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Washington State - Senate Bill 5073 (aka HB1100)


New member
A new bill has been drafted and is on the docket for the state legislature in Washington State. The purpose of this bill is to clarify and redefine the medical marijuana policies in washington, in fact they even go so far as to redefine the term marijuana to cannabis. cool.

I'm not really sure what the policy is here for posting outside links so for now I will tell you that I found the .pdf of the bill by googling "sb 5073"

Anyway, this revision to the current law grants secure access for medical cannabis patients and also allows them to live without fear of arrest. Specifically the law says that medical cannabis doctors, patients, caregivers and providers may not be arrested if they are able to provide the necessary paperwork proving a legal right. Currently a medical marijuana recommendation in washington, like many other states, serves only as a valid legal defense.

The bulk of this proposed law would define the medical cannabis industry in washington. If passed this law would make available to citizens, not specifically medical cannabis patients, a license to produce, process or dispense medical cannabis. The production and processing would be regulated by the washington state department of agriculture while the patients and dispensaries would be regulated by the department of health.

There is a lot to this bill and I don't want to write it all down. But I do want to talk about it! there are some logistical points that i can't quite figure out that I'm others around here could shed some light on. But more on that in a minute. If you have any interest in current medical marijuana laws or are a patient in WA i would recommend reading this bill.


ps. it's 36pgs but really a good read!


New member
Ok so it's paragraph 8 in section 603 that I was curious about. This regards rules that are to be created by the director of the department of agriculture.

"(8) Adopt rules regarding the identification of cannabis intended
for medical use so that such cannabis may be readily identified if
stolen or removed in violation of the provisions of this chapter from
a production or processing facility, or if otherwise unlawfully

What could possibly be done to "identify" licensed cannabis. All I can come up with is either some sort of DNA database, which is expensive and not really plausible, or some sort of adulterant that may be added during flowering. Like a dye or something.




Active member
It's encouraging that people are following, researching, and investigating the latest cannabis developments.

That said, I think you're reading a bit too deeply into the above excerpt - most likely the cannabis would have a label on it, that's it.

Dyes and adulterants? Lol, creative, I like that.
I don't like the statewide database idea. I have a feeling that somewhere along the line those names will make it to the DEA. But other than that, I think the bill is great.


I love my life
Ok so it's paragraph 8 in section 603 that I was curious about. This regards rules that are to be created by the director of the department of agriculture.

"(8) Adopt rules regarding the identification of cannabis intended
for medical use so that such cannabis may be readily identified if
stolen or removed in violation of the provisions of this chapter from
a production or processing facility, or if otherwise unlawfully

What could possibly be done to "identify" licensed cannabis. All I can come up with is either some sort of DNA database, which is expensive and not really plausible, or some sort of adulterant that may be added during flowering. Like a dye or something.



How about orange spray paint? All WA legal weed must be covered in orange paint so it is easily identified.

Anyone transporting NON PAINTED weed will be shot!



New member
It's encouraging that people are following, researching, and investigating the latest cannabis developments.

That said, I think you're reading a bit too deeply into the above excerpt - most likely the cannabis would have a label on it, that's it.

Dyes and adulterants? Lol, creative, I like that.

Huh? I can see how that excerpt must look out of context as the issue of labeling the processed cannabis is addressed in several parts of the bill. Am I reading too much into it, or are you not reading any of it?

Also, to address the first thing you said: see www.icmag.com


I love my life
It's encouraging that people are following, researching, and investigating the latest cannabis developments.

That said, I think you're reading a bit too deeply into the above excerpt - most likely the cannabis would have a label on it, that's it.

Dyes and adulterants? Lol, creative, I like that.

I've never been able to get labels to stick to my buds, where is Chiquita Banana when I need her?

I can get lables to stick to bags or mason jars, but that doesn't solve the problem of using the same jar or bag multiple times.

Perhaps this round of government ass-clowns will require one-time use breakable seals or such and sell them to recognized growers at a huge price (tax stamp and all).



New member
@Nirvana Papya,
Oregon has a statewide database run by the DoH, I think, someone please correct me if I'm wrong. And I have not heard much of anything about the DEA raiding Oregon growers.


