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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
ya there still arresting people with low amount 2lbs. You are guilty until proven innocent. this is not the DEA thats arresting us it's your local leo even though we are completely legal under 215. 19 will eliminates this. There will be no reason to take u as this is not a crime any longer. now we have 2 forms of defence in court.


Active member
Wow, is this still going?
You guys didn't get it when I explained why "NO" is the better vote? :tongue:

And, if you're not in California, dont try and tell us to do this for the good of everyone else. First of all, we have done a lot already. Secondly, this is one of the biggest steps we've taken since the mid 90's. Let us do it right. I dont think it will pass, I hope it doesn't, and I can't wait to see what the next, better bill offers. Because they will know why their prop didn't pass. Not because it wasn't accepted by non smokers, but because it wasn't accepted by enough smokers..
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
all of the polls have this bill passing so u can go cry now. We do not agree with you thats why we are voting yes very simple. I could say the same thing you no voters just dont get it. We all know where your coming from it's just bogus.


Active member
all of the polls have this bill passing so u can go cry now. We do not agree with you thats why we are voting yes very simple. I could say the same thing you no voters just dont get it. We all know where your coming from it's just bogus.

Its not bogus man, its "We have higher standards then you".
Its that simple.

Most of us, if not all, are not seeking perfection; prop19 just sucks, ass... hard..


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
thats not true when this bill passes the people have spoken. Your standards are to just to continue to let them arrest us go ask Krunch perfect example he was arrested for 2lbs and is a legal 215 caregiver DEA had nothing to do with it the local LEO took him in. You dont have a clue whats really going on do ya. That is what we say we are not looking for perfection and have said that from the begining. You should read up before you post bullshit.


Well-known member
Has government regulated anything and made it less expensive for the people?? Has that ever happened? This wont be our last chance and if it is then better to keep it the way it is now. Change is coming... lets make sure its in the right direction.
I'm all for paying taxes as it brings validation and legitimacy to the industry. We do that now. We do a 1099 for any grower who requests one and I encourage everyone to do that.

Yes, alcohol remember proabition it was much more expensive then. Any time something is illegal the price is much higher.

Now its a tough question and debate because I also believe that your small mom and pop growers will disappear because humans buy the cheapest shit they can get, fuck quality. Wal-Mart is the largest "private employer" in the US and it didn’t get that way because us humans care so much about the local small business owners. You can talk all the green shit you want but most people including my tree hugging ass shop at Wal-Mart at least once a month. If this passes the big drug lords like Monsanto will sell you some cheap ass joints. In fact they will put a patent on their seed genetics and if your homegrown has any of their genetics in it they will sue you.
I don’t believe for a minute this will help the small time grower. It will keep "of age" smokers out of jail.

We are the only industrialized nation where 1% of the population owns 30% of the wealth. You dig and this will promote this even more.

So where do I stand on the fence my sorry ass is on the fence.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol thats so funny shit right there. you would be the only one that I have ever read that said quality was not considered in there purchase. Quality is the most important factor for anyone that I know that buys or grows cannabis. I would never grow or buy low grade cannabis ever. Those that chose to do so will not last long. If you grow high quality cannabis you wont have any problems. Lets see what others have to say about that


Active member
thats not true when this bill passes the people have spoken. Your standards are to just to continue to let them arrest us go ask Krunch perfect example he was arrested for 2lbs and is a legal 215 caregiver DEA had nothing to do with it the local LEO took him in. You dont have a clue whats really going on do ya. That is what we say we are not looking for perfection and have said that from the begining. You should read up before you post bullshit.

I dont post bullshit. My standards are not to let people go to jail lol.. Dont know where you got that from.

And you're saying under prop19 I can transport 2lb of cannabis in my car? I dont think so, how about YOU go read the prop. I think you said that you have, maybe you missed the 1oz transport limit. Krunch would of still gone into custody.


Active member
lol thats so funny shit right there. you would be the only one that I have ever read that said quality was not considered in there purchase. Quality is the most important factor for anyone that I know that buys or grows cannabis. I would never grow or buy low grade cannabis ever. Those that chose to do so will not last long. If you grow high quality cannabis you wont have any problems. Lets see what others have to say about that

I agree!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
yes if you where up to date on what is going on u would not sound like a tard. Krunch may not have been arrested read this Posted by VTA

Are you familiar with State Bill ABX6 9? If not I suggest you read it. Mainly because I think your FEAR abut Medical rights and 215 will be put to rest. You see ABX6 9 is the first look at what the State of California envisions the law to be like if 19 is to pass. It is a Bill designed to regulate Marijuana on a state level. All the so called 'gray areas' are covered. remember, this is the State doing this. In the Bill you will read a couple times how medical Marijuana is NOT covered in this law and it shall NOT be subject to ANYTHING related to the commercial regulations and taxes.

