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Wearing Masks

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Why is it that the same people so afraid of cash being banned are also the ones that go on and on and on about how "the real problem is human trafficking". How the hell do you think they pay for humans? Do you think they write out checks? Visa card?


Well-known member
There’s too many ‘brown envelope’ payments in both business and local government for cash to be banned.
Can’t have bribes and payoffs being traceable.


Active member
It would be better if we were all wearing 3M 6800 masks or better. Its called making do.

Does a mask make me feel safe? Not really. It sure isn't that fucking hard to wear though. I get the nice warm feeling that I am not actively contributing to the deaths of others because I'm not being a big baby who is too much of a snowflake to handle wearing a little mask.

Yeah I'm a snowflake and baby good one hahahahaha Throw a Karen in there as well if you want haha. Think for yourself or bend over and see how much of there crap you can fit inside yourself.

For a virus so deadly 9 out 10 people don't know they had it. For a virus so deadly you need to be tested to make sure it's not a common cold. For a virus so deadly if you have it, They advise you to stay at home and not go out for 2 weeks.

Anyone who has tested positive the UK and then goes on to die any other way than the virus. It still gets put on the death certificate that the death was c19. Because they tested positive. Government is full of crap they know they are full of crap, they know we know they are full of crap.

I prefare fact researcher than snow fake or baby lol, But whatever makes you feel the bigger man :gaga:


Active member
Why is it that the same people so afraid of cash being banned are also the ones that go on and on and on about how "the real problem is human trafficking". How the hell do you think they pay for humans? Do you think they write out checks? Visa card?

How do people pay the lad down the street to cut your headge? How do you give a homeless guy a couple of pounds for a sandwich or whatever. How do 90% of people on here sell their weed??

You step out of line too often they will cut off your digital money leaving you with nothing. Wanna go to country our government may be having problems with. They will stop you using your money in that country...

Cashless has so many problems with it... You need to think more about what it would mean to be cashless.
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the amount of falsely attributed covid deaths is not significant.

watch, in five years we will find that we have underreported covid deaths;

600k + covid-19 deaths worldwide and rising


Well-known member
Distance, masks, hand washing....avoid crowds. Pretty simple. America still hasn't learned 6 months ago. Maybe now.....

America is picking up on it. the morons among the population? not so much. this is "chump country" here, voted for him bigly, lol. damn near everyone is wearing a mask now when i go out. if masks are votes for who they believe is telling them the truth, chump is in trouble...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
America is picking up on it. the morons among the population? not so much. this is "chump country" here, voted for him bigly, lol. damn near everyone is wearing a mask now when i go out. if masks are votes for who they believe is telling them the truth, chump is in trouble...
darwinism happening in real time...
It’s almost even worse than the movie Idiocracy.

People think because they have no symptoms that they are not sick and can’t pass the Virus to other’s which is not true at all.


Active member
Yeah I'm a snowflake and baby good one hahahahaha Throw a Karen in there as well if you want haha. Think for yourself or bend over and see how much of there crap you can fit inside yourself.

For a virus so deadly 9 out 10 people don't know they had it. For a virus so deadly you need to be tested to make sure it's not a common cold. For a virus so deadly if you have it, They advise you to stay at home and not go out for 2 weeks.

Anyone who has tested positive the UK and then goes on to die any other way than the virus. It still gets put on the death certificate that the death was c19. Because they tested positive. Government is full of crap they know they are full of crap, they know we know they are full of crap.

I prefare fact researcher than snow fake or baby lol, But whatever makes you feel the bigger man :gaga:

You're so incredibly ignorant if you think that killing is the only thing this virus does.

You also have absolutely no understanding of how death certificates are done and are just repeating stuff you heard on the internet because you're a tool. Cause of death from any other cause would also be listed on the certificate. Die of a heart attack when you have Covid-19? Both get put on the certificate. That's how it is done basically everywhere. If you had ANY CLUE what sort of organ damage this virus does, you'd realize how serious this situation actually is and maybe, just maybe stop being a selfish ignoramus that is hell-bent on being stupid because wearing masks is soooo hard to do. Its easy to wear them, its cheap to make them, and I'd really love for you to explain how exactly doing so would actually harm you. You're actually the one just doing what you're told, because you don't actually understand anything and are just repeating alt-right bullshit. Your entire world view is a disease worse than Covid-19 ever could be. Stop holding down your species with your self-centered world view. Quit being a baby and quit crying about people asking you to be a responsible human being.



Active member
How do people pay the lad down the street to cut your headge? How do you give a homeless guy a couple of pounds for a sandwich or whatever. How do 90% of people on here sell their weed??