I love my life
@Nirvana Papya,
Oregon has a statewide database run by the DoH, I think, someone please correct me if I'm wrong. And I have not heard much of anything about the DEA raiding Oregon growers.

DEA is fucking the shit out of CO, CA, and NV wonder why OR is so special?

They do raid Dr's offices and STEAL patient records in violation of Federal HIPA laws, but why the fuck should they care nothing EVER happens to PIGS breaking laws.

State data-bases are never used for ill purposes. Where are those Jews and guns anyway?



New member
Yo hydro, the DEA raids offices of doctors who prescribe medical marijuana in those states. not the department of health databases. i guess what it comes down to is this: would you prefer that your information is kept private by the state DoH or some doc in a box who charges you $100 for a mmj card?


I love my life
Yo hydro, the DEA raids offices of doctors who prescribe medical marijuana in those states. not the department of health databases. i guess what it comes down to is this: would you prefer that your information is kept private by the state DoH or some doc in a box who charges you $100 for a mmj card?

It is kept by BOTH or only ONE, I'd choose ONLY ONE. But since the Dr. is going to keep patient records IRRESPECTIVE of state data-base than that is the ONE, the state is #2 ALWAYS.

The PIGS in NV were scanning the state database and FUCKING patients so now they don't have access (officially), but would still break the rules to fuck a patient.

Funny how NONE of this shit is happening to OXI users or Docs, the US FEDERAL gvt. is the most corrupt organization EVER on the face of the globe.



I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Ok so it's paragraph 8 in section 603 that I was curious about. This regards rules that are to be created by the director of the department of agriculture.

"(8) Adopt rules regarding the identification of cannabis intended
for medical use so that such cannabis may be readily identified if
stolen or removed in violation of the provisions of this chapter from
a production or processing facility, or if otherwise unlawfully

What could possibly be done to "identify" licensed cannabis. All I can come up with is either some sort of DNA database, which is expensive and not really plausible, or some sort of adulterant that may be added during flowering. Like a dye or something.



The concept is actually two fold:
1.) they presume to protect the patient/provider from being ripped off.

2.) they want a way to track legally produced MJ so that they can determine who grew it if they find it on the street in the possession of an unauthorized person.

In other words they are trying to keep the underground/illegal aspect in place while still affording legitimate patients access to MMJ. AND without diminishing the money they make from illegal possession and grow ops.

But there is A LOT more to it. The law allows 15 plants, 24 oz., "or" a 60 day supply.
Now if your weed must be marked to be "legal MMJ" and let's say you grow 2 ounces more than you can legally possess. So you gift it to another legal patient.
Under current law you would be borderline legal. But under the proposed law you could get buster for being over your legal limit, distribution, and who knows, the other patient could be charged with possession of a controlled substance. Keep in mind that it is illegal to have possession of somebody else s oxicotton prescription already.

I think the law has some good points that would further the cause in WA, but there are line items that need some serious revision.

I was really shocked when I saw the big guns backing it though. I couldn't believe that the marking/tracking crap got slipped in.


New member
right on stress test, I know that there is so much more to it. The excerpt I quoted above applies only to "licensed producers" under the proposed law. sb 5073 would repeal the 60-day supply limitation and the one provider-one patient rule(although this was misquoted in a recent edition of The Olympian newspaper).

I guess I was just hoping that other people who know the washington law might be hanging around here and might want to chime in. The details of this bill are very promising, at least I think so, and I wanted to share this with everyone here. But everyone here seems to only care about CA and CO?


ps. stress test - what line revisions would you like to see?


Oregon here and I think our registry works good, the cop can look at your state card and your good to go or if they think your an illegal grower all they have to do is call a number day/night and they get a yes/no answer if it's a legal grow site. I think it sucks you guys gotta get busted first.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Did you read PART IX?


Among other things the bill is basically an attempt for the state government to take over the pot industry in WA.
I mean look at how every part of the bill focuses on government agencies controlling different aspects of pot...
The bill is so close to the script of "Weeds" it's disgusting.
The have provisions for every aspect of weed: Cultivation=Dept of Ag, Regulation and licensing=Dept of Health, Distribution=Dept of Ag, Enforcement=LEO and Dept of Ag

The entire bill really stinks of control, starting with the idea of "marking" plants or product. License, registration, taxes, fees, permits, books and inspections.

