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Welcome to the Matrix...2000W 8'x8'...Smith is back!


Those are some pretty ass plant you got there :-D I am LOVING the praying mantis,
she is a beauty. Looks like you could have thrown them into flower a little sooner,
you got a lot of "stem zone" in the bottom section, looks to me like a good 6-10 inchs,
possibly a week or 2 of growth worth?

I have been calculating my future grows to be for not just
GPTW (Gram Per Total Wattage) but take into consideration over all time
in relation to space as well. I always laugh when I see hydro people
using the GPW... its like.. what about all the other watts you got in pumps and fans? lol
Hehe but thats just me.

BUt shit man.. let me tell ya have I been having a hell of a time dialing
in my water chemistry... I have WELL water from the tap that is 400+ ppm..
so its SUPER HARD, and I have been using RAIN WATER. It seems to me though
that I have been having issues with getting the water to contain enough DO.
I ended up making a little recirculating DWC for my mothers and just put
all my air lines into the little veg tub I got.

BUT just yesterday I added some more water to the tub with the little veggers and today the roots have this "black" stuff on them... not BROWN but like CHARCOAL BLACK...
NO signs of anything on the top side... I checked the pH and it was a nice 6.5.. so I dropped it to about 5.9 from a bucket that was a little to acidic, so I didn't have to use any pH down. This stupid water in my new location kinda pissing me off, what I would give to have chlorinated city water again lol,,, I don't care what people say but the chlorinated city water by me works fucking wonders for hydroponic systems.


I agree, grams per watt per unit of time per floorspace used would be ideal, or something along those lines. I guess the calculation you use would depend on how concerned you were about your bottom line.

Though, per 1kW light, I only have about 3.1w in ancillary equipment. 99%+ of all my power goes to my lights.

I have been calculating my future grows to be for not just
GPTW (Gram Per Total Wattage) but take into consideration over all time
in relation to space as well. I always laugh when I see hydro people
using the GPW... its like.. what about all the other watts you got in pumps and fans? lol
Hehe but thats just me.
I agree, grams per watt per unit of time per floorspace used would be ideal, or something along those lines. I guess the calculation you use would depend on how concerned you were about your bottom line.

Though, per 1kW light, I only have about 3.1w in ancillary equipment. 99%+ of all my power goes to my lights.

Hum... well your probably a soil grower ;-)
But that is pretty impressive for sure, ima going to have
to lurk myself through some of your threads and posts now :-D

Thats def efficient



Only my first grow or two are up here from a few years ago.

Nope, hydro. 6" fan ~1.1w, 4" fan ~0.8w, 2x circulation fans ~1.0w, pumps ~1.0w.

So I guess I was off by like 1w. :D

My power usage did NOT include air conditioning though. That would add another 1200w or so. During the summer it adds roughly $30 to the bill per month, and right now it's adding maybe $5-$10. I haven't checked really in awhile.

Hum... well your probably a soil grower ;-)
But that is pretty impressive for sure, ima going to have
to lurk myself through some of your threads and posts now :-D

Thats def efficient




These pics were taken two days ago at day 11. As you can see, they are already beginning to tuft up nicely :D






Active member
your fuckin' on it smith, this thread is informative in many aspects of our craft, its inspiring, this is how its done kids...take note! kickin ass smith! THANK YOU FOR SHARING :)



Those are some pretty ass plant you got there :-D I am LOVING the praying mantis,
she is a beauty. Looks like you could have thrown them into flower a little sooner,
you got a lot of "stem zone" in the bottom section, looks to me like a good 6-10 inchs,
possibly a week or 2 of growth worth?

I have been calculating my future grows to be for not just
GPTW (Gram Per Total Wattage) but take into consideration over all time
in relation to space as well. I always laugh when I see hydro people
using the GPW... its like.. what about all the other watts you got in pumps and fans? lol
Hehe but thats just me.

BUt shit man.. let me tell ya have I been having a hell of a time dialing
in my water chemistry... I have WELL water from the tap that is 400+ ppm..
so its SUPER HARD, and I have been using RAIN WATER. It seems to me though
that I have been having issues with getting the water to contain enough DO.
I ended up making a little recirculating DWC for my mothers and just put
all my air lines into the little veg tub I got.

