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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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its immoral to celebrate the no victory .

this site is for legalization after all , no one should rejoice of this period .

peoples will be sent to jail because of this, thats a sad day and darker days ahead for a lots of good folks here...

the hypocrisy of the mmj program was exposed in the full daylight ...now ......if you think it will be allow to continue like that....when all the so called med patient asked on tv tell they have no real valid reason to have a med card and when the doctors said on tv whoever pay get a card...

this was the worst strategical mistake and now the whole fucking planet know about it...do you think the dea will allow this very long ?

doctor will be prosecuted for drug dealing if proven a patient dont have real illness ...

the dea have a whole new and solid legal ground against you all .

good luck

in a way i will be happy about that if they make it harder for all the fakes out there to get a card .my self having 20 years of history with my illness and having no modern medical cure i will be happy when all the assholes who are ridding on our backs fuking it up for us do get thier bullshiit cards pulled fuck all those places for a 100 bucks u get a card ..i have a medical from a real doctor and my state card not some bullshit medican fake

if any1 has a prob with me saying this then your a fake you dont want real mmj i for one belive if any thing hurts the future of mmj in ca and any other state is all the doctors and smokers who are abusing the system and if for some reason we do lose mmj it wont be thee NO VOTERSS to blame it will be each and every one of you assholes who are faking some bullshit injury to get a card bottom line .

and i for one dont give a fuk if it gets repield ill keep growing my meds like i was doing b4 there was mmj if i get busted so be it thats life shit happens

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member

3,412,387 46.1% 3,978,314 53.9%

Doing quick math, there were approximately 7.4 Mil votes, so California would have needed just over 3.7 Mil votes for a majority. That is another 300,000 votes give or take. Doubt there are that many med growers in Cali who voted no. Still, quite close considering a poorly designed bill. Keep up the fight Cali...


in a way i will be happy about that if they make it harder for all the fakes out there to get a card .my self having 20 years of history with my illness and having no modern medical cure i will be happy when all the assholes who are ridding on our backs fuking it up for us do get thier bullshiit cards pulled fuck all those places for a 100 bucks u get a card ..i have a medical from a real doctor and my state card not some bullshit medican fake

medical marijuana - for any ailment marijuana provides relief.

no offense to dire need patients -i worked on 215- but without the non med users, 215 would never have passed in a million years. this community needs the support of both med and non med if anything is to pass in 2012.

something that isnt a whisper of a prop that allows legislative tampering? maybe?

simple -

1/2 acre MAX outdoor grows for commercial/non commercial alike with no licensing requirements or fees.

regulate store front sales and punishments for sales to minors EXACTLY the same as alcohol. no dry counties.

decriminalize possession.

set a sin tax on mmj at 10%

focus on tax revenues in ad campaigns. that will win enough sideline independents and fiscal conservatives to swing the vote.

a prop like that would excite our base and get people off their asses to vote. there would be NO in fighting.


i think to get anything to pass we need to remove growing of mj for the average person allow commercial and small mmj grows if they put in the 2012 bill again to alow every1 and there mother to grow it will once again fail

real mmj has a need to grow most are sick cant work and cant pay club prices so continued alowing them there small grow is fine by most but alowing non mmj the same rights to grow in the next bill will be the reason it fails thats why alot of people even people who smoke and wanted it legal voted no they didnt want gardens every where in their neighborhoods. and if we want it passed we really need to think and write it so that its real not bullshit like 19 was .even though i voted yes i didnt like the bill at all but we realy need to buckle down and get mr lee to get his head out of his wallet and put a real bill up in 2012

Ben Tokin

The way to win conservatives and independents to the "no prohibition" bandwagon:

1. Don't assume they are any different than you are

2. Stop the divisive rhetoric

3. Stop the dehumanizing, baseless insults

4. Stay on the cannabis pros and cons and bring everyone into the discussion

Remember, the only openly pro cannabis politicians I've known were conservatives and libertarians. I have yet to see progressive liberals endorse the end of prohibition.

I've watched the last two years of super majorities in every level of government. I've seen nothing come of it.

Let's try proving that cannabis really doesn't cause "mental illness" and begin with a more intelligent approach.

If you end the divisivness, you just may get exactly what you want. Try it and see.


Active member
How about results for some of the local issues? I was curious how Rancho Cordova voted on taxing mj as well as some of the others.


and on a side note is all the people would have not voted that idiot Obama into office we would not have had the large rep turn out that we did and 19 would have passed .{if we would have still had bush in office he would have oked 19 as long as we added it to allow cocaine use} < a joke b4 all you start with the bush hating but realy is he any diff from obama hell if u ask me all politicians are p.o.s and are out to screw us..


ruger 500
well here is a question for the cali residents ,if richard lee is paying taxes on somthing that is not taxable ,as it aginst the law,then how can the goverment accept this knowinly?doesnt this make them an acessory after the fact?and put them in a place to be sued? it really looks like pay off money at this point ?
The local news station in my state said "voters in California rejected Prop 19 because they were very worried about the harmful effects of the drug" So there you go, that is exactly why people in other states were rooting so hard to get it passed, it would have been a signal to the rest of the country. But instead we get Cali didn't want to legalize this devil plant because of all the harm it causes. Thanks guys! :moon:

YEP! That is EXACTLY what people outside of Cali are hearing and thinking.....This is bad! Now, we wait and see if the MMJ states get their laws REPEALED.... You know thats what they are going to try and do, even more so now that it looks like the Country is AGAINST MMJ... Thats what people are reading in todays headlines...And the newly elected assholes will take it upon themselves to rid this country of this evil plant, that the majority did not vote for.....

