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was busted last night need help and suggestions!!!!!!


Wasabi is right. I have, THANK GOD, never dealt with a pot charge; but my wife had to go thru some custody shit with her daughter when we moved outta state and back to the current state in question. I can say that doing anything but the very best you can with a lawyer is a bad idea as we got fucked by using a seemingly competent, but economy priced lawyer.

I've always thought though, with no priors you should hopefully not get the book thrown at you. Then again, I am never surprised at how cold and cruel the legal system and the twisted, evil fucks that run it can be.

Prayers and Peace to you man. I hope you can find some peace of mind in the midst of a shit storm. We gotta vote this MMJ shit in man; it's not fucking fair to anybody to keep denying patients.


wasabi, there is 2 lawyers that I got from NORML's web page that are in my town that I would be prossacuted in so I would hope that they would know the DA's I'm sure I'm not the only 1 that this has happened to in the past few yrs. I plan on lawyering up that's not even a question but should I go w/ a lawyer that specializes in these kinds of cases or should I got for a big time criminal lawyer?


basspirate , yes I know I am going to have to go w/ the best of the best to get anything lightly delt to me. I know spending 5k now would be better than the worst case being locked up for a yr. which could automaticly happen anyways depending on how the judge feels that day and how leaniant he is.


I have till the weekend or the first of the week to contact the officer to tell him how I am going to play this out so hopefully I can get a hold of a lawyer in the mean time.


Man, I know what you mean tho...sure you gotta get the best, but diggin up 5k-that's fuckin tough as dirty old balls man.


I'm sure the way I heard it works is you give them installments until either you are paid up or pay all at once I'm sure some1 will be able to help me out. This is my first offence of anything,no distribution,no guns,no money,no scales and tons of medical reports of my bad back so who knows. I can only expect the worst and pray for the best.


gets some
I know I shouldn't have let them In but they were going to detain me till either I did let them In or they got a search warrent so I was kinda screwed either way.

And right there is where your thinking is messed up. Instead of forcing them to get a warrant, you consented to the search so they didn't have to get one. What if they couldn't get a warrant??? They would have either let you go or would have illegally searched your house and the case likely thrown out.

I never understand why people want to HELP the cops bust them. Either you were detained until (IF!!!) they got a warrant or you let them in. What kind of choice is that? Make them work for it and prove it. You just gave them their case and now have no legal leg to stand on. I'm sorry you got popped and I feel for you and wish you the best of luck but it seems you ignored all of the advice on this forum and elsewhere about how to deal with police.


I feel for you. Get that lawyer, you DONT want to be in the system, bcuzz the system doesn't want to let you go.

I caught a case many years ago and did 2 years on a 4 year bid. Just yesterday I was walking the dog and a dude I was locked up with flagged me down and tried to follow me home to hang out and talk about his last 4 years in prison...I was trippin, like no way do I want this cat comin to my crib...just one more way the system won't let go of you.

Your in a position of not knowing what lay ahead. I've seen it a million times inside, guys asking everyone what they think is gonna come of there case, they ask and ask until they get an answer they can live with. You said it best when you said expect the worse, hope for the best. Chances are this will never see the inside of a courtroom. Im willing to bet that you will take the best plea bargain they offer you, which you prolly should bcuzz you did give up your rights. However, remember this, if you can do a little jail time and walk away free and clear, you'll be much better in the long run than staying out of jail but accepting an ass load of probabtion, another way to drain your wallet and keep you in the system. Just think 5years probation, means 5 years, no smokling, no leaving the state, soetimes county, all kinds of bs.

Best of luck to you. And reme,ber, these pricks want to fuck you squarely in the ass...don't lube it up for them any more than you already have


The cat that loves cannabis
Well let this be a hard lesson, learned by Chytil, to us all.

I know everyones said it already but WTF did you let them in for????????
You let them in, busted, automatically, and they don't even have to say in court they had probable cause now, let alone a search warrent, because YOU gave consent to enter.

If you had a "do over" I would say, fine, go get your warrent then, I would then note the time, and ask to call my attorney.

Do not let these simpleton pig bastards intimidate you into doing stuff.
Remember your Miranda rights

Anything you say, CAN, and WILL, be used against you.
Do you understand that simple statement?
Anything you say, ANYTHING, will be used AGAINST you.
Do not help these fuckers convict you by talking to them

Sorry this happened to you Bro, it could have gone differently, but that chance has passed so at this time I sincerely wish you all the best with your case.

Also, if you know any tweakers in your neighborhood cooking, you may want to think about turning them in to save yourself.
And to everyone who will say I'd never rat on anyone, BULLSHIT, 90% of people roll like a ball on everyone they know to save themselves, how do you think the cops bust anyone in the first place?


this is at frisco, Yes they said until I could provide them w/ an ID of some sorts they were going to detain me and hold me either until I either came up w/ the ID or they got the search warrent. I told the officer my ID was in my wallet up stairs inside the home, he proseded to tell me that If I was going back into the house for the ID that he was going to fallow me in in case I had a gun or other weapons in the house that could harm the officers. So either way If I didn't submit they were going to hold me till they got the warrent or letting them into the house to fallow me in for the ID and seeing for them selves what was going on.

Sorry bro, but they blew smoke up your ass. And for those who stated that smell is not enough for a warrant, i advise you to stop giving advice, because smell is MORE THAN ENOUGH for a warrant, but that doesn't mean that it would've actually been signed and approved by a judge, but please believe it was enough! Please see your local Crim Pro. and/or Evidence books.

