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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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this shit doesnt happen in the rest of the world, were major parts of the population is forced to pay for their right to remain healthy.... if any of you ever go to france, germany, italy, spain( the best women by far), and japan... you will find out that we are atleast 10 years behind the rest of the world as far the a healthy society is concerned.. ... actually you think you are healthy because you only vegatables,.... im sorry you are in-fact just average from a french or japanese prospective because they receive health care By Human rights....
you really have to be a sick individual to want to charge someone for being sick.... its no problem for the same people who would enslave another human being..

i call for a french style rebelion, lets build an american made guiliten, in the middle of the washington mall and have public beheadings!
blood stain red would be a great color for a new monument in DC!
I would agree with this 100%, and when I talk bout leaving the U.S for health care, ppl always say that taxes are way to high. To me that dont make sense if your sick, those same ppl will sit here and pay out the ass to insurence who can and will deny you if you even fart wrong, plus pay higher taxes, as gas is fickin insain, and cost of living, at least you know your going to get health care, and by someone not vested to get rich, as their system pays the Dr for happy, well clients, not just cuz you just see him.

I also will back you will the french style revolution, you guys did not play thats for sure, and it definatly sets a tone for any future evil ppl to even think bout trippin. I also feel blood on the monument would be an eye for an eye, as blood spills by the U.S hands everyday.

Zen Master

Wow is it a group of you ppl that get together, and hunt down post made in other threads like frickin cops or what, and if you can not read that I have continually said dont believe in me or my words!

its the internet ebonics and random analogies that make people not understand your posts or able to 'decipher' them as I and others have said.

we aren't hunting your posts down, you joined this month and are blowing up all kinds of threads. You make it easy.

I just find it odd I have the same goons trying to keep on workin in a cop like manner, cops do shit like that, cop traits, on a mj site, humm???

Just saying

If people take the time to let you know you're being a douche on a forum, there's a lot more thinking it that aren't saying it.

just sayin'...


Active member
its the internet ebonics and random analogies that make people not understand your posts or able to 'decipher' them as I and others have said.

we aren't hunting your posts down, you joined this month and are blowing up all kinds of threads. You make it easy.

If people take the time to let you know you're being a douche on a forum, there's a lot more thinking it that aren't saying it.

just sayin'...

For this response I will use your sig, I am not ignorant, so I will say fuck following your public opinion, as you are only showing your true colors (ebonics) aint that racist to blacks? Commenting on my post when its clear you disagree repeatedly, like I said when someone has so much to say the way they say it, and continues on and on and on and on and on, it seems more personal than what it should be since you dont know me, and I dont know you, so yeah it seems you hunt down the oportunity to say something regardless, and that myfriend is a bitch ass cop move. If you own the site that would be clear, if you are speaking for the site that would be clear too, but your someone who deems it more important to calls names, draw stupid ten year old pictures, and cant get over my opinions! period

Has this gotten old for you yet, have you allowed yourself to just let ppl decide on their own if my post are bull? Cops regulate, cops work together, as its only a handful of you who obviously got it out for me to no end, I love to be helpful, as many already said so, if I cant help you why get mad? Lots of ppl will read this in the future, and in no way do I feel I have said anything that would harm you, that is unless I have see like you guys do, now thats more telling someone what to do than I have ever posted

I dont type for shit, yes you right, I stated this way before you came along, I even state it now, so again if you cant read it I must conform to you, already commented on this fact, and I made, and still make adjustments to writing more clear, But the ebonics thing you concidered a joke, well thats racist my friend, and thats against the rule of this site, just against the rules of nature really, as I am pretty sure we have black members, and Instead of just attacking me, you attacted a whole race who speaks in the manner you suggest. I repeadedly told you its cool, we can move on, been peaceful, but you keep trying to get me to say something to get me kicked out, but it wont happen, your not knowing who I am! Read my sig then come back to me, I will even be the bigger man here, and say sorry for how ever I treated you, lets be bigger, and end this and move on already.

Can we do that?

Zen Master


<<<<<<image deleted due to terms of use regarding racism>>>>>>>>>

keep trollin buddy

edit: lol didn't realize a pic I've seen here numerous times isn't okay (dats raciss!), but a hothead getting threads closed and calling every poster who disagrees a racist nonstop is cool.
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Active member
I would also say this, if this site supports that message, then it also confirms my belief your a cop, a cop for this site, you have much vested in making your power known that its ok for you to go this far without reprimand, and if that is the case then I will know where icmag's principals lay as well, to go against its own policies, just bunch of racist hidding behind the medical mj cause. So again how do ppl get from opposing ones opininon bout a seed bank, to racist comments, and pictures, now I ask you what does that have to do with mj?


Active member
Man put the fuckin meth pipe down bro



Andinismo Hierbatero
Wow is it a group of you ppl that get together, and hunt down post made in other threads like frickin cops or what, and if you can not read that I have continually said dont believe in me or my words! BUT your own research! I said the book of Enoch out of the Apacripha books, talks about these (Giants) NEPHILIM seedline, that Genesis comments on this fact.

