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Welcome to the Jungle - Hmong's Green Hell


Well-known member
Agree! it's the best, also because you don't have big harvests at a time, in terms of sentence...
different stages, mean only half the amount is bud overall.

The labor also becomes less, once everything is running, you're Gucci.
I had to set everything up from scratch last year, while growing and adding one tent after the other. Just arrived at a spot I like, after setting up new air.
1000m³ fan on a 1500m³ filter, for exhaust of the whole apartment.
blowing tents directly outside, got a bit too smelly during last years summer heat^^

had cops knocking this year, 2 different patrols, didn't smell shit and just left when nobody opened.
So outside is save, inside not so much :ROFLMAO:
the current heatwave lets the terps do their thing...
I'm scratching at 29°C inside at 67% and 33°C outside right now
These are the conditions that have you work shirtless and just in beach shorts.


Well-known member
Oh man i know that feeling. We had an old war time house with no ducting/furnace. It was a wall furnace downstairs in the living room just blowing heat out the top for the 2 story place. In the summer, all the heat would pool upstairs, and same in the winter. I was growing with HPS/CMH early on and had a ton of problems with condensation when lights went off, constant plant watering, high humidity, and the worst was standing up there at any time more than 10 minutes you were soaked in sweat. I prob have pics of plants with droplets on the floor... that wasn't water ;)

Damn it was bad.

I agree I really enjoyed perpetual growing, eventually I went with blumats to avoid going upstairs in the heat all the time. Switched to LED too. Still can't believe the purple plants grown in that heat. Not a hint of cold.


Well-known member
Damn it was bad.
I did one grow in an attic like that, pics are in the thread even.
was during winter time, other way around, no insulation got me down to 0°C room temperature one week in late Jan.

my flat now is proper doe, tripple glassed windows, insulated walls, central heating. normal u know^^
I don't mind the conditions for the plants, they just make work harder for me, sweating it out o_O
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Well-known member
I did one grow in an attic like that, pics are in the thread even.
was during winter time, other way around, no isolation got me down to 0°C room temperature one week in late Jan.

my flat now is proper doe, tripple glassed windows, isolated walls, central heating. normal u know^^
I don't mind the conditions for the plants, they just make work harder for me, sweating it out o_O
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Damn dude. We're the same build but you're ripped. Nice job!
I'm rocking the dad bod these days.

Been pushing the weights and whatnot lately tho. 💪


Well-known member
@420PyRoS thanks for the love, dawg!

I'm rocking the dad bod these days.

and fuck you for that!

I already lowkey assumed that, as it's common in your situation.
Don't succumb to that, you too can be in shape if you want it.
You still have over half your life ahead and I really wanna help you to level up!

fuck your Ex, let's make her regret everything!
All you need is a vision of yourself +5 years and you're off to the races!
when I spoke about 10 years of solitary, I mean one decade without letting women control my life.
Also a decade without idiot friends, that force the issue by just wanting to get hammered and play grab ass at the club every weekend. I fucked plenty, but got disgusted by chicks after catching an STD or two^^

Lone wolf works great in terms of money and health, you just gotta accept the hate from society, after giving em the middle finger for putting expectations on you.
It's OK to be a weirdo, that's their problem after all!

The first step to weight loss, is just deliberate eating for a month, maybe taking some notes here and there and trying to increase your level of activity. Like walking or cycling places, instead of driving, or the famous 10.000 steps. Gardening also works great, I squat a lot, do splits, go on all fours, lotus, all the moves, I call it plant yoga when I'm in the canopy.

Had countless injuries from training and fighting, at times I really had to learn walking straight again, then running, jumping etc. So I know how do a proper comeback.
Right now I'm coming back from an almost neck break, my left hand is still numb, with painful finger cramps 2yrs after the incident. Slowly working back up to strength and better feeling.
Until a month ago I hadn't done shit for 18 months straight, not a single pushup, only PC sitting and growing.
I felt handicapped for so long, that I blanked out the fact that I used to be an athlete^^
Had to get the mental game back on point first, now we rollin again.

atm it's 20 pushups and 5 pullups, until my hand gives out and I have to pause.
I mean it's something... and I love to obsess over these small things.
Once I can do the 6th, it's such a level up in terms of ego. It's hard to come back this weak, when you know how strong you were before. Most just quit after their high note.

