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What Do YOU do to stay Healthy..?

Bongo Fury

i eat all of the meat that i can (no liver), put salt on my Frito's corn chips, fry everything in butter, worship bacon like a God, and absolutely fucking LOVE deep-fried gluten. have not exercised in fifteen years, weigh exactly what my doc says i should, & my cholesterol is dead on. healthy? i don't know about THAT shit...:tiphat: but i am damn sure happy...:woohoo:

Unforgettable : Woody Allen scene from "sleeper" , he wakes up 200 year later ...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
totally not very much and pretty sure i was diabetic until my last blood test about 6 weeks ago when i found all was well and even my cholestrol was 5-5 but i drive everwhere so am unfit as hell and i live in the middle of Epping forest so no short walk to buy a newspaper,,,
No excuses though i need to start walking a couple of times a day,,,,other then that i am as fit as a fiddle at 52years of age


Hello i eat 200% organic drink dileka water whit aqua adventi osmo iam dog trainer attacks and defense whit coooooooooopsssssssss so i have to stay healty ,i run ,bodybuilding 2xweeks,i got sublimator crafty migthy volcano for smoke i burn one sometimes no tobacco and if iam sick i drink 5ppm pure coloidal sylver its my best friend and for large disease cancer aids malaria .... cure guershon , mms ,coloidal sylver togheter unbeatable iam very very happy in my life but i do everything for see you soon .


Well-known member

see the above chart for your BMI, body mass index

I show my buddies that ... and they offer all kinds of dumass excuses for being 'fat'


ps ..I walk everyplace ..lol
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Registered Non-Conformist
Thanks Folks for keeping this thread going. Great Stuff all around, even You too Armed Old Hippy...! Peace..!


Active member
hi ya,if ur not allergic to peanuts this is one for yo to get rid of flu.eat peanut butter nothing to eat 11/2 before or after.drink with tea or coffee,pepsi,coke no other types of soda,no milk,NOJUICE.eat plain or on bread or u can eat those orange cheap peanut butter crackers,there good to take ever hour couple at a time as ned to stomack from rolling.repeat as needed.it will tak out the fever too no problem.been using it for 20 yrs kiled all strains of FLU,kills norway virus,stomach illness too.already had it this an took it out like nobodies business.i have sent this to cdc disese control.who u gonna call FLU busters.wen u get sick hoe not all b saying what that guy say?..peace moon/want to end the suffering.no deserts during the process it inhibits the getting well process.
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Active member
as a general practice wen eating dinner ,don't eat no deserts until 11/2 hours later,this will greatly help ur digestion an ya it makes a big difference,thats wat the ol folks use to do way back wen.have a nice day++
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I've done nothing for 8 years +
Got attacked back in 07 and had a brain injury. a few months later I developed ptsd.
I stopped working, I stopped going out pretty much.
Sat in watching movies and playing computer games,eating cap. I also started growing and it helped take my mind off things so you know not so bad.

Well I've decided it's time for a change. Sold my ps4 and games. I've used the money to join a gym, induction is on Tuesday morning.
Looking forward to this and apprehensive at same time..... there's been so many cheeseburgers.


In my empire of dirt
way to put your best foot foreward sir
that sucks that you got jumped but sometimes life sucks
hopefully, you are able to put it in the past and move on

dont be intimidated by the gym
i know what you mean when you describe the mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension
everyone has to start somewhere and this is your square one
put your mind to it and dont let yourself give up,buddy
the days you least want to do it are the ones that will matter the most

im like you and love the cheeseburger, but i also like the feeling i get after a hard ride on the mountain bike and the feeling i get when i look in the mirror and see an old man in half way decent shape

i wish you the best!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Keto Lifestyle...
Excercise 4-5 times a week
Drink only water
Havent smoked weed in many years, concentrates only! Lungs have never been better...


That good feeling people get after going to the gym.... yeah I don't got that.
For a fewhile days now I've had stomach acid waking me up and I mean up,up at 4.30-5.00am which wouldn't be so bad but I don't go to bed until midnight.
The pain has me doubled up.
Just walked the better part of 4 miles to the gym. Did some tread mill and rowing. started on the weights and bang it was like my stomach was gonna burst.
I tried to carry on but I couldn't. I wanted to sick up acid and all my stomach and guts were on fire.
I'm sure there's something wrong and has been for a while as I get through a big bottle of gaviscon every week.
Anyway didn't even get on to my legs or half way through my beginners training program lol
Oh well doctors this afternoon and rest day tomorrow


In my empire of dirt
That good feeling people get after going to the gym.... yeah I don't got that.
For a fewhile days now I've had stomach acid waking me up and I mean up,up at 4.30-5.00am which wouldn't be so bad but I don't go to bed until midnight.
The pain has me doubled up.
Just walked the better part of 4 miles to the gym. Did some tread mill and rowing. started on the weights and bang it was like my stomach was gonna burst.
I tried to carry on but I couldn't. I wanted to sick up acid and all my stomach and guts were on fire.
I'm sure there's something wrong and has been for a while as I get through a big bottle of gaviscon every week.
Anyway didn't even get on to my legs or half way through my beginners training program lol
Oh well doctors this afternoon and rest day tomorrow

that sucks man, hopefully you can get your stomach acids in check so you arent in so much pain
it wont happen over night and it sounds like you just dove right onto the deep end!

do you normally walk 4 miles (8 miles both ways?)
also maybe you were going too hard when you were one the weights/ rowing machine
slower movements are good to warm up and get the muscles ready
if you arent used to working out then you should just be moving at a comfortable pace for your first few visits to the gym, more like jsut going through the motions than trying to really work out

hopefully you can stick it out, i mean f-all man, you sold your gaming console...
if the gym istn for you then you can find some other activity

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