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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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trickey mickey

New member
i'm new to this site and to the game, an educated rookie trying 3 strains in central florida outside. what is f*ck'd abput it is that a child molester would get less time if caught......... THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY !!!


Active member
getup, generally, I tend to agree with what you said in that last post; just the psychology of someone wanting to run a whole country is pretty fucked up.

the question is though, what do you really do to, lets say, leave this world in a better shape than how you found it?

besides, as you said: "exposing the facts we all ignore"... which does not seem too productive to tell you the truth.

in other words, what pragmatic actions do you make as opposed to purely theoretical expression of opinions?

inquiring minds want to know.

First and fore most dont anybody say I am knowing it all, please dont say that I am telling you you have to do it my way, no. I am offering opportunity for those involved in politics as anyone here is to speak about anything, this level of understanding, 1 everyone here seems to want good, 2 none of us here has made it into a private organization(ie politics) yes private meaning you have to buy in to the same foundation that current, and past leadership has been doing since the beggining-Look up the first ever third party in a election, and this date is in the 1800's.

bringing this third party up will do two things if you are true to self, and to any cause, realize the powers that held office since that time, and realize ppl of that time were not fooled- they knew both sides were indeed one. NO this one fact alone does not prove anything, it wasnt til I ran across a man involved in a private organization, he was a pastor at multipal churches, he ran youth groups for under privlaged.

Where I came in was doing work for this man, and once he connected to my level of intellect he seemed very interested in me because at the time I was writting a book to support foster kids, he read my rough draft via email, yes at this point we were getting pretty close. Long story short, this man wanted me to work with his youth group, and head it as I was one of these kids. Funny thing was I had no idea of his involvement in this said private order, which I talk about in my book, which he had yet to get to in the latter chapters, but once he did, he made many efforts to reconstruct my thinking of this order, as he was hell bent to defend it.

It wasnt until the subject of eddie long that came up from my mouth, on how I felt personally about him, and the case pending against him. This man goes to say things in eddies defence, problem was I knew the case very well, and was following it, and others, because I second my life as an investigator in these matters with kids. Once I gave him my angered point to defend a man over a child, and how all of these men will fall if I had the chance to expose the truths. Yeah of course he shut down, yeah of course it was maybe not needed, but funny thing is, this pastor made a trip to atlanta two days later.

This trip ended up at a meeting of all said group, of high levels of every foundation in our community, no I could not get into this meeting, but the actions of some little peon like myself put enough heat on these men on this case, days later Eddie Long paid 25 million to said accuser before it was placed in court.

No I take no credit for this, but what I do take credit for is putting word of ill will towards this order, to expose, to investigate no matter the cost, and he knew this, he knew my book was hitting lots of ppl, which is not sold for profit, and not published thru any normal means, its a underground book so to speak. So since then I follow, and document, names, cars, ppl, states, I do my homework on these men.

Yeah you may laugh, but since then I have found 80 percent have had ties to, or own their own youth group, for under privlaged. Ive been arrested by local, state and the feds, I have a ncic number, they know who I am! Point really is the freaks come out at night, the freaks dont do just politics, the freaks are very private, and some how they seem to care a real lot for kids, lets just say that.

Where I am getting at is the number of kids missing in one day in america- period! this group I follow, is spanded in every state, even abroad, more so than any other group, and no they are not freemen, or masons, or illuminati, hell no these men have great ties to them groups, but these men are like pit bulls for the man up on top, they do dirty work, and keep the leaders hands clean.

Yes far fetched, and your saying what does this have to do with politics? well simple, when I get pulled over on video I may add, it always seems to be when a high official is in town, and I get the whole 9 thrown at me, now I am getting wiser, and dont work with one crew with one camera. All you need to know is this political thing is just Hollywood, any figure head, all time in front of their cameras is spent smiling, lieing, and get you to like em at face value, but I see how they act off. No not the Obamas, or Pauls, but individuals who rub elbows with them.

