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Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Core said:
aaah you are becomming a regular here are't you Fi_Di ... :jump:
hehehe nice to get a compliment...always :bow:

Hi Core mate!
i love to see what are you growing and i see very cool plants! lot of strains and nice ppl make me happy
have a nice evening and see ya soon! FDB :wave:




Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey core, your plants r looking magnificent bro :headbange very nice frosty buds u got there... The youngins r doing great too :canabis: keep growing brother & enjoy!!! :bongsmi:


:wave: Hey Core and freinds. Very nice garden you have. I seen you had a plant bleed I did too this last summer.

This is how it came out at first

And this is how it dreid

It was on a Uranium Caranium x Bogglegum x Lemon Chemo only one of the 2 I had did it.


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Guyute54 said:
:wave: Hey Core and freinds. Very nice garden you have. I seen you had a plant bleed I did too this last summer.

This is how it came out at first

And this is how it dreid

It was on a Uranium Caranium x Bogglegum x Lemon Chemo only one of the 2 I had did it.

what is that???? never see something like that...

Show it to Ratzinger/Mazinger Pope so the church will finally understand that hemp is an holy plant :muahaha:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaah don't you worrie mate...there will be plenty more grows where this came from...:wink:
and the panama is doing better then expected
indeed the PB seems to have strong traits...but for me its to soon to tell...Nway thanks for swinging by broseph :smile:

thats says alot my friend ...thx dude :D

hello lilabner
yea about 1/2 in the second week i made the cuts... you do need to leave something behind...1 node ....or........2 nodes if there close to each other...otherwise just 1 node
yes i know its normally done in veg..but in this case we don't want extra shoots...we are removing them to free up your main stems....to create 1 cola style plants

heya Karma
thanks my friend....i will try and do them justice..i'm a bit stoked though...always am with new stuff;...kinda normal ey :smile:
ohw Karma...that DCxC99 it is a beauty....unbelieveble..i realy need to take some fine closeups of her...
at my pace ....4 are above soil and standing strong...went with soil this run and it seems they like it already

High Lowlander :wave:
yea man i have some proof uphere on IC but i woz't ready to give'm the link to this place...seems these guys always have some salepitches...he woz making commercial for Green sensation of Plagron...but hell ...Thats like 70€ (bout 100$) for 1/2 a liter :bashhead: ...i used it once and there woz't any diffrence with PK13/14....and that only cost 10€ or something...
go figure ey...money makes the world go around....and it should't be like that !! :nono:

no biggie ...its a open house here ...:wink:
thaks alot my friend...BOG did a good job on'm...i need 2 rerun 3 pheno's atleast....
seems the Panama red is getting troubles...i need to flush her asap....can't say whats wrong ...think it must be the springtails fucking up my ph :cuss:

heya Fi_Di
that reminds me i realy need to come by ya thread....i've mist a bit to be honest..;coz them girls are looking fantastic from here :yes:
thanks my friend :D
Good of you to drop some pics my friend ..i realy like them girls :D
Great job !!

@esbe :wave: :bow:
always cool to hear that from you esbe...i like gettun compliments from green magicians :wink:
with such a garden i'd love to see you in actoin again this summer :yes:

heya Guyute
aaah thanks for dropping that pic mate...it realy is a curious thing is't it ...and i've gotten some explenations on what it could be ..its in this thread somewhere....seems that it is a trait of landraces/long flowering plants...
still its odd the first time you see it...nice of you to drop that pic bro...:yes:

odd is't it...seen it once untill now...thought i cut my finger at that time :muahaha:


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Hiya Core :headbange

Dude, this place is getting crowded, bongs going all over the place! :rasta: Anyways, thanks for the ride and good fun :joint:

I don't know what's up with the guy at that growshop. He really wanted to sell the expensive fert e50 for 1/2 ltr. He talked bout growing "professionaly" but certainly with no luv for the herb. He also said that the PK 13-14 was for soiless, but I've seen the wonders it's doing for ya... in soil! :jump: Thinking back about it, good thing you didn't give him the IC link.

Anyways, 'nuff ranting. What's happening with the Pma dude? Would we have to call Cheech and Chong tohave a look at her? Dr Dog is got the number :D

Keep it green my friend, and keep us posted!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
no biggie Browser :D i also had some good funs
ohw did he say 50€...i did't hear that...last year i payed 68€ for that small bottle of Green sensation..ripoffs....:pointlaugh:...
yea good thing i did't give him that link..... :joint:

and bout the Panama ...i realy don't know....looks like a serious overdose of N or a serious lack of N....but i did't overfeed her...i'm quite shure of that..:confused:...so it must be the springtails i have in my room...i think coz of that the plant has a PH problem.....can't say any other thing....
time to get the bleach out....

and a small update....all the Lifestars are cut...cut the last reamining 4 last night and hung'm to dry...
still got a few left though....but did't take the pod out so the pics are not so good...only have a few...

they should be around 10 weeks....


