luck crawling out of that dark-hole where your being resides.
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