No I am not dead yet, I havent got the proof yet, but discredit yes, I ve been arrested over 30 times in a year in half, all but three were dropped. I do work in a area no one wants to be, but I will tell you to see how security, and law enforcment, and these individuals act, you will step back altogether, and shit your pants at what reality is at your feet. PPL think just getting involved in the politics is good, harmless, but its not, your helping them, when you take a stand for your rights you dont stop at just supporting them, you dig, you take claims like mine seriously to investigate until you prove it false- for yourself!

I am like you, but I was blessed to have a kid come into my life, which needed me, and guess what door opened? This one!

So how does this fix our problem? Well the problem aint them, its us we dont see it, this is as professional as you can get, so they are safe-FOR NOW, but why sit and vote on a pediphile, why when we would all just kill anyone doing this mess. But hey dont believe me again, You need to look no further to current events, and past ones their media could not control from releasing such cases-Mcmartin case cali., franklin federal credit union, the Duetroux case in belgium, the Indian schools in Canada, and on and on, til we see it in local news Penn st. Govenor Nacy Schefer of Georgia etc, We the ppl fail at protecting KIDS PERIOD- and if your involved in this and political then we have what we have today. PPl worried about politics when children take back seats to it all.

But hey we all do what, we want any God we call our own, he watches and waits to see who has the balls to stand up, just like my name GETUPSTANDUP, just like Bob marley said it, in every song, and yes he talk about the kids as well, we cant have any foundation of any leader when this evil is going on in our own back yard! Nothing to me is most important, cuz watching the political race has nothing compared to holding a abused child.

If you are true to politics, then research what I said, just google some case, take a 15 min side bar, and scroll through them, then notice that none of the high profile cases make it to courts, where it becomes public, and we get all the names, and info, no most these cases are played down, as an act of a individual, not a group, so we think otherwise. I am here to tell you Eddie long is small in comparison, but he has ties to Obama, hollywood, and very high profile ppl, and this should tell you how this PASTOR got 25million to pay off someone who was sposed to be a lier. The money was not his, it was a group, and they needed it to go away!

I called out Steve Harvey the comedian, becuase this group was doing quality control using steve to air nationally to speak that the boy was lieing, Now the man steve, cant get far away from a camera, unless its to promote his book, and oh yeah good old steve has a youth group too, and his requiremnt is you must be from a single mom home! So when his wife and him divorced, it was because of this mess, he was put on blast, and his wife is being paid to shut up. Just do the math people, its way bigger then the TV screen, and the political race.


Active member
i'm new to this site and to the game, an educated rookie trying 3 strains in central florida outside. what is f*ck'd abput it is that a child molester would get less time if caught......... THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY !!!
Again tricky just said something we all know, and we all fail to act on, these leaders have made over the years a base in criminal law, and passed bills over the years to protect them from future incarceration. I really cant express any other reason why our current laws say weed is worst than fuckin a child. We all know this is wrong, but hey it is law so a whole lot of us citizens dont know crap to get things done, we beg someone else to do it for us. Just so happens these same ppl(polititans) dont even care the laws are so weak towards molesters, or child crimes.

Funny factiod here, did you know the FBI does not, repeat DOES NOT keep records of abducted children, or child crimes! But they do keep states of every cities car burglaries, rapes, etc, why then is every level set up to slaps on the wrist? The Dugard case was proof of envolvement to hold a child in captivity, for 18 years, and being on perole for the same madness? Well, looking at the case, neighbors repeated complained that this man was doing something wrong, that ppl would come all hours of the night, can you say sex slave anyone?

Yeah you guys may be right, there is no one out the that does this stuff, I may be just some coo coo, just like Jesus, in the red letter he said in chapter 18 of matthew how he felt about children, and he tells us to break out of ourselfs, become like a child to find the fathers favor. His words not mine, But I will die living those words!


