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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Fi_Di_Bot said:
:wave: hi super Core!

just got the last issue of ty magazine and what i found inside!?! The pollen chunk gal!
:D :D
eheheheheh compliments to you and drdog for the nice pics and the nice smoke report! popopow!
cool stuff I should get that edition then, core gets all the credit though, masterful creation


Active member
Hi Core , everything looks like its coming along nicely. I, give you credit for being able to dial in some many diff strains, thats talent. Here is what my nevs haze x mango look like. About 6 weeks in flower.



H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Heya Core!

I'm always late, but certainly there :D

Man, that's good to hear that your crosses are receiving the credit west and east of the pond :rasta: I said it before, and I'll repeat it: You're a natural bro! :joint:

The cuts that we spoke about some time ago have finaly started to flower! :jump: Man, I didn't think the'll make it... but they have made up for the time lost

They still have to fill up, but the glands are there and the smell, man it's like a skunk in heat! :laughing:

They had some initial problems with mildew and mold, but that was addressed on time. Let's hope the weather is with us.

I'll leave you with a Monasteria Sativa that should go down by the next full moon

They're not your indoor THC monsters, but we still love 'em :D

Take care bro!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Dog..yea i'm very intrested to...but don't know where to look...wich issue is it actually?? did you write to TY??

heya Peterpan :smile:
mmmh thx for the kind words my friend...seems you have some green fingers yourself!you got some nice looking plants there bro!!i realy can't wait to puff on'm :)...nway thanks for dropping the pics....i'll be around to ya thread when i got some new pics :smile:

heya B :D
hehehe thx for the kudo's Browser.....and after a while you should be able to grow ...:wink:...but its nice some1 took the time to write something about it...
aaah good thing we have had a few days of sun these last ones...that should of helpt them to catch up a bit....stellar pics though....hope all go's well with the weather


West Coast ICer
Core, thanks for the insight. I think it will be some time before I sink my teeth into making beans. There is a lot to consider when breeding. I need to master my growing first I think.

That doesnt mean I wont ask a question from time to time :D


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Core said:
heya Dog..yea i'm very intrested to...but don't know where to look...wich issue is it actually?? did you write to TY??
I sent in the smoke report that I filled out like Sammet, with a couple good pics, if it is a recent edition, it probably won't be posted yet online, but I am looking for it, I will let you know if I find it

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Congrats to Core - :yes: recognition for strong work :yes: and props to Dr D for sending in the goods! Gonna hunt for that issue too...


Active member
REK-EN-IZE! :yes: :yes:
Great job core! Congratulations!
must spread more rep....

Peace and kindness


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hi homiez! :wave:
i found the pollen chuck in the last issue of Treating yourself magazine #13

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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup Core,the pc is makin waves in our community i see!thats gotta have you proud yo,and the dr.is in there too.thats bad ass yo,congrads.i couldt really read the print but i know its gotta be a great review.
awesome work bro.peace


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
NP damakkus...i to am not there yet...and i still have a long way to go...hoping i can grow my intire life :)

mmmmh thx Dr....YOU F.U.C.K.ing AWSOME STONER i just read it coz of Fi_Di....Thx man you made me proud 2 be honest....i now know that you must realy like it.....lol maybe i need to make some more of these hehehe
thanks a bunch my friend !!:bow:

yea MrGJ...just gave him some Kudo's above....i won't forget this nice gesture :smile:....nice to have some good like minded friends.... like you ;Dr ans many more ... don't you think ^^

thank you kindly Anima :D
its nice to have you drop in again...always a pleasure from my side...i'll be visiting soon ^^

yea Tonathiuh...i gotte admit he's the main man now...lol...no serious ..i never would of expected to see it in a magazine.....and its a nice report to...what more can a man want plantwise.... hehehe

YOU F.U.C.K.ing rock Fi_Di !!!!!
mmmmmh special thx for my italian friend.....:respect:...

....not only rep my friend.....not only rep :smile:
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Core said:
NP damakkus...i to am not there yet...and i still have a long way to go...hoping i can grow my intire life :)

:jump: the world needs u my man :rasta:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Dog....don't sell yourself short man ..you to did a great job!

hehehe thanks 5LG.!!!very nice comment ^^

aaaah my mate Kallen showing up:smile: thanks for the visit Kallen
aslong as i can bro as long as i can :)...coz buying stuff is just to expensive for me...although i'm not far from holland ....i do not wanne buy there ...bad shit is going around for a while now...and with those prices it is't even worth buying ....
Nway thanks for dropping in :)

smll update ...
plants are ding fine..exept for the DC's...they have a small hick up from the new soil i'm using....its a bit hot for there size...but i'm shure they will cope with the situation though ...so there's just some vegpivs for whoem is intrested :smile


DC's...with a small hick up....but it also started coz of early damage
i very shure its notthng...and they will cope

here's a few Martian haze's..also had a slight discolorment of the new soil...but doing fine now....

and these are the neville haze X mango haze.....should be BOMB !!

and a small training on the sssdh on my part :joint:


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
Hey homiez :wave:
i was jocking about the rep points but truly tnx for them and for the good vibes i got!
you all are very nice with me.

I hope soon to grow some of Core's strains so i can send the reports to ss 'zine
must back at work see ya soon

Karma Genetics

Congratz Core and well deserved.

Love your new line-up. Got me a new bag of chips and a soda for this run.


Active member
wow congrats to you both! awesome work... wicked genetics made by a pro, then grown by a pro.. that kinda shit will get you into magazines! heheh

impressive both of you... rock on Core!


Traktor driver
Hello my friend :wave:

Looks like you've been busy, good going. :yes:

What's the Martian's Haze? :chin: Sounds interesting. I'll pull up a chair for the Neville's x Mango. The Mango Haze I grew really reminded me of SSH, just a bit sweeter. SSSDH sounds good to, is it a UK cut? I think I'll have to pop in here more often, damn tasty stuff. :D