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Wake up, California!!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I really don't understand why you EVEN care what i stand for or HOW i vote....

like "I" can even make a difference? its really odd to me.....

OR, is it ALL the people i shuttled to the polls last year, to vote NO on the last Proposition that failed?

no matter what you say or what insults or whatever you try to prove, ill still vote the same....

BTW, I am CEO of three Corporations, two are collectives. YOU?

Did you even read the regulate marijuana like wine act? If you say no then I can see your position and suggest you go read it. If you say yes than you are just an idiot.

THE BILL ONLY FAILED BY SIX PERCENT MORON, AND IT WAS A SHITTY BILL! This year is an elcation year and the voting turn out of young people will be much higher. It does not matter that there is other bills because you can vote yes on all of them. the regulate marijuana like wine act is great. IT SPECIFIES that it WILL NOT assist the federal government in helping bust sate legal growers and dispensers. That is a HUGE benefit for you.

I care how you vote and that you are spouting off bull shit trying to get others to do the same because you are scared of capitalism. Like a bitch.

Also I am sure you will vote the same nn matter what facts I present to you. Why, because you are an idiot, and you have idiot followers. Beyond ignorant.

I know you have collectives which are corporations. Wouldn't it be nice to have more real protection. Cause Guess what, as of right now the IRS only will recognize you as a corporation for your money. If LEO gets involved then they use the RICO act against you. While legalizing in Cali wont solve all your problems it will certainly start a domino effect. not to mention the state will leave you alone completely.

I hope the federal government shuts down your dispensaries. I usually don't hope for stuff like that, but I guess that is what it will take for you to see reality. I'll even be a bigger dick and open a new one up in your exact location and call it "The Vote Yes on Legalization and get a discount store."

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you think you got it but your small fish. the goverment will take over dummy

READ FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like alcohol. oh wait we have been over this. they didn't do that. Just like yesterday there is still thousands of micro breweries, and single vineyard wines. they only did that with drugs left in the medical realm. If Prescription drugs were more than medically legal you could get opium like alcohol too.

The goverment aint taking shit over. They can't control it how it is and they are the most powerful government on the Planet.

Also why do you want to limit your freedom? What is wrong with you that you think it is ok for the government to tell you shit about what you can do on your own land.

Also why did you bring up the death penalty? Just because I want no voter, doesn't not mean I want to government to kill you. Ido not support the death penalty because after appeals and the whole process it cost more to put them to death these days than to imprison someone for the rest of their lives.





So is the ASA involved in supporting the Regulate Like Wine Act, or are the sabotaging it with their competing initiative?

It is really hard for me to believe UNITY coming from the same group that sprouted up inferior initiative A, inferior initiative B, inferior initiative C, and inferior initiative D. The Wine Act was first and these other clowns came along and torpedoed the ship. How wonderful that two of the 4 saboteurs are going to grab a bucket and help bail out the water; perhaps not firing torpedoes would have been a smarter approach?

People on this thread talk about greed ALL the time. Often assigning GREED to WORKING CANNABIS FARMERS, yet very RARELY diagnose the GREED in ALL the POLITICAL figures in this snafu.

He is what cannabis brought to mind today. The "LEADERS" of this cannabis movement that fly around the country and wear suits are just as evil as the PIGS they sit across the debate from. Greed is all over both sides and more prevalent and exponentially more intense the further removed one is from the living plant.

Freedom is the only answer. The Regulate Like Wine Act is the closest to that ever put before voters; unification is a good idea so long as NOTHING is sacrificed getting the GREEDY on board (back on board).

Reading what I've been reading via the listserves, becoming involved locally, it is my opinion that they're actually responding to the current climate in the state, which is to bring a serious and hard hammer down on all cannabis patients, who are at this moment the easiest to target.

Think about it from the local government level--"we" are "bringing" crime and a public nuisance to their lovely town/county, and so since the state law has done nothing to address problem growers, THEY'RE going to do something.

So what are they doing? Banning outdoor growing, banning indoor growing, banning growing altogether, creating prohibitively restrictive requirements for people to be allowed to grow in or around their own homes, taxing medical grows, banning storefronts and dispensaries, banning cooperatives and collectives, limiting plant counts, limiting patients at a given residence or property.

So, we can either be completely suspicious of all to the point of our own detriment (and we're here, NOW), or we can start pushing any and all kinds of legalization, whether we like the total proposed bill/initiative or not.

You see, they're accomplishing what they want to--divide and conquer--if we cannabis consumers, patients, growers, et alia, continue to snark and snipe at each other constantly.


people like you should stop smoking mmj. your annoying enough. thinking, youll make people change their minds.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
How bout you PM me your despensary names KB and I'll come sample your wares and maybe get a better understanding of you face to face and then maybe I wont want to bash your face in after a bowl with you. I bet if you met in real life I could change your mind by presenting you with the facts of legalized mj vs. mmj

the Fascist Federal Government would love to keep it medical just like you so they can award contracts to big pharma which actually would put you out of business. If you take your business to the fully legal for adults recreational realm then your small corporations have a chance like a private vineyard.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
people like you should stop smoking mmj. your annoying enough. thinking, youll make people change their minds.

....... and I am the fascist for trying to educate you on how having more freedom will benefit you and everyone.


WAKE THE FUCK UP! You still have not given one valid reason presented with any proof or even a decent argument.

you post one dumbass sentence and think your opinion is valid. Well it is not valid. YOU HAVE ZERO EDUCATION ON THE SUBJECT.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
divide and conquer .

You are the dumb shits that are diving. It is really easy to walk in a voting both and vote yes for all the legalization bills.

Also if you are voting no because of certain regulation in one bill, then why would any one vote no on the better bill that has much less regulation?