Andinismo Hierbatero
getup, if what you say is true in regards having been arrested over 30 times in one year and a half; do you think it is wise to grow herb when you claim to have such a profile?

also, since we are all adults here and love honesty, even if it is a bit blunt; to tell you the truth, what you are telling us that you do, is a very difficult thing to accept from a stranger in the internet, do you agree?

for the record, I have zero ties with any sort of political party; my only interest in politics is the interest of someone who observes from the outside with a lot of questions and even disgust.

regarding children and adults who abuse them; well, that's not new... my wife's father was touched very inappropriately when he was a child by a catholic priest for example.

but my initial question to you should have been worded better, for the sake of being very specific, let me try again:

you and I can agree in that politics/politricks is a very dirty game, it has became so corrupted that hoping to fix it is a little bit naive. right?

imo, we need a new paradigm shift, rather than trying to fix the old one.

having said that, in what ways do you think regular people (including yourself) can help to make this current out-of-fashion political system irrelevant? and ideally, with what should it be replaced? if with anything at all...



Active member
The biggest problem isn't a USA problem, it's a world wide problem and that problem is capitalism. Now don't think I'm a communist or socialist, etc., but if a new worldwide economic system isn't planned and executed relatively soon, humanity is doomed. The problem with capitalism is that it is inherently flawed: If there isn't a resource to exploit, then capitalism fails. If there isn't large population growth, capitalism fails. In a nutshell, capitalism is a giant pyramid scheme. If it doesn't have continuous resources to take advantage of, it fails.
The second biggest problem is the "God complex". All of the current and prospective world politicians have it, along with all of the world's religious leaders. The "God complex" simply means that a person thinks that they have all of the answers. If you think that you have all of the answers, you are wrong, because nobody has all of the answers.

I really don't even know where to start....

First, capitalism brought you every thing you have...

With out mans never ending struggle to better his situation we would still be living in mud huts and tree forts.

Capitalism is natural , the problems arise when we don't respect and enforce other natural rights like private property and individual liberty

What we live under now is a fascist state(crony capitalism). Iow corporations are in bed with government.

Capitalism isn't about exploitation, it's about private ownership of the means of production and materials. In free market capitalism exploitation is bad for both parties. If you exploit a resource as a business you'll put yourself out of said business.

Now when gov is in bed with business they say it's okay to pollute your neighbor. the land and resource that said business work with are actually government land and resources "on loan" so there is no reason to protect and conserve the resources and supplies, they arent yours.

The second god complex part I agree with. The solution, let people be free.


Active member
getup, if what you say is true in regards having been arrested over 30 times in one year and a half; do you think it is wise to grow herb when you claim to have such a profile?

also, since we are all adults here and love honesty, even if it is a bit blunt; to tell you the truth, what you are telling us that you do, is a very difficult thing to accept from a stranger in the internet, do you agree?

for the record, I have zero ties with any sort of political party; my only interest in politics is the interest of someone who observes from the outside with a lot of questions and even disgust.

regarding children and adults who abuse them; well, that's not new... my wife's father was touched very inappropriately when he was a child by a catholic priest for example.

but my initial question to you should have been worded better, for the sake of being very specific, let me try again:

you and I can agree in that politics/politricks is a very dirty game, it has became so corrupted that hoping to fix it is a little bit naive. right?

imo, we need a new paradigm shift, rather than trying to fix the old one.

having said that, in what ways do you think regular people (including yourself) can help to make this current out-of-fashion political system irrelevant? and ideally, with what should it be replaced? if with anything at all...

Yes for your common type of citizen growing, and cops dont mix, but I am 215, and I have been around the block with every level of court you can imagine, out of the Federal charge was beat by me, because I dont plea bargin out, 96% do, I am a breed who dont give a ....when it comes to truth. I sat and watch my mom killed, this skill in life after that has made me fear nothing, of course I had a long road to control my PTSD, and mj is my med for this.

