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WELCOME Fellow Geriatric Stoners!


Old Hippy

Old Hippy

Hey Guys,
I'm 60 a cancer patient,but I was in SF,late 60's
knew a lot of the PEOPLE,Janis,Tim,so on,Lived in W Africa,& the Dam
in the 70's, 80's-late 90's Hawaii,Now I'm in Vegas.Weed has come a long way
I've come a long way,it just happened too fast. Wanted to say Hi!
Once bought a (Pot)Field for $500 American,Had a great life.Just became a gamer,got the net,TV,,VA Pension (Small) so these last years,are ok. A good couchlock helps,more than any pain killer,they give me. The Cancer was of the Throat,haven't spoken a word in 15 months,It would dive a woman Crazy :smile:
Got My Gypsy Delux Box today,really NICE,JUst Beautiful,I had to save to get it<One of my better decisions "This Lifetime"
WW420 :ying:


New member
Nice! I may have found my home. I am a musician from "Guitar Town" Got tired of traveling and have "settled down at my place in the country. I am working hard on my woodworking skills, gardening and have joined the "Timber Framers Guild. I have been milling wood for the last six months. Mostly oak and walnut. My plan is to build a timber frame cabin in Creede, Colorado. I have been involved with the herb since the late sixtys. We used to get kilos of mex sticks for 80 bucks. My how every thing has changed. As music was my priority, I didn't follow my close high school bros into full time smuggling. Most of them are dead now. None of them have a pot to piss in. We had some times though! Unloaded many boats and planes to make money to subsidise my music career. Fortunatly quite quickly, the music started paying the bills and that combined with my kids probably kept me alive and out of jail. I have a hell of a guardian angel. I'll spare you the details. My life is peaceful and serene now and I am very grateful for that. But, I've still got the bug! A few weeks ago I started building myself a sweet little 8x8x8 sealed co2 2000 watt hydro room. I fooled with this type of growing back in the late seventys. I had some rockin crops considering there was so little info availabe on hydro. But the kids got old enough to figure out what was goin on so I had to bag it. I continued to grow outdoors off and on but got robbed by the man on a sweet gorilla operation. So, once again I laid low for a few years. Anyhow, here I go again. I don't even get high anymore, but I couldn't resist just one more clandestine indoor grow. OOps this is turning into a book. I'm gone for now ol' fellas.I'll plant ya and dig ya later! Wish me luck and I pray "Lady Fortuna" shines on all of you. Yours Truly, OldOwl And, oh yes, God Bless!


