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Was I being a bitch?


Active member
So I go to my favorite place to eat, its next to this school and stuff, and I see the cooks, and wait staff roasting up a bowl. I'm a regular there, they know me.

I get my food and stuff and I go to the guy in the front, something like hey if you're gonna smoke, dont do it in the open like that. I was like hey if I see it, everybody sees it too, especially so close to a school.. Just keep it on the down low ya?

Mebby I was being a pest? or just looking out for a brother. Hell I'll toss em a pack of papers next time eh?.


Active member
I'd say how they interpreted it really depends on what your tone and exact words were. Either way though, I'd be on your side. No need to be doing it in view of customers. I'd say if you threw them some papers and/or a lighter or something like that next time it would make it clear you were looking out for them, and not being a stick in the mud.


OK - you asked...

R U a leo??? Their boss???


Mind your own fucking bizniz...


You asked...

good drown

i would have told him, hey, next time ill bring you a nug of some good stuff if you hook it up in the future, the name's ray, ray ray


Active member
GrnMtnGrwr, past couple posts I've read from you have been straight positive and helpful..+Rep to you brotha.

To the OP. You were doing nothing more then looking out for him! You're lucky you are NOT a stick in the mud, or you really could have raised some hell...Rude, snobby, privacy invading people are all over where I live, and if they saw that it could have been a different story for the Chef!

My cooks at my work smoke pot. I smoke pot with him, at work, in front of the owner...on the clock, but in no way shape or form would the owner be happy if customers saw us doing it!

Next time, throw them some zags like mentioned above!! Maybe it will resemble a cigarette and not a fat pipe load!! LOL, if he DOES choose to do it so openly.

Good lookin out


cannabis enthusiast
i went to get some pizzas sunday night few folks working there were tokin outside i just smiled......


i went to get some pizzas sunday night few folks working there were tokin outside i just smiled......

Good answer...

Someone started tellin' me what is what, and where it could and couldn't be, would get a swift "F U", a middle finger, and some saliva topping on their next food order...

And I'm no kid - not by a long shot...

Smile, nod. That's cool.

They know where they are - and what they are doing.

Nuff said...


Freedom Fighter
Why does being next to a school have anything to do with anything??
They were smoking...so what?? Were they offering shit to kids??
I feel the same about a Dispensary being next to a school....So what?? The kids can't get in there without a Rec....what is the big deal??
Ppl are too involved with trying to be fucking Politically Correct these days...


Active member
So a question for everyone here it seems, except myself, bterzz and the OP... if they were throwing back a beer or smoking a cig, would you feel the same?


Active member
I'd say how they interpreted it really depends on what your tone and exact words were. Either way though, I'd be on your side. No need to be doing it in view of customers. I'd say if you threw them some papers and/or a lighter or something like that next time it would make it clear you were looking out for them, and not being a stick in the mud.

They are my friends.. I like them thats why I wasnt sure if I was being a little too vocal.

I'm not the enemy.. I think everybody needs a bowl, but be a little discrete about it.


Active member
If I owned a business and my employees were smoking in front they would be fired. I got no problem with my employees coming in high as fuck, going to there car and smoking, behind the dumpsters, etc. just not out in front. i live in a small mountain town in western north carolina full of southern baptists... if i owned a pizza place here and word got around that my employees were smoking in front of the business... i'd lose my customer base in 2 seconds, and id have the fucking sheriff down my throat. not only that, but they'd probably try and take my business from me. no joke.
anyone thats smoking out in the open is fucking stupid. well around here you would be. i don't know where you guys are from, but your definitely smart for letting them know. word gets around that they were seen smoking, and they didn't know it they could lose there jobs, and rightfully so. smoke just don't be a moron. cops around here don't play. there could be a an off duty cop sitting some where in the restaurant and they wouldn't even know it.


So a question for everyone here it seems, except myself, bterzz and the OP... if they were throwing back a beer or smoking a cig, would you feel the same?
Same response - what I do is my business, what they do is theirs.

A cig, a beer, a bowl...

Telling others what and where with stuff like weed/cigs/beers - especially when WE indulge in illegal activities (no???) reeks of hypocracy.

Mind your own business - unless they are cookin' heroin and mainlinin', shut up, and move on...

I rarely drink - but I do, and have enjoyed a cold beverage in lots of places. I quit cigs years ago - but I'd smoke while playing company softball (at the plate batting, outfield, etc.).

leo tells people what and when (mostly when it suits THEM) - I'm no leo, no fan of leo, and this world (my world) doesn't need more people telling other people what to do.



Active member
whenever i see people cheifin i just throw a smile and some comment like SMELLS GOOD MANG!! and keep it movin...unless they look like potential custies.


Active member
Same response - what I do is my business, what they do is theirs.

A cig, a beer, a bowl...

Telling others what and where with stuff like weed/cigs/beers - especially when WE indulge in illegal activities (no???) reeks of hypocracy.

Mind your own business - unless they are cookin' heroin and mainlinin', shut up, and move on...

I rarely drink - but I do, and have enjoyed a cold beverage in lots of places. I quit cigs years ago - but I'd smoke while playing company softball (at the plate batting, outfield, etc.).

leo tells people what and when (mostly when it suits THEM) - I'm no leo, no fan of leo, and this world (my world) doesn't need more people telling other people what to do.


But when it's taking place @ a place of business, in view of customers... it's no longer solely your business.


I am a daily smoker and often smoke plain and simple right out in the open, but I do choose who I smoke in front of, and I have had plenty of jobs tokin up with the boss, but try not to do it in front of customers, so although i smoke out in the open all the time (its cali, who doesn't) and i'd probably laugh at you, your still just watching out for his well being. Maybe next time try going about it with a different tone like "hey i love to burn here's some purple, but can we go out back there's a school right there"


Active member
no one is being the cops by saying 'hey im cool with whatever you guys do just letting you know customers can see you... enjoy the bowl though'. that's not interfering with anything you're doing. its not being the cops. the cops will arrest you. there is a huge difference guy.


cannabis enthusiast
So a question for everyone here it seems, except myself, bterzz and the OP... if they were throwing back a beer or smoking a cig, would you feel the same?

wouldnt bother me been plenty times after work and only thing is open is the hole in the wall bar....hey can ya fellas make me some cheeseburgers all is well :dance013:

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