Hell yeah its hard to defend kids, and weed, but it is who I am, hell clinton ran the free world smoked weed, and got a bj but ppl still love him. Far as anyone here feeling like you have to believe me, I never said that, I repeatedly say dont believe me, believe in you, and what you find, I already know what is there, but most dont, and this subject is not something you take lightly, and just believe me.

For fixing politics, well I am not speaking to fix it, no no no, I am speaking to expose it, if you feel that it is ok to have ppl elite or joe smoes, doing crimes at this level, then by all means support them, take a back seat and watch in discust, but in fact if what iformation I am layng at your feet, make you move, it will move where it goes, I have no clue, but it will be a start of some truth finally, as we fail to see they(elite) has made some pretty questionable moves this past 10 years, like I said before research how much tax dollars are being spent on REX84-this is real!

So they are not going to fix it, and if we try well, God bless us all is all I have to say. I hold no answer for how it plays out after this info his the public, is it nieve, or waste of time, well no, it too easy to jion the common group, we all know if it aint hard it aint worth it, and where I stand its a struggle, so I know I am on track. So once ppl start demanding court action on crimes comitted by the few, we will finally see what option we have to go. But thats all theory, as I tend to trust the prophets of the bible, as John in revelation speaks of this end time, and the ppl and action, and how we fall, Daniel spoke the same words hundreds of years before, we the ppl fail at doing our job thay say, we fall victim to these elite, and funny how God himself deemed (merchants of this world waxed rich with privlage of living off our blood)

You may not believe the word, I dont believe in religion, but I do the word, as just these to prophets were more on point of todays facts, than us living at this time, and they were 2000years ahead of the game. The ten toes in Daniels prophecy to king Neb. was the last kindom to rule earth, these ten toes are made of clay-dirt-Adam, but the rest was of Metal elements, gold, silver, so on, dirt cannot mix with metal and hold together, so Daniel was saying we will seperate form government.

I know I put myself out there, it raw, it deep, but I care less how ppl view me personally, I used to talking to foster kids, as in I relate to them, and some are thugs, real gangsters, some just want a chance to be loved, but I never would be able to reach them if I was a lier, or dont have my street cred, I ve been thru some stuff that makes them know I am real, and they open up, they talk, they share, and quess what we grow better. Ive even had a couple 14-16yr olds give me a nice look at gun barrels, I walk around LA, cali like I belong, because I do, some places some of you will lock your doors when just driving thru.

I waste no words on false, I ask you for no money, I demand nothing of you, Far as fixing politics, isnt that what all the election is all about, to fix something somebody else messed up? But you can tell me I am wrong, but the last Leader to ever say any truth about the elites, and there goal, was JFK and we all seen his face get blown off. But instead of heeding his words, we are still in ptsd shock that we just witness what a 30 ot 6 does to the head on national tv.

I am not alone as you may seem to display with all my info, I work with police accountabilty groups, who get crooked cops, to walk into the department and quit because of some video proof, I got old Dutch men in there 60s, down to 14 year olds getting involved, yes its a whole different game once you step back, I always say this fact to all none believers, and I always pose this question to ones who question me-HOW CAN WE DEFEAT THE DEVIL< IF YOU KNOW NOT WHO< OR WHER HE IS?

Far as your father inlaw, I feel for him, cuz he come from an era that you dont talk bout that stuff, those old cats are strong, to have held that stuff in, as I deal with a 60 year old man who had the same done to him, and to speak the things I do has opened a door for him to live again, to release and realize he is not alone. The Vatican ooh buddy a whole nother can of worms, and you will eventually end up at the door step of the Vatican when researching- They paid out more money than anyone else for their evil deeds, 600 million to be exact to some victims, not all!

So my friend, this info is a take it or leave it, do what yo will with it, I cant make anyone do anything, yo will not be the only one who will write off what I say, but be warned the seed is planted, and I found most who denie, always end up at this point if you do 8th type of research. I would start with the Franklin Case so you can see the names involved, the actions of few, and the web that lyes acroos the nation, let alone the world, and you will see how since 88 we have no clue this case or the hundreds of others cases, so be prepared to be mad, and hopefully I wont have to come up with a solution by myself!