Far as the not being able to read thats fine cool, i type screwed up fare nuff, so since you think I am saying you have to see it my way fine think that way, but Looney and calling names is what I was saying you must stop because you are acting like ppl stopping mj from being legal, as they say dismissive things towards us smokers not even trying to hear what we have to say. But I am no fool as one may suggest, everyone has fans of all types, either your down or not, so someone will always be against you.

Of course you will not see what I am talking about reading something that is not what I am talking bout, the fact you responded the speed you did, and the way you did shows you care less what I say, so why still comment to me if you disagree so much, like I said before Drama queens who act this way, and again just to be clear DONT FUCKING BELIEVE WHAT I SAY BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, seems most ppl even if they dont agree, they at least let me be, but this will never faze me, or stop me, so keep trying. I just find it odd I have the same goons trying to keep on workin in a cop like manner, cops do shit like that, cop traits, on a mj site, humm???

Just saying

well, honestly, if you jump to conclusions this fast and your so-called research is so shallow that the only explanation you can come up with is that some of us posting here are cops because we do not agree with some of what you're saying; it leaves a whole lot to be said about your "research" capabilities.


Andinismo Hierbatero
So again how do ppl get from opposing ones opininon bout a seed bank, to racist comments, and pictures, now I ask you what does that have to do with mj?

what? we have not been talking about seed-banks here in this specific thread. Why do you say any disagreement here is because of that?


personally, my only disagreements with you are in regards your claims of secret societies controlling the world and so on.

and yet, now you claim it is because of a seed-bank?

what am I missing here?


I would also say this, if this site supports that message, then it also confirms my belief your a cop, a cop for this site, you have much vested in making your power known that its ok for you to go this far without reprimand, and if that is the case then I will know where icmag's principals lay as well, to go against its own policies, just bunch of racist hidding behind the medical mj cause. So again how do ppl get from opposing ones opininon bout a seed bank, to racist comments, and pictures, now I ask you what does that have to do with mj?

WTF are you talkin' about now?

racist cops on IC? really? you should get some sleep

Zen Master

and yet, now you claim it is because of a seed-bank?

what am I missing here?

nah this clown got a different thread closed because of his trolling antics... Was about Barneys seed bank being a fraud and this cat is ignorant about the ramifications that could lead to so he's jokey jokester about it all.

acting all dumb and then "lol just trolling you bro" at the end after he looked too stupid to continue.

joined this month. trolls in nearly every post. I wonder who he was last month when he got banned. Damn some people need to get a life.

regardless. before ANOTHER thread gets binned because of this kid I think we all know what should happen......


Andinismo Hierbatero
Zen Master, ah! so he's carrying weight from that other thread into here now...

banning him will only fuel his delusion of being like Jesus though, as he hismelf put it a few posts back...

hopefully this guy will smoke a joint of good herb, sit down by himself and reflect on why he's getting some much banter from everyone...

you can only hope though...


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<<<<<<image deleted due to terms of use regarding racism>>>>>>>>>

keep trollin buddy

edit: lol didn't realize a pic I've seen here numerous times isn't okay (dats raciss!), but a hothead getting threads closed and calling every poster who disagrees a racist nonstop is cool.
Prove I called anyone else a racist but you, prove more than you three guys post been closed cuz of me! You cant, and if it was not racist I believe I dont have control of that as I dont control the site, so someone agreed didnt they, and all you can say its just me now. Fine I will take the blame, seems now Iam the person to put the blame on. Far as the Barneys thread, you came in doing this same thing, and so much so know everything bout me huh? My time spent at the site, my hours of sleep, like I said thats too much just for your typical stalker.

Whats sad is you guys forget ppl can read for themselves, and you already claim everyone on the site to be on your side, What are side here? you got your opinion, I got mine, just cuz you get your closes buddies together to rant dont make you right. Trolling well thats your view of it is that what all your post been in this thread? off topic remarks, namecalling, blaming, accussing someone without any facts sounds like the Frickin D.A to me, bunch prosecutor type of tactics, anyone gone threw the courts nows this type someone sitting there saying anything to get you convicted.

Now I am calling myself Jesus according to you guys thats a riot, to funny, prove that one please! Just way too much here boys, maybe I will just tuck my tail and leave this site, NOT like I said keep trying antics, just cuz I am new to a site dont make me some trol, and I dont have to sleep, I am on vacation, got all the time in the world to continue to look at all your attempts to control someone, and get your way, tons of stuff to read, and get involved with here, and you jokers think you can keep it up then do it cuz I aint stopping.

Cant believe just commenting is trolling, when everyone has that option, if you can control that then do it. Stop me show everyone how this could happen to even them if they fall under your sights. Any way I already see this attemp to trash this man thread even more now by you just cuz I am here, so I will attempt to keep his thing going by hitting the ignore, unless someone other than you goons has anything good to say, till your next tantrums,and name calling and accusation.


