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Warning on possible pot growers called profiling



DENVER (AP) - A federal warning to beware of campers in national forests who eat tortillas, drink Tecate beer and play Spanish music because they could be armed marijuana growers is racial profiling, an advocate for Hispanic rights said Friday. The warnings were issued Wednesday by the U.S. Forest Service, which is investigating how much marijuana is being illegally cultivated in Colorado's national forests following the recent discovery of more than 14,000 plants in Pike National Forest.
"That's discriminatory, and it puts Hispanic campers in danger," said Polly Baca, co-chairwoman of the Colorado Latino Forum.
A spokesman for the U.S. Forest Service had no immediate response to Baca's comments.
Forest Service officials said they believe illegal immigrants are being brought to Colorado by Latin American drug cartels for mass cultivation of marijuana.
Michael Skinner, a law enforcement officer with the U.S. Forest Service in Colorado, said warning signs of possible drug trafficking include "tortilla packaging, beer cans, Spam, Tuna, Tecate beer cans," and campers who play Spanish music. He said the warning includes people speaking Spanish.
The warning signs were included in a slide presentation put together for drug agents in Colorado and the public.
Skinner said this may or may not represent criminal activity, but are indicators and he urged any campers who encounter long-term campers meeting the profile to "hike out quickly" and call police.
"Our goal is to not allow organization using foreign nationals or any other persons involved in illegal drug production to take over our national forests," the department warned.
Baca said there is no evidence that Hispanics are the only people involved in large-scale drug operations and said she was "appalled that anyone, especially someone from the federal government, would say something like that."
Marvink Correa, spokesman for the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, said federal officials are painting an unfair stereotype of Hispanics.
"When I go camping, I'll be sure to play nothing but Bruce Springsteen," he said.
The recent discovery was the second large seizure this summer in Colorado. Two people were arrested, but federal officials refused to provide details, saying the investigation is continuing.
In July, authorities spent more than 24 hours clearing another marijuana growing operation in Pike National Forest. They say the plants' street value was about $2.5 million, but no arrests were made.


Blue Dot

The funny thing about this is they are doing their damnedest to try to counteract illegal drugs when in reality maybe they should just try and enforce immigration laws? Hello? They can't grow here if they can't get in here in the first place.

I mean in cali, they'll turn a blind eye in the central valley, etc because we californians demand cheap fruit dammit, but when they ENEVITABLY branch out into MJ cultivation, well sir, that's where we draw the line. LOL


Active member
The funny thing about this is they are doing their damnedest to try to counteract illegal drugs when in reality maybe they should just try and enforce immigration laws? Hello? They can't grow here if they can't get in here in the first place.

I mean in cali, they'll turn a blind eye in the central valley, etc because we californians demand cheap fruit dammit, but when they ENEVITABLY branch out into MJ cultivation, well sir, that's where we draw the line. LOL

In case you haven't noticed, the fruits and vegetables aren't cheap anymore!

But, yeah, the gov't really needs to seal our southern border and start taking illegal immigration seriously. That'd go a long way towards cleaning up a lot of the cartel bullshit.



I am guilty. I have seen 4x4's packed with camping gear, comandeered by a group of mexican men heading into the mountains in the spring and thought......


Active member
Those damn illegals are fucking everything up. They are the only reason that people are still getting raided in California. I have witnessed it first hand. Complete devastation of the land around them. THey will fuck up acres upon acres of forest to plant 10,000-20,000 plants that will never be harvested. All low quality shwag that is handled poorly if it actually gets harvested. They also kill almost anyone that stumbles upon them. Its not just mexicans either. Its the asians. I have had a truck load of asians roll up on me in the middle of nowhere(and I mean middle of nowhere) and if it wasnt for my friend and I carrying a Smith and Wesson 38 revolver each we would of been fucked. That was the only time I had to point a gun at somebody and they had guns in the back of their truck. Fuck those piece of shit illegals who think they can fuck up my precious hiking spots. They are profiling races because they are the only ones doing it.


yeah, but it a messed up to say "beware of Mexicans in the woods" because a lot of normal latino families like to go camping and stuff too. Now, they're gonna have their campsite trampled by jackbooted thug federales because someone saw "suspicious people." I say its time to end the war on cannabis and legalize. Technically, its our constitutional right to use cannabis anyway, not that anyone cares about the Constitution anymore.

Open Eyes

Ah, i see they are back to try the racial card again. IT'S THE MEXICANS, DAMIT!. IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT!

Our forests are burning and its the Mexicans fault. Our forests are filled with MJ and its their fault. Our fruit is not cheap enough so it must be their fault. Our borders are not enforced properly so it must be their fault.

If you were a dirt poor mexican you would cross the border as well for a better life and if you say you would not then you are just not human.


next time you eat at taco bell, or have dimsum noodle n duck pancakes....spare a thaught for immigration....:)


I love tortilla with me chili n beans,
when I drink too much cerveza, sometimes I swear in spanish and dance like a loco vato...
hope they dont mistake me for one of them cartel pot growers...

yo kero sinsemilla ?


Patient Grower
is that profiling or just good common sense......

Well I say it's good common sense! Especially since I don't drink tecate beer, eat tortilla's or listen to spanish music. OK, well occasionally the latter 2 but never when I'm up to no good in the forest.

Seriously, why in the world would you call profiling 'good common sense'? It all stems from the primitive, irrational belief that one can tell what is within a man from without. Yes, in tribal times the enemy from the other tribes all dressed and looked different, and they were all out to take your shit. We don't live in thatched huts and hunt with spears anymore. Get over it.


Dunno man, we dont have taco bell here...but i was trying to make a point, if that is the case then taco bell was the wrong example to use haha.:yes:

Yes, mass immigration is bad in so many ways, but if you were in the shoes of one of those immigrants i think you'd do the same and wonder why others havent...and all you 1 post nazi's can fuck off, least have some bollocks and be racsist with your real handle...lol.:)

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I see why people are pissed....yeah it is mostly Mexicans out doing these big grows. Still isn't f*cking fair to Mexican people who just live here like the rest of us.

Maybe Ellis Island should have closed a month after it was opened....because it's not really any different for Natives that had to deal with the devastation that Europeans caused this land...and anyone that stood in their way (people that were already here, ahem). We should be careful with the immigration comments....we're all immigrants. Some of my ancestors were already here...but the rest brought their asses over here on a boat, not much different than immigrants today to me....other than the paperwork issues.

The racist comments are pretty cowardly, I agree.


ya i was just breakin youre balls... Good example tho... It really is FUCKED up, like basically if you see some mexicans out camping, they MUST be growing pot right???
Im surprised this isnt getting more media attention about how racist it is


Freedom Fighter
ya i was just breakin youre balls... Good example tho... It really is FUCKED up, like basically if you see some mexicans out camping, they MUST be growing pot right???
Im surprised this isnt getting more media attention about how racist it is

It is ok...Obama will buy some beer, and everything will be ok...you can't possibly be Racist if you drink beer blessed by the Prez!!:abduct::1help:
The Cartels should just start hiring white ppl...that will fuck up the profile!!:nanana:


ICMag Donor
yeah, but it a messed up to say "beware of Mexicans in the woods" because a lot of normal latino families like to go camping and stuff too. Now, they're gonna have their campsite trampled by jackbooted thug federales because someone saw "suspicious people." I say its time to end the war on cannabis and legalize. Technically, its our constitutional right to use cannabis anyway, not that anyone cares about the Constitution anymore.

even full legalization would not stop raids on grows held on public lands.
As it should be

Don't grow on public land and don't steal power.
That eliminates 2/3rds of your risk with LEO