No voters seriously lack any logic, ability for critical thinking, and any vision of the big picture.

After Cali legalizes then comes colorado oregon and washington. when people see the momentum they will hop on board. Kinda like with Ron Paul.

Pull your head out of your ass!


Active member
I smell a real smoke out coming up! Good stuff! Lol..Wish I could be there in time Hash Zeppelin! I see nothing but good coming from legal cannibas!! Healing of the Nation! What do you say KrunchBubble? Great idea! ..Smoke it up! Healing! monkey5


READ FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like alcohol. oh wait we have been over this. they didn't do that. Just like yesterday there is still thousands of micro breweries, and single vineyard wines. they only did that with drugs left in the medical realm. If Prescription drugs were more than medically legal you could get opium like alcohol too.

The goverment aint taking shit over. They can't control it how it is and they are the most powerful government on the Planet.

Also why do you want to limit your freedom? What is wrong with you that you think it is ok for the government to tell you shit about what you can do on your own land.

Also why did you bring up the death penalty? Just because I want no voter, doesn't not mean I want to government to kill you. Ido not support the death penalty because after appeals and the whole process it cost more to put them to death these days than to imprison someone for the rest of their lives.

i love it your such a liitle bitch. its easy to get you all worked up. and after you answered my post. screw you prick. ive been fucking you because you started the rude shit. anyway its been fun. just know i grow so i want my right, to do so in peace. i think i wouldn't be on this web if i didnt. i dont like little pricks say the same shit over and over . the politics are not right and until they get them right things shouldn't change yet.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
After Cali legalizes then comes colorado oregon and washington. This leads to forcing federal legalization. This is how we did it with alcohol. started with medicinal, then moved to state level, and then the federal government was forced to end prohibition.

Only the Mobsters wanted to keep it illegal because they were making millions.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
i love it your such a liitle bitch. its easy to get you all worked up. and after you answered my post. screw you prick. ive been fucking you because you started the rude shit. anyway its been fun. just know i grow so i want my right, to do so in peace. i think i wouldn't be on this web if i didnt. i dont like little pricks say the same shit over and over . the politics are not right and until they get them right things shouldn't change yet.

Don't flatter your self. I have been worked up over this since 2010. Actually I have been worked up over this since 1999 There shoul;d be no law period limiting cannabis period. Sales tax is a little acceptable. We have to start somewhere. There is no way the first legalization bll to pass is going to be perfect and unregulated though. that is just reality.

I only keepposting the same thing because you didnt read it until i do post it 3 times.

You still have ZERO counter argument other than this is how I feel. that is like a not voting for a black guy because it "makes you uncomfortable."

I am not a prick for calling out bad logic. I am just telling the truth and you dont like it. Most people like me here a lot. There is a reason, but you wouldnt know that considering you have only been around long enough to open your mouth and stick your fat foot in it.

.... and you say you grow, but do not want state protection from a 10 years sentence in a federal prison for growing your medicine. As of now Cali is obligated to assist the Federal government in busts. this bill obligates them to do the opposite.
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After Cali legalizes then comes colorado oregon and washington. This leads to forcing federal legalization. This is how we did it with alcohol. started with medicinal, then moved to state level, and then the federal government was forced to end prohibition.

Only the Mobsters wanted to keep it illegal because they were making millions.
if it were that easy i would vote yes.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
if it were that easy i would vote yes.

It is that easy fellow grower.

Tell you what since you at least presented a decent reasonI will stop insulting you and calling you an idiot. Now present me with something supporting that reason and you will be a valid debator. I'll even give you positive karma to make up for the neg one. I dont mid that people have opposite opinions they just need to present them with some sort of decent back up. Not just "your wrong, I'm right." That makes you sound like Kenny
powers. hence why KB has Stevie as his Avatar. Other wise I will just insult people until they leave. I am the same way in real life. If you are gonna debate with me with out any fact t back you up be prepared to take the gloves off and get your ass kicked. however if you come with some decent sources of info or at least a decent argument then we can have a real c conversation. Otherwise your gonna see me get mean, very mean.

just thinking that it wont work to help the federal level is a decent opinion that can have many valid arguments behind it.

legislation yes but not until they get the politics right.

unfortunately the politics will never be right on there own. we have to make them right through political action. that is how America works. The people are the government. We are all idiots on a large scale for letting our people get that much power over our other peope in the first place.A bill like this is a huge step to getting the politics where they need to be. Things happen gradually in this country. Just as people gradually gained civil rights int he 60's we are gradually losing them now. A bill like this a victory for civil rights in general
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legislation of mmj is not a good thing for growers. there will be commercial growers that each county will be backing. they will regulate sales and prices, and be expected to supply the entire county. the small growers will become illegal . look at what oakland tried to do. it was just that. they contracted a small group to commercially grow for the entire bay area. the city was going to control it all. the bill never passed so the feds sent them leters saying to stop. if you only smoke then this would be good, not for growers .they want all the money it creates .
look what oakland tryed.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
EXCELLENT. A valid argument from the real world. I love it. Now we can talk.

Oakland had no power to do this even if the bill passed because prop 215 protects patients. It overrides the other bills according to the California 3rd district court of appeals and the california suprememe court on 3 separate occasions. They even rules that only a doctor can limit the plant and weight count for a patient. This is one of the biggest reasons the feds have stopped actively going after grows with less than 99 plants, and now they have upgraded that number to 500. The problem I have there is that I want to be able to to start a nation wide grow corporation and Hire up IC mag growers. I want 100,000 plants. Also if the feds bust a grow lower than 500 plants it is because they were ratted out.

Also if the "Regulate marijuana like wine act" passes it does not null and void prop 215. you can still use all your medical advantages on top of the advantages from the new law.

215 is safe.