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Warning on possible pot growers called profiling


Yea, being poor justifies breaking laws. Just because a law has been writ, does not mean it is just.

The laws are partly to blame for poverty and starvation. Not all laws, but most.

I've never seen a starving congress man or president.

Your logic has avalanched.

Blue Dot

So where do you draw the line?

I feel I'm poor because all I can afford is a GM car. Does that give me the right to steal a porsche?

Some people are just born better off in this world than others. It still means everyone has to obey the same laws at all times.

Just because a mexican was unfortunate enough to be born in mexico doesn't give them a right to break into america any more than it gives me a right to break into a porsche.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Nobody, and I dont care who the hell you are, should say that someone else doesn't have the right to better their life style. Why shouldn't someone less fortunate strive for a better life than what he or she was born into? If I were born into poverty in Mexico, your damn right I'd be doing my best to make it in America, or at least somewhere that I might find a decent job and home.

As for the topic of this thread, yes, its racial profiling... no doubt.


Freedom Fighter
Yea, being poor justifies breaking laws. Just because a law has been writ, does not mean it is just.

The laws are partly to blame for poverty and starvation. Not all laws, but most.

I've never seen a starving congress man or president.

Your logic has avalanched.

So the Laws that say that it is not a good thing to pollute, kill, or rip ppl off...they don't apply to the poor??
Being poor (I have been Homeless...living on the streets) is not a pass to anything that gets you some $$--
I have very good friends, that came here illegally...but they lead exemplary lives now...have saved the $$ to afford to become Citizens...and I have stood up as a Character Witness for them--Helping to get their Citizenship in order--
I do not believe that Mexican Nationals are a good thing to have growing weed for Cartels in our National Forests...Sorry--
But they are all welcome to my house...for some Coronas!!:yeahthats


So where do you draw the line?

I feel I'm poor because all I can afford is a GM car. Does that give me the right to steal a porsche?

Some people are just born better off in this world than others. It still means everyone has to obey the same laws at all times.

Just because a mexican was unfortunate enough to be born in mexico doesn't give them a right to break into america any more than it gives me a right to break into a porsche.

When your children are hungry, you WILL cross an imaginary line in the desert to earn a bit more money. Comparing it to 'stealing a porsche' is ridiculous. (Like stealing a Porsche is such a heinous crime anyway lol!)

Sanctifying hypocritical and unjust laws is even more ridiculous in a section named CANNABIS LEGISLATION.


Active member
Bongripken Jr. - You are a racist. When you make a statement beginning like "All people of such and such race..." you make a generalization about race, and will be labeled as a racist. You have no idea how foolish you sound. Please keep the history lessons based in reality. Every scholar knows that despite some internal problems, Europeans screwed everything up 4 the native people's of the Americas. Mayans had Terra Pretta the most sustainable form of soil developed by man. Instead of slash and burn, they were using sustainable farm techniques. Stick to things you know about. Like your daddy's balls, or what a toilet looks like with your head in it. What a prick. You live in Cali? Well guess what, its theirs. Selfish white people like you stole it from then. They have just as much right to be there as anyone else.

Im sorry about the generalizations and stereotypes. Wait, I am not. I have seen all of it first hand. I have seen my beloved sierra nevadas torn to shit because of these people. Sorry, I have nothing against mexicans or asians on a day to day basis. As pot growers in the areas in which I hike and swim, they are pieces of shit. I think growing 20,000 plants on property that isnt yours and completely fucking up the terrain as well as other parcels of property around the massive illegal grow is fucked up. My 47 acres used to have 3 creeks running through it and a year round spring. Not anymore, because they hijacked all my fucking water! I cant grow some top notch fire legally on my property anymore because those assholes. How many of these camps have you stumbled on? I have stumbled on roughly 5 in my life. 4 mexican camps and 1 asian. Unless you have experienced it you need to shut the fuck up. It is a big problem out here. I wouldnt be talking shit if they stayed within their legal plant limits and used their own property.