Cropped Fighting buddha monster :D

and the MoM of the Mongrul beans ...Purple Bastard :yummy:

and then a 6 weeker....DCxC99 :yoinks::yoinks:
2 diffrent plants :headbange

and a written veg update.....repotted all the small ones...Crash Test,Pollen Chuck and the Mongruls and they are doing better....
i also repotted the Mirre's in there pots and all came up...and a odd thing happend....while sprouting them i had a twin whitch i damaged....but still potted...it came out...and 2 more twins !!....:yoinks:...last night i tryed some surgury on'm and splitted the siamese twins...it workt...:woohoo:....so i started 7 and i ended up with 9 ...hahahaha....pitty i damaged the first twin while they sprouted...otherwise it would be 10 :muahaha:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Grrr evil springtails. Still the DCxC99 looks stunning :yes: I love the different hues that it's produced. Did you snap any photos of the twins? or the untwinning? Just curious.
Hey, Core!
:yoinks: she sure is a monster!!
and can you say rip-off!! What's wrong with these people??? :nono:
anyways, :respect: for y'r entire grow!
:wave: , Low
PS: when do will u start sharpening that machete?.u'r gonna need it with that jungle inthere!! :headbange

Karma Genetics

yeh core this seed batch seems to put out a lot of twins. I am not sure if it is genetic related ore from the way the mom was grown.

Just some info on the Mirre

The Mirre is a crossing of A Sage female selected in 2006. It grows in a sativa structure but produce's realy nice tight buds. The effect is on the heavy side. As for taste i think it is a litle hard to discribe, i always say it taste's like rain on a spring day.

The Father is the Jack Herer#22 this plant was selected out of 50 jack seeds and gives good offspring. It will make this crossing a heavy yielder for sure, and will also give it that lavley taste i love so mch from the jack herer. The effect off the jack is a more high effect then the sage. I think the combi will be verry pleasant to smoke.

This crossing is still in test phase. I expect some difference in pheno's.

PS are you growing in 7 Liter roze buckets ? (that is what they look like to me in your pic's)

A pic of a pregnant Sage


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Sammet :wave
yea man...it hurt my grow more then i thought....after cutting the girls i realised there are to much plants that did't mature completly...it left me with to much popcornbuds on whole branches....
atleast 10 - 15 % is lost coz of that....if not more :'(
sorry i did't snap pics of them twins...battery woz dead at the moment...

Hia HIgh Lowlander...thanks man ..i glad you like my FB monster...she shure is looking good ...thanks for swinging by me thread ...:bow:

heya Damakkus :smile:
thanks my friend...indeed it woz cool...pitty i did't take pics though...but i'm happy i'm left with 9 instead of 7 :woohoo:
reminds me....need tocheck ya thread out :wave:

hello Karma
i think your right ...i almost can't be anything else..it is genetics here..
did you also have twins?
i had twins before ...and last time i let them go without seperating them..and there woz one dominant plant...one grew and the other stayed small...so thats why i did surgery on them...and it workt :wink:
thx for the info on the heritage Karma...and i'm shure i will have a ball with 'm ...with all my new strain actually :D...and yes i did grow in 7 L pots...but lastweek i bought some 11L Square pots....gonne use them this run
but i'll keep ya informed... stay tuned :D
Last edited:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Core, that PB mom is a purty one. I'll be running some of your gear as soon as the new room is built. Take care man.



Registered Medical Patient
hey man..those purple beauties look great, nice fall colors..LOLin spring!!!.Look forwaord to more. Later man...

- Z


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Heya Core n folks! :rasta:

The PB is looking pretty :canabis: My mouth goes all watery when I remember her flava...

I can't believe the DCxC99 is only 6 weeks and SO white already! :jump: That one looks very promising.

You got me concerned about the Pma :badday: if you have a chance, post a recent pic and I'l try to make sure that "he who's been working with that line" has a look :smoke:

Upgrading to 11 ltr pots? In the words of Mr. Burns, excellent!

Good to see that you get well stoked on the SSSDH and the FB, would the people see some of that on 4/20?

Sorry to hear bout the probs with springtails (do we have that stuff outdoors? what is it? ) but don't let that get you :joint: It's time to charge those batteries and show some dry bud prawn! ... I meant porn :muahaha:

Well, just a thought!

Safe! B


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thanks NK, B/R and Zeus :bow:
i realy like you guys company :D

Bad news Browser...seems the Bugs are trowing her ph way off...can't do anything about it....damage on the leaves is already toutching bud ..so i think i will need to end her life sooner as expected....i gave her plain water last week and she still feels like i waterd yesterday...she's having heavy yellowing on all the leaves...:'(
from all the plants she has taken the worst beatings of the springtails...and she's is't 1/2 way yet...i'll try to take some pics asap ..but that is gonne be hard the comming days...i'l try anyway
sorry bout that ..:confused:


Traktor driver
Core said:
!!!Alex :D
long time no see my friend....good to know all is well :smile:
indeed some of the lifestars are quite filled with crystals..:yummy:...as i stated above ..dispite minor probs i got them to frost up quite good...i will feel a drop in yield though...
say are you going to 4/20?

Yea I notice thzat with my girls too. Even though I don't treat them as well as I should, cause I haven't got the time mainly, they still mostly come out as damn decent herb. I think the only difference having a grow "dialed in" would make is in yield, but I only grow for myself so I'm not all that worried, I harvest more than I can smoke anyways. :muahaha:

I'm trying to come up for the 420 sunday, can't guarantee it yet though. But I mean with only having to drive 2 hours to get there, the chances are good. :D

How'd ya get the Bubba? :chin:

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