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Was I being a bitch?

I'm smoking a joint on the beach on my facebook avatar....

I'm not ashamed, in fact I link studies involving cannabis to spread the info to try to fight the stigma.


Active member
I'm smoking a joint on the beach on my facebook avatar....

I'm not ashamed, in fact I link studies involving cannabis to spread the info to try to fight the stigma.

...that's a completely different situation...

I mean this in the Kindest possible way....
If you give advice, and it goes unheeded...your job is Complete--:tiphat:

I completely agree with that... I thought you were going to bed? :chin: :laughing:


Active member
This is a biggie!! Where are you located?? (To the OP)
In Cali...that is happening thousands a time a night...it is no big deal--
Maybe other places are way different--
You have to expect ppl to respond according to their experience...and how things are in their area--:tiphat:

The OP lives in Ak, about as lax MJ laws as you can get. Not amsterdam or vancouver but..

Even still.. I listen to the police scanner often and I hear complaints about people toking out. As obvious as they were doing it, The parents walking their kids from and too school right there, I thought it would be nice to just give them a heads up.

Did I tell them to stop? Nope.. Do I care if they keep doing it?.. er not really, and nothing I can or will do about it. I dont want them getting hassled, its yummy food and good service.. I just love the place.

I think the MYOFB goes so many ways. I think my intent wasnt exactly for the better good or was I trying to be a hero. I dont think anybody wants to be harassed by LEO or some square.

I dunno, I've helped out fellow workers that come back from break stinking as if a skunk butt fucked them.. MYOFB would apply but I still think it was a good thing to say hey, you fucking reek.

Lol.. mebby I'm just getting old..


Active member
All it takes is one person to come in that doesn't like what they see, call the health dept., and create a shitstorm. As nice as it would be if everyone were as lax about bud as we are, but that just isn't the case.

Yup thats what I was thinking.. Call me selfish but I dont want to see them hassled in any way. The place has a cool happy vibe, I would hate to see that wrecked from some annoyed parent or customer.

Happy workers make good product.. etc.. etc.. hell I think they should keep on smoking, just out of plain view..


You said you eat there all the time, and they know you.

They probably only toked up in front you because they thought you were cool ...

Even though you had the best intentions - you proved them wrong.

Like other people said though I guess it's just all about where you are from. Where I am from, it's not unusual to see people smokin on the street.



Active member
OK - you asked...

R U a leo??? Their boss???


Mind your own fucking bizniz...


You asked...

Yeah, you should have just cracked a joke. It really is none of your business. If they want to get arrested or fired or both...that is their choice.

Carl Carlson

Keep in mind, the "Intent" of these zoning Laws, was to keep ppl from selling drugs to kids--
This is obviously not happening in Dispensaries...at least the ones I go to, it is easier to get in Fort Knox...than a D, without a Rec--:tiphat:

I spent some time in California and know that to be true. Well, to be honest, I've never visited Fort Knox.

However the OP was talking about the people that work at a restaurant smoking outside, close to a school.

Carl Carlson

Yeah, you should have just cracked a joke. It really is none of your business. If they want to get arrested or fired or both...that is their choice.

I guess the OP never watched the movie Dazed and Confused.

Someone's tokin' some reefer.

I came here to do two things, kick some ass and drink some beer. And it looks like we're almost out of beer!


All I was doing was using the same logic he brought to the thread...

I fail to see how someone looking out for some fellow tokers is getting such flak about it. :dunno:

I don't have any problem with what other people do... I'm also not going to have a problem if someone gives me advice... if I don't like it, I don't take it.

All it takes is one person to come in that doesn't like what they see, call the health dept., and create a shitstorm. As nice as it would be if everyone were as lax about bud as we are, but that just isn't the case.

I'm with ya. I don't see anything wrong with giving someone a friendly reminder not to be a dumbass. If someone is going to throw a fit over it so be it. It says more about their character than about yours. You were just looking out for them and its not like you harmed them by saying anything.
So I go to my favorite place to eat, its next to this school and stuff, and I see the cooks, and wait staff roasting up a bowl. I'm a regular there, they know me.

I get my food and stuff and I go to the guy in the front, something like hey if you're gonna smoke, dont do it in the open like that. I was like hey if I see it, everybody sees it too, especially so close to a school.. Just keep it on the down low ya?

Mebby I was being a pest? or just looking out for a brother. Hell I'll toss em a pack of papers next time eh?.

Hey Thats Cool, Kids Are Kids & don't need to see that. you were right.
you were being a little sniveling PEST..your lucky he didnt stand up and punch you in the face holmes..cus thats what i woulda done...people should really just keep to themselves..


Active member
It's not your business, literally and figuratively - you don't own it, they are not your employees, you are not their Mommy...

Leave 'em alone - if they get pinched, that's their dumbassed luck.

Don't like what/where - don't so it yourself.

No-one appointed you guardian of the public good.

My original post is my gut reaction - MYOFB...
Again, I do not really care what people do as long as its not physically or mentally harming me and I do not claim to be the guardian of anything. Hell you could be shooting up heroin on the street and I wouldn't give a damn. I might be like 'hey you might want to be a little more discreet with that but whatever..." just like if i saw someone smoking a bowl in front of there customers i might just say "whatever you do is cool with me but i saw that you were in view of your customers and i thought you might want to know... again enjoy the bowl folks". no one is interfering with your doing by doing that. no one is really getting in your business. if you don't want people in your business don't smoke in PUBLIC VIEW or while working. after all its called "the public" for a reason, and if your working your on the clock and customers can be up your ass all they want. i don't go walking into restaurants, or around town and not expect someone to get in my business a little bit. that's why i live deep in the woods. i am left the fuck alone and free to do what i want. But I still don't know how any of what I am saying is telling people what to do. I'd really like for you to explain that one.


I would take the "noyb" stance. It's not you so don't worry about it.


Cannabrex Formulator
There are four kinds of chefs:

The ones who smoke too much dope

The ones who snort too much blo-caine

The ones who drink like fish

And the ones who do none of the above...and they are the worst, 'cuz they are the total psychopaths.


New member
There is nothing wrong with being concerned about this situation, after all, it is right by a childrens school! No you were not being a bitch. it makes complete sense!

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