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Well-known member
Been pushing the weights and whatnot lately tho.

there you go!

just gotta burn off those love handles now.

I'm constantly eating to little for my output, that's the whole secret to staying lean.

the homo sapiens super power is it's ability to manage and store energy.
that's why we are the best!
Only one meal (mainly meat before "society" started) and 30 miles a day for hundred thousands of years, why change that now?

we are build to chase our prey to exhaustion and outlast any animal.
so sinister^^
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Well-known member
Awesome man!
I still have the wife and kids, removed the mother in law, and shit went to normal. Imagine that. Long story.

Anyway I'm still rocking and pretty fit. Still bending 1 an 1/8 inch wrenches, popping over 1200ft pounds of torque by hand. I'm a protein beast at 6ft 210lbs. I just don't have the tone or definition you have atm. Man that would be something to get back though.

Last time I tried to go hard l got super sick and lost 40lbs in a week and lost everything gained in the gym. I'm just starting to get back into a small routine years later. Back in the Navy we'd get stuck doing gym for 3hrs a night after first getting posted to our base before billoted to the ships, so lots of time spent lifting etc. Did a lot of crossfit, morning 20km runs, sports (my favorite was full contact ball hockey). I tend to be quite competitive. I suffered a few injuries in the forces with my knee and leg, but other than that, feeling like I'm 18. (Haha, I feel how you look)


Well-known member
well, I finally found to religion :joint:


Trying to catch up.


Well-known member
finally arriving at the stage with the more rewarding of tasks...
harvest, drying and seed collecting, while keeping everything in order.

think I have perfected my method now. It feels effortless, compared to everything I've tried.
sometimes the the obvious, isn't obvious right away^^
paper bags, lads!
Game changer, I cut each pheno whole, drop the label into the bag, fix it so nothing touches and hang em into the fabric closet. Needs no ventilation, etc.
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That gives a whole new meaning to "bag seed", @Hmong.


Well-known member
I still have the wife and kids, removed the mother in law, and shit went to normal. Imagine that. Long story.

I am so happy for you! Great to hear the story unfolding that way.
Fully understand why she had to go!!! My mother divorced because of my dad's mother in law, they had a constant battle, also as she tried to intervene in the business constantly.
A few years after divorce the witch died anyway, quite pointless endeavor.
I have little memories except the cigarette smell from 4 packs a day and the baby photos (baptism, Christmas etc.), where she was the only one mean mugging...

I had to grow up without a dad present, which wasn't cool!
So I hate women for divorcing over "feelings", it's so selfish.
what happened to "till death do us apart?"
As long as there is no blatant cheating, the bitch should shut the fuck up!
My own mom (59), was opening up to me about divorcing her 3rd marriage, as the step father (70) is starting to struggle with health.
I had to give her the talk! That if she fucks this up, I won't be her backup retirement plan.
Now she's his caregiver...
women! right?

looks like your balls are now hanging freely again, good!
I hope you are aware of the fact, that what made your wife reconsider, was your masculine act of getting the mother in law out. She couldn't do it herself, obviously.
It's primal instincts, you protected her, removing the threat.

Now lets work on those aesthetics, shall we?
Ex-military guys are always built like a house, the biggest problem getting ripped is the Standard America Diet for you guys.
It's the S.A.D, to make yall sad...
I mean it works great for bulking up cattle, if you haven't noticed that yet?
just look around^^

I'm a protein beast at 6ft 210lbs.

I'm also 6ft, but I never weighed more than 190lbs (86kgs) all life.
we both lifted in our youth, I started gym and bulking at 20years, at 145lb (66kg) only skateboarding for the last 10 years.
Arriving at club age, I noticed that dudes exists there, that were perceived twice my weight at the time^^

No more skateboarding then, only school, compound movements, chicken with rice and bodybuilding forums.
At 22y, I was 180lb jacked, with a full beard and tattoos^^
It was good to supercharge adolescence like that, looking around me most peers never picked up those weights, and now they just look soft and frail in their 30s.