You step out of line too often they will cut off your digital money leaving you with nothing. Wanna go to country our government may be having problems with. They will stop you using your money in that country...

Cashless has so many problems with it... You need to think more about what it would mean to be cashless.

I never said I was entirely on board for the idea, but you're fooling yourself if you think that removing cash won't actually help some people while hurting others. Its not one of those absolute black and white situations. Ideally, we wouldn't have to hide things from the government, but the kind of trust required for that would demand a government that was fair and accountable and it seems like both major political parties are utterly sold out and their core followers are programmed partisan zombies that can't use critical thinking to save their lives.

Also, cash is hardly the only option for trade on the down low. Gold, silver, gems, less valuable metals like copper, and barter for that matter. Most importantly, there's still unofficial cryptocurrencies. Getting rid of dollars specifically would hardly take away black market trade, it would just make it more complicated.


"they will cut off your digital money"


they'll have to cut off the internet entirely.

bigphil, remwmber : when the hospitals get overwhelmed, ppl die more.

the idea is to slow the curve, and yet it's too late for that.

people that don't take it seriously fuck the rest of us over.

the mask, even a shitty one, helps prevent asymptomatic ppl from spreading it further


Well-known member
i'm from New York, the US epicenter of covid.

i've been using cash and only cash from the beginning and no one has said a fucking thing to me that i shouldn't

OMG CASHLESS ILLUMINATI CUMMIN. it must be tiring to be a conspiricuck.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

- you can still be a dedicated follower of fashion - even in a mask -


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The actual statement by Qaddafi was focused more on the economic exploitation of Western medicine.

“Today there is swine flu. Perhaps tomorrow there will be fish flu, because sometimes we produce viruses by controlling them. It is a commercial business. Capitalist companies produce viruses so that they can generate and sell vaccinations. That is very shameful and poor ethics. Vaccinations and medicine should not be sold,” he said.
He went on to say that “medicines should be free of charge and vaccinations given free to children, but capitalist companies produce the viruses and vaccinations and want to make a profit. Why are they not free of charge? We should give them free of charge, and not sell them.”

Funny how folks like you paraphrase his speculation about conspiracy, but don't bother to repeat his message about taking care of people.

Kadaffi found water in the desert and made a huge project to bring it to the Lybian people. He was only a bad guy in the eyes of the great satan. Those bastards, what have they done with the world? Why can't I buy a land rover and travel the hippytrail looking for hash? Because I am an American, and my govt has made the world hate me.


Well-known member
America going cashless isn’t going to happen any time soon, half of the American money is not in the country. There is a lot of people who have nothing to do with the black market who don’t like banks that have cash put away. We are headed to a less cash society, my kids don’t carry much cash, there might be a few places during this pandemic that don’t want cash but it isn’t going away...


Active member
Kadaffi found water in the desert and made a huge project to bring it to the Lybian people. He was only a bad guy in the eyes of the great satan. Those bastards, what have they done with the world? Why can't I buy a land rover and travel the hippytrail looking for hash? Because I am an American, and my govt has made the world hate me.

Yeah its pretty horrible, but that's what millions of violent deaths at the direction of our military will inspire in people. It really does fucking suck to think that if I want to go see the world's beauty I might end up on an ISIS video getting my head sawed off by some jihadi asshole using a knife the CIA paid for. Its even worse when you consider that the isolation that causes will just make Americans even less worldly.


Well-known member
Yeah its pretty horrible, but that's what millions of violent deaths at the direction of our military will inspire in people. It really does fucking suck to think that if I want to go see the world's beauty I might end up on an ISIS video getting my head sawed off by some jihadi asshole using a knife the CIA paid for. Its even worse when you consider that the isolation that causes will just make Americans even less worldly.

well, only the well-off can truly afford to "see the world" unless you join the military & look at it through gun sights. many of the rich fucks that DO go give the rest of us a bad name by doing entitled shit that would get their ass beat on a city street here. for example, sex tourists going to Denmark, the Philippines, Thailand etc. or rude jerks disobeying rules in Paris, Rome, and other older culture centers, vandalizing/graffiti in temples in Asia/ancient cities in South America. the more money they have, the less they care about the people they move through. just "trophy hunting" with cameras for experiences they are ruining for others..."the ugly American" syndrome.


Active member
it's about mitigation, not perfection big phil.

wash yer damn hands.

You realize you statement basically says
It is about trying to stop the virus not actually stopping it
Yea, it is about compliance will you comply???

I see what your saying now...
We need to comply whether it works or not...LOL:biglaugh:
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