Really the "issue" here is about them detaining you for not having a license...there is no law against not having ID on you...especially if you weren't driving, operating a car, etc. Like i said, they blew smoke up your ass...and you played into it when you told them that your wallet was actually in the house. I know that what's happened has happened, but i hope for the best in your situation.



Your facing a 1 year mandatory minimum...that aint shit....lucky in PA they go relatively easy on first time offenders...hire a lawyer and get his advice.....look for one who has past experience as a Asst. DA or something so he can utilize his personal connections..anything helps....good luck.....come check out keystoners threa, pik the brains of some fellas around the way
this is at frisco, Yes they said until I could provide them w/ an ID of some sorts they were going to detain me and hold me either until I either came up w/ the ID or they got the search warrent. I told the officer my ID was in my wallet up stairs inside the home, he proseded to tell me that If I was going back into the house for the ID that he was going to fallow me in in case I had a gun or other weapons in the house that could harm the officers. So either way If I didn't submit they were going to hold me till they got the warrent or letting them into the house to fallow me in for the ID and seeing for them selves what was going on.

I've made my mistakes, done my time. I did not intend to lay blame or criticize you. No need to defend your actions here.
The fact remains you fucked up. You're in it now, all my hopes for the best deal you can make. I posted in this thread NOT to criticize you but to point out the lesson in this situation. It gets said enough but people don't listen. DO NOT CONSENT TO A SEARCH - EVER. If they can get a warrant, they will; if not, you walk.

Good luck man. Stand strong, and don't give them any more than you already have. Here's hopin' for a compassionate judge, a lazy DA and a shark in your corner.
After the officer and myself talked...l

Here's where you fucked up. Don't talk to those fucks! You verabally IDed yourself, that's enough for them to go on. I doubt they really had the power to detain you until they could be "sure" of who you are. You were on your property, you dont have to have your ID on you to be out in YOUR yard. They believed you enough not to question whether you are in deed the true renter of said property.

Even now the gist of your posts are like "oh my god, its not as if i could've disobeyed the officer". There's no law that says that you always have to do what a pig asks. You danced to their tune last night and you still are now. Do not contact the officer, let them charge you with what they have. It ain't as if they can do anymore to you, unless you want to play ball with them. From now on you should have an attorney contact the police on all matters relating to your arrest.

If you are having trouble affording one google pro bono lawyers. Or contact your state's bar. Most bars require their lawyers to do some pro bono work to retain their licenses.


Your facing a 1 year mandatory minimum...that aint shit....lucky in PA they go relatively easy on first time offenders...hire a lawyer and get his advice.....look for one who has past experience as a Asst. DA or something so he can utilize his personal connections..anything helps....good luck.....come check out keystoners threa, pik the brains of some fellas around the way

The judge has the right to wave the MMS for first time offenders for distribution, felony posession, and manufacturing / cultivation.
I know mandatory is part of the phrase, but here in Pa the term is used lightly b/c the fact is a judge has the ability to wave the MMS on 1st timers based on the person and what they actually were doing. This guy doesn't sound like he was growing for a gang or other organized criminal type groups. If he was he most definitely would be getting more than a MMS.


Green Mujaheed
aaaww, sorry to hear about that chytil. I don't live in USA, so can't be of any help, but I sure do wish you to get out of this crappy time of your life as quickly and positively as possible, if such thing is possible where you live. Take care & keep us informed !

Irie !


Man dude they got you by the short hairs because if you don't rat they wont let that shit dry long and they'll come up with some phenomenally high street value and then the state prosecutor will try to pin dealing and manufacturing on you and maybe pass it up to the feds and let them feed off you too. A punk-ass lawyer will gladly take what you can pay him for showing up and standing next to you while you are chained to a string of junkies and then led away in front of your family. I remember when my boy got dragged off in PA for 2nd offense DUI, his slimy attorney actually called out, "I told them not put you in with the bad guys!!" Anyways you'll then do a little time and once you are rehabilitated, they will let you out and you can start your probation, complete with random piss tests and drug counseling which you'll pay for, and you'll begin your search for a new job, since you'll lose your old one after those pricks contact your HR dept. Where I work they just scan your hand and it checks all the databases and reports right back. Even if it doesn't find anything it then adds your fingerprints to the database so if they lifted your prints from a crime, they got your ass anyaway. Welcome to the machine. What a world bro, just for growing a little weed.


New member
even if you do rat you think those shit eating cops are gonna help you out common. all ratting will do is end you up with the same sentence, make you a RAT for life, and bring some other poor sole into the mud with you. if i were you i would find a lawyer and make sure he's a good one. also i hope you got some CASH.
i found out first hand money can go along ways with the court system i got off lots of stuff with fines even a felony case not sure how the courts are down your way but up here money rules.
i hope you find a good lawyer and all goes well


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
terrible situation

they sure do trick a ton of people into allowing themselves into their homes. Easiest thing to look at, IF they go in they WILL find the shit AND you will get busted.

Now if you would have said, I don't have my id but NO you can't come in with me. Well we will issue a search warrant, WELL GOOD! fuck it, lets wait around and see if you can get probable cause do to an odor.

I think the bluff card was pulled and was played.

NEVER LET THEM IN, no matter how much they pretend like they are not looking for anything inside. They will try and find ANYTHING to allow them to search and seize ANYTHING they can.

fuckin cops
Hate to say it dude, but friscofrqancis is right.

Should've refused consent to search your house. If you had you might've had a leg to stand on, but since you didn't you've put yourself between a rock and a hard place.

If a cop asks for permission that means he doesn't have probable cause or a warrant to search your house. Cooperation counts for nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Get a really good lawyer, request a jury trial, and maybe just maybe you can play on the sympathy of the jurors for a medical condition.