I did kids Karate starting at 7y, then had to stop due to yet another divorce and relocation at 10.
Always been a fighter though, so I got into some scuffles late teens, early 20s, when I first got tested by motherfuckers for being different (Skater).
Long story short, I then picked up Muay Thai in 2011 and stuck with it ever since, later picked up BJJ, now training MMA since 2016.

I was already too old for a realistic chances to be Pro and it's so unpopular here, that nobody gives you a shot anyway. So everything was just amateur, you train with the Pros, but travel and fight on your own expenses.
Been doing that for many years now, over 30 bouts since.
Lost about half, so I'm not afraid of taking a woopin and an L, I just love fighting men for glory.

For all bouts there are weight classes, so every time I had to achieve a specific weight at a specific date.
I usually fight 154lb, coming down from 166lb during fight week and blowing back up to 170+ withing 24hrs.

So if you wanna get in shape, I am the man who has walked the walk enough, to consider himself a weight loss expert. Also got my degrees in Personal-Fitness and Neuro-Mobility in 2015.
Shoot me a PM if you wanna get serious advice!
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Well-known member
Let's get that money!
first time of 100x 6 count burpees, since my injury.
Did 2x 50 earlier this week and felt confident again.
Wanna do em every day from now on, no excuses!
Just to see when I fail? which will happen eventually...
It's just a mental exercise, been doing it forever.

foam-rolling my quads and calves, some shoulder mobilization with the ball and strength with my 15lb rehab dumbbell; 3x12 Biceps curls, 3x12 Shoulder press, alternating arms, no rest.

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Well-known member
I am so happy for you! Great to hear the story unfolding that way.
Fully understand why she had to go!!! My mother divorced because of my dad's mother in law, they had a constant battle, also as she tried to intervene in the business constantly.
A few years after divorce the witch died anyway, quite pointless endeavor.
I have little memories except the cigarette smell from 4 packs a day and the baby photos (baptism, Christmas etc.), where she was the only one mean mugging...

I had to grow up without a dad present, which wasn't cool!
So I hate women for divorcing over "feelings", it's so selfish.
what happened to "till death do us apart?"
As long as there is no blatant cheating, the bitch should shut the fuck up!
My own mom (59), was opening up to me about divorcing her 3rd marriage, as the step father (70) is starting to struggle with health.
I had to give her the talk! That if she fucks this up, I won't be her backup retirement plan.
Now she's his caregiver...
women! right?

looks like your balls are now hanging freely again, good!
I hope you are aware of the fact, that what made your wife reconsider, was your masculine act of getting the mother in law out. She couldn't do it herself, obviously.
It's primal instincts, you protected her, removing the threat.

Now lets work on those aesthetics, shall we?
Ex-military guys are always built like a house, the biggest problem getting ripped is the Standard America Diet for you guys.
It's the S.A.D, to make yall sad...
I mean it works great for bulking up cattle, if you haven't noticed that yet?
just look around^^

I'm also 6ft, but I never weighed more than 190lbs (86kgs) all life.
we both lifted in our youth, I started gym and bulking at 20years, at 145lb (66kg) only skateboarding for the last 10 years.
Arriving at club age, I noticed that dudes exists there, that were perceived twice my weight at the time^^

No more skateboarding then, only school, compound movements, chicken with rice and bodybuilding forums.
At 22y, I was 180lb jacked, with a full beard and tattoos^^
It was good to supercharge adolescence like that, looking around me most peers never picked up those weights, and now they just look soft and frail in their 30s.

I did kids Karate starting at 7y, then had to stop due to yet another divorce and relocation at 10.
Always been a fighter though, so I got into some scuffles late teens, early 20s, when I first got tested by motherfuckers for being different (Skater).
Long story short, I then picked up Muay Thai in 2011 and stuck with it ever since, later picked up BJJ, now training MMA since 2016.

I was already too old for a realistic chances to be Pro and it's so unpopular here, that nobody gives you a shot anyway. So everything was just amateur, you train with the Pros, but travel and fight on your own expenses.
Been doing that for many years now, over 30 bouts since.
Lost about half, so I'm not afraid of taking a woopin and an L, I just love fighting men for glory.

