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Warning on possible pot growers called profiling


This is the first time in my life the government has ever talked about conserving our parks. Usually its drill here, shoot that, and strip mine the hills for minerals. Or they spout off about eminent domain. Or how the budget has been cut, so we have to close. But they hear "mexicans" and "marijuana" and every asshole bureaucrat is a card carrying member of the Sierra Club. They say its to protect the land. Really they just want to stop the supply of mj. Somebody isn't paying off the right guys. This has been an issue for years. Now with talk of legalization around, suddenly this is important. "Tortillas and Tecate". Yea, thats about all these jerk off's know about mexicans.


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
What a load of shit, this isnt any one races fault its the corporate interests that made and kept this drug ilegal. If cannabis was legal we would not see these guerilla style grows on public land.

Im sure its possible for white guys to do huge grows too or any race for that matter. The Cartel claim works great for the government, puts more fear into the people.


ay yai yai cuantos por la campsite?donde esta tecate?y tortillas? por favor smokey?can we start a narcocorreador jingle for poor campesinos growing weed in norte americano?damn if you see one can you have him p.m. me I need a gardener and a trimmer so i can play el jeffe y patron!


Active member
even full legalization would not stop raids on grows held on public lands.
As it should be

Don't grow on public land and don't steal power.
That eliminates 2/3rds of your risk with LEO

Thank you! Everyone probably thinks I am racist from my last post, but I have seen first hand the devastation the cause. There are never any white people doing those grows unless you are Eddie Lepp and that was on his own property. I was in a local hydro store and a group of super dirty mexicans came in and purchased a 20,000 plant irrigation system. They dry up all the local creeks too and that causes everything else to die. I used to have 3 creeks running through our very private property(Had to drive 10 miles on a dirt road through a canyon and hike 5 miles just to get there), but now the creeks are dried up because the mexicans stealing water from them. All the vegetation is drying up too. I am tired of the cartels in my area. I had to work on a hydro electric damn and we were digging up body parts that they determined were put there by the asian cartels in that area. I love mexicans and all nationalities, but to be honest Mexicans could care less about land and our mother earth. I know people say it was the Spanish that were the demise of the Mayans and Aztecs, but it was their own fault. They used up all of their available resources until they had nothing. Its in there blood to destroy everything. All they see is dollar signs and not the damage that they cause to our environment. And truth be told, if you are in the middle of fucking nowhere and you come across a mexican camp, get the fuck out of there! They will kill you!


even full legalization would not stop raids on grows held on public lands.
As it should be

Don't grow on public land and don't steal power.
That eliminates 2/3rds of your risk with LEO

yeah, but with full legalization, illicit grows on public lands would no longer be worth it. It would destroy the economy of the black market. Why would anyone buy weed from some gangbanger if you could pick up a bag of kind with verified genetics and cultivation standards at the 7eleven?


Bongripken Jr. - You are a racist. When you make a statement beginning like "All people of such and such race..." you make a generalization about race, and will be labeled as a racist. You have no idea how foolish you sound. Please keep the history lessons based in reality. Every scholar knows that despite some internal problems, Europeans screwed everything up 4 the native people's of the Americas. Mayans had Terra Pretta the most sustainable form of soil developed by man. Instead of slash and burn, they were using sustainable farm techniques. Stick to things you know about. Like your daddy's balls, or what a toilet looks like with your head in it. What a prick. You live in Cali? Well guess what, its theirs. Selfish white people like you stole it from then. They have just as much right to be there as anyone else.


This country sucks, when our goverment tells us that "hey there is a large amount of illegal drug cultivation in the forest/woods and those poeple will kill you" and tells us what 95% of them look and act like its called racism. Racism is when they pull over a van of mexicans thats not doing anything wrong. Good public safety measures are when they say if you run into a large group of mexican men in the woods they might be growing drugs and might kill you. NO ONE wants you to call the police on a nice hispanic family camping.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Bigot profiling.

Bigot profiling.

OH, snap!

Mahalo Kmk.
That's two great posts in a row.
Yer on my hero list now.:respect:

...'Would god the giftie gie us,
to see ourselves as others see us" -Burns

"Your deeds show your character." -Stinky Attic

We, are they. -Weezard (hosing a Walt Kelly quote)

Mahalo nui!


Freedom Fighter
Is not liking all of humanity considered racist? lol

I think most ppl are "Racial"...as in there are some generalizations that work...but bringing them up does not make you a "Racist"--
By the way, I am not calling anybody a Racist...I am merely pointing out how easy it is to slip...and be Racial...when not intending to be Racist--:2cents:


When Is America going to admit That what we did to the natives is no different than what the nazi's did to the jews. The Nazi's did it with that famous german efficiency but our malaria blankets and the trail of tears had the same effect as gas chambers, Andrew Jackson= Hitler. Our real american history.

We are founded on Racism because racism is just an form of stereotyping, however stereotyping is not bad. I live in Detroit and I'm white, I have no problem admiting I tell my family/friends not to go to stores and be extra careful at red lights at night. Is it racist because my worry is about black poeple hurting my peeps? Sure it is and I wouldn't change for a billion dollars why? Because that billion dollars don't mean shit when you die over sunglasses (happened in a detroit suberb called southfield 3 years ago and things like that happen everyday in the D)

Poverty is to blame some poeple would say well i'll say my family never made more that 25,000 a year for 6 poeple and I don't have any urge to rob or kill. When a large group of poeple act a certian way and we reconize it and let others know thats racist but nevermind the fact that the mexicans killing you in the woods because your not mexican is racist, a black person targeting white poeple (happens here all the time) is racist but only we get called racist for Reporting it yet thier ACTIONS are not called racist.

America Wake up more than white poeple are racist. I've been told by an minority that "blacks can't be racist" when I tried to argue the point his whole family busted out laughing with the comment of Stupid white boy go back to your country club you must not know what racism is. I know that comment is racist.


how the hell can they get away with saying that? all they got was a "hey, thats not nice"!

they should be voted out!!!!


Ah, i see they are back to try the racial card again. IT'S THE MEXICANS, DAMIT!. IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT!

Our forests are burning and its the Mexicans fault. Our forests are filled with MJ and its their fault. Our fruit is not cheap enough so it must be their fault. Our borders are not enforced properly so it must be their fault.

If you were a dirt poor mexican you would cross the border as well for a better life and if you say you would not then you are just not human.
Amen to that!! when you come from nothing and you and your family are dirt poor you will do anything to take your family out of that enviroment i dont care what "races" you are everyone wants the best for their love ones.
yeah, but it a messed up to say "beware of Mexicans in the woods" because a lot of normal latino families like to go camping and stuff too. Now, they're gonna have their campsite trampled by jackbooted thug federales because someone saw "suspicious people." I say its time to end the war on cannabis and legalize. Technically, its our constitutional right to use cannabis anyway, not that anyone cares about the Constitution anymore.
i totally agree

Blue Dot

Amen to that!! when you come from nothing and you and your family are dirt poor you will do anything to take your family out of that enviroment i dont care what "races" you are everyone wants the best for their love ones.

So being poor justifies breaking laws? Does it also justify breaking moral standards?

Your logic is sliding down a slippery slope.