Oh and another thing it does is force any doctor recommending MMJ to register with the state. Kinda the same thing that CO is fighting now also.

But it does kinda make it safer for a patient to have MMJ if they are registered, only have legally marked mmj, has every piece of pot related paraphernalia locked up in a location clearly and prominently displaying their MMJ Registration.

I don't like the idea of any kind of database being built and giving open access to LEO or and other government agency. My medical records are private. So far... If this bill passes then we will be required to register with the state... Even worse: We will only be able to be approved for MMJ with a doctors prescription AND the only doctors who can prescribe MMJ are those registered with the state.
Therefore: The state dictates who ones doctor is, etc. etc.


Active member
Yo hydro, the DEA raids offices of doctors who prescribe medical marijuana in those states. not the department of health databases.

Sorry but the DEA 'think' that they are entitled to any information they desire. check it... https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=199990

i guess what it comes down to is this: would you prefer that your information is kept private by the state DoH or some doc in a box who charges you $100 for a mmj card?

you word that in a way that degrades the good ol Doc. You also say that your info would be held 'private' by the State. I think you have it backwards. I would definitely trust my MMJ Doc over the State. Any and every day of the week. Besides....if I were to get in trouble for growing....my Doc will be the one standing next to me in court...the State....they will be the ones at the other table.

Great thread though:wave:


I hold El Roacho's
wether you live in any of the 15 med law states every time a new patient registers with a doctor or PA they must keep a file on your current and exsisting medical records to determine if your eligible for a med card well now that the states want all med patients to register gives me the feeling we are being watched like fucking terrorist and as for the wa state news theirs nothing in it that puts happy thoughts in my mind other then a huge target like registering with all the rest of the states slowly making their move towards taking over and making any med patient register every year just like waiting in line to renew your drivers license, fuck the " for the med users bullshit " more like " keeping an eye on YOU ALL " :no:


I'm still reading the entire bill. I would certainly recommend that every WA State mmj patient read it as soon as possible. Too many people I've communicated with haven't even bothered, which I think is a real shame.


I think you are correct ...

I think you are correct ...

wether you live in any of the 15 med law states every time a new patient registers with a doctor or PA they must keep a file on your current and exsisting medical records to determine if your eligible for a med card well now that the states want all med patients to register gives me the feeling we are being watched like fucking terrorist and as for the wa state news theirs nothing in it that puts happy thoughts in my mind other then a huge target like registering with all the rest of the states slowly making their move towards taking over and making any med patient register every year just like waiting in line to renew your drivers license, fuck the " for the med users bullshit " more like " keeping an eye on YOU ALL " :no:

I think you are correct ... it is all about more controls, tighter controls. It seems that every MMJ State is cracking down in one way or another, no doubt inspired by the Federal government as well. Don't you know that "marijuana isn't really a medicine, and all these MMJ users are just criminals with an excuse"? At least that's what the rabid sociopathic control freaks in the Federal government have been telling us repeatedly.

It is also about money -- just how high will those associated fees have to be in order to help support the full gamut of State regulatory agencies? Every State (excepting North Dakota) is in serious financial distress, some more so than others, and the more repressive the State government, the more onerous the fees will be for the fledgling MMJ industry. Three cases in point are: New Jersey, Washington DC, and Colorado.

If they cannot put the MMJ "toothpaste back into the toothpaste tube" due to overwhelming public support (via voter initiative or a strong majority in the State legislatures), then they will (and are) trying to do so with excessive controls & fees. Widespread public MMJ activist support may not be enough to counter this push-back by the prohibitionists.

I do know that when a minority of people willfully override the will of the majority of people, whether it is at the local, State, or Federal level, especially by use of authoritarian legalisms, the constitutional democratic republic itself is at risk. As citizens and as voters, we the people need to be much more careful about who we elect to public office -- they are supposed to be our servants, not our masters. Ultimately, only full legalization (like beer) of cannabis at the Federal level is the only solution to where we are now.