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Wh@ = Th@


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Tona as i understand it will affect other plants by toutch (handling it) also bugs are a main problem of virus transfers ....cuts will always have it....not all plants have big problems due this virus..but it will always slow the plant is some way....
its recommended to strerillize all equipment in boiling water ...and clean hands very good...

heya HL
i already culled 2.
in a other room....they where stunned and had lage discolorments on the bottom leaves.....i stil have 2 and i might keep them to flower out....but i'm gonne trash the clones...
i once bought a clone in holland froma farmer and since then i noticed it exist
Nhow thanks for the nice words...i'm glad you like the show a bit...i to am very stoked ....i just wanne smoke them...its always hard to wait lol.....


sup core, you skilled man with them clones! I need about 57 myself and I just took a round and all died :( I was using cold water(shoot myself in the foot) anyways looks fabulous in here bro, keep it green!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
wow that sucks caligreen....losing that many clones is a bummer....can't be from cold water can it? you used a dome on them?....coz thats pretty important ime...first 7 days atleast....some wll yellow but thats not always a bad sign...some of mine also get small spot on the nerves coz of no nutrient uptake...but they'll get tru it...I'll take som epics to show next time...if i dont forget that is ...great to have ya inhere mate...

SDv2.5 F3

alot actually G...but its swell to have to have you back ....you went on vacation to the island all this time??
Nway good to have you back....alway nice cannabis chats with you ^^
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Active member
Looks awesome Core!

I'm so lucky to have come off our cuts in my garden(Amnesia Haze and SSSDH) :D

Here is two SSSDH cuts



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaaah doktoren ....looking very good there mate !!! its nice to see my friends spread there wealth !...ohw man you've grown her before? if not...you shure as hell gonne like her!!
thanks for dropping the pics its always nice to have a look how other grower do her right :smile:....i'll take some of mine when i update....mine are a few weeks in flower though...but only preflower on her.

heya B/R
she does look great like that ...but i surtenly gonne have to support that limb i cropped.....she's gonne be so massive in nuggery that she won't hold....i'm very shure lol....i think you know ...its Pollen Chucks mom :)
she should trow resin very soon :smile:
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You will not be forgotten
hey man just wanted to drop in and say high :joint:

looks like all has been well with you and glad to see you rockin some great strains, ill be back around to see how things are goin take care and catch you later :wave:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
she looks good to me Core,but then again i dont think you ever had anything i saw that didnt look healthy and happy.

so the plants can get this sickness from using dirty utensils when ur makin cuts and trimming ur garden?
im gonna start being belligerent about that,i cant lie sometimes i just use them,always the same ones my little sharp "cloning" scizzors..
im gonna start keepin them in some alchol 24/7.
thanks for the info brotha.peace -T-


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
dang brotha srry about the virus them KK's lookn very nice everything is bro

oh yes the letter arrived today safe n sound thx brotha puff puff passn
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Dimebag its good to see you around again....grab a seat and take a load of...put the vapor on and toke away :smile:

ohy yea Tona i've already shared my Fuckups to the world...lol...you can mess up so many times but there comes a time that you know what you are doing ..hehehe
Nway...you should indeed be carefull using the same utensils...it also can be carried over by bugs and by handling plant with bare hands..
and alcohol does't realy help...its a good preventetive for other bacteria but for viruses you need to Boil the tools ! so i've read....

aaahhh Maj thats a fast trip i say...nice going for the post lol..and the customs for letting them in :muahaha:
thanks major there very lanky ...no short pheno between it hehehe
brought some pics for ya :smile:

so first of the update are the Kaua'i Kushes
very lanky girls...they did't get any feeding yet...i think i'm 2 1/2 weeks in ..
i pinched away some leaves for better lighting..got 1 more but she's a wee bit smaller...not much though...

then some SSSDH i am playing with....Core style :rasta:

and these are the 2 DC's i have left....i trew away there clones coz imo they are infected with the TMV virus...

and a few Amnesia Haze's to boot the show :D

and then ther's the Neville's x mango.....ohw boy they are great looking...soory for the bad pics ..but they are gonne trow some nice tops i think....i know that some look like they have the claw and they do...but i have not fed all them plant i've shown in like 5 or 6 weeks ...from veg transplant till now....no food....its the canna soil that is so rich in food :wink:

and the i brought 2 martians ...also very nice growing...though i had to pinch a few leave for better penetration...very bushy growth untill now...chrimas like style hehe


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
^^^ Ditto ^^^

Very sweet looking plants Core. Sorry to hear about the TMV - I've had it on garden plants, luckily not inside. That stuff can really spread - glad you caught it early :yes:

They all look great - I am smitten with the SSDH and DCs this run - gorgeous!