Active member
for the last 50 years conservatives have had their way with our government.. using white racism, bigitry, and war to gain power and steal money from the tax payers.

now the public is finally hip the their scam and wont allow them to make any more laws and like a spoil kid they are lashing out with all they know... more racism, more hatred, more war mongering......

I think we should build chopping block to cut peoples heads off, french rebl style.


Active member
i dont really get the idea of government,

the people getting together and hiring someone to run the most important stuff, like hospitals and shit, yeah, sure, thats just having employes.

but, we actually elect someone to boss us around and take our money and use it for whatever they want :D

lol always seemed retarded to me :tiphat:


Active member
Although this information about Bohiemian Groove is real, and very important to know, it is advised that you also look up, Alex Jones and his connection to the Jesuits, and Charlie Sheen, it is imparative to know who is feeding info. Tho Alex does talk about true things, he is implimentent into every true case to disinform, not to be our leader.

I personally know that it is not a facts that you can get on to the property, This place is more protected than the White house, and just some very clear facts here with Alex's video, if this was true, Alex produced evidence of a crime, trespassing, with no charges being brought against him, You can walk up to the gate alone, or just drive down the main road, or even take the russian river behind the property and I will be clear on this you will be met with Law enforcement, and this is when the property is empty, if you go during the 2week event, good luck even getting thru town, let alone on the property- for those who live near there, just make a weekend out of it, and get to know the local police.

This video was allowed to be filmed, as to down play the rumors that has plegued this place since its birth. The video will dipict a very different scene than the man named Paul Bannacci(Franklin case) Paul broke this case, and if you really want the nitty gritty of his testimony from court records just look for the Franklin cover up book by John Decamp on pdf. This man Paul won a million dollar settlement from his testimony in a civil suit, so keep in mind his validaty, as you hear an unbelievable story of this Groove, well it is assumed it was the groove as he was only a kid, but when you talk private planes, Names like Col. Micheal Aquino, Hunter Thompson, and a big property north of san fran well its hard to find any other place that could be, you decide!

For Alex connection to the Jesuit's, yes you will find than Charlie Sheen last name is from a Biship out of the order, That Martin estivez, changed for honoring him, That in itself is real strange, as when Charlie went coo, coo a while back spatting stuff like warlock assassin and such, which is not coo,coo at all as when you research Druidic orders, you will find out what He was basically braggin about in your face, and proving a point that he holds power over his fans as His stunt landed him more money, more fame-Not all publicity is bad!

Like I said, just sticking to facts this hole is very deep, and brings names, and connections to a whole new light, like where did Madonna, Brad-Jolie, and all these stars get these kids they convienantly parade around the media? Dont we have plenty of kids here to deal with, why go aboad, and get some kid out of a corrupt system that has no records?


Active member
thanks for the lnfo brother and another great book, I've read something similar in "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke, although I do not agree with some of his claims.

wish you all the best :thank you: :tiphat:
Yes bro you on track to finding some good info, and yes the biggest secret got it right about Diana, and the queen, but the lizard stuff, well I never believed myself, of this, but I will say this no matter what I feel is bull, I do know that even the Bible talks about Angels mating with man making a hybrd super human called Nephilims, ie Goliaths bloodline. The most important book to taken out of our bible, and apart of the Apocripha books, Is Enochs book. Oh wow bro, you will flip if you read it, he had known all these Nephilims by name, and the majority of the book is about this fact.

Sucks no one realised Enoch was very favored by God, he and Elisha were the only two without a human death, and went straight to heaven, so to me anyways it seems Enochs words are very important, so to be clear on this lizard thing, I do think it could be explained, or understood clearer if we put them(nephilims) in their place instead of lizards. Remember some of these surposed vitims are tramatized, as Arizona Wilder, yeah they been messed with pretty bad, so yeah what they saw could be thier own interpretation of nephilims.