BUT just yesterday I added some more water to the tub with the little veggers and today the roots have this "black" stuff on them... not BROWN but like CHARCOAL BLACK...
NO signs of anything on the top side... I checked the pH and it was a nice 6.5.. so I dropped it to about 5.9 from a bucket that was a little to acidic, so I didn't have to use any pH down. This stupid water in my new location kinda pissing me off, what I would give to have chlorinated city water again lol,,, I don't care what people say but the chlorinated city water by me works fucking wonders for hydroponic systems.

Yeah, I do have a lot of extra stem but I do it like that all the time, I like to trim my plants up high to keep all of the cola growth at the top of the plant :D

As far as GPTW, that's always possible to do, I can try to figure that out at the end.

I feel for you on the water situation, you need to invest in an RO filter pronto :D

super clean grow man... love the nutes update and formatting... super clean

Thanks man, always nice to know that your grow is nice enough for a long time lurker to comment :D

Only my first grow or two are up here from a few years ago.

Nope, hydro. 6" fan ~1.1w, 4" fan ~0.8w, 2x circulation fans ~1.0w, pumps ~1.0w.

So I guess I was off by like 1w. :D

My power usage did NOT include air conditioning though. That would add another 1200w or so. During the summer it adds roughly $30 to the bill per month, and right now it's adding maybe $5-$10. I haven't checked really in awhile.

Are you sure those aren't amperage numbers and not watts? I know that my oscillating fans alone are .5 Amps which equals 60 watts so I think yours might be off just a little.

your fuckin' on it smith, this thread is informative in many aspects of our craft, its inspiring, this is how its done kids...take note! kickin ass smith! THANK YOU FOR SHARING :)

Thanks Bonzo, much appreciated brother :D


Top shelf work Smith....Let us know how long it took till harvey from rooted cut and all the training.....

Like your leg-shavin on the girls....Mad skills....

Good luck come choptime....DHF....:ying:.....


Top shelf work Smith....Let us know how long it took till harvey from rooted cut and all the training.....

Like your leg-shavin on the girls....Mad skills....

Good luck come choptime....DHF....:ying:.....

Thank you sir, and welcome to the show my friend :tiphat:

I'm gonna try to do the GPTW thing for this harvest as suggested, so I need to get ahold of a Kill-a-watt to test all of my different accessories to see what their daily draw is and then I can calculate for overall usage for the entire grow.

My trimming technique is hard to explain as it's different for every plant, but I can say that other than what the plant tells me it wants I learned a lot of my trimming methods from two threads over at the original cannabisworld, "fan leaf trimming" and the "pistilwhipt" threads. You can probably still Google them by doing an archive search, just no pictures unfortunately, i found some stuff from that site a few years back by searching googles archives :D


Thanks everybody, I do try hard to keep things neat and orderly in my builds and my girls. :D

I will be posting an update tomorrow, my internet at the house has been out for a while so tomorrow will be the first chance I get to upload some pics. The girls are looking so good right now and already budding well, the scrog net is gonna have to go up in the next day or two as well. I've been doing addbacks to the reservoir also so i will update those to reflect the correct schedule when I did it.

Thanks again for looking everybody, you're the only reason i do it :D


Here's a couple pics from two days ago after I foliar sprayed.


Day 18 of Flowering:

I have been doing top-ups with nutrient add-backs every couple of days now because the girls are drinking around 10+ Gallons per day and I'm trying to keep the PPM levels pretty consistent. Levels are around 800-900 PPMs and around 5.9-6.0 ph. They aren't stretching as much as I expected them to and I believe that can be attributed to the Bud Ignitor speeding things up a bit and kicking it into flowering so fast. I usually don't see this much bud building this early on, but I tell you what, I'm definitely not going to complain about it :D




Something I forgot to add in earlier, I have stopped adding bud ignitor starting 4 days ago since budding is going hard and we are into the third week now. I had never used the bud ignitor before but after trying it for my first time I have to say i do like it. It work almost exactly like phosphoload but doesn't completely kill the stretch and doesnt yellow things at all. Other than that, all of the additives are the same at the moment.

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