Be safe be happy! -MGJ


Registered Medical Patient
Hey Core, great lookin wares bro, I love the tie down job u did on that SSSDH!!!! She will yeild muchbetter like that believe it or not!!!
So I just got home and found a very nice package waitin for me in the mailbox!!!Thanx bro, I cant wait to try them...gotta love the US postal service!!!!Peace bro, Ill PM u later...

- Z


The Tri Guy
Interesting play with the ssssssssssssdh, one of each style. Though the DCs are the ones I'm paying closest attention to. I do like Indys. What's with this TVM, first I heard of it was about 6 months ago, now every thread seems to have a reference to it.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya thanks B/R....you are picking out one of the best lady's i have....very nice herb to smoke i say you....and there are more people that say this :)
i made a cross of it...Dominatrix...sssdh x Bogglegume F2....Pitty i did't use a other sativa but that chanse always will remain :wink:

heya Zeus :D!
yea my friend she will produce better....i've done her before :smile:
she likes scrogs...theherbalizer has her tied down like no other.....awsome yield is gonne come of her....
Nway gladd some1 is doing there job correct...hehehe way to go postman !!

SDv2.5 [3

heya GMT
aaah notthing to do about he....i know where i got it from.....in the early days i started i went out to buy clones ...and the farmer i bouth the NLX clones from where infected.....at that tme i did't know anything about it...but i've done my homework....although it sometimes pops up in new seedlings..??and i thought it woz not transferable tru genetics....guess i'm not shure on that last...

thx GMT glad you like :smile:
there very slow growers G....not good at all..its not normal for such a plant growing so slow....
.its a virus ...its called tobacco mozaik virus..Or hemp virus...there's a few threads around now.....i've been preachinng that this exists this for like 2 years and now everyone has it...or thinks he has it.....and then there's the Chem D debacle....so funny REALY....there's alot of people out there that think the sun turns around them....but lady Kharma knows this :smile:


The Tri Guy
hehe, too few have read the 5th law of the discordians, "never believe what you read" ;) Hype is everywhere now, truth is rarer.
Everyone will have their own preferences, the only real rule is to smoke what ya like.
On genetics, you can't have a virus passed on through genes, but you can have infants infected before birth, if that makes sense.
I don't know anything about TVM in practice, if I've had it in my garden I haven't diagnosed it. Though being viral, and not importing clones from anyone, I think it's something I can safely remain ignorant about.

Sativa Soul

hey there core! Everything is looking great I see. Really looking forward to see the buds on all those hazes. And the rest too offcourse.
Your package arrived a few days ago. Thank you very very much again!
I'm planning to start all of them (and the remaining mongruls) in about a week, so they'll allready be a month old when they get into the new closet.
I'll drop by with a link to the new thread when I start it.
Good luck with the rest of flowering. It sure looks promising


Aww the TMV....Been hearing tons of this lately, if you wanna PM me core I'd like to hear your opinion on the Chem D story of having TMV cuz I can't give credit to REZ or OGR cuz they battle about money IMO

Anyways everything looks great here, does that sour Dv2.5(what does v 2.5 stand for?) hermie at all on ya? I had a good sour D ibl once but it showed a few herms. Glad to see you around my thread it seems like you are very busy!

Keep up the brilliant work, PEACE!


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Heya Core! :wave:

In the short time I've been following your grow experiences, man I've learned bout trimming/toping, funky viruses, delish strains, bugs, ph... all by just reading here :joint:

Fortunately I haven't had probs as challenging as yours. I just pop 'em outside, cross my fingers and let mother nature do her thing... if she wants to :bashhead:

Anyways dude, big up on the upcoming queens, I bet ya's is gonna be a very frosty and merry x-mass :D :D :D I'm loving the martian and the other haze, plus that work on the SSSD :yes:

Take care bro :rasta:

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