So in turn it brings new meaning to the 13 illuminati families who have ties to old days, and would be a pefect cover for them, as if any of these families were really rightous then why do we have so many world problems that lay at their doorstep. When think of this point in wealth, not that it would be best to happen, but to see the actual power they do have at least finacially, imagine just one family member net worth could reach into the hundreds of millions, or billions depending on who your talking bout, but imagine being able to just give each american a cut of 300 million, or 3billion, it would make lots of ppl happy, but yeah not a smart idea, just using this as the power one can have, and some ppl are worth over 30billion by themselves, now imagine all these wealthy got together and stomped out hunger!

I know I get deep, but all this stuff is credible, no matter how much we refuse to accept. Hell I read the book Transfermation America by C. obrian, and felt very iffy bout some of the things also, one being the tazer torcher of her and her daughter during rapes, and programing the mind, her daughter was 5, she said tazers are used routenly as a tool, and that these tazers leave marks kinda like moles, or bumps like a mole, usually in twos on face, neck, private areas, and by those marks you can tell who has been through this very high profile tactic.

Well bro, I definatly left the book on the fence, but dam it if this info has just plagued me since, as I can not watch tv, movies, specially porn girls, who I feel now are once kid nap girls from the past forced to perform. But I see these moles everywhere now, on the faces of some very big names too, it dont confirm nothing sure, by it sure is funny how many ppl in hollywood, music, tv have these marks, it has made me stop watching anything, even the John Benet baby had these marks, so was Tracy Dugard, its just mad!

also notice every movie will have a cross in it, or say Jesus in it as a message to blasphamy God from these film producers who bought into the occult, its just not funny, I thought it was bull, not so, it messes with watching a movie now, cuz I forget about it until I see it!

Nice to know, and hear ppl are out there knowing these things, remember you can pm me, or ask bout anything, I can steer you usually in the right direction of some good study subjects! Peace:tiphat:


Active member
I just had a flashback to that looney illuminati thread a couple months ago...
Yes, the right to free speech is two way, tho when ppl that dont smoke mj can, and will say they just want to smoke pot big druggies, when we need medical meds! Its dismissive. So for someone really claiming you support anything not just mj, why would you have the same approach as someone who is trying to stop mj with negative statements? If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it!

Tho it is my personal opinion, This trait belongs mostly within your female species, Has a vagina, long hair, always got to win the arguement, you know women, underlined DRAMAQUEENS, needing to have the attention for what ever reason. Whats looney is someone thinking like you, and commenting on any issue like really thinks mj laws will get changed with actions like those!

Just saying, opinions are like assholes....the fact anyone can speak about you without knowing you says it all!


Yes, the right to free speech is two way, tho when ppl that dont smoke mj can, and will say they just want to smoke pot big druggies, when we need medical meds! Its dismissive. So for someone really claiming you support anything not just mj, why would you have the same approach as someone who is trying to stop mj with negative statements? If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it!

Tho it is my personal opinion, This trait belongs mostly within your female species, Has a vagina, long hair, always got to win the arguement, you know women, underlined DRAMAQUEENS, needing to have the attention for what ever reason. Whats looney is someone thinking like you, and commenting on any issue like really thinks mj laws will get changed with actions like those!

Just saying, opinions are like assholes....the fact anyone can speak about you without knowing you says it all!


smoking too much barney's farm weed there bro?

so if we don't see it the way you do we are anti mj now?

every asshole has an opinion:biggrin:


Yes, the right to free speech is two way, tho when ppl that dont smoke mj can, and will say they just want to smoke pot big druggies, when we need medical meds! Its dismissive. So for someone really claiming you support anything not just mj, why would you have the same approach as someone who is trying to stop mj with negative statements? If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it!