For all bouts there are weight classes, so every time I had to achieve a specific weight at a specific date.
I usually fight 154lb, coming down from 166lb during fight week and blowing back up to 170+ withing 24hrs.

So if you wanna get in shape, I am the man who has walked the walk enough, to consider himself a weight loss expert. Also got my degrees in Personal-Fitness and Neuro-Mobility in 2015.
Shoot me a PM if you wanna get serious advice!
Ya man, things are looking up. I'm hoping I can return to an indoor growing gig by next year if things play out well. Maybe just a plant or two but still better than nothing.

I used to do fang shen do Kung Fu that was loosely off Bruce Lee's techniques i guess until i couldnt afford it anymore. It was around my early 20's I got into that. Mostly a scrapper my whole life in school up to that point. I never shy away from a good rumble. 👍 I always wanted to do the boxing gig growing up but being from the country side there wasn't much around except cows.

Hell yeah, I'm always up for some hardcore workouts. Could do me good for a challenge. As they say, pain is weakness leaving the body. Hoorah!


Well-known member
I'm hoping I can return to an indoor growing gig by next year if things play out well. Maybe just a plant or two but still better than nothing.

just get a 4x4 tent in your garage/workshop/basement or something.
I don't know about your legal plant limits, but does that even matter?
A good quality 4x4 + LED gives you everything you need, space & height, light, smell proof etc.
just add a little veg area somewhere, using what other lamps & equipment you have.
With that setup, you can start churning through your seed stash, so I can send you new ones ;)

nobody has to live with 5 active grow tents, like I do^^
But a constantly active 4x4 would enhance your life massively and your growing becomes highly advanced, from doing it every day, instead of seasonal.
You don't even have to fill the fucker up, it's just good to have enough of space to work with.

I always wanted to do the boxing gig growing up but being from the country side there wasn't much around except cows.

push over some cows, then

you got these where u at?



Hell yeah, I'm always up for some hardcore workouts. Could do me good for a challenge. As they say, pain is weakness leaving the body. Hoorah!

That's my boy!
Uuura!!!! (rus.) ;)

I have a workout for you, try doing 100 of these at least 3x a week.
Let's talk again when they easy for you.
Equipment: towel + a floor ...

btw. he is the only "fitness channel" I watch these days

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Well-known member
Smoke break! :smoker:

There is so much to do, that I don't know where to start, really?
Wanna keep the report interesting with lots of pics, but the selecting & cropping is always of least importance in terms of schedule. There's a lot of shit you never or just barely get to see, because of that.

I'm currently in a 9 to 5 wheel during the week, it's to keep the lights on and fridge full.
For karma and nerves, I decided to stop all weed commerce a year ago and only grow for seeds since. It's great work, but there are so many additional steps involved, that I'm regularely looking at up to 18hr days, working against the timer as soon as I get home. Plants sleep, I can also sleep.

Now also pursuing fitness goals again, it's quite a workload.
I'm gonna switch to making whole picture series on the weekend, when I have mornings for myself.
Just don't wanna additional spent time at the screen after the 9-5.
Been online a lot lately, after I had a little drought waiting for the next harvest to dry.
smoking bunk for ~2 weeks and not being able to catch deep sleep, messed me up.
The dry DCxPAN now does the job again, so I can just lay down anytime and be gone after 10 sheep.

I just don't wanna miss those burpees, going to scale it to 50 a day, but unbroken & strickt form.
My hips are killing me from office sitting and I noticed it after the 100, that form was shite, feeling it today in the wrong spots. Wanna do bodybuilders, but don't have the space for the splits in my "cell".

After making it through the heatwave with my schedule, I now face the opposite weather.
check this out:

forecast Aug. 26th; when it really had 33°C outside
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-08-25 21-41-21.png

today 29th, currently it's 14°C outside and pouring all day^^
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-08-29 18-03-16.png

With these conditions, my watering needs have changed drastically and I'll have to adjust to a new schedule first. I'm gonna be working ahead for the rest of the week and bring you up to speed on Saturday.

remember there is an outdoor jungle too ;)

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