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When knowledge is suppressed we all lose.

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The Voice of Reason
you believers
what do you mean believers?
believers in the scientific method as the best tool we have for determining the nature of nature?
believers in verifiable data and predictable results?
surely you don't intend to imply 'religion like' faith...
belief in the tangible could hardly be considered religious faith.


The Voice of Reason
Nothing to preach... science has no dogma, and bears no resemblance to religion like faith.
Skepticism is integral to science and contrary to faith.

i do know what you were trying to imply... a fallacy.

Denial?? now there's a dogma!


Nothing to preach... science has no dogma, and bears no resemblance to religion like faith.
Skepticism is integral to science and contrary to faith.

i do know what you were trying to imply... a fallacy.

Denial?? now there's a dogma!
See? I toldya dogs are troublemakers!


The Voice of Reason
what's also funny is that all the science haters posting here are using scientific discoveries to make their opinions appear on the interwebs... You guys do realize science built your computer, right?
what's also funny is that all the science haters posting here are using scientific discoveries to make their opinions appear on the interwebs... You guys do realize science built your computer, right?

Bah, it is the lowly engineers who built their computers. True scientists want nothing to do with practical application ;)


The Voice of Reason
Bah, it is the lowly engineers who built their computers. True scientists want nothing to do with practical application ;)

i meant more in the sense that they ultimately would not have been built without science uncovering the processes which make computers possible.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
This reminds me of a post i made in the "agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination" thread

Yes it is. When your trained, to subservient, obedient , and docile, questioning anything that our masters tell us is fact is direct disobedience.

science=fact, Except now they call it "denialism"

Whats next are they claim people that eat healthy have a mental disorder, oh wait nevermind.


TOU said:
4. Flaming/Trolling: Flames are posts intended to insult and provoke. Posters who speak incessantly and/or rabidly on some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently ridiculous attitude will be banned. Repeated posts directed with hostility at a particular person or group of people or their beliefs will be cause for banning. Any individual who chronically trolls, who regularly posts arguments, flames or personal attacks for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion will be banned. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that they have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait.

6. Off Topic Postings: Often people post remarks that have nothing to do with the subject of the forum. These will be moved or deleted at the discretion of the moderator.

basically threads that cause people to get into flaming wars, which are also not related to cannabis and cause controversy amongst members, will get taken out.

as the subject of global warming tends to be one of these types of subjects, that get very controversial and ends up costing mods lots of time, these threads generally don't survive long.

there are after all lots of places on the internet where one can debate global warming.



.. first comes the theologists and says what can be done, then comes the ideologists and says what should be done, at last comes the scientists and says what cant be done.

... you can quote me on this ;)


The Voice of Reason
basically threads that cause people to get into flaming wars, which are also not related to cannabis and cause controversy amongst members, will get taken out.

as the subject of global warming tends to be one of these types of subjects, that get very controversial and ends up costing mods lots of time, these threads generally don't survive long.

there are after all lots of places on the internet where one can debate global warming.


this in not a global warming thread an any way at all...

If science is off topic, i have to question the wisdom in that.
people can post about vuvuzulas and religion and funny pictures and it is all good, but science is taboo? you can't even grow indoors without science, how can it be off topic?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
This is a thinly veiled attempt for you to preach that believers of Global Warming are right and the "deniers" are wrong and a bunch of morons. Anyone with a couple of brain cells can put that together bro. Now you are really insulting people intelligence. You are determined to prove your point and cannot let it go.


The Voice of Reason
no... this thread has more to do with other aspects of scientific denial, and the phenomenon in general. global warming was avoided. it is a taboo subject. The papers i'm quoting are focused on public health issues.


I thought this was about science denialist or what was that word again?

At any rate, I never disagree with the science (data) collected. As long as collected with sincerity from the heart with good intentions honesty and integrity. I will listen to any human experience (scientist). I will reserve my right to disagree with what experts claim said science (data) means or will mean for the future.

I do not think you intentionally made a thread about global warming again, however which science was it you are referring to that anyone is disputing? Then again, I believe we have already expressed our differences in the way we choose to define things and words such as science and scientist.

I agree with you that science is good (computer reference or indoor lighting tech.), but like anything it can be used for good or bad (guns and bombs). Enjoying the topic brother head. :)

Science is a tricky subject and I have already learned from many who have given their opinion. Big ups to all who have shared.
Another type of suppression is to raise pseudo science to the level of science (teach ID alongside evolution).

Suppression light...


The Voice of Reason
I thought this was about science denialist or what was that word again?

At any rate, I never disagree with the science (data) collected. As long as collected with sincerity from the heart with good intentions honesty and integrity. I will listen to any human experience (scientist). I will reserve my right to disagree with what experts claim said science (data) means or will mean for the future.

I do not think you intentionally made a thread about global warming again, however which science was it you are referring to that anyone is disputing? Then again, I believe we have already expressed our differences in the way we choose to define things and words such as science and scientist.

I agree with you that science is good, but like anything it can be used for good or bad. Enjoying the topic brother head. :)

Science is a tricky subject and I have already learned from many who have given their opinion. Big ups to all who have shared.
good post.

I was simply referring to a phenomenon which has been the subject of some recent reports, they were mostly focused on public health, but the suppression of knowledge via the swaying of public opinion via media hype applies in many arenas, and there is definitely a psychology which comes into play.

I just can't ever see how the open flow of knowledge being suppressed, or turning a blind eye to verifiable information can be a positive thing.
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