Active member
ronielee49 said:
well lets start this off with I'm glad to see some youngens who think they are oldens,i was born in the year 1949,a late child to an older couple,my father was born in 1907 and mom in 1913,deep in the mountains of kentucky,on a dirt road of red clay we had the home where I spent my misspent youth,in my younger years we lived in a house on the edge of the rezervation,no electric,no inside water and the outhouse was at 8th and plumb,eight miles out and plumb over the hill,made for fast visits in the winter.
when I was 5or 6 six we moved into the only home i was to know until entering the army in 1967,the house on red row,named for the red clay in the road,this was a modern home to us we now had electric and a pump for water right side the kitchen door,the out house was still up the hill and out of sight,we had a hard scrabble dirt farm that I and my 6 sibjings tended to,being the youngest of the brood was not always easy,four older sisters and two older brothers,my father was a engineer,drove a train,at work he had all the nice things like hot water,a shower and all the other stuff ,so why should he waste the money on having it at home also,i lost my one brother at his tenth birth day,killed himself riding a horse through the yard and garrotted himself on a cloths line,broke his neck! my other brother died of a version of the flu,back then it was influinza,my sister that was three years older then me was one of the last children to have polio and suffers from its devastating affects still today,in those days that was a normal child hood in the mountains,I left home the first day i could,i volentered for the army while 16 and had to wait until I turned 17 to enter,I spent the next four years in the army,the first home I ever lived in with running water and indoor bath !!!!I spent the four years all overseas,never deemed it nessecery to go home,went around the world three times before i was twentyand spent some long days and nights in some very bad and dangerous places, i was medevacked twice and still carry the scars both mental and physical,after the army I drifted around and finley became a merchant marine,sailed for many many years,in 2002 i was injured in a ship board accident,not the first time but it was to be the last time,I have had both little fingers cut off and sown back on, my right knee was rebuilt in 1999 and my rotor cuffs were torn in both arms at different times and still I sailed,then in 2002 I blew out my left knee,my whole leg from ankle to thigh was swollen to a nasty balloon size and it required three months to get the swelling out,then they went in to find that the patella was delaminating,just fallin apart,it was caused by a bad shock or jamming of the knee,i slipped in a small hydroulic leak and my life as a merchent marine was for ever over,now i am disabled and on ssi and a small insurence policy,I learned to grow all the wrong ways,then i found the internet and boom it was all there for the asking,i wandered around until i found *********** and have been a member there for some time,i have learned enough to have a perpetural grow going and some awsome strains,which include ,blueberry,bubblegum,lowryder,chrystal snow,potent purple,herijuana X trainwreck,NL#2 and ak 47,im awaiting bogbubble now from seedbay,i have a lot more strains and hope soon to get into a lot more of BOGS strains,they are a work of art and true dedication,and my name is Medron,from southern california.so if you feel old think again its the first day of the rest of your life.I am med exempt and grow not to sell but to help myself and any others with all the meds I can grow,I believe in freedom and the right to bear arms. :rolleyes:
Medron :wave:

Thank You Brother Medron,, for all of that post, especially for the
"If you feel old think again. Its the first day of the rest of your life."
I really needed that today,, :respect:
Thank You....... Doc
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Active member
hey doctor john- i contacted Stanky Yank through another site and he said for you to send him a private message (pm)....he wants to help ya out! hope all is well....-gp



The Women's movement..........leaded gasoline and paying 50 cents a gallon for it...................Casuality reports on the evening news :frown:


Dippity Doo............Pssssssssst Shampoo..............Nair.........

S & H Stamps.......Mexican Jumping Beans ( today they would be politically incorrect)

Smoking in theatres ...and airplanes

Love Story....Valley of the Dolls.........The Graduate..............Herbie.........


WW420 said:
Hey Guys,
I'm 60 a cancer patient,but I was in SF,late 60's
knew a lot of the PEOPLE,Janis,Tim,so on,Lived in W Africa,& the Dam
in the 70's, 80's-late 90's Hawaii,Now I'm in Vegas.Weed has come a long way
I've come a long way,it just happened too fast. Wanted to say Hi!
Once bought a (Pot)Field for $500 American,Had a great life.Just became a gamer,got the net,TV,,VA Pension (Small) so these last years,are ok. A good couchlock helps,more than any pain killer,they give me. The Cancer was of the Throat,haven't spoken a word in 15 months,It would dive a woman Crazy :smile:
Got My Gypsy Delux Box today,really NICE,JUst Beautiful,I had to save to get it<One of my better decisions "This Lifetime"
WW420 :ying:

Jeez, I couldn't even compare your adventures to mine...sounds like you met a lot of the 'Haight-Asbury Great Ones' & I'm sorry to hear about your cancer. My dad had it too -- passed away to the next life in 1993, mom died healthy while just taking a nap before dinner...A real shock, as she was fine!
I'm 51, been married 20 yrs, have a 15 yr old son, who hate all drugs, booze & cigs. I guess somehow we made the right moves bringing him up...Lord knows how. :chin:
Hitch-hiked cross-country & Mexico 3 times between 72-74...super-crazy shit too numerous to mention. Muled weed for about 10 months in 73...Tucson to Chicago. Very easy & smooth. Once I got it outta baggage & into the car of the pick-up dude, my role was done. All expenses paid.
Oh, I'm retired from work, due to a work-related injury. So it's time for my pain killers... :yummy: :woohoo:


Great posts! :yes: :respect:

Be great if we could get a bunch of "old stoners" together for a good old fashioned sitdown!