I guess we will see what happens, I'd just really hate all the positive movement in the past 15 years, get wiped away because of these failed bills.... Hopefully Im just wigging out a bit, but this all seems very likely to me.. I hope Im wrong, but then again, I guess California and the country has spoken.... Everyone that grows, smokes and loves cannabis, FAILED! All we can hope now is that it doesn't get the ball rolling to start repealing laws...But lets face it, some of the officials elected yesterday, want to do just that, and now public support....Not good.

I care this much and I live 3K miles away from Cali....lol...I guess my life won't change any, I'll still be peeking out the windows at every Heli I hear.....

Sad day in America....Cant say we didn't have our chance I guess....Good luck to everyone in MMJ states, I hope nothing changes for the negative.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Bottom line is the growers who voted no did it for their own personal benefit and had no regard for the love of the plant. Personally I think there are way too many people taking advantage of MML, charging patients way too much for medicine as well. I hope they revise the MML and take the production out of the hands of the profiteers. Everybody has the right to make an honest living but people getting rich off of medicine is wrong, if you don't really love weed you ain't a friend that I need. I hope that they get all the greedy asses away from supply and send them to work at mickey d's although I doubt if most are even qualified for that. I personally thought that supplying meds would be a great way to earn a reasonable living but judging from the responses in this thread the game is full of people concerned with nothing but profit. By the way, I'd much rather see weed taxed and the money used for schools, roads and keeping the government running then lining the pockets of greedy drug dealers anyday. If all you guys are concerned with money why don' you open a meth lab or something and leave weed to people who actually have love for weed and their fellow humanity.

Bottom line if you voted no on prop 19 it had nothing to do with the plant and everything to do with the policies that would effect the plant; in fact I voted no to protect the plant.

Agreed, there are a lot of people taking advantage of MMJ. The amount charged is set by market price. If people weren't willing to pay it or a large supply undercut it, things would change; there is a clear equilibrium set.

If you revise MMJ, no matter who is producing it, will profit. Welcome to capitalism.

People who grow weed for profit feel that it is an acceptable drug that people should have access to. Meth is generally agreed as a dirty, nasty drug that people should not use.

Prop 19 had no promises as to how much it would be taxed or where those taxes would go. 'Another problem with it. ABX098 had a $50 an ounce tax soley for rehab. You want to talk about cheap weed? Not happening in commercialization (btw fuck the Rand report).

Can I have the magic pill that makes me live in a fantasy world?
I understand your frustration, but I would ask you to simply ignore propaganda in the media. No reason to give it any attention. Anyone with half a brain would realize that quote is horribly inaccurate and slanted.

AGREED! BUT, This is America, People DO NOT think for themselves, they read and hear shit and take it for the truth...People are dumb for the most part. We all know this, its the reason we are all criminals to begin with.
just woke up from the No on Prop 19 celebration Tuesday night. It's 80+ degrees and the surf is up today. It's nice to know that people in Cali still got the common sense to vote for MEDICINE and not intoxication. Go use your freedom to be productive.



I agree that both republicans and democrats are scum. The fact of the matter is that MJ legalization is a bi-partisan issue. Both sides have good reasons to keep prohibition, none that are good for the American people. I feel kind of lucky that we live in an age where we can use MMJ and legalization in general as a way to see how our elected officials truly stand. No matter which party you belong to, if you are against regulating marijuana like alcohol or allowing it as medicine, you do not have the interests of the American people at heart.

As for what the rest of the country will think of what happened in California. People have the internet. I don't care what the mainstream media wants to vomit on their front pages. The smart people in this country will know the truth. 46% of California voted in favor. 3.3 million people is more support than has ever been recorded for a proposition like this. I consider it a success no matter what the final outcome.

All in all, what will really change? If prop 19 had passed state and federal government would have done everything within their power to see that it didn't get implemented (Like we saw in Detroit). You have to look at the big picture. This prop brought positive attention to the issue, and we have very intelligent, outspoken activists that the opposition is hard pressed to find contenders for. Let's do what we can do, and grow the f*** out of these plants. They'll never take that from all of us.
I dont live in Cali, and I see where you guys say Cooley lost and thats good news....Im wondering...Did any officials get elected that were straight up against Medical MJ?

I know the dick head Republicans where on the prowl..its every other election...just flip flopping...We have such short memories.

And STRAPPED^^^^...Well put man....I agree..... and I hope your right about people not believing the bullshit media outlets.


Active member
I have never sold Weed in my life. I have never taken a donation for Weed in my life. I have never profited in any way from Weed in my life. I am a medical patient. I voted YES on 19, and I am damn proud of it.

Anyway, it's over now.

I think reflection on why Prop 19 didn't pass will be valuable to succeeding in the future. This thread is very beneficial and shouldn't be closed.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
fuck everyone who voted no. poorly written ...something better... blah blah blah...if it had been close i would be advocating war between potheads...the kind where scumbag pig traitors get hurt...fuck you guys...you morons...either greed or sellout bitches or stupidity...those are the three reasons..lil bitches...haha..ya you won...keep makin your money you lil fukheads...


Even back to 1922 when Aleister Crowley wrote Diary of a Drug Fiend, people were using prohibition as a way to profit from what was once legal. In his story we are privy to a conversation between a group of English upper class elite discuss making legal cocaine illegal as a way to make even more money from what they manufacture. People have been choosing to profit from human vices for ever.

I personally couldn't live with myself taking the side of profit for myself at the expense and imprisonment of countless innocent people.

It seems so wrong to me yet others have no conscience about it. It is truly mind boggling.:confused:


Active member
Skidbone;3979156 I personally could live with myself taking the side of profit for myself at the expense and imprisonment of countless innocent people. It seems so wrong to me yet others have no conscience about it. It is truly mind boggling.[/QUOTE said:
I think you meant to type "I couldn't live with myself":)
Hit your edit button.

If any of these folks had done hard time, they might think differently.
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