Tho it is my personal opinion, This trait belongs mostly within your female species, Has a vagina, long hair, always got to win the arguement, you know women, underlined DRAMAQUEENS, needing to have the attention for what ever reason. Whats looney is someone thinking like you, and commenting on any issue like really thinks mj laws will get changed with actions like those!

Just saying, opinions are like assholes....the fact anyone can speak about you without knowing you says it all!

The little bit of that I can decipher kind of makes you come off like an "opinion", if you know what I mean.....


Andinismo Hierbatero
I do know that even the Bible talks about Angels mating with man making a hybrd super human called Nephilims, ie Goliaths bloodline.

getup, what I quoted here from you is actually pretty wrong.

according to the book of genesis, the angels that came down to mate with women were the ones termed as Nephilim, NOT their off-spring, as you write.

attention to detail is extremely important, specially for someone who claims to be a researcher of very touchy subjects like you claim to be.

anyway, good luck and don't flame on others who do not see things as you do, it won't get you anywhere and obviously will only be counter-productive.

edit: speaking of other threads... I dunno why, but I always confuse this thread with the ron paul thread in the other sub-forum, crazy lol...


International Bankers have taken over. They will enslave us through massive debt. Eventually we can no longer dictate our spending because like a credit card company eventually your credit gets shut off. Once they control our money everything things gets slashed. The NWO agenda is to bring the US standard of living down to 3rd world status. If we could defeat the bankers we will win. The idea is to become self sufficient. Dollars will mean nothing. Gold and silver will be the world reserve currencies.


Active member
getup, what I quoted here from you is actually pretty wrong.

according to the book of genesis, the angels that came down to mate with women were the ones termed as Nephilim, NOT their off-spring, as you write.

attention to detail is extremely important, specially for someone who claims to be a researcher of very touchy subjects like you claim to be.

anyway, good luck and don't flame on others who do not see things as you do, it won't get you anywhere and obviously will only be counter-productive.

edit: speaking of other threads... I dunno why, but I always confuse this thread with the ron paul thread in the other sub-forum, crazy lol...
Wow is it a group of you ppl that get together, and hunt down post made in other threads like frickin cops or what, and if you can not read that I have continually said dont believe in me or my words! BUT your own research! I said the book of Enoch out of the Apacripha books, talks about these (Giants) NEPHILIM seedline, that Genesis comments on this fact.

Far as the not being able to read thats fine cool, i type screwed up fare nuff, so since you think I am saying you have to see it my way fine think that way, but Looney and calling names is what I was saying you must stop because you are acting like ppl stopping mj from being legal, as they say dismissive things towards us smokers not even trying to hear what we have to say. But I am no fool as one may suggest, everyone has fans of all types, either your down or not, so someone will always be against you.

Of course you will not see what I am talking about reading something that is not what I am talking bout, the fact you responded the speed you did, and the way you did shows you care less what I say, so why still comment to me if you disagree so much, like I said before Drama queens who act this way, and again just to be clear DONT FUCKING BELIEVE WHAT I SAY BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, seems most ppl even if they dont agree, they at least let me be, but this will never faze me, or stop me, so keep trying. I just find it odd I have the same goons trying to keep on workin in a cop like manner, cops do shit like that, cop traits, on a mj site, humm???

Just saying


Active member
this shit doesnt happen in the rest of the world, were major parts of the population is forced to pay for their right to remain healthy.... if any of you ever go to france, germany, italy, spain( the best women by far), and japan... you will find out that we are atleast 10 years behind the rest of the world as far the a healthy society is concerned.. ... actually you think you are healthy because you only vegatables,.... im sorry you are in-fact just average from a french or japanese prospective because they receive health care By Human rights....
you really have to be a sick individual to want to charge someone for being sick.... its no problem for the same people who would enslave another human being..

i call for a french style rebelion, lets build an american made guiliten, in the middle of the washington mall and have public beheadings!
blood stain red would be a great color for a new monument in DC!
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