Gunns said:
Great posts! :yes: :respect:

Be great if we could get a bunch of "old stoners" together for a good old fashioned sitdown!

Count me in!! We can get Geritol to sponsor it & call it the 'Geritol Geriatric Jet-setters'. Anyone with 25+ yrs toking [or 20+ yrs] is 'on the bus'... :woohoo: :wave: :joint:


Howdy, I'm 43 and have been smoking weed for most of my life... Now where did I put that walker. :D


Sorry pops...I borrowed it to get my bong. Hell, I remember back in my day, we all smoked outta corn-cob pipes that you could buy at the Rexall for $1.25.:D


Well it all started back in 1971 when my brother came back from Vietnam, he had managed to bring back some Thai, 1 was 9 years old... Been smoking ever since.
that's 34 years I've had a love affair with the herb...
Yeah I remember the old corncob pipes. I was able to get them at Sav-on drugs for 99 cents.
I guess I qualify as a 'Geritol Geriatric Jet-setter'....

Now I have to go find my bong..... I need my rhumatiz medicine....


OK I got one for ya.

How about the Pan American Airlines stewardess's in pink hotpants. Remember... Fly United.

But really, how the hell did I get here? One step at a time.
Do you folks in long term relationships know how much it means to me/us to hear that you are. You are truely blessed. It sounds like you know that.
Me, 50 in jan '06. Got my first Harly at 16. XLCH Sportster. Hard startin' beeatch. Kicked out of HS for bein' outside the box. Joined the Air force to be a Cargo Master. Didn't make it to Lackland, something about a juvenile record.

Moved to the NW in '75. To pick moss off of trees in the rain forest, bunch a' hippies lol. Wrong place wrong time netted me 12yrs in the Bighouse. Out in five for good behavior. When I got out I got a settlement for some stuff, bought another Harley and hit the road for the next couple of years.

I got hurt and no one (medical) could help me. Was CURED of that malady by an alternative healing opportunity. Spent the next 12 years in school to get my doctorate, I had found my life's work.
Found out in '89 that I had contracted nonA-nonB (hepC) somewhere along the way.
Three years ago I had to stop practicing with people because the liver just wouldn't let me keep up. I now focus my professional skills helping our four legged friends through alternative healing.

My growing...first time, I thought I was so kool, in the backyard amongst the tomatoes, pop's wont know what they are... like everybody else, leaf smoke. Pop told me years later that he knew what it was, said they called it ditch weed when he was growing up in Kansas. :(
I'm now on my second crop this year and it just keeps getting better.

Life's a gift
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:wave: Count me in - I'll be 44 next month. I grew up under the shadow of the Cold War, moving from one Air Force base to another, always knowing we were at ground zero should things get 'hot'.

Life has been a long trip, always interesting. I'm glad to still be alive and kicking.


SmokinDog, that was 1 of the most interesting posts I've read in awhile. Sounds like you've lived quite the diverse life yourself. I was travelling all during the 70s & a lot of drives from Tucson to Chicago with about anywhere from 60 to 100 lbs hidden in the car at any given time. Thank goodness I was never in the wrong place at the wrong time or 'time' is what I'd be doing.
Props to ya for making your life better with an education [all I got's a GED] & very sorry to hear about your Hep-C that any 1 of us could've contracted back when. I never thought I'd see age 30....or 40.....or 50!! Now at 51, my health is pretty bad too. Spinal stenosis, peroneal nerve disorder, coronary artery disease, etc. I was never sick a day in my life, then at about age 45, it went downhill like an Arapahoe Basin ski run.
Ahh well, as long as we're still waking up each morning, I count my blessings.:D


Hay all old farts;
I've just turned 41 so i guess that means me too now! Been smoking since i was 18 & don't plan on stopping any time soon!


Active member
zunny said:
Be interesting to see who is the oldest... :D

Come on people, you can do better then that. No way I claim at 56. :(

What a long, strange trip it's been.
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