So there you have the State, ready with something already to go in-case 19 passes. BTW...they are upping...the Sate that is...the personal possession limit from one ounce to 16. yep...a pound on your person, walking or driving drown the street...will be A OK.

over 70,000 people last year received a LIFE LONG misdemeanor drug conviction on their perm record. Over 10,000 people WENT TO JAIL and received a FELONY for growing as little as one plant.

Prop 19 would end that. Don't be so foolish!

Try to give us a REAL reason we should say no and continue this total bullshit. One worthy reason.

Oh...and if it applies...it's ok to 'come out' and admit your afraid of losing money....if it applies that is.


Active member
yes if you where up to date on what is going on u would not sound like a tard. Krunch may not have been arrested read this Posted by VTA

Are you familiar with State Bill ABX6 9? If not I suggest you read it. Mainly because I think your FEAR abut Medical rights and 215 will be put to rest. You see ABX6 9 is the first look at what the State of California envisions the law to be like if 19 is to pass. It is a Bill designed to regulate Marijuana on a state level. All the so called 'gray areas' are covered. remember, this is the State doing this. In the Bill you will read a couple times how medical Marijuana is NOT covered in this law and it shall NOT be subject to ANYTHING related to the commercial regulations and taxes.

So there you have the State, ready with something already to go in-case 19 passes. BTW...they are upping...the Sate that is...the personal possession limit from one ounce to 16. yep...a pound on your person, walking or driving drown the street...will be A OK.

over 70,000 people last year received a LIFE LONG misdemeanor drug conviction on their perm record. Over 10,000 people WENT TO JAIL and received a FELONY for growing as little as one plant.

Prop 19 would end that. Don't be so foolish!

Try to give us a REAL reason we should say no and continue this total bullshit. One worthy reason.

Oh...and if it applies...it's ok to 'come out' and admit your afraid of losing money....if it applies that is.

I didn't read that whole ABX6 9 thing. It was very long lol, I'll get through it soon enough. But why such harsh words? Why are you so hostile?

How do I sound like a tard? What did I say that made you say that?

Can we get a link on those arrest numbers? All those arrests were for under 1oz of marijuana if outside the house? As it stands, it will be 1oz as I understand it. That bill you referred to looks like it isn't set in stone as to whether or not it will even be used let alone the exact wording when its all finished. So can we get a link on those numbers please?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im just passionate about 19 and most people dont know what there talking about it gets frustrating to say the least. I keep repeating myself over and over you guys that are voting no just wont listen. My hostility is not directed just at you its all of the no voters.


Active member
Im just passionate about 19 and most people dont know what there talking about it gets frustrating to say the least. I keep repeating myself over and over you guys that are voting no just wont listen. My hostility is not directed just at you its all of the no voters.

Uh I'm listening, I just dont see people going to jail for cannabis in California. I know they do when they have pounds of weed or maybe like a half pound on a rare occasion if they were hella rude/stupid blah blah. If they are moving pounds, they'll be getting into trouble with this new law too.. It doesn't really change much, just makes it legal for anyone over 21, and regulates how much you can walk with and grow at home, severely regulates.


Freedom Fighter
Can we get a link on those arrest numbers? All those arrests were for under 1oz of marijuana if outside the house? As it stands, it will be 1oz as I understand it. That bill you referred to looks like it isn't set in stone as to whether or not it will even be used let alone the exact wording when its all finished. So can we get a link on those numbers please?

Google it...it's easy!!:)
Every Ticket they hand out for under an oz, that is counted as an arrest in the stats...because it is a drug related Misdemeanor that is on your Record--
Why is that not happening anymore such a problem??


Active member
Google it...it's easy!!:)
Every Ticket they hand out for under an oz, that is counted as an arrest in the stats...because it is a drug related Misdemeanor that is on your Record--
Why is that not happening anymore such a problem??

That alone happening is not a problem at all, it would be a great improvement. Its what else it entails.

I got a ticket for under 1oz. I even showed my recomendation. Had to go to a court three hours away four times until they finally dropped it. I know how that crap goes.


Freedom Fighter
That alone happening is not a problem at all, it would be a great improvement. Its what else it entails.

I got a ticket for under 1oz. I even showed my recomendation. Had to go to a court three hours away four times until they finally dropped it. I know how that crap goes.

What else does it entail for you, that you must vote no?? Be specific...I will be Grading you--:)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Then u should know that 19 would only help u Leo would have no law to arrest or ticket u. 215 is still not protecting us from prosecution this we all know. 19 will only help. we all know that its not perfect but we are working on it. It is the right move now to vote yes on this and keep working to get everything else to fall into place. Any new bill will still need to go through the same process.
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