Active member
well, honestly, if you jump to conclusions this fast and your so-called research is so shallow that the only explanation you can come up with is that some of us posting here are cops because we do not agree with some of what you're saying; it leaves a whole lot to be said about your "research" capabilities.
Suggesting your cops no, acting like a bitch cop yes. damn dude do you ever read anyones post you actually disagree with, or do you jump on the biggest bandwagon you can find? Jumping to conclusions is way different than feeling the same way I do when talking to the law, again another opinion, which will be heard way differently no matter whats said.

Good for you tho to be able to read over 99 chapters of just one book I commented on, that you speak of, your either a quick reader, or just an ass, I think its showing your just an ass, who jumps on the wagon of a person who disagrees with me, not what was said. So it doesnt matter to you, why keep others from seeing it, by discrediting it with your wisdom, cuz I have yet to follow someone like yourself who has no foundation of your own, all that you can utter has not made one man wiser! you have not even offered why Enoch book is bull, you just say so.


Active member
what? we have not been talking about seed-banks here in this specific thread. Why do you say any disagreement here is because of that?


personally, my only disagreements with you are in regards your claims of secret societies controlling the world and so on.

and yet, now you claim it is because of a seed-bank?

what am I missing here?
I know, I know your not so sharpe, I will break it down for you, Your girlfriend zenmaster made a comment in another thread, because of my comment he didnt aprove of, this led to him acting out, posting silly pictures, and talking shit, totally my fault yeah we get it. So since mr ten year old got so mad at me, he decides to find evey post I made, and here we are continuing this same grown up things. If your not grasping this then you may need a nap.

Far as secret societies go, if you dont see, then you never will, maybe posting every member of some secret order will give you some clarity, oh yeah Thats right, you dont read my post, Codex Magica was the book I said had tons of proof of just that, no need to hold your hand to just look at pictures do I, Its up to you to play stupid, you just got to remember, you must have more than two ppl to convience me my post are not helpful, so go round em up, and you must have more than two ppl to convience me the way your acting is better than the way I am.


Active member
Zen Master, ah! so he's carrying weight from that other thread into here now...

banning him will only fuel his delusion of being like Jesus though, as he hismelf put it a few posts back...

hopefully this guy will smoke a joint of good herb, sit down by himself and reflect on why he's getting some much banter from everyone...

you can only hope though...
Ban me then! please do! Do you care to quote my post that I said that I was Jesus, or you just trying to sway ppl to believe in just you, cuz its there for all to read and make their own choice. Yes sitting down smoking lots, reflecting got that right!


Active member
Although this information about Bohiemian Groove is real, and very important to know, it is advised that you also look up, Alex Jones and his connection to the Jesuits, and Charlie Sheen, it is imparative to know who is feeding info. Tho Alex does talk about true things, he is implimentent into every true case to disinform, not to be our leader.

I personally know that it is not a facts that you can get on to the property, This place is more protected than the White house, and just some very clear facts here with Alex's video, if this was true, Alex produced evidence of a crime, trespassing, with no charges being brought against him, You can walk up to the gate alone, or just drive down the main road, or even take the russian river behind the property and I will be clear on this you will be met with Law enforcement, and this is when the property is empty, if you go during the 2week event, good luck even getting thru town, let alone on the property- for those who live near there, just make a weekend out of it, and get to know the local police.

This video was allowed to be filmed, as to down play the rumors that has plegued this place since its birth. The video will dipict a very different scene than the man named Paul Bannacci(Franklin case) Paul broke this case, and if you really want the nitty gritty of his testimony from court records just look for the Franklin cover up book by John Decamp on pdf. This man Paul won a million dollar settlement from his testimony in a civil suit, so keep in mind his validaty, as you hear an unbelievable story of this Groove, well it is assumed it was the groove as he was only a kid, but when you talk private planes, Names like Col. Micheal Aquino, Hunter Thompson, and a big property north of san fran well its hard to find any other place that could be, you decide!

For Alex connection to the Jesuit's, yes you will find than Charlie Sheen last name is from a Biship out of the order, That Martin estivez, changed for honoring him, That in itself is real strange, as when Charlie went coo, coo a while back spatting stuff like warlock assassin and such, which is not coo,coo at all as when you research Druidic orders, you will find out what He was basically braggin about in your face, and proving a point that he holds power over his fans as His stunt landed him more money, more fame-Not all publicity is bad!

Like I said, just sticking to facts this hole is very deep, and brings names, and connections to a whole new light, like where did Madonna, Brad-Jolie, and all these stars get these kids they convienantly parade around the media? Dont we have plenty of kids here to deal with, why go aboad, and get some kid out of a corrupt system that has no records?
Here you guys go just a little of what is said bout the Sheen family.

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