And sustainable soil doesnt mean shit when you clear cut everything. I take it you have actually visited those areas though and all your knowledge about these subjects is based off first hand experience*Sarcasm*. Come talk to me when you have a group of mexicans on dirtbikes with guns to your head. I spend all my time in the Sierras and I know who the real fuck heads are in those mountains. Trust me, I didnt start out disliking mexican cartels and asian mafias, it took years and years of dealing with them and putting two and two together. And by the way, I am Blackfoot, Cherokee, and dutch. All my Cherokee people in the canyon completely respect the land and dont fuck it up for one time use and leave there garbage and pesticides everywhere. Once a problem has been established and they realize what it is and there are only a certain group of people doing it they have to profile. ANYBODY WITH FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE WITH THIS SUBJECT HAVE A VALID ARGUMENT AGAINST ME?


So the Laws that say that it is not a good thing to pollute, kill, or rip ppl off...they don't apply to the poor??

I agree, I never said it gives you the right to pollute, but if your homeless and you keep getting harassed or injured by cops everywhere you go for loitering or sleeping on the sidewalk, or dumpster diving, I feel thats kind of messed up.

Sleeping on the sidewalk should not be against the law, I don't think people would come flooding the sidewalks with sleeping bags and pillows if that law was revoked.


Freedom Fighter
I agree, I never said it gives you the right to pollute, but if your homeless and you keep getting harassed or injured by cops everywhere you go for loitering or sleeping on the sidewalk, or dumpster diving, I feel thats kind of messed up.

Sleeping on the sidewalk should not be against the law, I don't think people would come flooding the sidewalks with sleeping bags and pillows if that law was revoked.

I think we are only disagreeing because we are talking 2 different things here....I am talking about Cartel growers polluting our National Parks...you are including all homeless--
I have no prob with the homeless, poor...or Mexicans-- Only the ones that are fucking up our Resources--:2cents:


So being poor justifies breaking laws? Does it also justify breaking moral standards?

Your logic is sliding down a slippery slope.[/QU

yea thats exactly what im saying if you are poor you should be able to break the law............man give me a freaken break you took what i was saying completely wrong lay off the weed bro. all im saying is when you have nothing and you come from a country like mexico where there is very little opportunity for a better life and theres another country right next door where theres all types of opportunities like better education for your kids, higher paying jobs, just a overall better quality of life your going to do whatever you have to to get to those types of opportunities for yourself and your family. i mean if theres away for them to come to the US legally then great but if the US doesnt let them in then hell i understand why they would sneak in i no i would if i were them and you would to.

Blue Dot

yea thats exactly what im saying if you are poor you should be able to break the law............man give me a freaken break you took what i was saying completely wrong lay off the weed bro. all im saying is when you have nothing and you come from a country like mexico where there is very little opportunity for a better life and theres another country right next door where theres all types of opportunities like better education for your kids, higher paying jobs, just a overall better quality of life your going to do whatever you have to to get to those types of opportunities for yourself and your family. i mean if theres away for them to come to the US legally then great but if the US doesnt let them in then hell i understand why they would sneak in i no i would if i were them and you would to.

No, I wouldn't.

1. I would have had the sense to not have children if I knew i lived in a country that I knew i couldn't AFFORD to have them. If I had children under those circumstances that would just be SELFISH.

2. I would respect the laws of another country instead of having contempt for it.
If I had contempt for the other country I certainly wouldn't expect them to care about me once I snuck into their country.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Of course the Hispanics stole the land from the injuns before the white people stole it from them.

The only people that were half cool to natives were the French. They liked to breed with those hot little indian chicks I guess, haha.

I'm mistaken for a hispanic chick all the time...but here, it's funny...no guns in my face!

Blue Dot

Of course the Hispanics stole the land from the injuns before the white people stole it from them.

and the injuns stole it from the deer, rabbits, buffalo, etc before that.

And the deer, rabbits, buffalo stole it from the indigenous Plant life before that.


Letem profile mexicans in national forests all they want, less attention on med growers.