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Wearing Masks

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Boreal Curing
Making this mask thing political or somehow attached to rights or freedom is just plain stupid.
Gypsy, is there similar resistance to wearing masks in the UK?

Seemingly, once again Americans are fulfilling their obligation to show the world how many truly dumb people make up a large portion of our population.

People are running their mouths about how government experts said not to use masks; now they say to use masks. Why not use your own reasoning power? It is obvious a mask stops spittle.

I have not really checked it out but apparently the spread of the virus has been totally flattened in Canada. Why is this if true?
Pretty much.
7 cases yesterday in Eastern Ontario. Half in a care home. We're moving to phase 3 Monday. We'll be there for the rest of 2020.


Active member
Here is ole "no mask" foochie, after they turn off the fake news cameras after his fake speech to the fake congresscritters. :D

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I thought one of the simplest exhibitions of the efficacy of a mask is Bill Nigh trying to blow out a candle with a mask on.

Ask yourself, would you rather someone sneeze at you with or without a mask? Or ask yourself why would someone sneeze in your direction at all?


Active member
shaggy, the studies done on this always show that even a basic cloth mask substantially stops sneeze juice spread

Why yes of course.
Don't recall saying otherwise.

Can you define what you mean by substantial?
I believe you mean some, yes they help...some....lol

Are there any studies on how effective they are at stopping the spread of a contagion/virus during a sneeze.

Am I that unclear in my questions?
I seem to have repeat my statement on a regular basis.:peacock:

I thought that was the question I asked.
I can put it in bold red letters and some folks still seem to miss the question.



Active member
I have a bullet proof vest that will substantially stop the penetration of bullets.

To make my point clear here.

It is a false sense of security for those who are not properly informed/trained.

This could actually lead to increasing the spread due to improper protection.

I am not suggesting folks should not wear a mask.

But don't you think the onset of things was more crucial?

Why all the lies?
Not one answer to that question....ever...lol


there ARE studies aplenty. even someone on icmag did their own petri dish experiment, it is very effective. lots of people have done the research. google it.

sars-cov-2 is not airborne anyway... it leaves your nasty face holes on droplets.

are you trolling? if you know this stuff, why argue?

mask wearing is effective, just nut up and do it.

your argument sounds like "condoms are not proven 110% effective, might as well just go raw dawg on the stranger"

just nut up and wear your mask dude


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I posted a video pages ago how effective different mask are. If people would watch it you would see there very effective.


Active member
there ARE studies aplenty. even someone on icmag did their own petri dish experiment, it is very effective. lots of people have done the research. google it.

sars-cov-2 is not airborne anyway... it leaves your nasty face holes on droplets.

are you trolling? if you know this stuff, why argue?

mask wearing is effective, just nut up and do it.

your argument sounds like "condoms are not proven 110% effective, might as well just go raw dawg on the stranger"

just nut up and wear your mask dude
Yea, I am trolling...WTF kind of shit tactic is that?

The mask is a poor excuse for proper PPE.
End of discussion.

Yea, it kinda works, like you say.
And it may or may not protect others.

If you can not see those are the true facts.

I am growing very tired of you telling me what I need to do in my life.

Keep your fatherly advise to yourself.

You can't even run your own life!
I will be dammed if you will run mine


Active member
I posted a video pages ago how effective different mask are. If people would watch it you would see there very effective.

Did ya try the baby powder experiment?
Sit side by side with someone next to ya.
I bet they get powder on them.

The sneeze will push air out the sides of the mask.
Will the virus too escape out the sides.
I see no reason to think it would not.

Yes, the mask helps, but it is a false sense of security.

Why were we told we did not need a mask even in the war zones?

Why all the lies?


Active member
What are the five D's of Disinformation.
Deny *Disrupt *Degrade *Deceive *Donny Trump :D

Could give 2 shits for the orange man personally.
Why do you nevertrumpers always have to make it about politics?

WTF is with that shit anymore?

Everyone all the time, give it a rest already.
Save it for the political section at least.:tiphat:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Go watch the vid.. I'm not sure who's having a false sense of security. Mask help no ones said any different. Depending on what kind they can help allot ..


Active member
do an experiment where you wear a mask for 40min. in a high humidity environment.
load the mask up with virus laden moisture from your breath.

Then try the petrie dish sneeze test.
I will bet you will have penetration.
Also when the mask fills with moisture it will stop letting air pass through it properly.
Air will find the path of least resistance and go out the sides.

The mask may not protect you like folks think it will.
Consider yourself informed, what you choose to do is your choice.
Does what I say make sense?
Look into for yourself.

I could not in good continence give you those masks as proper PPE.
You can not send someone out into a hazard with PPE that is mostly effective.

That could be considered gross negligence and get you sued if anyone is harmed.

If you want to wear a mask just know it may or may not protect your loved ones if you are infected.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Could give 2 shits for the orange man personally.
Why do you nevertrumpers always have to make it about politics?

WTF is with that shit anymore?

Everyone all the time, give it a rest already.
Save it for the political section at least.:tiphat:

Did you read anything political in my posts lol. It looks like you made it political.


Active member
My point was....it gives folks a false sense of security.

Is it safe to go see granny as long as you wear a mask?

Can you be sure she will not be infected?

A false sense of security.

A bullet proof vest that should stop most of the bullets.
That is not the proper PPE.
Again a false sense of security.

Not saying don't wear a t shirt on your face just be honest about the amount of protection it provides.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
do an experiment where you wear a mask for 40min. in a high humidity environment.
load the mask up with virus laden moisture from your breath.

Then try the petrie dish sneeze test.
I will bet you will have penetration.
Also when the mask fills with moisture it will stop letting air pass through it properly.
Air will find the path of least resistance and go out the sides.

The mask may not protect you like folks think it will.
Consider yourself informed, what you choose to do is your choice.
Does what I say make sense?
Look into for yourself.

I could not in good continence give you those masks as proper PPE.
You can not send someone out into a hazard with PPE that is mostly effective.

That could be considered gross negligence and get you sued if anyone is harmed.

If you want to wear a mask just know it may or may not protect your loved ones if you are infected.

Why bother. There's already testing done by those with the right equipment. Im just gonna go with you dont believe the tests done. Wearing a mask protects everyone I see 100% more than if I didn't. Common sense goes far.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This is your original post, so it was me then?
Oh, boy...LOL

Dude really, that was from your signature. I just added Donny LMAO. Misinformation is very appropriate in this thread. Has nothing to do with politics. With all the bogus info coming from Trump makes sense.
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